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Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Focus : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Stop that Thief  Empty Stop that Thief

Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:22 am

Day had slowly been giving way to night as the sun began to slowly dip under the horizon, where red was soon to meet black and blues. While most of the village would have been recovering from the hustle and bustle of the work day someone had been plotting the opposite. There had been numerous reports of a singular thief perusing around when vendors had their backs turned and were not paying attention. Apparently the Hokage themselves had deemed this a problem and made it an action to get some active genin to solve the problem and reprimand the offender. Luckily for Byakura no one had taken the mission yet and since it was during a time he was generally up, he began to question some of the people that had been up and around to get descriptions and make a plan of attack. While he waited for whoever to come and join him in the process of getting information he asked one of the more recent victims a few questions," Excuse me sir? My name is Byakura, i've been assigned the task of finding the one who had been stealing from your stall. Can you give me any information that would assist us in our search? Like times he struck, mannerisms, what went missing. Things like that," the man would of course begin to recall what he could as fast as he could. Pulling out a small notebook he would begin to slowly write down descriptions and whatever the man began to spout about the thief. Whatever would help would be put on one page while all else would be set aside on another paper. Byakura assumed that since most of the merchants stayed open at night to peddle their night wares it might have meant that the perpetrator simply struck then...but something didn't set right with him.

Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Stop that Thief  Empty Re: Stop that Thief

Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:17 pm
Normally after a hard day's work the last thing Okuyama wished to do was accept another task. That said, amidst the ocean of E-rank missions that he had been assigned so far, the elderly woman sultry ways might just entice him into one more mission before he went home for the night.

Hobbling out from behind the curtain, she handed him an envelope with unsteady hands. "Here you go dearie, it's been an ongoing problem. Please see to it."

His own fingers, callused from years of farm work and eventually Shinobi training, clumsily tore into the envelope which contained the details. After glancing through them he gave Gran a nod and quick two finger salute. "Thanks, have a good night." She responded in turn with a nod as the man made his way through the door.

Eventually arriving at the village market place, Okuyama gave a quick look around. To his surprise several of the vendors remained open through out the night. More peculiar, Byakura was taking notes from one of the vendors. If the male had seen him, Okuyama would wave in his direction before approaching. A more studious mind may have inquired that his peer was investigating the same problem Okuyama was looking into.

After approaching, so he wouldn't be yelling, Okuyama would greet him by saying "Going night shopping?"

[223 WC]
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Focus : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Stop that Thief  Empty Re: Stop that Thief

Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:01 am
At the sound of the male he slowly turned around and smiled to Okuyama waving to him in the process,'" You can say that. Glad you could join me in this endeavor. I already have a good list of descriptions and mannerisms for our culprit. The only thing to do now is wait and nab him in the act. Hopefully they come around peacefully if not? Well then I guess we will have to see what comes of it," and as if one cue he would show the other male his notes. Compiled from highest priority to lowest he would give Okuyama some time to actually go through them all and make his own assessment. Afterwards he would take the notepad back, stuffing it into his inner tracksuit pocket and walking forward. He simply waited until it was about the time that the merchants said the perpetrator would strike and when that time came he simply slid into the shadows and waited.

He wasn't quite sure what approach Okuyama would take with this, but in his first thoughts he could simply wait in the shadows while Okuyama portrayed an interested customer. Regardless of the method, Byakura would watch in silence and wait knowing that maybe they wouldn't have enough sense to strike again. As time slowly passed he was slowly beginning to give up on the matter when a strange figure began to slink into his line of sight. The thing that threw him onto his scent was how he was acting and his manner of dress. All of it fit the description to a fine point. Now it was only a matter of time before he was caught in the act. Moments passed until the culprit grabbed a few things and soon ran off, Byakura's first instinct simply being alerting his partner and then taking off from the shadows. Whatever Okuyama would do to give chase, Byakura would stick to the shadows until their paths converged.

At the end of the road he would tackle the culprit, pushing their face into the ground and sighing," Hey. I don't know why you are stealing, but we need you to stop. The Hokage has even taken notice to your antics and soon you will be punished. This is your only change to rectify what you have done and turn in what you have stolen," the person only mumbled that they were only doing it for their family, but the chance that this was true was slim to none in his opinion. For the moment he would follow whatever Okuyama would do for the punishment or release. Since the mission at that moment would be completed he would pat the male on the back and head off in his direction of home.


End wordcount: 769
3 AP
1100 Ryo
1 stat
769 words to putting it at 969/2500
Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Stop that Thief  Empty Re: Stop that Thief

Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:17 am
So he wasn't shopping, in fact Okuyama's comrade was already taking notes for the investigation. Convenient, this meant they could both wait around and enjoy some leisure time until the culprit decided to make his move. For now Okuyama skimmed through the notes Byakura had taken, glancing through some but making sure to thoroughly study the bits that caught his interest such as physical descriptions, repeat marks, etc. The thought of committing crime in the midst of a village filled with shinobi seemed foolish to the man, but foolishness was ailment one couldn't cure.

After handing the notes back to his partner, Okuyama joined him in waiting. Usually at this time he was fast asleep at home and the effects were showing. After a while he even dozed off, only coming to when Byakura alerted him to the thief's presence. Similar to the way a cat prepares itself to pounce on pray, Okuyama slowly got up from his position and took a stance to sprint. Once his partner began to move, he would take off after the suspect.

After a brief chase, when he felt the criminal was sufficiently cornered, he channeled his chakra to trap the individual within a genjutsu that deprived his target of the senses. In addition, he'd find himself flocked by a squadron of vicious but imaginary crows.

At this point it was all but over until Byakura tackled the individual. He was then scolded by his tackler, but it seemed as if his fate was to be determined by Okuyama. Stating his personal belief of what should happen to law breakers, he said "Throw him in jail for the night, let the wardens sort it out."

If no objections from his partner were to be made, he'd take custody of the criminal and head off towards the jail, before parting ways and heading home to rest.

[534 TWC
3 AP
1100 Ryo
1 stat
534 words towards Genjutsu Shibari]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Stop that Thief  Empty Re: Stop that Thief

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:32 pm
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