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Junior Lee
Junior Lee
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:09 pm
it was going well as junior thought it would be. He would notice chuta would be up to something as he would look at him. He was going to teach him something it made junior happy. He doesn't even know his name, but he took the time to stay and teach him two things. Junior smiled as chuta spoke. He wanted to show respect and listened to him attentively. As that happened he would take his stance and face forward.  He was happy throughout the progress and was blessed to be given this opportunity as a shinobi. 

As Chuta finished his speech Junior would take his stance, breathing in and out. " Yes, I will do this!" He said in a motivating way. he built himself a chakra with all his force as he would surface his body and push it around him. He would also focus and picture a mind in his head, of himself thinking of who he was. At that moment he closed his eyes and as he would push his chakra to the limit. A clone appeared at the right side of Junior. Somehow it turned out to be a fake plastic clone who was flopping.

Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:19 pm
Chuta chuckled. "Ah, that happened to me too, and more than once." He said, "Keep your head up kid, you'll get it." Chuta and his clone backed up in sync. "Soon you will be as good, if not better, than me." He tried to encourage him. The clone vanished in a puff of smoke. "Try not to push too much chakra at one time. Focus. Picture yourself. Slowly increase your chakra till you feel like it'll pop. At least, that is the only way I can really explain it." He said and chuckled again. It may have been a crude example, he was only a genin after all, but Chuta was trying.

He could see the other ninja around, each of them were are different stages of training. Some were students, others looked like masters, moving with the ease, though a flash of thought made Chuta wonder if they could be so precise in combat. Then he pulled his focus back to the kid. "Soon you will be wielding your body with more power than you know. It just takes time..."

WC: 181
TWC: 1273
Junior Lee
Junior Lee
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:08 pm
He chuckled with him as he failed his attempt. It was embarrassing to watch as he doubted himself a little knowing seconds later was encouraged to not give up and keep it going. He was going to keep his head up high and not allow anything else bother him. As chuta motivated him to keep his head up, he would continue to focus on himself facing forward as he would listen up to Chuta. he established himself a chakra with all his demand as he would emerge his torso and shift it around him. He would further concentrate and visualize a perceiving in his skull, of himself assuming of who he was. At that point he sealed his eyes and as he would force his chakra to the set. A clone appeared at the appropriate side of Junior. And it somehow rounded out to be prosperous. 

Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:43 pm
"Good work." Chuta said as he examined the copy. "It looks just like you. Now, keep up that practice and you will be doing it in your sleep in no time!" Chuta finished. "What was the other technique you wanted to practice?" Chuta figured they could go over them both really quick, he could examine the student first and see if he could correct anything off the bat.

Not much time has passed now. The birds still chirped and people still practiced. He kept his eyes out incase anyone else needed help or if they were in the way at all of anyone's practice.

WC: 104
Junior Lee
Junior Lee
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:42 pm
It was going well as expected as Junior as he would allow himself to be happy. It was a moment to remember as he would move forward and allow himself to move with the next jutsu. It was going to be a long day mostly as he would fail the first attempt, but in his second attempt getting it done. Junior needed something else to work as he needed a second jutsu to complete his day. As he would listen to what chut said he was happy responding. " I did it?" he was jumping in the air celebrating like if it was his birthday.

"I will keep that in practice and will work as always. They named it clone technique." he would say as his last words came out. It was going to be his and would give it all he gots.

Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:50 pm
“Keep practicing and I’m sure you will get it down pat.” Chuta said. “What’s next? We can move on to the other jutsu if you’d like?” He asked. There still wasn’t many people around though the sun was starting to get higher. Soon it will be noon and time for lunch. He hated to miss meals. “Maybe a few more attempts, let me see how you do the next one” he said, paying close attention to the next few moments in order to catch anything he can fix. He wasn’t an expert, but knew a little more than the student. He was sure he can help.

WC: 106
Junior Lee
Junior Lee
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:45 pm
With that being said he rushed out of the scene after his father called him he left the arena saying his bye.


 5 sp
Clone Tech - 150
Medical Ninjutsu level 1 - 150 
Surface walking - 150
rope escape - 150 
spider web -150 
ventro puppet art - 150
Discipline! - 150

Last edited by Junior Lee on Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:26 pm
"Oh.. uh, ok" Chuta said kinda surprised. Maybe if I had a father I'd understand he thought as he watched the kid run off. There were plenty of people around him practicing now. It also looked like another group of meditation was about to start. Chuta waved at the instructor and declined. He wasn't about to try again so soon. The dragon had just started to settle, no reason to fix wasn't broken anymore. "May be tomorrow" He said and walked away.

He watched the surrounding areas to make sure everything was going well and then went to hang out at the academy for a bit. There he would see if some of his old instructors were free and see if he could learn anything new.


WC: 127
TWC: 1679 - 397 - 1086 = 196

[Claiming (1603 + 397) 2000/2000 Dracosight & 1086/1100 Dragon Style: Water Release: Sword Storm & 196/1000 Mark Tracking// +2 Chakra / +3 Strength / +3 Speed]

1679 / 200 = 8.3 = 8 Stats

All stats for the Dracosight can be found on my stat page linked bellow.

Last edited by Chuta Pendragon on Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:45 am
@Junior spider web is only 250 not 500 so you have another 250 wc to allocate
@chuta your wc comes in at 1679 not 1483
Junior Lee
Junior Lee
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The Calm Within (IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Calm Within (IO/NK)

Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:17 am
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