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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:34 pm


The Aburame woke up with a pleasant morning, birds chirping at the early dawn it was a brand new day. The sun shining across the glittering windows it was thrilling. The table three inches in height, several pieces were on it such his black gleaming glasses. Not like any other dress up, the one he had was something special. Opening the wardrobe out came the most prominent thing, it was his chuunin flak jacket.  A sleeveless jacket honored by the kage for becoming a chuunin for his village. Extending his right hand towards the wardrobe he pulls out the jacket. Its color being green as the leaves, mirroring the village of his own. A smile occurred from the face of Aburame, blissful he was. It was deeper than a toothbrush, they would see a white tooths on his large, alluring smile. The young blissful chuunin looked at himself at the mirror, his hair tucked in as he would apply a small man bun. It was time to head out, before he did some items were on his mind.  Instantly grabbing a small bag, he would place his mediation clothing, some books, pens and pencils and drawing book. He would have two weapon pouches filled with equipment one pouch has five Shuriken five Kunai. Whilst it filled the other pouch with beautiful magnificent of two Smoke bomb two Explosive tags. With a flash of a smile it was time to leave his house.

It is a nice day, and the plan was to head to the field, relax plus to live the moment. "Another day it is." He would sulk at a nearby tree where he would sit down and put down his items.  The Aburame pulls out his ink pen would focus and suppress all his chakra as this would happen by him standing up. With two shots in the ink pen he would see that it's aura started to turn blue. This was chakra infusion a skill taught by his teachers, it wasn't easy but he got it, eventually.  With all set he pulls out his drawing board and places the blue glittering aura ink at the board. With a flash of ease and speed he would draw five fast pigeons and just like they came alive. Dangu ordered them to scatter to see what was going on.

He sighed with a little deep breath and stated. " Hmm.. I seem to improve so that's a good thing without a doubt. I got a long way to go." He would chuckle a little and would continue sitting in the tree, drawing.


Skills Used.:

Last edited by Dangu on Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:12 pm
Today was not a good day for Atarashi. It was probably better than most of his days, but it was still not a good day. Atarashi was completely stumped. He had no idea what to do. Atarashi knew that he needed to grow stronger so the he could try and pass the chunin exams, but on top of not believing that he'd actually be able to pass the chunin in a million years (for reasons that were evident to him, but to anyone else they might seem less that reasonable), Atarashi had no idea how to train to improve himself. His normal work out wasn't doing anything for him, he didn't have decent access to any new jutsu, he had no one to talk to. He didn't even have a team. It seems like he had just been left to his own devices and was just expected to know what to do. The academy hadn't even taught him half the stuff he needed to know about training for the chunin exams. He didn't even know how to get missions for goodness sake. How in the heck is this worthless genin supposed to make himself of any use. These and many more thoughts of a similar nature where running through Atarashi's head as he started to lightly bang his head against the ground as he lays there, wracking his brain, trying to come up with ideas for what he could do. All he really had on him was his ninja tools, so that really wasn't of much help to him. And he knew that while he was stuck here with a brain even emptier than usual, the other genin out there were probably casually training harder then he could ever hope to train even if he pushed himself to his limit. Not to mention while all the other genin were learning skills the would be exceedingly useful to them, all he could really do was hypnotize people. It wasn't even a useful skill since it wasn't a genjutsu, so he couldn't use it against someone in a fight. 'I'm just a novelty act.' Atarashi though to himself as he sighed in self disappointment. He was very sure that the was no way he'd ever even qualify for the chunin exam, let alone pass it. Especially at his pathetic rate.

As Dangu was "sulking" by his tree, he would probably see a young looking ninja laying face first on the ground. He was wearing blue and bore the symbol of the Senju clan on his clothes. The boy wore his leaf village plate on his forehead and it lightly clinked as he was softly banging his head against the ground. However something that could be seen evidently, even from were Dangu was, was that there was a large scan on the boy's left hand. It was really obvious.

Out of the corner of his eye, Atarashi saw this new person arrive. Atarashi wasn't sure if the new person saw him or not, but he was too low on energy to care unless it seemed like the person was very obviously disturbed by Atarashi's presence. Then Atarashi saw the birds fly out of the person's drawing board and he realized that the person probably wanted to draw, and he'd just be getting in the way of the person's view of the area. Plus, seeing someone infinity more talented than him was just painful for Atarashi. So he started to get up.

WC: 578

How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:31 am
Dangu felt great and honoured it felt for him like no other day. Taking a deep breath he would smile, blissful. His ink would write more drawings as he would do that he kind of felt pathetic. Every time he drew it didn't feel right, but he kept ongoing until something satisfied it. With a smile across his face, Dangu only goal was to get better at it and improve drastically.  His ninja tools right next to him he would pull it out and throw it right next to a nearby tree with full force. It seemed he was a little upset. The five pigeons appeared all landing down as it was noticed that few metres away a young genin kid would be standing right there. He was a little confused wasn't he? but Dangu didn't care pretty much as he focused on his art and wanted to work on it improving it. he shook his head and smiled whilst drawing fluffy drawing of animals. he was part of the aburame clan,  insect clan and he was able to steal chakra if he wanted to but dangu was a nice guy. he was cool and collective guy who just wanted to make friends. his ponytail dropping down to his head, looking up at the ceeling he was one thing in his mind.  

he was useless bum who just was lucky and who had no friends. a part of the animal clan he was bullied to who he was but was strong and firm in his decisions that it kept him going foward and making the right call. he kept his eye on atrashi who clearly was a problem with who knew why he was upset, maybe it was atrashi the genin looking at dangu with that being said he would force out his little baby insects known as the kikachu. small little beatless flying across the face of dangu they were a cute little minion for him. he sends his little bugs towards at atrashi with immense speed of 30 stealing small portion of chakra estimated around 5 bugs will follow up to atrashi if it  would it be succesfull he would drain 5 ap from atrashi with ease and continue to draw his art.that he approached him in a tone of respect. " what are you doing around here young man? i suppose you are training.. or even maybe watching my art cause i suck like no other artist. but you know what makes me greater than anything out today. I don't stop and I keep going until i drop." was his words to atrashi, staring at him with bold eyes firmly looking at him, the eyes was looking at him like no other eye. He wasn't playing but his intentions wasn't to scare atrashi but was to know that he was a serious chuunin. with that he smiled and waited for his response.


Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:14 am
Atarashi finished slowly picking himself up off of the ground. He dusts himself off and prepares to leave, but he notices that something seems to be off about the artist. It's just a hunch, and gut feeling, but Atarashi is now on his guard. Atarashi's face goes blank and he looks over the artist with a blank stare. Atarashi tries to make sure that nothing is going to happen when he tries to leave. It's no secret that Atarashi was a senju, and he knew he clan had enemies, simply by the virtue of who they are and the nature of their kekkei genkai. However that's all he knew. He'd never been taught who the enemies of the Senju were. He had to figure out a lot of this stuff on his own. What was more worrying was the fact that, he had no idea who this person was, what clan they were a part of, and what they think of the Senju. For all he knew, this could be an enemy ninja hiding in plain sight, ready to attack him the moment he turned his back. Millions of possibilities rushed through Atarashi's head as he keeps his senses peeled for anything he though might be strange or off. Atarashi sees the ninja grab a ninja tool and his guard immediately goes into overdrive. All his muscles tense under his clothes and he watches the ninja very carefully. However when he sees the ninja throw the tool at a tree, he relaxes a little bit. It didn't seem like the ninja was after him, just that he was frustrated with something. Atarashi wondered what the ninja was frustrated with, but he was sure that trying to ask the ninja why he threw that kunai would just make the ninja mad at him. However when Atarashi sees the insects floating around the strange ninja, the information clicks in his head. This person was a member of the aburame clan. Atarashi still didn't know if the ninja was an enemy or not, but at least the odds of it were much lower than they were before. However in Atarashi's mind that still wasn't saying much. Atarashi's suspicions are confirmed when he sees the ninja sending some of his insects at Atarashi. However what struck Atarashi as odd was how slow the insects were moving. This person looked to be a bit older than him, so surely he must have been able to try and attack Atarashi with something more effective than that. Atarashi decides to not let all his cards slip early on. He quickly pulls a kunai out of his weapon pouch and dodges away from the insects at a speed of 40 (presumable outpacing the insects by 10 if I remember how this works properly). If the bugs continue to follow him he continues to out pace them. He holds his kunai in a defensive stance and sets himself on full alert. Although he's directed his eyes at the ninja, his senses are directed all around himself. "I was training, or at least trying to. But that's not important. What do you think you're doing? As far as I know, I'm not your enemy, so what's with sending your bugs to attack me?" Atarashi keeps his guard up as listens to what the Ninja might say, while still keeping his guard up.

WC: 562

How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:27 am
His intentions wasn't to fight the kid but only make sure that that's how he makes his introduction nowadays. it wasn't easy, but it's an effective method, and being part of the Aburame clan meant a lot for him. Seeing the Kikachu buzzing around the young kid it made him laugh a little with a click of his fingers they would return to the owner, but only three would stay at Atarashi and two returned back to Dangu. He wasn't the enemy of him but just a random kid who wanted to train. he understood the problem but had nothing against it at all costs. Whilst the kid was busy getting chased by the bugs, Dangu looked right next to him would be a bag. His bag which he brought from home and had some things in it. He pulls out his book, pen and mediation clothing. He would take off his flak jacket and wrap it around like pile and place it into the ground, as you would see a full lightish brown individual who was only wearing pants.

With that being sad, it was embarrassing, so he put on his meditation clothing, one of his favorite clothing of all time. it suited it his style, whilst attaching his hair together it turned out a bun men's hair and full white and black robe from top to bottom. A true meditator he was and was ready to start his ritual, as the kid was being chased by the bugs they would be 4 metres away from the distance. The Aburame smiled with a wide one and nodded. He expected the kid to at-least figure out how to get away from the insects. It will see how fast he could react and did well. The remaining came back to the owner and Dangu nodded.

  "Not bad you did well for a young one aren't you special little man."

He would say in a calm tone figuring out what would be next. Dangu was pleased and amazed that he clapped for him. With that being said, he pulled out his book and wrote two things. The kid looked unhappy for what has happened, attacking him with no reason.

"Don't be so foolish young one it was just a reason to play with you, not that but if it sincerely doubted for what has happened, then am sorry. They call me Bensung Aburame but am known as Dangu. Chuunin of the Konoha village honoured and pleasured to be here."

He would look at Atarashi biting his lips, not knowing what would happen. The sunny, cloudy day was the best day after all and some training would be a good thing to do and being a fan of art explained why he would be determined about it. He was attached to the kid and wanted to know who he was. A smile across his face meant everything as he would open up his mouth and say. 

"So tell me about yourself kid what's your name and what are you doing around here?" 

He would say asking and waiting for a response from Atarashi.

Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:51 am
Atarashi is very confused by the actions of the ninja. Whatever he was planning, it probably wasn't something good for him. At the very least, the ninja had a strength sense of what was okay or not okay to do to people. Hearing the ninja laughing at his expense very much annoyed Atarashi, but he didn't let it show on his face. he keeps his guard up and keep watching his surroundings for any signs of danger, while also keeping a safe distance from the ninja's bug minions. Atarashi sees two of the five bugs return to the ninja and he wonders why the heck he didn't recall all of his bugs if he was going to recall his bugs. Did he not have full control of them? Was he just a jerk? Is he a moron? What's going on with this exceedingly strange and annoying ninja. While Atarashi thinks these things, he continues to watch the area around him and keeps away from the remaining bugs. Atarashi then sees the ninja taking off his jacket and wonders what the heck he's doing. Why would anyone, especially a member of the Aburame clan of all people, be taking off their clothes, especially at a time like this. While the Aburame is shirtless, Atarashi sees some of the holes on his body that the Aburame insects use to leave and enter his body. Atarashi is fascinated by this and a little weirded out because of the part of the brain responsible for trypophobia*, but he still keeps his guard up at all times and keeps evading the three insects chasing him.

Atarashi sees him put on a different shirt and wonders why he'd be changing out in the middle of the village, and why he'd bring a change of clothes out here at all. Atarashi recognizes the flak vest and wonders why a chunin is acting so strangely and causing him so much annoyance. Atarashi wonders what this person is trying to accomplish by attacking Atarashi with his bugs. Atarashi wonders what the chunin is going to try next, if he trying anything at all after he finishes with the bugs attacking him and annoying him. Atarashi is starting to grow tired of whatever game the chunin is trying to play with him. When atarashi sees the rest of the bugs return to their master, he keeps his guard raised, but the turns to face the ninja.

"I don't know what you're trying to get at, but i don't appreciate being attacked by your bugs. And I'm not special. I don't need that trite from you."

It seemed like either Atarashi was exceptionally rude, or he had some kind of deeper personal issue. Either way, his guard is still completely up. Atarashi raises an eyebrow when the strange chunin starts clapping. He has no idea what he could be clapping for. Atarashi wonders what the ninja is going to try next.

"Play with me? Did you just say what I think you said? Attacking my with your bugs was a way to play with me? What kind of nonsense is that?! Well Dengu, I don't know what's going through that head of your, but your insects must be starving. That's the only reason I can think of that they'd choose to start nibbling away at your brain for nourishment. I can't believe a chunin would attack me for no reason. What's your problem?"

Atarashi is seriously mad. To think someone would attack him out of nowhere was one thing, but to call it "playing" was on a completely different league of outrageous. Atarashi takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down, and it works a little bit, but he's still made at Dangu for attacking him. Plus, Atarashi needed to keep a close eye on him, just in case he tried to attack him with his insects again.

"My name is Atarashi Senju, and I was trying to do some training, but I've got nothing. Now that I've answered you question, how about you answer mine: why did you attack me?"

Atarashi awaits Dangu's response.

WC: 686

How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:51 am
Something wasn't right, and it didn't play it right with the young kid crying like a baby, did he actually make him mad? no it was just someone is offended by what happened. Dangu had to respect what the problem was and did not mean no harm towards the boy. that wasn't his intentions as he only wanted to make he would introduce himself. It was a kind of weird way to make him feel uncomfortable but he had to realise he needed to change the situation to make the young kid feel important.  he nodded with the kikachu returning to him.  he would sit down with his legs crossed together to start his mediation. it was part of his daily morning ritual, but this kid standing here watching him wasn't a problem. whatever he wanted the kid would get it. that wasn't a doubt the 5'4 shaked his head and clap his hands together. whilst focusing most on himself leaving both of his eyes, closed for a split second. Dengu looked at the kid after two seconds and open his mouth. the smooth lips of the aburame said in a tone where the young kid would understand, respectful and honest way.

"you are special young man every young kid in this shinobi world is born to be themselves.. and that's how we suppose it to be you feeling not good aren't you.. but look don't doubt yourself, you got a long way to go. Don't be an offended young man who takes words to heart, maybe we didn't get into terms but let's get this straight you are special so is everyone." 

His tone creaked, it was like if he was lecturing the kid but he was young. Losing his temper wasn't a great idea. The kid started to mumble a lot but dengu looked at him with his eyes like no other man would be able to. it seemed it upset him for whatever the problem was but dengu shaked his head with a nod coming after it.  

"Yes, you heard it a little man, but it's how it was but you shouldn't be disrespecting my bugs like that. They ain't starving they is hungry for kids like you who loves to eat their chakra. You shouldn't worry too much of what a chuunin was doing but I have no problem with you young man.. you still didn't answer my question." 

He saw the kid going mad like mad never seen someone get mad at him. It was all the humour to start an intro, but it didn't go well after all. It was stupid enough just to approach him but to get the little kid on scare by shoving the couple of insects towards his face was a little too much. Dangu knew that but never expected to go so far with this as he saw the kid taking a couple of breaths and taking his stance. was he looking for more or was he simply defending himself as if the chuunin would be going after him? it wasn't his intentions but wanted to make sure everything would be cool after that. He spoke finally stating his name and nodded to what he said.

"Well Atrasashi it's a pleasure to meet you. My intentions were not attack you but so was I was I getting prepared for training.  I attacked you because I wanted to see how fast you could react to my kikachu. So you did really well on that. "

The kid mentioned about having nothing, Dangu was staring at him and said.

"What do you mean by you got nothing? What's going on, young Atarashi."  

He said in a tone quite a low tone waiting for Atarashi.

Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:38 am
At the very least, Atarashi was very clearly upset about Dangu attacking him. at the most extreme, he's exceedingly pissed and wants to kill Dangu for slighting him with his bugs. However to most reasonable assumption is the Atarashi is mad and very on edge right now, so trying to deescalate things would be a very good idea, and not just because it's just a good idea in general. Even if Dangu didn't mean any harm, that's not the message that trying to steal Atarashi's chakra conveyed, and it's most certainly not the message that Atarashi got from the encounter. Atarashi watches the person begin meditating and his guard starts to raise just a little bit again. 'He's just sitting there with his eyes closed? What is he planning?' Atarashi keeps a close eye on everything around him, just in case Dangu tried something again. Atarashi wonders if Dangu actually sent his bugs at him just to introduce himself, in which case Dangu doesn't seem to know that trying to attack people, especially in this world, wasn't a good way to introduce yourself, or he was planning something malicious and just wanted to make Atarashi lower his guard. Whatever purpose that would serve Atarashi didn't know and would rather not find out. He'd rather just be done with this, but he know he's going to be here for a while if this persists.

"That doesn't make me special. How I feel about it doesn't matter. The fact is that I'm not special. At best I'm below average. However what's more likely is I'm probably the worst student of my class. I'd probably just drag them all down, along with the average worth of the class as a whole. 'a long way to go' is the understatement of the century. Saying I have a long way to go is like saying 'the distance between two stars is a bit far'."

Atarashi is still trying to keep his temper down, but he's still very tense. He trying to run through every move that Dangu could probably do in his head and is trying to anticipate them all. Atarsahi is still trying to figure out what Dangu's game is before he gets hurt. Atarashi watches every move Dengu makes very carefully for signs of hostility.

Atarashi facepalms when Dangu responds to his insult "You know, it's really hard to insult someone when what you say goes right over their head. And I'm not going to let you steal me chakra. I worry about what people are doing when then send their bugs to try and steal my chakra. And what question would that be?"

If everything was humor, then obviously the joke wasn't told well. Such is the risks of comedy. Atarashi sees that Dengu hasn't attacked him again so far, so he's willing to try to calm down, but he'd still rather not have been attacked in the first place. Atarashi right now just wanted to leave the crazy bug artist to his drawing and not disturb him, but apparently his chakra was worth sending bugs after. Personally, Atarashi couldn't see it. But then again, he's not a bug. Either way, he's not quite sure why Dangu thought it'd be a good idea to attack him. That doesn't usually sound like s good way to greet someone, especially if you don't know them. Whatever his intentions where, they don't seem to Atarashi to be what he probably intended them to be.

"I can't say it's been a pleasure to meet you. You're intentions weren't to attack me? Then why did you send your bugs to steal my chakra? And you just admitted to it! you say 'My intentions were not attack you' but then you say 'I attacked you because'. Make up your mind."

Dangu is really starting to annoy Atarashi if nothing else.

"What does it sound like based on what I said. I have nothing to do for training. My regular work out is just bearly keeping me at my current level, and I have no new techniques to learn. I'm stuck."

Atarashi waits for Dengu to respond.

WC: 688

How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:07 am
He nodded to what Atarashi said. " I'll be back soon enough  Atarashi." And with that he disappeared with a flash. 

total wc:2064 
claiming basic medical - lvl 2 

Insect Gathering
 10 stat points.

Last edited by Dangu on Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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How it used to be (p,  Atarashī) Empty Re: How it used to be (p, Atarashī)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:08 pm
Atarashi is very confused by Dangu's sudden exit. And Atarashi was starting to calm down a little bit to. Either way, Atarashi's guard was back up just in case Dangu had just shunshined behind him or something like that. When it starts to look like the very strange chunin is gone, Atarashi actually manages to relax a little bit. Thankfully now he had some alone time to contemplate what he has to do now. That's when Atarashi had an idea. Atarashī sits down and makes the snake seal. He starts calming his mind by taking deep breaths in and out. He starts building his water chakra first. He lets his neutral chakra start grinding against his chakra network to generate the required water release chakra. When he feels as though he's gathered enough water release chakra he starts taking some more of his neutral chakra and freezing it in his chakra network. After he's stopped enough of his neutral chakra and turned it into earth release chakra and starts meditating "harder". He concentrated on the two masses of earth release chakra and water release chakra in his chakra network. He then starts moving them towards the other. When the two energy's meet they start clashing. He then gathers the earth release chakra and the water release chakra and tries to form his wood release chakra again. This time he breaks the earth release chakra and the water release chakra apart. After that he moves them to one part of his body and then starts condensing them both to the same focal point. As the earth release chakra and the water release chakra start to become more compact they begin mixing them into Wood Release Chakra. Once Atarashi has the required wood release chakra, he begins concentrating it into various points on him skin. He finds however that he can only concentrate the wood release chakra into ten points at most, which is rather unfortunate but Atarashi knows that he's just going to have to role with this particular punch. As he focuses the Wood release chakra into these points, he can feel is starting to try and claw its way out of his skin. Atarashi realizes that he'd rather no have his clothing destroyed so he moves the points of wood release chakra around before the can rip apart his cloths and leave him buck naked. Atarashi moves two points of wood release chakra to each of his hands, and moves the remaining six points of wood release chakra to around his head and neck. The wood release chakra pours out of the points and Atarashi can feel himself connected to what the wood release chakra creates. Ten branches sprout out of Atarashi's shin and as their doing than, Atarashi uses his control of the wood release chakra to make them into different shapes. One looks like a corkscrew, one looks like a blade, etc. Atarashi quickly breaks the branches off of his body and gives himself a little smile. Maybe this trip wasn't a waste of time after all. Atarashi then walks home.


total word count: 3028

claiming: Wood Release: Cutting and 15 stat points.
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