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Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Wed May 29, 2019 6:36 pm
Mission spec:

90 SPRING, 419AV

You have to start at the bottom if you want to reach the top. Easier said than done if you take into consideration how many people actually want to put in the work to improve themselves. But Minato knew better, he knew how hard he would have to work if he wanted to complete his goals. So he didn't mind being assigned to an E-rank mission again. These had to be done as well, after all Rome wasn't build in one day. Not only would it give the young Uchiha more experience it would also benefit the village. If you were willing to do the work you could take lessons from almost every situation. This case was going to be one of cleaning, something Minato hadn't done much in his life. It seemed the orphanage was in need of a good cleaning and with the lack of staff it was his job to help out. He grabbed his stuff and headed out to his destination for the day.

Upon his arrival the Uchiha remembered he was going to receive Jason's help as the Senju was assigned to the mission as well. The more the merrier he figured as the two of them would be able to finish this one up pretty quick. As he arrived at the orphanage he noticed his fellow Genin was still on his way, so Minato decided to have a look inside since it would be his first time at an orphanage. When he entered the building he immediately spotted a couple of children who were curious who their visitor was. "Hello there, my name is Minato. I'm a shinobi of Konohagakure and I'll be helping out with the cleaning today" he said with a smile, making sure the orphans would feel comfortable around him. He couldn't help but feel sorry for those poor children who had to grow up without their parents, Minato himself was fortunate to have both his parents around but that couldn't be said for everyone ..

(WC: 334)
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Wed May 29, 2019 11:35 pm
Official secretary to the Hokage. Genin of Konohagakure. Former member of Team 7. Co-Captain of Team 2 in the recent Amplitude Test. All of the these titles meant nothing to the Senju, especially after being assigned a minor mission to help clean up the local orphanage. What had transpired during that recent exam still hadn’t left Jason’s mind. Yen, the Deputy Hokage of Konoha, had nearly killed most of the participants in an exam he had thought up. It wasn’t the first time he had attacked an enemy without giving any thought to friendly fire either. In fact, during Kirigakure’s initial takeover he had attempted to kill Risako, the previous Hokage, and actually did kill Salzem at the behest of the leader of the Bloody Mist. He couldn’t be trusted, and someone had to do something about it. Unfortunately, Jason was too busy being assigned lowly missions like this to make much of a difference.

From what he had gathered, an Uchiha by the name of Minato was also joining him on this mission. A thought began to form in the young Senju’s mind and he hoped he would be able to help the seed take root in the mind of young Minato during this assignment. Only time would tell, but Jason had found a fierce determination and a new goal.

By the time he had arrived Minato had apparently already made his way inside and announced his presence. ”Yo! Guess we better get to the office and report for duty, huh?” he asked, nudging his partner lightly.

WC: 259/500
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Thu May 30, 2019 9:30 am
A couple of minutes had passed after Minato had some small talk with the children of the orphanage when his partner for the day had arrived at the scene as well. "Hi Jason, glad you could make it" the young Uchiha greeted the Senju. Minato listened as Jason suggested they would head to the office and report for duty, which he agreed to. "Sounds good, let's go." Waving one more time he smiled at the children and followed Jason to the orphanage's office. The two of them had found their way to the office and the Uchiha shortly introduced themselves. "Hello there, we are Minato and Jason, two Konohagakure Genin who came here to help for today." The woman sitting at the desk explained what the tasks were they would be doing and showed them the way while handing them everything they needed to clean. "Alright, I'll take this side and clean these rooms and you can do the other side" he suggested.

Luckily for him the rooms weren't too big and the children knew how to keep their room clean so he wouldn't have that much work. Sweeping the floor, washing and cleaning the windows, making their bed, putting everything in the right place, everything had to be done. One room after the other until there were no more left on his side of the building. "How's everything going on your side?" he would yell to Jason. "Just need to take the trash out and then I'm done."

(WC: 249, TWC: 583)
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:10 am
It didn’t take them long to find the head of the orphanage, introduce themselves, and get assigned a number of menial tasks. It seemed like the children kept the place mostly in order and this was simply a routine cleaning job that needed to be done. Specifically, the two Genin were told that they needed to clean the windows and bathrooms, sweep all of the floors, disinfect the common areas, take out all the trash, and make up any of the children’s beds that hadn’t already been done. With so much to do the duo decided to split the work and each took one half of the building to start on. Having some time to himself while doing this was nice, but Jason has been hoping they’d be working together so he could talk to Minato. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate had other ideas.

They were both given some supplies to use: brooms, rags, soap and water buckets, and mops. Grabbing what they needed, Jason and Minato each set off to their own chosen areas and began cleaning. It wasn’t very long before the young Senju heard a shout from his partner coming from down one of the hallways. Minato had finished with his area and now Jason had too.

“I’m done too!”

Finished with his work, Jason returned the cleaning supplies to where he got them and went to let the head of the orphanage know that everything had been done and the duo were ready to leave.

TWC: 508/500
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:54 am
Grabbing and carrying four bags filled with trash on his way outside Minato noticed Jason was finishing up as well as he was returning all of the cleaning supplies. Confirming he was done with his part of the building the Senju would then make his way to let the head of the orphanage know they were done with cleaning and had finished all the tasks they were given. Once he put the trash where it belonged and said his goodbyes to the children of the orphanage it was almost time for the two Genin to head back to the village. But not before the young Uchiha had promised the orphans to come and visit them again. 

Having said their goodbyes it was time for both Minato and Jason to return to Konohagakure no Sato. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he said to the Senju. If it was just him the mission would have taken much longer so the young Uchiha was glad to receive Jason's help. "Given today's success we might have to team up again" he would smile to his partner as they arrived at the gates. 

(TWC: 772/500)
- 500 towards mastery of Temporary Paralysis Technique
- 250 towards 1000 Years of Death
- 500 ryo, 1 AP (mission rewards)
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:30 am
”Nope, not bad at all and yea we should definitely team up again.”

And with that they left and their mission was completed.

Missions rewards please thank you
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:35 am

Also Jace, you can claim jutsu with this WC if you wish.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Clean-Up Duty (Jason) Empty Re: Clean-Up Duty (Jason)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:32 am
500/500 for D rank water replacement then
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