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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Konoha's Schooling II

Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:46 pm
Zyxis patiently lie down, settled against a tree. He had told Minato to meet him here once he had become Genin. The white-haired boy had sent him a letter to let him know that he'd be here today if he wanted to come over and get some training done. The Uchiha had nothing that he severely had to do. Hato had made it to the third round; he checked up on Mara, Kyson and him talked. It was now time to enjoy the scenery, the sunshine, and the leaves. Konoha was a considerable contrast to Kumo regarding weather and scenery.

He wouldn't mind hanging out here for a while.
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:51 pm
Minato was taking off, heading to the Training Grounds. A couple of days ago he received a letter from Zyxis, a Genin from Kumo who was in town for the Chuunin exams and whom he had met briefly before.
In the letter it said that they should meet again when Minato had become a Genin. After graduating and successfully becoming a Genin, he went on a mission first, but now that he had some free time he thought he should go and meet up with Zyxis.
He arrived at the Training Grounds and it didn't take him long to spot Zyxis. The Genin from Kumo was easy to notice with his white hair, lying down a tree.
Minato walked up to him and greeted him.

"Yo, Zyxis"
"Guess who became a Genin?", Minato said with a big smile on his face.

(WC: 141)
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:12 pm
Zyxis opened one eye as Minato spoke. "You became a Genin? That's sweet!" He jumped from his spot and landed on his feet, out of his little daze. "Great job."

He smiled, "That means I can start to teach you, finally. I have this cool jutsu that has gotten me through a lot. It's called Soul Expulsion. Would you be willing to learn it?"
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:27 pm
"Soul Expulsion?"

Minato was listening carefully as Zyxis was proposing to teach him this named jutsu.
The name itself sounded rather destructive, so it wouldn't hurt having such a jutsu in his arsenal.
Lacking the knowledge of Soul Expulsion, Minato figured it would be a good start to ask more about it.

"I'm always up for learning new techniques. If you would be so kind to be the one to teach me this Soul Expulsion, I would be very honored."

"So, what exactly is this Soul Expulsion you're talking about?", Minato asked while getting ready to learn.

(WC: 97, TWC: 238)
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:17 pm
"You expel your soul from your body, creating a sort of armor, and also boosting your combat ability," Zyxis activated the jutsu in the middle of his explanation, a yellowish glow surrounding his body and lightning-coated chakra armor surrounding him. "It shows off the color of your chakra nature. If you want your enemies to know your elemental nature, then there you go."

He threw a couple of punches at a faux enemy, "It increases your speed and the strength of your chakra, which means it's suitable for any jutsu that you want to use that doesn't include physical aspects to it unless you want to use that little extra boost to speed. Even after all of that, it decreases the damage done to you when hit by jutsu. I only have time to teach you the beginner part of it, cause I have to go soon."

Zyxis gave him a small smile. He could get used to this teaching then, "Close your eyes and imagine the embodiment of yourself. If you want a more realistic view, think about your tenketsu or chakra points, and the pool of chakra settled in your gut. Imagine that taking a physical form. Think about the need to be stronger, the need to not only protect yourself but the ones you love. If you can imagine all that, you'll have no problem manifesting the armor around you. It will be your shield and your sword. Your flak jacket and your kunai."

The boy took a breather after he finished speaking. He deactivated the jutsu around him and waved Minato off. "Well, I've got to get going. The Chuunin Exams are almost over, and I have to find out if we're leaving or not. Thanks for the time, I hope that you get this down. Hope to see you again someday."

Zyxis would then run out of the training grounds.

[No claims]
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:53 pm
Standing next to each other at the Training Grounds, the two boys were having a conversation about the Chuunin Exams. The two of them seemed to get along well, despite being from two different villages. They felt that there was some kind of mutual trust between them. After receiving the good news of Minato becoming a Genin, the young boy from Kumo responded that he could now start training him as he brought up a technique called Soul Expulsion. Due to his lack of knowledge Minato was forced to admit that he had never heard about such a technique, as to why he had asked Zyxis to explain this a bit further. 

Zyxis explained that the meaning of the technique could be found in its name, Soul Expulsion. You basically expel your soul from your body to act like some kind of armor, while also having the ability to boost your combat skills. As he was explaining all of this to Minato, Zyxis figured the best way of teaching something was to start by showing how it should look. And so he did. In the middle of his explanation he suddenly activated the jutsu which resulted in a yellow glow surrounding his body as a lightning coated chakra armor started to form around his body. 

Demonstrating some of the effects of Soul Expulsion he started throwing some punches while noting that this jutsu increases your speed as well as the strength of your chakra. And if even that wasn't enough to convince Minato of the benefits of having such a technique, Zyxis mentioned that it also works as a damage reductor. Unfortunately Zyxis only had time to teach the first part of the technique since he had to leave soon, back to Kumogakure. 

As he deactivated his jutsu it was time for Zyxis and Minato to say their goodbyes and part their ways. Before taking his leave Zyxis would not forget to metnion that he hoped that Minato would succeed in getting down the Soul Expulsion. Feeling extremely grateful towards his new friend from Kumo, Minato made sure he would thank him. "I can't thank you enough. Words can't describe how grateful I am for helping me learning this new jutsu."
Wishing each other the best for the future, the time had come for Zyxis to leave and return to his companions from Kumo. 
Now it was Minato's turn to try and perform the Soul Expulsion.

What he lacked in knowledge, he would make up for in effort. Minato would make sure he would get this right, not only for himself but also for Zyxis who had taken the time to instruct him. "Here goes nothing", he said to himself.
He would start by closing his eyes, trying to calm down as much as possible as this would help him focus on the task ahead.

Now that his eyes were closed and his mind was clear, he could begin his attempt at performing the Soul Expulsion. He would begin by envisioning the embodiment of himself, as he was imagining a yellow aura appearing around his body. Making it easier to concentrate, he decided to sit down with his legs crossed over each other. He would then continue his training by focussing on his chakra points, making sure all of them were activated. Minato began molding his chakra carefully, he didn't want to act too rash since that might result in him failing to control his chakra well enough to get the result he was aiming for.

The young Genin of Kumo also mentioned that he should try to give his chakra pool a physical form, since it might help him to attain the yellow glow around his body. He would once again take a deep breath as he continued to try and form a mental image of his chakra stored in his gut. Finally he was getting a hang of it as he was now able to imagine some kind of armor forming around his body. But he wasn't there just yet. Now it was important that he tried to achieve what he got on the inside, to start and take form on the outside as well. Making sure he would get it this time, Minato gathered all of his remaining chakra as he started to notice it flowing all throughout his body. Suddenly he felt power surging through his body as if he was indeed surrounded by some sort of enhanced armor. When he finally opened his eyes he could see a yellow chakra cloat around his body, meaning he succeeded in learning the first version of Soul Expulsion.

(TWC: 1008)
(Claims: Soul Expulsion 1000/1000 trained by Zyxis, 5 stats)
Stat Page : The Child
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Konoha's Schooling II Empty Re: Konoha's Schooling II

Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:06 pm
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