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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Snowy Leaf Empty A Snowy Leaf

Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:14 pm

    A feeling that coursed through the young Maiden’s body as she laied awake and alone on her bed in her hotel room. The pain of losing a friend had been the only thing the deputy kage could think about since her arrival at Konoha a few days ago. The Kunochi had only been informed a few hours before she had to depart for the leaf about Kotetsu’s death at the Gokage summit. Due to this, the Saint of the Stars had been given a respite of time to think about that event as she rushed to get ready for her pilgrimage to her mother’s home country. A delightful respite that would forsake her within minutes of the girl entering into her loggings in the conquered country. Hikari always knew that the Hogokage would do anything for his village, but still, to execute one’s own student without even attempting to negotiate? That didn’t sound like the Akari that the Queens Guard knew. What had the other Kage of the other villages been like to make Valen even consider such an act? Hikari understood that of the four great shinobi villages, Hoshigakure was most likely considered the weakest as it hadn’t been around long enough to build up a strong hold in its country. Due to this, the other villages were probably looking for an excuse to declare war on them in order to claim more land and the village secrets that Hoshigakure’s shinobi protected. Even with the threat of war looming over them, the thought that the Hogokage didn’t think that a discussion was even possible when it came to the life of his own student scared the Throne of Haven. Prehaps some time away from the village was a good thing for the Kunochi? After all, if she had to see Valen at his very moment, the woman had no idea how she would react to the man who had slain her friend, even if it was for the best of the village.

    Hikari wanted to continue to hide in her hotel room, but the need for substance in her body beckoned the maiden to leave the inn at which she stayed. In this time, no food had passed into the girl’s stomach, and the only liquid to dry her tongue would come from the water tap in her hotel’s bathroom. For her own survival the Barovian knew she would have to journey to the outside of the safety of her room in search for a substance to fill her starving body.

    The Nova Operative would reluctantly grab the small cube of manipulated fabric that was lying on the stand across from her bed. Forcing her chakra into it, fabric would tightly wrap itself around her small figure, taking the form of a clean white dress with black fabric’s woven into it. The Manipulated Fabric would also harden and break a small piece off in order to cover her feet, taking the form of a pair of black high heels that gave another couple of inches to her height. Once this was done, another piece of fabric would break off and wrap itself around the deputy kage’s throat, a black choker would be the form that the fabric would take, in the center of it blazed a white star, the symbol of Hoshigakure. With her body prepared, the girl would make her way into the bathroom to clean off her face before applying her makeup. A dark Mascara, light blush and lipstick would be her tools in this endeavor, trying to make this broken mess of a human being look like a respectable woman. Once she was done with that, the woman would finally work on her long blonde hair, she would style it into her normal formal hair style with side-swept bangs and a double braid going across her crown and the rest twisted and pinned up in a makeshift ponytail of sorts that would fall about a third of the way down her back. Putting on perfume and deodorant, the deputy kage would make her way out of the door and head out into the streets of Konoha.

    A light snow would cover the world in a soft blanket of snow on this early morning. The dawn had only just started to show itself, allowing rays of light to sparkle off the frozen water particles that covered the ground. Wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to warm herself up, the maiden cursed the fact that she failed to bring a warm jacket from haven on her pilgrimage. The thought of manipulating the fabric around her to bulk up into something warmer, but Hikari discarded the idea after some time debating it. Even if she had enough fabric to cover herself that way (Which the woman doubted.) she couldn’t change in her outfit like that in public without giving away the fabric’s properties to the shinobi world. Left with little choice, the girl would take a look around to see if there was someone around that could possibly help her with finding a place that would welcome customers this early into the day.

WC: 857

Chakra suppression used.

Mara Asano
Mara Asano
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A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:01 pm
Mara Asano had taken a wholly different approach to preparing for the day. She'd grown restless during her time in the Leaf Village, and sleep hadn't come incredibly easily. Her growing concern over her dreams had only intensified her desire to stay awake. Being stuck so far away from the solutions to her problems only made her mote jittery. There was no progress to be made sitting in a hotel room waiting. She'd trained obsessively since she'd arrived, but that only went so far in comforting her. A time would come where she'd just need to act. And having that time continuously delayed wasn't helping. Cheering on her village mates had been fun, but it'd been a temporary distraction at best. As such, she'd been catching fleeting sleep and growing a little more dependent on the wonders of caffeine.

She donned a heavier outfit than usual. A long, but tight set of black pants and a black shirt, were covered by her white jacket. Closed toed boots covered any exposed skin on her legs. Ultimately, she pulled her crimson colored cloak on over it all. Her hair she'd allowed to flow loosely over her shoulders, the blonde standing out sharply against the red cloth.

The village looked wonderful today. She'd always loved the snow, ever since she was a child. And while Konoha might not have the majestic mountains that surrounded Kumo, she had to admit that the snow added a different mood here. Kumo looked impressive with snow, but it could also be daunting. Here, the forest village looked quiet and serene. Snow hung in the trees in a way that made everything look a little more peaceful. She wondered how long that would last.

She'd been wandering about town for sometime now, not entirely sure what her plan was. The village was still very quiet and few had actually begun their day yet. She'd turned a corner to suddenly find a very stylishly dressed woman some ways ahead of her. Her dress was simple, but elegant, accentuated by very few alternate colors. And unlike Mara's dark clothing, she was white as the snow. Her appearance was striking, and Mara instantly wished she put that much attention into her own appearance. But the younger girl had to admit, the woman wasn't exactly dressed for the weather. Heels and a thin dress weren't an excellent way to deal with the cold. Her long blonde hair had been tied back in a much less haphazard approach than Mara's own.

Mara spoke up, a bit sheepishly, to get the woman's attention. Her voice was teasing, but in a friendly way. "I think you might have forgotten your coat this morning." She smiled warmly, hoping she hadn't just offended whoever this was.

[WC: 459]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:04 am
As the Deputy Kage of Hoshigakure would look around for help, she would notice a small chakra signature approaching up on her from behind.  Honestly, the Throne of Haven hadn't really even taken much notice of it, there were so many chakra signatures of various sleeping shinobi in nearby houses. However, when the maiden heard the female voice speaking behind her, the Nova Captain would turn to face the creator of the sound.

A young blonde girl, not much younger than Hikari, stood before her. Unlike the Jounin however, this girl obviously had the wherewithal to properly dress for the cold winter days. Namikaze would give a quick one over of the Kunoichi, trying to get an idea of what village she came from. Not noticing a headband or some sort of marking on her, the woman would come to the conclusion that this newcomer was probably a Konoha shinobi.

Hoshigakure's Fuinjutsu Misstress would give a warm smile and giggle a little bit in response to the teens comment. "Something like that, I didn't realize it was going to be so cold this far to the south of the shinobi world, so I didn't bring one from home." Hikari would pause for a second thinking about what she should ask first. "I was just out looking for a place to pick up some winter clothes, any idea where I can find somewhere open at this hour?"

WC: 236
-Chakra Suppression used.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:43 pm
Monochromatic lucent light broke through the sky, allowing itself to reflect upon the shimmering dew, creating an Arc-En-Ciel effect on the pelts of melted ice, almost as if this place was a living cathedral. Sun began to break through the methodical Columbus clouds as if the sun was a fire, burning through a land of darkness. East Downtown Konoha was hectic, and chock full of citizens. Red and Green fluorescent, lucent lights, tangled and thrown on well-formed houses. Hymns, Psalms, happy and carols vociferated around Konoha, the spectacle of kids throwing crystal ice balls at each other,  concessions stands, merchandising ginger baked cookies, accompanied by a delicacy of milk, mix with liquid chocolate. A great time for tourism, selling, and to relax, this month was a day to revel in.

A crimson-haired Genin, known as the Tracer of Konoha, walked innocuously through the streets, as a result to the cold weather, ironic from the golden sun, Tadashi wore a black-buttoned up coat with a hoodie drooping down from the back of his coat in replacement of his iconic clothing. Concealed by the coat, he would wear a blue t-shirt with the red Konoha emblem, smack dab in the middle of the shirt. He wore his signature fingerless, black gloves, along with a red scarf, tied around his neck, covering his mouth, and the rest of the long scarf glided like a kite on Tadashi's left. Instead of the tracer's signature unkempt and disheveled crimson hair, it would be neater. He just finished his haircut, still shocked at his changes. It was neater, had more bangs that covered his hairline, and it was "suave", as the barber said to him, that it would "attract all of the girls", Tadashi never understood the man's obsession to allure the opposite gender. The crimson-haired Genin would use his free left hand to move one of the left bangs of his newly, smooth cut hair from his amber eyes. 

His right hand would be occupied with carrying grocery bags consisting of, gingerbread cookies, lanterns, candy canes, hot chocolate powder, and additional miscellaneous objects, held firmly. Normally, he would be walking to his house, fulfilling his duty; upon walking towards his house, a familiar strand of blonde hair was about to pass by the corner of his eye, only for Tadashi to stop at the right moment, peripheral vision was truly a godsend. He turned towards that blonde strand, due to the momentum, the scarf would droop down on his front. It was Mara Asano accompanied by a woman who seemed to be older than the two. He hoped they were on good terms now especially after the time in the Training Grounds, but you couldn't be that sure. He hesitated a bit before taking a few steps behind the girl, pretty slowly, waving with his free left hand. During the motion, a gentle smile would appear on his face, no malice, they were about a few feet away from each other, enough for the tracer to see the older woman. He would pull down his scarf from his mouth, able to fully see his face, and his golden eyes fully.

"Hi, Mara. What's up?" He simply said, pushing his bangs away from his eyes to see more clearly. He would peek from the left of Mara's shoulder to see better, as he would walk to his left, now across from the Kumo Genin.

His eyes would widen a tiny bit at the young woman, hopefully not enough for the 2 blondes to notice. Her beauty was... Something he would he would have never seen. He couldn't react, his mind was frozen, like a statue, for a few moments... Until he realized, how stupid he looked. A light blush would appear on his face, embarrassed at his previous behavior, most likely seeming weird to the girls. "Um, um." He would stutter, his brain was in a panic, Tadashi didn't comprehend this emotion. He would try his best to comprehend the situation. "Calm down, Tadashi... Calm down..." Pondering in his thoughts quickly. His eyes would be more focused, but still a little out of town. Where were his manners after all? Acting like a fool in front of people. He would bend down towards the sitting blonde as he would outstretch his hand towards her,

"Hello miss, my name is Tadashi Namikaze, a blessing to meet you. If you may miss, I would like to know your name." The crimson-haired Genin said, waiting for the Miss to accept the handshake.

If everything went accordingly, straightening up, he would curiously inquire at the two blondes, "Please excuse my intrusion, but what are you guys doing?" 

WC: 888
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:38 pm
Voding this thread:


236 Words to Hikariton: Sun Forge 236/3375 (Max Stat Discount)
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:34 pm
I don't feel like claiming claims, cause I will be using my post for another thread.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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A Snowy Leaf Empty Re: A Snowy Leaf

Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:22 am
Sure, approved.
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