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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:41 pm
With frowning eye brows and a glint of anger in his eyes, the Uchiha awaited Yensung to answer his questions. Of course, his Aburame senpai went on filibustering as usual. But as requested, the Uchiha would remain silent and and listen, listen to see if Yensung would actually answer his questions. For his sake, he better answer Kisuke's questions for currently he was going on about a vacume that had been created due to a lack of there being a clan head, all information Kisuke was already made aware of. But apparantly this former clan had was an associate of Yen's, one who had given him the knowledge Kisuke requested prior to their death in the Kiri invasion. "Well, Im listening." Said the Uchiha in frustration, waiting for Yen to get to the point while he brought his right arm upwards, putting his cigarette into his mouth. 

Taking a large inhale from his cigarette to try and calm his nerves before he completely snapped, the Uchiha would listen to the Aburame go on about how the former head of the clan and his lineage just happened to up and disappear one day. Vanishing from this world, leaving not a single trace of their existence behind. All information that he cared little for. The former ruling family of the clan was a cancer to the clan. They did nothing to ensure the safety and longevity of the Uchiha for it was during their reigns that the eyes of the Uchiha were being stolen like candy from a shop. As far as Kisuke was concerned, it was a good thing they were no longer in the picture. 

Alas, after what felt like a lifetime of Yensung talking he finally got to the information Kisuke was looking for. At the mention of two stages, Kisuke would pull the cigarette he held away from his mouth and raise his gaze to look at the one eyed Aburame that had approached him. Two stages of evolution after the third tomoe, what was previously thought to be the final stage of the Sharingan, a unique evolution particular to the individual. "Thats one piece of the puzzle." Kisuke thought to himself, the range that was previously being built up inside of him now simmering away as the truth was being revealed to him. The next piece of the puzzle was to know how to unlock the next two evolution of his eyes. He would think back to what Xyxer had told him, that it would be a price he was not willing to pay. What exactly was that price though.

Kisuke would watch as Yen shed another tear upon talking about his dead family again and revealed the way to unlock the fourth stage. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Kisuke said once hearing the needed to experience the loss of someone dear to him. "How fucking ironic that after I choose to forsake all future bonds I learn that it is those very bonds that I need to reach the next stage." Kisuke started thinking about the few people he actually held dear to him and the thought of having to lose them for his own personal gain. "Well shit, looks like I'm never going to achieve the next stage am I? It's not like I'm going to go around killing people just to get fucking stronger. Looks like my journey for more power comes to an end just as fast as it started. Fuck me. Who would want to go through what you've been through either? Sounds fucking horrible." Taking another inhale from his cigarette, Kisuke would continue on with his rant "What a fucking stupid clan we are. Why does everything about our eyes have to revolve around negative emotion? Pretty fucking emo if you ask me."

Then Yensung mentioned 'the rest.' What rest? He had both just confirmed that there was a further evolution to the Sharingan and how to achieve it. What could possibly be next? Then he remembered that there was a fifth stage. Everything Yensung just mentioned pertained to the fourth stage, presumably. Which meant there was more information to be heard, more knowledge that the Aburame had not yet bestowed on Kisuke. "How can it get any worse?" Looking out over the village upon hearing Yensung ask if Kisuke wanted to know, he would remain silent for a few moments. He already knew the horrors it took the unlock the fourth stage. What use was there is choosing to remain ignorant about the final stage? While Yensung sat down Kisuke would respond. "Yeah, of course I want to know Senpai. Even if I'll never be able to achieve it, I need to know. If anything... I need to know."
Alister Yama
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:20 pm
Kisikes response. Was within yens expected parameters of the possible response. Anger. Anger at what it was and how the puzzle worked. It was nothing far from what if anything anyone would expect. Kiskuke had for all he knew discarded everything. But from that he only knew to the extent.

One does not know the depth of their bonds...  

Yen thought  as kisuke ranted over the uselessness of his clan ability. Sacrifices and loss however, are never to be underestimated by even the strongest induvidual. A person willing to give their life for a belif or a cause is a force to not be underestimated.

Still it is expected, but he should not be immature over this. But well its his own blood. The sharingan alone is a fearsome ability, but not absolute... imagine he had to go through what i did to get my bugs...

Yen took a breath and shook his head.

"I would not want to witness people go through the pain, but i have kisuke. Sometimes i belive we were built to go through this pain as a crule joke. Sadistic creatpr of humanity if you may say so. Having to stab freinds, and watch our own children die in our arms. Think it is easy to simply rage at it. What about families torn asunder."

Yen stated as he stood up and glanced at the now dead cigarret in his hand and spoke up.

"The world is merely a bowl of chaos disguised  as life. Duty, and disire. Merely us taking steps to an end... it is why we cannot see the future, and more importantly just deal with it. I never made the rules, nor do i love them you see."

Yen stated as there was?a hint of bitterness behind the aburame's words and he regained composure. In that instant.

"If you must know kisuke. Imagine another uchiha that had faced the same trials.... just to take away the eyes and have them placed in your eyes.... it combines the powers of both into one... thus completing the sharingan... i personally find that absolutely abhorrid... but it just means that power comes at expense of others."

Yen stated as he gestured to the village and spoke up lifting the eye patch and refealing the hole as he turned to kisuke. The kind soft face of yen yet a hole in his eye where the socket was. 

"You would belive i dare hold your clan eye... but why would i hold it if you must carry such pain. People are simple just like the fools that dare take your eyes. They only seek an advantage, but keel over dead in a few years."

Yen stated as he lowered the eyepatch and turned away from kisuke.

"Ironic how the smart people know  to lay low and wait.... it is what we have to do. Fires wont cause alarm unless they are noted. It is why an unseen fire is most deadly."

Yen stated in retospect to the conversation earlier. 

"And it is how we will rerise from the darkness we are in now kisuke."
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:22 pm
The teenage Uchiha would remain seated on the edge of the buildings rooftop while smoking his cigarette, listening to Yensung ramble about his philosophy of the world. He often went on speaking about the oddity of his views, however Kisuke could not help but listen despite the mental fortitude it required. As the Aburame said, the world was a fucked up place, and a shinobi's life was a chaotic existence. "Yeah... this is the life we signed up for aint it?" He asked rhetorically while taking another inhale from his cigarette. From having his eyes stolen to the death of Yensung's family, from being forced to murder one of their own only to be subjugated to the rule and influence of a foreign nation, all of it was what they signed up for when deciding to become shinobi. But did they have any other choice? The two of them were gifted with Kekki Genkai that granted them power and abilities afforded to no one else. They were born into the life of a shinobi and now they had to suffer the consequences of a life they did not choose.

Silently and patiently, Kisuke listened to his teacher explain the next and final stage of the evolution of the Sharingan, a seemingly almost impossible state to achieve. The stars had to be aligned for someone to achieve such a degree of power. Kisuke wondered how the former head of the clan ever achieved it. It also got him thinking if anyone in the world currently held such power and were hiding it due to the fact that it potentially made them a target from both other members of the clan seeking power and stranger with nefarious intentions in mind such as Stein. "Well... at least there is some comfort in knowing that another will have suffered the same as the rest of us in their goal to achieve power." Shaking his head in dismay, from his seated position Kisuke would turn to face Yensung who was now standing. "Thank you... Senpai. It was not the information I was expecting to hear, but it was what I needed to hear. My quest for power has not changed nor has my mission to rise the Uchiha clan from their ashes. But the path I must take has...

When he went to Xyxer for power, he knew Viper held such power and he wanted it to be bestowed upon him. He knew there was a cost, a cost he probably wasnt willing to bear. However now he knew that cost and he did not think it was something he could actively bring forth into this world. As much as he wanted to achieve a greater power to bring about the change he wanted in this cursed world, he doubted he would be able to bring himself to murder another just for his own personal gain. What world would he be creating if he ruthlessly murdered others just for his own gain, just to further his agenda? What kind of world would he be living in where he would have to kill his best friend Kotsuzui, or his Senpai Yensung. Would that even be a world worth living in?

Kisuke's eye glanced over to Yensung's eye or rather the hole that once contained his eye. A grotesque thing to look upon but one Kisuke did not shy away from. "Why dont you get that healed, it probably wouldnt be something too hard to do. Unless you like the look of an eye patch." Kisuke frquented hospitals every once in a while to heal his lungs from the mass amounts of cigarettes that he smoked. He felt replacing Yensungs lost eye was an easy feat to achieve. 

"Lay low and wait you say. Mhmm, maybe you're right. I cant directly achieve the power I seek and the road ahead has only gotten tougher... but I'm still here and I'm not giving up. You and me, we are just individuals in the grand scheme of things but together we can make a difference, whether it be for our clans or the village, we can fan the flames." Keeping his stern gaze dead set on Yensung, Kisuke would finish the analogy so often used by members of the leaf village. "A fire rises."
Alister Yama
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:43 am
Yen slightly smiled a bit at the remark lisuke gave on sigming up for the job. No job is easy, but shinobi must kill for own interest if it cannot be helped. Being as such it was a burden that an executioner on cue would find easy. But kids alone asked from young age to dedicate their life and duty to blood and slaughter? Many would in a civic view find it barbaric. Untill you live it.

"Its only every day duty for us. An peaceful induvidual will merely call it uncultured. But they too will do the same when pressed"

Yen stated as he grimly nodded as a "your welcome" to kisuke thanking him for the infomation. It was what he was there for. Teaching and informing. Simple by the mere eye, but complex to the practicioner. Yen remaimed silent as kisuke continued on speaking about the direction being clear for his own clan. 

It was understandable. When the darkest depths of clan secrets are revealed. Well they change a person in many ways. Power is mostly an willingness to opress something viewed as inferior. It is a common thing that yen commonly teaches.  As in such with kisuke possibility to Change his clan was good. If he kept up that same flame and managed to convince many others.

"You might say that alone it is easy. But burdens are hard. It'll be easier among allies in your clan. And through more inter clan workings. Sometimes to break a system it is best to throw something in the works to jam it. And have it collapse on itself."

Yen stated dryly as he glancec from the rooftop over the system. He had his own ways to throw stickable things. It was a common tactic in dirty dealings. But then kisuke brought up yens missing eye.

"It is a reminder. I can easily heal it, but if you simply heal something. Others will not learn nor understand. Just like a genjutsu. You must understand, and never assume. But in our case. We must master and maintain the  flow in our advantage. No matter what."

Yen awnsered as he softly patted kisuke's shoulder and smiled. He had a new trick for the boy to improve his work so it never hurt.

"Well how about i show you a fun trick kisuke for genjutsu." 

Yen quipped up and smiled.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:10 pm
His cigarette had now dwindled down to the point where only a few more puffs remained. What a shame, Kisuke was enjoying this cigarette. If he was no longer smoking this cigarette he would no longer feel the need to continue sitting here and talking this late into the night. However his discussion with Yensung only continued and there was always another cigarette waiting for the teen Uchiha to smoke. "Its not the same though." Kisuke responded upon the Aburame mentioning that other's would do the same as them if pressed. "If forced into a corner any person would do what they had to do in order to survive. That's human nature, the fucking reptilian part of our brain that made it through all these years of evolution. But we don't do this when we're forced to. We do this for a living. We're trained as children, taught how to slaughter others who oppose us or get in our way." With a quick succession of puffs, Kisuke would finish his cigarette and flick it away before continuing. "But the world needs us right? To protect and serve. We do what others cant, or choose not to on the daily. I dont now if that makes us better or worse to be honest."

Villages trained shinobi in order to use them as soldiers to protect their citizens and guard their walls against outside forces. An honorable purpose however they were guarding them against other shinobi for their only role was not to protect but to further the goals and hidden intentions of their village. They were the assassins of the world and they were the very same people who tormented the earth. 

"Other's will not understand what?" Asked Kisuke in response to Yensung's answer about his missing eye, confused as to what he meant. "You hide it behind an eye patch anyways. I dont think your agony is enough for others, I think they have to go through it themselves. I think people need to experience it first hand before they can learn and recently we've experienced a lot to learn from. I see you're trying to use it as a symbol but we all have our own shit to deal with, I honestly suggest you health that." With the invasion of Kiri, the loss of Konoha lives and the partial destruction of their village, people already had enough to deal with on their own plates. Kisuke doubted very much that anyone would see eye to eye on Yensung about using his scar as a symbol, least they forget. There was already enough for them to remember as it was.

From his seated position, Kisuke's glance would fall upon Yensung's hand now resting on his shoulder. Shifting his eyes to gleam upwards towards the Aburame, a sly grin would appear on Kisuke's face. "Like the good old days?" Chuckling a little, Kisuke would turn away to look over the sleeping village yet again. "That depends. What did you have in mind? Cause you know, if you try tormenting me in one of your fucking Genjutsus again, this time I'll be able to see through that shit." With his original eyes now back in his skull, Kisuke's three tomoe Sharingan would easily be able to see through anything the Aburame through at him.

Last edited by Uchiha Kisuke on Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Alister Yama
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:44 am
Ah the questiom on what and why we serve in the shinobi system. Such a twisted philisophical topic. In tje end for peace one must be trained as a killer. Only to put down another person. As yen would put it shonobi are in themselves  a ticking clock of doom. To both themselves and destruction. Yet Kisuke made a solid point. Basic anamialistic tendencies that lay dormant beyond the concious level. Still plays a part in the whole.

"Well hyou are right. We are merely weapons to be used on others. Just like many things are. Its only human nature to simply use ourselves as our own divice of destruction. Wether through advancements in technology, and/or the manning of personal. Eventually... there will only be 2 people left."

Yen stated flatly and he glanced over the village quietly for a moment and then he smiled.

"But that will not come anytime in our forseeable lifetime kisuke... eons from now... to us that time is imeasurable, but we are but a speck in the grand scheme of things."

Yen then considered kisuke's awnser on the eye, but complacity was not yens way in life. In fact it was far from it. Still kisuke's words on genjutsu reflected a chuckle from yen. The sharingan was truly an impressive bloodline. But in its nature its greatest strength was indeed  its most greatest vulnerability.

"Seeing through things, and being able to know why something is obscured. Its good that you got your eyes. But more so the tricks are why genjutsu is effective. If all i did was rely on genjutsu. Then thats a poor excuse of what a prepared shinobi is. You will only be weaving seals for no real reason. Only for them to be broken free from."

Yen stated as he pointed at kisuke with his right index finger just for him to see. Of course it was the preresiquit to activate ephermal and yes if kisuke looked he would perhaps begin to wonder why. But the conditions were met. Yen had somehow delayed its activation through skill. Still he continued to speak. Lowering his right hand and turning it into a thumbs up.

"In the end you should know it as well. That the goal of genjutsu is to be released from. Failure to discern illusions. Only shows the person is not able to overpower, or out manuver even a guy sipping tea. Because they cannot discern reality effectively, and lack the power. At any time i can activate a genjutsu. But when i do not choose to activate one. The trick gets more complex. People can go in beliving it is all safe, but what truly is safe?"

Yen stated as he continued speaking.

"You notice that the finger point is the ephermal jutsu. But on the experienced hands you do not need to do much. But point. With this you can delay activating it and instead since any conditions are met. You may do other things. See this will throw even a person who belives they got away free. Just to hit them when they least expected it kisuke. It is tricky however."

-60 for ephermal (delayed for up to 3 posts before activation.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:32 am
Silently Kisuke listened to the Aburame elaborate on the chaotic existence of being a shinobi. How whatever it was inside of us that led a man backed into a corner to do whatever was necessary to save was the same human nature that led people such as these two to be trained into killers, to willingly take another life for what they believe to be the greater good. He mentioned that there would be two people left at the end, one of them destined to kill the other leaving only him to remain. It was almost similar to the belief that an eye for an eye would leave the world blind. But there would be those out there who would work to stop the men who sought to destroy everything. Whether it was the shinobi of Konoha, the next generation or some silent guardian currently bating his time, someone out there was working towards the preservation of the current world. Hopefully it would never come to the fatal demise that Yensung spoke of.

Kisuke would continue watching over the sleeping village as he sat now crossed legged, pondering the words of his Senpai and listening as he continued to speak. He now moved on to speak about Genjutsu, the art he had mastered and trained Kisuke in. His specialty. "So bypass the damn handseals." Kisuke retorted in response to Yensung mentioning that there were tricks that made Genjutsus effective, that didnt make them useless jutsus to be waved only to be canceled. "Mastering the use of specific Genjutsu, casting them with your vision or hand gestures. Make them harder to detect by avoiding the hand seals all together." Kisuke found it odd that Yensung did not mention these tricks himself, tricks that Kisuke was fully aware of. However despite not mentioning them, Yensung was clearly aware of them and more for he had another trick up his sleeve. 

Right after the teen Uchiha mentioned bypassing hand seals to cast Genjutsus in other ways, he watched in the corner of his eye as the Aburame raised his hand and pointed a finger right at Kisuke. It did not take a genius to figure out what was happening. Right after Yensung mentioned showing Kisuke some fun Genjutsu tricks and right after they spoke about it, Yensung went on to perform the activation requirement of the Genjutsu Ephemeral, a Genjutsu Kisuke was very familiar with at this point in his shinobi career. 

Upon seeing the finger pointing at him in the corner of his eyes, almost instantly Kisuke would activate the famed dojutsu of his clan. His jet black eyes would transmute into the crimson red Shringan, with three tomoe spinning into existence as they circled his pupil. Now Kisuke could see clearly, not he could lay eyes upon the contorted reality Yensung was about to whip into existence with his Genjutsu. Now turning his head every so slightly to fully gaze upon Yensung, Kisuke watched the spike in his chakra, confirming the activation of a jutsu. But there was no Genjutsu active. There was no chakra seeping into the world, actively changing Kisuke's perceived senses of the world. Nothing changed and Kisuke knew for a fact nothing was changing because he could see it. "What the fuck is going on?" He thought to himself as the Aburame changed his finger point to a thumbs up. 

Kisuke eyed Yensung with his Sharingan as the Aburame went on to talk about Genjutsu and reality. However this was not the case where Yensung's Genjutsu was undetectable because it was too realistic, realistic to the point where it was exactly the same as reality itself, the perfect Genjutsu. It was definitely not the case for Kisuke would still be able to see the chakra of the Genjutsu in his environment, disapaiting into the his surroundings to obstruct and contort his view of reality. Nothing changed. 

Finally, Yensung informed Kisuke that he had delayed the activation of the Genjutsu despite the fact that he had activated his chakra networks which meant he did in fact cast the jutsu. Frowning with his red eyes locked on the Aburame down from his seated position, Kisuke would say "So you cast the Genjutsu but delayed its activation?", restating what Yensung said to make sure he fully understood what was going on. "Why would you want to do that?" Placing his hands onto the tiled roof he was seated on, Kisuke would turn himself around to face the Aburame clan leader while remaining seated. "I can see that you spent the chakra to activate the Genjutsu and I can only presume that you're going to have to use even more chakra to keep the genjutsu's activation delayed. So why would you ever want to delay a Genjutsu that you already activated? Why not just use it on your target right away? Or instead of delaying it for a later moment, just activate it at that later moment instead of activating it at an earlier time and spending more chakra?"

Looking up from his seated position, Kisuke would await an answer while keeping his Sharingan activate just in case the Genjutsu Yensung was delaying ever came into existence. He did not understand why someone would ever want to delay a Genjutsu they already activated. If you wanted to use a Genjutsu at a later moment you could just activate it at that moment instead of activating it earlier and spending more chakra on it. One could simply activate the Genjutsu exactly when they wanted to. So why wait? Kisuke was hoping Yensung could offer him a convincing argument as to why one would ever want to delay the activation of their Genjutsu.
Alister Yama
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:11 pm
Ah the uchiha had defintly paid attention,and what more he had studied more. Yen broadend the smile and chuckled at the question to why he would delay activating a genjutsu.

"Kisuke you should already know why to delay activating an genjutsu is important."

Yen stated as he smiled at the uchiha and noted the sharingan was active. This was good for he was going to use it as an example here. The very power he held was not about playing the obvious move, but hitting unexpectedly.

"By delaying an genjutsu, you force an opponent to either become preoccupied on when it will hit, or they assume it is a fluke. You can effectively manipulate the flow of combat this way. See theoretically you will be able to do all of your techniques when an illusion immediatly hits. But what if you delay your strongest illusion, and instead hit with a weaker one?"

Yen asked as he spoke up to kisuke and with that he immediatly awnseredcthe question.

"You can do much with such an ability. You know the comditions were met, and so you also know that you can activate it when you feel  it is nessary without waiting for it, or weaving handseals. If about to be stabbed for example, or should you disire to avoid my attack, or perhaps even wen you belive you have me in the corner.... think about your sharingan and the illusions you can delay with it. Or any genjutsu you know."

Yen stated as he continued with a smile and glanced at the sky.

"The fact you know i used the genjutsu also puts a layer of complexity to this. Because now. You will wonder not how it will activate, but when. Plus why i delayed it. Remember when i taught you decending hell. If you use the same jutsu twice they would simply expect it.... imagine same seals woven, but no genjutsu. You saw the chakra being used, but there is not anything off. Why would that be?"

Yen smiled at kisuke and chuckled as he continued.

"For that matter i can do this twice with two genjutsu you see. But all the more i can dictate when i want to use the genjutsu, and how they will impact. The enemy met the condition, and even if they knew it... they do not know when, or why. Now you see. If you play on the assumption of people you too can still hold the upperhand. Now they will not know when you will act. They will only know it is too late when the blade going to their throat just vanished."

Yen smiled as he added.

"But now kisuke i have a question for you?"

Yen asked as glanced back at the uchiha and smiled softly.

"When will this genjutsu activate? And which genjutsu shall i delay next? Give a solid guess to which one and i will test your composure. You know it is comming. It could be minutes, seconds, even as you go to sleep .... so when and what is next? And when will i activate that one?"

1,395/1,515 ap

-60 from delaying ephermal (up to 2 posts remaining on delay)
Uchiha Kisuke
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:51 pm
With crossed legs, the sitting Uchiha frowned as he eyed the Aburame who stated that he should know why someone would want a Genjutsu delayed. Why would he know that? Frankly, it was never even a possibility in his mind, never something he ever thought of employing on the battlefield. "Why the fuck would I know that?" Kisuked asked with a slight chuckle. "When I activate a fucking Genjutsu its because I want to use it right there and then, not so I can use it later." Watching Yensung with his awakened crimson eyes, Kisuke could both see and sense the spike in Yensung's chakra was still active, which told the Uchiha that he was still spending chakra in order to delay the activation of the Genjutsu. "You're even using chakra to delay it. I dont have an infinite pool of chakra here, I cant hold onto my Genjutsus all day hoping for the right moment to cast them."

To Kisuke it did not make any sense. He used his Genjutsu when he wanted to, not in the hopes that there would be a better time later. That better time would be the moment he activated the Genjutsu. Not to mention, it took even more chakra to hold back the Genjutsu than it did to keep it activated, another fault that lead Kisuke to believe that delaying the activation of a Genjutsu already paid for was quite ridiculous. But as Kisuke had both expected and hoped for, the Aburame Senpai of his would go on to explain the utility of delaying Genjutsu. Hopefully he could persuade the unconvinced Uchiha to see eye to eye with him. 

The first point he brought up did not have Kisuke entirely convinced for he immediately saw a loophole in it. "How will my opponent even know that I've activated a Genjutsu though? Not everyone has my eyes nor does everyone know that a Genjutsu can be cast simply by pointing your finger at someone. They will merely sense a spike in my chakra. That wont tell them I'm casting a Genjutsu, quite frankly it wont really tell them anything since a spike in chakra could mean anything."

The first point Kisuke saw was flawed and thus he let his Senpai know. For those whom were not gifted with a power such as a Sharingan or who were not well versed in the arts of illusions would have no idea that a Genjutsu was ever activated. All they would know is that their chakra had spiked, which quite frankly could mean anything and nothing. However his next point had some validity to it. If ever Kisuke happened to be in a situation that he did not anticipate being in, being able to activate a Genjutu on the spot that already had its requirements met would be quite beneficial. If Kisuke were for example, unable to make visual contact and did not have time to complete the required hand seals he would be unable to cast a Genjutsu at the last second whereas in this case, the Genjutsu preparations would have already been completed. So for now, Kisuke would remain silent, watching with his Sharingan and the Aburame went on.

Still sitting crossed legged and hands resting on their respective knees, Kisuke would watch the one eyed Aburame look down at him while posing a question to his illusionary apprentice. It was a convoluted question, a question that only a trickster such as Yensung could ask but one that played to the strength of being able to delay the activation of ones Genjutsu. "Well unless you followed me home I doubt you'll be able to activate the Genjutsu on me while I sleep. All Genjutsu's have their own range of where the target needs to be in order to be affected, I assume that still applies. Also, I'm going to assume that you cannot hold the Genjutsu delayed forever. Nothing lasts forever. So whether you activate it yourself or the limit for its delay is reached, I can never truly know when its coming but I know itll come eventually." 

Kisuke would squint his eyes as he began thinking before offering his final answer. "My Sharingan does not allow me to read people's fucking minds so I have no way of knowing what Genjutsu you're going to activate next, or shall I say delay next. But if I had to guess I'd say Pandemonium or whatever you named that hellish Genjutsu you trapped me in all those years ago. You'd love nothing more than to delay the inevitable fuck up of my reality that that Genjutsu would cause."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Scattered and Forgotten - Page 2 Empty Re: Scattered and Forgotten

Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:35 pm
Kisuke's counter point had a punch but yen simply smiled as he let the illusion go so that kisuke  could release it. Awnsering the question he asked on its own. 

a feild of flowers would form around the pair as the petals would fall off the flowers  and scatter around the two.

Knowing kisuke would immediatly break free yen waited till the uchiha was set and he continued.

"Yes you are right. Normally you would say that it is right to place a genjutsu on an opponent right then and there. You see that is assuming you know an induvidual is not versed in the illusion arts.. but me and you know this is not so. We do not know everyones intentions. Your eyes as you said cannot read minds, and so in case you will never know how versed one truly is. Considering that any smart shinobi would be weary and attempt to host an array of illusion defenses"

Yen stated as he glanced at the uchiha and frowned slightly. The thought had many merits but also complications.

"We all fall vulnerable kisuke. So best we keep trump cards up our sleeves, and prepare for the worse. We already knew as such... if i had developed this earlier. Then perhaps pandaemodium would've been of use. Still i cannot predict when a moment of rest becomes a blood bath. It is why i developed it. So even if an opponent belives they know it all, or seen it all. They still get hit. Sure one may release if versed, but it is an instant they lost. And that instant even if short. Is all it takes. Genjutsu or not"

Yen was slightly amused as he stared at the uchiha for a moment.

"I say it is good to make sure you remain on your toes. You never know when a trick you develop comes up your sleeves. It becomes quiet the sight. I say you should take a page, and develop your tricks in illusions. The harder you make an person [size=30]work. Even a seasoned veteran in illusioms will slip up. Especially when you wait to pounce. Besides..."[/size]

Yen stated as he gazed at the moon light and sighed slightly. Speaking softly to the uchiha.

"I won't always be here kisuke. I never know what or where danger lies. Nor am i certain if we are to truly emerge victorious in the full thing. I wont know if i will even see knoha make it over the darkness. That hurts more then you know kisuke. When i question if my home will know true freedom, and if i will see it. Oppression may make you fight harder.... but the fear only grows stronger."
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