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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Row the Boat (Open)

Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:51 pm
ah Kaya, the long little squirt with a energetic personality. Last we heard of the little dumpling, she was being escorted away from the Kiri invasion that was taken place. Has she successfully gotten away? Well, no. Upon being escorted by a member of the Anbu, the operative was struck down and she was apprehended. It should have been expected that Kiri would have has the area completely surrounded. Luckily, she wasn’t sure. I mean she was like two feet tall and had a face you just wanted to squish. Who would hurt such a being? Lots of people in Kiri, that’s who. But Luckily, the one who captured her was not part of that lot.

Dragged back after the fight, Kaya found herself plumped back to the same old same old. She was young, and didn’t quite fully understand the events that were occurring around her. Oddly enough, she was feeling quite alone during this time. Everyone she knew seemed to be gone. Ashi, the big dog lady who had become Hokage for a brief time was no where to be found. Her siblings? unknown. And her parents? Well, they were as good as dead beats. The girl had so many questions. She only knew the fate of her older brother, who had perished away on a mission. She wondered is she’d ever see the others again.

The grill plotted her way down the village streets, not really know where she was going, just wandering around aimlessly. She felt like she didn’t really have a purpose. Just a hungry belly, a monster in her head, and a nose full of boogers that needed picking. She needed guidance, but it seemed like everyone who seemed to give her that has passed. Was she cursed? Probably.

The girl plotted her little tush on a bench on the outskirts of the training field, watching Konoha ninja go at it or practice their skills. She recalled the limited training sessions she had up to this point. She had learned quite a bit from them, but she still felt weak, and unable to hold her own. She sighed before biting into the apple she store from one of the village markets. She hoped her day would make a tasteful turn.

Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:27 pm
((moving post to after Allegro))

Last edited by Shinoskay on Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:35 pm
Allegro sat casually atop one of three wooden logs normally used for target practice in the training fields just beyond the leaf village. He had a guitar in his hand and was singing a song that would bring peace and calm to all who heard it. He was taking a break from his training for the day, he was grateful to have a day off from his missions or meeting with the rest of Team 7 for more team training. As he focused on playing the notes of his guitar, his long red dreadlocks would slightly cover his face, every once in a while fluttering in the leaf-littered wind. 

Allegro only looked up from his musical instrument when he noticed a tiny green haired girl wonder onto the scene. She had apparently not noticed the boy sitting on the log. Allegro, however, noticed that the girl was wearing a shinobi headband. Allegro wanted to be surprised that even a squirt like Kaya could be a die hard shinobi of the Leaf, but he had recently grown accustomed to the fact that underestimating his peers was a mistake, every time. The girl sat on a bench and enjoyed a daytime snack without a care in the world. Allegro wasn't quite shy, but he did not speak much at all. He could not decide whether to approach the girl or not, especially with the crazy chakra he was picking up from within her. He kept his distance of about 20 meters and instead continued to play his beautiful song that would perhaps spark her attention.

Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:25 pm
What a lovely day for a nice walk, there was a dreary overcast that may be threatening to rain and it was warm enough that the air felt a little humid. OF COURSE, there was also a decent breeze, always a damn breeze going through konoha. Shinoskay was dragging his sore body back across the village after waking up in the forest again, and training. With no way to reliably store food out there yet he still had to come back in to the village to eat and training, digging, and thinking made him hungry.

He was making his way through the training grounds, an irony not lost on him, using a Rock Cane as a walking stick. The gentle yet sharp experimental tunes of a guitar carried him into the scene as he followed the notes to see who was playing and to have some break in the monotone journey.

'Huh, I think I've seen one of those before, not a terrible device' His mind mused on the device for a minute as he slowly trudged his way in. He noted the way it carried through the wind and considered the mechanics of sound and how the device interacted with it and how the wind also influenced the same with the gentle ebbs in flow of both the wind and sound. A thought to analyze in lieu of the implications over Konoha's occupation.

As the boy entered the scene he noticed a strange apprehension yet interest from Allegro, also that it was allegro playing, and raised an eyebrow as he made approach *Ventriloquism: Whisper to allegro* "whats up man?" Shinoskay did not have the means to sense the chakra coming from within the young one but he could see there was something strange about the two foot smol individual.

Regardless of the response or lack there of, he would still continue his three legged trek and approach, he would announce himself with a general greeting "Hello".

(Allegro, go post in that mission yo)
[WC 327
[Ventriloquism 5ap/ Rock Section Cane 5ap/
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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:28 pm
The girl nonchalantly ate her piece of fruit, discontent marked on her face as her mind began to wander. It wasn’t until she had taken her third bite that she noticed the oddly tall man standing on a rather skinny log. It was as questionable as Arianna Grande standing in the tiny stool in her album photo. Like seriously, how did she do that without falling over? He was an odd looking boy though, something she wasn’t used to. Maybe it was his red locks that fell down his body, or the dark tone of his skin that contracted the pale white of hers, or maybe it’s the fact that he seemed like a giant compared to her small stature. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she was digging his style.

Before she realized it, she was rocking her side to side to the soothing sounds of his music. While she usually enjoyed something a little bit more heavy metal, she could appreciate the song. Not long after, a third entered this queer scene. She wasn’t quite sure how to describe his appearance besides being a lot shorter, but still twice her size.  Why’d she have to be so tiny.  

He appeared young, but held a cane like an elder. Had he displaced his hip? Broken a leg? Stubbed his toe? These were the questions that circled her head. 'You’re an idiot aren’t you?' The voice inside her spoke. The demonic beast within her seeming to have waken up from it’s slumber. 'Go back to sleep you turd, no on likes you.' There was a slight silence in her subconscious before it finally spoke. 'That’s rude… I like me.' The two had begun to form an unlikely bond since Kaya had discovered the Bijuu. Granted, they still didn’t get along, but at this point, they only had each other.

The old man acting boy came towards her, greeting her with a simple hello. The chipmunk of a girl took another bite of her apple, using her free hand to rub scratch her baby belly, and staring at the boy with a raised brow. “Hi.” She replied with a full mouth. The girl’s manners were nonexistent. “Listen, if we’re going to chit chat, I’ma need you to swerve a little to the right, you're blocking my view.” small chunks of apple flew out of her mouth as she spoke. She leaned her body weight to get a view of the singer, calling out to him before she spoke. “You got something a little more upbeat?” She asked, patting the seat next to her for the boy with a cane to sit next to her.
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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:59 pm
Allegro was caught in a muse of his own as he played his soft ballad. He occasionally caught the gaze of the kunoichi on the bench, to which he would offer a smile. He sat atop the wooden log with his legs folded and the guitar resting gently on his lap. His fingers plucked each strings so precisely, that in the small pond located some 10 meters away from the pair, each musical note made a new ripple in the water's surface tension. Eventually, the the pond was dancing and so were the few fish swimming in it. Same could be said for the animals that roamed in the bushes and greater beyonds of the nearby forest. They drew closer to the seen, entranced by the sound of Allegro's music. A small squirrel would find its way on the bench near where Kaya was resting. It was tiny, cute, and a bit interested in the fruit the girl was eating. It would attempt to perch on her shoulder as the two of them sway to the sound of the music.

As the girl enjoyed the music and went on to have a conversation with herself, or so it seemed, Allegro's head would jerk upward. He was caught by surprise, and was almost certain he heard something, or someone in his ear just now. Though he was caught off guard, his musical notes never fell out of rhythm or interrupted its sweet melody. He recognized the voice to be Shinoskay, and was soon able to put a face to the voice as he came within view from the forest. Allegro stopped playing briefly and gave a gentle wave of his hand in Shinoskay's direction. He looked a bit worn, most likely returning from training. He walked like an old man, possibly injured from his training, and interacted with the girl on the bench. Allegro heard her request for something more upbeat, which gave the boy a flare of determination. He scratched his chin for a while before finding the inspiration for what to play next. With just a touch of chakra at the tips of his fingers he shredded on his guitar, making the acoustic guitar sound more like one suited for a rock band. The song he played was intense, invigorating anyone within earshot and almost forcing them to tap their feet to the rhythm. Some of the gentler animals would become scared of the sudden change in tempo. However a bold few, the squirrel included, would stick around and rock out. Was there any style of music the boy could not play? Not likely.

The boy bit his lip as he cranked out note after note. he eventually hopped off of his spot on the tree stump located some 10 meters away from where Shinoskay and Kaya were. He finished his chords and a series of killer riffs in a grand finalé as he dropped to his knees and came to a sliding stop, now only five meters from the other ninja.

Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:33 pm
Shinoskay was taken back by her request, he tried to discern what her line of sight to Allegro would be and how his position would or could impede such. He did not feel he was particularly in her way and even still he could not understand why she would need line of sight to listen to the music, 'what was the point here and why was the point so?'

He was left confused, Allegro often acted rather then spoke and this would often leave Shinoskay in states of shell shock but he was getting use to this. And now there was this little girl who was acting so crass as to eat rudely while demanding people accommodate her in almost every way.

For the present time, the orphan would opt to take a decent step to the side in what should be an act of 'getting out of the way' while maintaining observation over the situation. One learns more when they observe anyways, right?

[WC 164]

Last edited by Shinoskay on Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:12 am
Yes, such was Kaya. An ill-mannered little girl who demanded people to move out of the way. Although, she was unapologetically that way. She grew up mainly without guidance, and her parent’s allowed her to be the way that she was for the most part — herself. She was unfiltered and ready to spout any sort of nonsense that came out of her mind, unaware of how it may come off to others.

With the said, she continued to observe the concert, as it was the only entertaining thing going on that she had seen in days! Her request didn’t go in vain. The musician seemed to comply. A moment of quick thinking led to a more upbeat tempo. It was a nod thing that a bunch of animals had come out of the blue to jam out to the more subtle music. The dreaded boy seemed to be the Snow White of the ninja world, drawing in wild life to the sounds of his songs. However, this new song caused quite a few of them to run off. There was a particular squirrel though that seemed to be shaking his nuts to the rhythm… Get your head out of the gutter, I’m talking about the peanuts he was carrying.

Kaya found herself involuntarily shaking her head to the music. Before she knew it, she was up and about, jamming out alongside the squirrel and dog that were doing some intense salsa choreography. It was a little questionable if it went with the music or not but they made it work. The Genin however flared her arms around in the air while doing the stanky leg and some other odd dance move that were sort of inexplicable. She looked… extravagant.

There was a climax to the song that ended with the dreaded haired boy sliding what seemed like ten feet before coming to a stop. The green haired Genin was pretty sure there were fireworks in the background, but that could have been the mushrooms she ate earlier that she found in an old man’s garden. The Ametsuchi applauded the boy. “Bravo!” She shouted, truly impressed. If she ever got married one day, she’d want this talented ninja to play it.
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Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Wed Mar 14, 2018 1:38 pm
As the boy played his special guitar, little Kaya danced with the animals that gathered round. This was it. The animals were dancing the Salsa, which was a phenomenon in itself. He couldn’t  help but raise an eyebrow when he saw the squirrel do his strange dance with his nuts. How suggestive. Meanwhile, the little kunoichi was flailing about with her arms, unable to restrain her joy a moment longer. This feeling, the feeling of bringing people inner peace with the sound of his music. Even if just for a moment, Allegro managed to distract the girl from the vulgar words spat out by the demon deep within her. Hopefully the girl could appreciate a break from the beast that haunted her, even in her dreams. Though unaware of the best itself, the relief from the childhood filled with misery and loneliness was clearly visible on the young Ametsuchi’s face.  This was something he loved, perhaps even more than carrying out his mission. This was his very own ninja way. When the boy’s little performance was over and done with, Allegro rose to his feet, bowed gracefully as the girl applauded his performance, and walked over to meet Shinoskay and Kaya.

The boy towered over the both of them standing, so he took a seat next to Kaya, since Shinoskay did not seem interested in taking it. It was good to see his friend that he had accomplished his fair share of missions with. Allegro was curious to know how his training was going. He knew that the chakra threads were hard to control, and yet the skilled genin uses the technique in such a unique way to manipulate his ninja tools from a distance. Shinoskay had a clear affinity for Puppetry type jutsu, and Allegro even had the privilege of teaching him the ventriloquism technique that he used just moments ago. Allegro was happy to see him master it so well. He extended his fist towards him to engage in a fist bump. Though he seldom did so, the boy opened his mouth and said,

“Yo!…..Shinoskay kun"

Soon after exchanging words with the orphan, it would occur to the young Uzumaki that he was not quite acquainted with the younger genin at his side on the bench. and yet somehow, it felt as if they were already friends. They clearly got along well, after all. Now that the music had stopped playing the stray dog and squirrel scurried off back into the wilderness, nuts and all. Now that he was up close and personal, Allegro could get a clear feel for the abnormal chakra  that lay dormant within the girl with his chakra sensory abilities. That chakra was without a doubt what made a girl her age qualified as a genin, and he was almost scared to see it in action. The chakra was reminiscent of one from a story told by his father, whom was even more of a skilled Fuinjutsu specialist than he was. His father aided in the sealing of many great beasts and evil spirits in his time as a shinobi. His specialty was sealing beasts within shinobi to be used as weapons of war against enemy shinobi. One in particular had almost killed him in the process. The jinchuuriki had lost control of the beast within him and almost killed him amongst all others that were around him. Until now, Allegro always thought the old man was just telling tall tales. However, he learned there were actually quite a few known jinchiuuriki to come through the Leaf village along the years. Allegro wondered just how many his father was responsible for creating. As he climbed through the ranks as a shinobi, would Allegro eventually take up the mantle as a sealer of beasts? It was after this thought that Allegro’s eyes fell back on Kaya. 

“Thank you for listening. My name is Allegro. Nice to meet you, miss….?”

The boy’s soft and kind voice would delicately reach the girls ears in the form of a question. He tied his red, serpent like dreads into a ponytail so that they were resting on the nape of his neck. Even after his effort to tame his hair, however, a few locks managed to wriggle free and dropped down to his face in front of his left eye. After learning the girls name, Allegro would extend his fist for a fist bump from Kaya as well.

Row the Boat (Open) Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:23 pm
At a loss for words, wondering if he was even really here in this moment or if he was having some strange dream while actually been passed out back where he was training, the junior genin's mouth almost gaped with shock and utter confusion as his face gently but visibly contorted and shifted from trying to speak a question to looking from one strange thing or another as he tried to make sense of what played out before him. Maybe it was just too cheery for him, and he just couldn't accept all the festivity, or something... but Shinoskay just couldn't wrap his brain around what played out in front of him.

He was so confused that he almost didnt realize it had all stopped, nor that Allegro had taken a seat... it was only as the senior genin spoke up that Shinoskay noticed the fist raised in his direction and that he had been greeted. Though, in his shock induced stupor he ended up leveling his hands in a tight cup or bowl like form under Allegro's as if he through he was been handed something, "oh, uh, hello Kohei Uzumaki," all in tandem with a half bow.

Though, this would likely be a confusing thing for the boy to do, and so almost regardless of what followed he would probably catch a look of confusion. If such a look occurred or if Shinoskay found himself corrected then he would quickly and momentary flail in a shamed sort of shock, releasing a sharp "AH", before scratching the back of his head and making a bow as he tried to apologize for misunderstanding.

Once, as has been illustrated by allegro, they moved past this awkward exchange, Shinoskay would once again take a quiet, but more wide eyed, observation of the situation as if trying to re acquaint himself with the scene in an effort to not intrude or be a further source of nuisance.

[WC 324/815]
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