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First Day Jitters Empty First Day Jitters

Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:42 pm
Imagine that; from one village to the next, no idea where your family is or if they are even alive, no home, no warm bed for as long as you can remember, no idea what tomorrow will bring, no hope for a future unless you can finally prove yourself to a village and it actually manages to withstand the near nonestop destruction of villages. You just want to prove yourself useful and live a normal life, you cant even imagine what normal is but you hear there is a great place called konoha thats stood its own against the destruction and made one hell of an image for itself.

Imagine that, you finally get your acceptance letter from this village after your latest 'home' is taken over by a village that pits its genin against each other in some crazy blood sport. You dont want to die, who does? so you leave and make for that great village, if anywhere it will hold itself up as the bastion from savagery its often presented to be.

Imagine that, you get there and its just been attacked and taken over by the very people you DIDNT want to be a part of. Village after village of destruction, somehow surviving and been fortunate enough to be given a chance just for it to happen again... and again... and again... is this the world now? is this just a propogating reality that will repeat itself until finally accepted and faced head on?

Shinoskay just arrived in the academy, he had been told all about the assault and the overwhelming victory for Kirigakure but he was tired of moving from one place to the next and quite frankly he felt there was no escape and so he decided to cast his dice here and see what came of it.

It was strange though, almost confusingly so; The tree's were full, the grass was green and relatively freshly cut, the birds came to and fro while singing whatever bird songs, the sun shined down, the sky was clear, the building seemed to be clean and almost bright, the forest on the way here was magnificent and glorious, how could you ever think of something like Genin fighting and intentionally killing each other in order to earn the rank of Chuuning. How could you think of something so depressing and oppressing as bloody mists that obscure all sight beyond a foot or two of yourself, only pierced by rain sent to seek out all in its great eye of a cloud.

To try to imagine that, in place of or over a scene like this would be nearly impossible, at least for this young shinobi. In fact, they were almost in disbelief that the village had been conquered so recently, sure there was some construction going on but by now most of it had finished and one could easily excuse whatever was left as just normal and general construction.

The child tried to make sense of the conflictions before him as he continued his path into the academy to report his arrival.

There was even staff in the administration building as if everything was just another day in the village. Shinoskay approached the desk but was unable to come to a decision on what to say, thankfully the person was willing to go first "hello, may I help you?" Shinoskay quietly produced his note to the person before stepping back and pretending to be interested in whatever bowl of mints was also on the counter or whatever poster was on the wall. 

"hmm, ok,"  they said as they read over it, "and where is your paper?" Shinoakay thought for a moment, "umm, it fell apart." The person nodded and wrote something down before putting a stamp on the paper and setting it aside. "ok, go out to the training floor and join somone." 

The young, now, student quickly moved towards a motioned to door to fall in with the day.


663 words, Claiming Clone jutsu and +3 stats in chakra.

Last edited by Shinoskay on Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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First Day Jitters Empty Re: First Day Jitters

Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:39 am
Actually your WC is 663, so you can claim 3 stats if you'd like. For future reference, you should count all your words instead of just saying 500+

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