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Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:10 pm
Higuto stood up as he had seen his attack had been for naught. Fenrir had been able to dodge his attack in a way that dodged both of their attacks. Higuto knew it wouldn't be much of an even fight to begin with unless he had the opportunity to use his ninjutsu. Upon hearing Fenrir practically throw him a bone allowing him to use ninjutsu he nodded and took his other hand out of his pocket as he looked to Asollan. "We'll get him next time. By the way, my apologies, I do realize I haven't introduced myself yet."

He held his arms to the side as little kikaichu began to skitter out of his sleeves and along his arms and hands as they began to fly off and around his head while under his complete control. He looked to Fenrir as he smiled and brought his hands up. "My name is Higuto of the Aburame clan. I was about to say it's a pleasure to meet you but I think that can wait until after the battle." He looked to Fenrir as he thought about what best to do next.

(WC 192)

Last edited by Higuto Aburame on Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:07 pm
Asollan grimaced as his plan of attack fell through due to Fenrir’s insane speed. It looks like Asollan would have to work much harder on building his speed if he ever planned on hitting anyone. Fenrir seemed pretty smug from it all as he distanced himself another 15 meters away from the two leaf ninja. Speaking of, the Genin decided to introduce himself finally. “Higuto Aburame...? That name rings a bell…” He then drifted his eyes down to the boys extended hand and Asollan flinched away. “Right, you’re one of those bug people my father was telling me about.” He decided to shake his hand since he did like to think of themselves as allies. “This guy is pretty fast, even when attacking together we can’t hit him. Got any bright ideas?”

Asollan figured charging back in wouldn’t solve anything so planning would be the course of action for the time being. Though he felt as if they would be in a bit of trouble if Fenrir decided to come attacking them instead.  The initiative was very important. Fenrir then suggested bringing weapons and jutsu into this little sparring session and wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it. What good would a sword do if he couldn’t even hit him with a knee at point blank? There was no need to escalate the situation to something needlessly dangerous. “I do not draw my sword against another simply for practice, that would be against my teachings. However, if you wish to bring jutsu into this I would suggest keeping it to E-rank and D-rank jutsu. What do you think about it Higuto?”

(WC: 272)
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:39 am
Fenrir's lips began to curl into a smile as the genin agreed to his request.  They quickly dived, however, when the student gave a number of changes to the request.  While not exactly what he had wanted to hear, it did show that there was room to change the deal.  I have another plan if you'd care to listen.  How about you two can use whatever you want, and I'll only use Space-Time jutsu.  It's easily the least offensive specialty, aside from Medical, which even has enhanced strength and scalpels.  I wouldn't even use any E-Rank techniques since Space-Time has none.  He hoped they would see the advantage to this one, since it would limit his use of jutsu like Body Flicker and Substitution, while still providing him with some ability to defend and dodge.  Whether they accepted or not mattered little, as if he was limited to only D rank and below, he would still have some ninjutsu to keep him up.

Whichever choice was accepted, Fenrir would react the same way.  He would stand in his place, forming two quick hand-seals, Rat, followed by Boar.  Once the jutsu was fininshed, he seemed to leave faint afterimages wherever he moved, as if there were shadows of himself following.  He would then sprint towards the two, his speed obviously increased, as he was able to reach Higuto and Asollan faster than before.  He had heard the introduction of the Genin while he was performing his jutsu, and decided to add in his own.  A swift jab, faster than either of the two were likely to be able to react to, would be directed at Higuto, the student standing on the other side not being seen as a threat until he could get around his teammate.  As he swung, he would speak, My name's Fenrir, by the way.

WC: 307
Jutsu used: Flicker Movement
Cost 15 AP
Total AP: 138/153
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:46 pm
Higuto could see the afterimages as he saw Fenrir move faster than before. He had the feeling that he was trying to now end things quickly but Higuto's senses were just enough to keep a watchful eye, or in this case ear, as he heard Fenrir introduce himself beside him. He put his hands up in a guard just in time as he felt the jab hit his forearm. He felt himself slide a little bit as most of the damage of the jab was absorbed by his arm. Perfect. Already as the jab was delivered upon Higuto his insects were already swarming around Fenrir. Higuto steadied himself as he formed the ram seal as his kikaichu started to encircle Fenrir and form a globe around him from all directions. "Parasitic Insects: Insect Sphere!" The insects all began to slowly close in upon Fenrir as they gave no room for openings in the sphere as they gave very little room to escape.

"My apologies, Fenrir. You've certainly proven yourself faster but speed, when compared to my insects, means nothing. But don't worry. I'll make certain they don't take too much. This is only a spar after all." 

Speed: 72 (12 +60 Reaction speed)
Health reduced from blocked jab: -2
6/8 health remaining
Jutsu used:
AP Cost: 20
130/150 AP

(WC: 201)
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:18 pm
As soon as Fenrir saw the bugs coming off of his opponent, he knew it was too late to dodge the full technique, his jab landing on the opponent as the bugs began to come up his arm.  They were beginning to swarm him when he decided he would just need to do his best to ignore them.  He needed to end this little spar before the bugs got out of hand, and while he was certain he could outrun them, why go through the trouble?  These bugs weren't too bad anyway, they were just biting him a fuck ton, making him itchy as hell, and draining his chakra.  Admittedly, this annoyance probably influenced his next move.  FUCK THEM UP ALREADY!  Red certainly wanted to see Fenrir kill the two, but that would be wayyyyyy against the rules of their spar, and Fenrir had no intention of breaking a deal he had agreed to.  So instead of death, he would give them very painful injury.  Since no one had said anything in regards to his changing of the deal, Fenrir would just assume they had stuck with the D Rank and below deal.  Speed is everything.

Quickly forming the half-tiger seal with one hand and grabbing on to Higuto's shirt with the other, he would release a stream of fire from his mouth to hit both opponents.  He did, of course, use a lower ranked jutsu so as to not incinerate his opponents, but this shit would still be hurtin quite a bit.  The fire would be moving faster than either could react to, and would burn stronger than they could (he assumed) take.  This spar would be over, and he would soon be delivering the two to an infirmary, unless they could find a way out.  This would also be roasting quite a few of those annoying ass bugs, so that's cool too.

WC: 318
All actions performed at max speed: 52 is jutsu used
Bugs: -10 AP
Fire Stream: -5 AP
Power and Speed of Fire Stream: 20
AP: 123/153
Skipping Assolan, been 3 days
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:33 pm
Higuto watched Fenrir burn his insects off and away as he didn't expect Fenrir to know Fire style as well. He knew it wouldn't be an easy battle but with an opponent who seemed to have years of better experience and training than he did he felt truly outclassed. He felt Fenrir grab his shirt as he directed the stream of fire at both him and Asollan and Higuto knew that this would be trouble if he took the full force. As such his natural instincts caused him to struggle from Fenrir's grasp as his hands went up to grab Fenrir's fingers. With his strength he had just enough to open Fenrir's fingers as he used his momentum to move himself out of the way just as the flames grazed his leg causing it to burn. Feeling his strength waning 20 insects flew from him once more as they flew into the eyes of Fenrir, causing him blindness, as Higuto landed on his feet. The blindness would cause the flame to move in an indirect line and give Asollan a chance get away. Higuto directed his attention to his burnt leg as insects began to mend his wound. "Well that was close. Your flicker movement is quite the jutsu. I'm surprised that I'm able to keep up." He brought his hands up and began to weave signs as he focused his chakra.

Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake.

He then runs away as he moves 5 meters away from Fenrir.

(Strength stat: 9 vs. 8 which allows Higuto to pry fingers off
Reaction Speed: 72 vs 52 which allows Higuto to dodge but still take damage
HP remaining after dodging the jutsu: 1/8
Jutsu used: Substitution technique = -5 AP
20 insects = -5 AP
AP remaining = 120/150)

(WC 249)
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:43 am
Everything just happened so fast, one moment he had been discussing the terms of the sparring and the next Fenrir had gone fully offensive against the two and only finished his introduction after flickering and throwing a punch out at Higuto. But to Asollan's surprise, Higuto was fully prepared to counter-attack using the contact against him to guarantee to get his bugs onto Fenrir. All Asollan could manage to say was a subtle "Wow" as Higuto had counter-attacked. He wasn't sure what good his attacks would do against such a powerful opponent.

It wasn't a second later that Fenrir had grabbed onto Higuto and blasted the both of them with some kind of fire jutsu, Higuto attempted to blind him and get away but they both ended up catching fire and dropping to the floor. The heat of the flames licking at Asollan's skin caused him to scream out in pain and roll along the grass, Fenrir's speed was way too much to handle. There was no doubt that he wasn't strong enough yet, but at least now he knew how far had to go and the type of strength he'd need to be able to defeat those who got in his way. He wasn't sure how much Higuto could take of the flames, but for the young academy student, they were too much to bear. His body had pretty much gone into shock as it was met by the contact of soft grass and dirt, he tried to force his eyes open to see what would come next but before he knew it, they were closed again, this was the first time he had ever experienced such pain and damage to his body. He wouldn't forget it.

Asollan would pass out before returning being taken back home or waking up back in the field and walking back home in much pain. He'd curse Fenrir for not dialling it down but ultimately see the experience as a useful learning one. Hopefully, Higuto and Fenrir also saw it as useful, but he was sure that out of the three he had the most to learn from it. Gaku scolded him for being so reckless and damaging the clothes he had given him, but Asollan countered saying that if they were made for training then he shouldn't be so surprised that they'd be banged up. Though it made sense that Gaku would just be mad that Asollan was so careless and got himself into a dangerous situation for no reason, but there was a reason. When Asollan became a Genin he'd remember this and he'd make sure he was strong enough not to disgrace himself and Gaku again.

Old stats-
Health: 7
Chakra: 9
Stamina: 6
Speed: 9
Strength: 9

[Asollan passes out and exits]

(WC: 446)

Total WC: 2,028
Rewards: 10 stats, learns skill: Tune of the wind
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:18 pm
As his attack struck home, he realized it may have been a tad more than was appropriate for the Academy Student who had introduced himself as Asollan.  Still, it was within the limits of the rules they had set out, so he wouldn't be apologizing any time soon.  Returning to a more neutral stance, Fenrir would extend an offer to Higuto.  You're pretty beat up, and he's unconscious, how about we end this early and you help me carry him to an infirmary?  If Higuto accepted the offer, then Fenrir would help him carry Asollan to an infirmary to be treated before being sent home, as a sort of apology for the burning.  If not, then Fenrir would still get him to the infirmary, it would just be slower and more uncomfortable.  After this, Fenrir would return to the apartment building he had been staying on top of to rest a bit and maybe get some food before heading back out to train.

162 WC
2827 TWC
Claiming 14 stat points and double mastery of Fire Stream
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:14 am
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training to become Stronger (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training to become Stronger (open, nk)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:55 pm
Higuto stops himself short as he sees Asollan passing out on the ground and he feels terrible over the fact that his diversion didn't help as well as he'd have hoped. He took notice of Fenrir's words as he did indeed feel winded from their spar as he deactivated the jutsu he had prepared and nodded. "If you so wish to. It wouldn't hurt to have some help getting him medical attention." He walked over to Asollan and took him by his arm as he picked him up and slung his arm over his shoulder. In the meantime Higuto couldn't shake the feeling of how weak he was. Even with an additional partner he stood no chance to this lone Genin and he couldn't help but feel a pit of disgust at his weakness inside his gut. His insects were still tending to the wound that had opened and burned due to the fire jutsu he took earlier and he felt it would be a while before they finished.

While doubt would creep into his mind he pushed it out as he knew that he would become stronger in due time. Their spar together had shown Higuto what he was strong in and what needed improvement. It was inevitable he'd spar again one day but for now his mind and worries once more drove back towards the safety of Asollan as he kept a firm grip on supporting him by his arm as he made his way to the exit.

(WC 250)

(TWC 2,407)

(Exiting thread with 12 stats and the skill: Will of Fire)
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