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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty A chance encounter nk

Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:45 pm
Thor sat in the main square drinking a gin and tonic while he smoked a large cigar and read the morning paper. There were two seats at the table he was sitting at, one was facing towards the street the other towards the table( pico can pick the seat he wishes). There were two spice grinders for salt and pepper sitting on the table along with an assortment or condiments. The small bistro had brought some half stale bread out along with some kind of sauce, Thor had tasted the dark amber liquid and was instantly hit with the odd and distinctive flavors of honey and balsamic vinegar. Thor dipped the bread in it and waited for his second drink to arrive along with some crustinni and a caprese salad he had ordered almost fifteen minutes ago. He finished off his gin and tonic and started blow intricate shapes with the smoke from his cigar. First a bunny then a small dog then a he started with numbers and letters working his way down from one hundred and through the alphabet. Then he started to mess with the staff, he would throw his voice into the kitchen in the tone of the manager he had heard just moments earlier.
Ciel "Pico" Duchamp
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:45 am
"Do you mind if I sit here? The patio seems full.." These words were spoken by what appeared to be an about sixteen year old boy with white hair and grey eyes. This is Nan.

Assuming he got a positive response, Nan would take the seat facing the table. "Mind if I ask your name? Mine's Nan." Said with a casual smile, Nan began reaching for a menu.

Perhaps they could pick up some idle conversation.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:25 am
Thor responded quickly sure, then started to pick up some small talk using the boys tone of voice. “My names thor, Don’t try the sauce it’s dreadful, so do you smoke” offering him a ciggy things of the such. His food arrived and he offered the boy a plate with some caprese salad but no crostini, Thor loves crostini. If the boy accepted either they would be slid across the table on a plate. Then Thor would start to inquire” are you a ninja, how long have you lived in hoshi.” Then he started to drink his gin and tonic slowly savoring the minty flavor of the juniper liquor. Taking a bite of the crostini and salad. While the boy answered or didn’t, Thor was to intrigued by his drink and absorbed in his thoughts to care.

Why had the boy really sat with him the interior of the restaurant was almost completely empty, I could be that the boy wanted to sit outside or wanted company but that was unlikely. Thor didn’t put off a very friendly vibe dressed from head to toe in black smoking and reading a news paper. Maybe he was reading into this to far as usual.

Ciel "Pico" Duchamp
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:05 pm
"Thanks for the warning, and no, I don't." Nan noted that the person seemed friendly, but boy did they talk fast. Not that that was bad, just unexpected.

"Haha, no I'm not a ninja, and I don't live here. Just visiting. Exploring the city. Also, you should probably be a bit more careful with the 'N'* word around here. They aren't exactly popular with the civilians right now."

Nan looked over the menu and noticed the man's drink. Nan may like alcohol, but he rarely had anything THIS early in the day. Although he was primarily surprised that a restaurant like this had any alcohol at all. He wouldn't have been surprised if it was actually non-alcoholic (cause stuff like that exists, ya know?). But either way, Nan would refuse the offering of food, politely of course. "No thanks, I'm not the biggest salad fine. I'll just order a sandwich. Was kind of you to offer, though."

There was also the part where, quite frankly, he was kind of... thrown off by some random dude offering him food. Like, who does that? He'd just wanted to sit outside on a bright and beautiful day, instead of inside where the AC was too high and the lighting was always 'moody'. "And what about yourself, do you live in Hoshi?"
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:06 pm
The boy politely refused his offers for food and drink witch is fine by him. He was then warned that saying ninja was taboo around here “Thor’s only response was “meh they can do their worst” he was starting to get bored by the conversation and go back into auto pilot.

Thor then asked the boy about where he was from” so if you aren’t from hoshi where are you from, a ninja village or here to study religion or texts”

Thor saw the man eyeing his drink and decided as he was underage he would ask if the boy wanted some soda, “ would you like a glass of lemon lime too?” He started to act kind of put off by his generosity, he may be from a less well of family or a very wealthy one not used to this kind or general charity. If any questions were asked of him by the boy he would answer quickly but pretend to have to think about it. 

If the boy ordered anything he would recommend the stew beef and rice.
Ciel "Pico" Duchamp
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:02 pm
Nan laughed kind of nervously when Thor responded with 'They can do their worst.' That was not exactly... comforting.

"Well, I'm from a ninja village, yes, but I never joined the academy there or anything. And the village is... well it's dead now, so which one it is doesn't really matter, does it? And I'm just here as a tourist. See the sights."

When the man mentioned the drinks, Nan was caught a bit off guard. He'd been almost certain it was alcohol. Not that he could really think of why he had felt so certain. He just had. But if it was just a soda, at least this guy was only rapidly killing himself in one way.

"No, I appreciate the offer though. I'm not the greatest fan of sodas."

Whenever someone came around, which would be soon thankfully, Nan would ask for a tomato juice and the soup of the day.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:49 pm
The man rejected his soda and dodged his question about the village. Thor was out of thoughts and questions for this man he was a shut book and that was really starting to tick Thor off. So Thor ate in silence  giving the man the side eye, first he finished up the salad then the crostini. Finished up the gin and tonic, it was the only thing keeping him from walking away. The boys food arrived and Thor was finally done, he gave his compliments to the chef. 

Thor paid his bill as soon as possible and then started to get ready to leave, he laced up his boots and waited for the boys food to arrive. Thor made small talk then dumped the sauce into the boys bowl and said don’t hide things from me. Then started to walk away but before he did he placed both hands on the boys shoulders and said next time give up some information instead of with holding so much. Thor then tousled the boys hair and walked away. He had just placed three mark seals on the boy one on each shoulder and one on the scalp.
Ciel "Pico" Duchamp
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:56 pm
Nan noticed the... abrupt change in atmosphere. It was.... odd.

But he was OK with it. Thor seemed a bit of a weird person and he had begun regretting sitting there already. Would have been better to go inside, but would be rude to leave now.

Nan froze as Thor made his threats. No matter how much Ciel wanted to sock him, Nan would not do that, so Nan did not do that. Nan just sat still, looking straight ahead, thinking of nothing.

A few moments after Thor had walked away, an employee came over to ask Nan if he was alright. "I'm fine," he said. "Though I think I'll pass on the soup and drink I have right now... I'll still pay, just.. dump them please. And I'd love a coffee. Also, thanks."

And it would be not long after that Hikari came upon Nan, though long enough for Thor to get out of sight.

Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:00 pm
[Exit] wc 787 3 stats and chakra cleanse jutsu
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A chance encounter nk  Empty Re: A chance encounter nk

Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:27 pm
Also can I claim d rank missing nin
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