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Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:31 pm
Walking throughout the village, its almost time to head to the next destination. Its weird calling it home since he ran away from when he was younger. But no matter how much he runs, Kumo was his home whether he likes it or not. Not really looking forward to heading back so soon, but he feels like its been dragging him back ever since he left. Walking though Hoshi, this trip hasn't really been bad. He felt a lot more free than usual, traveling the world was a lot more fun than he thought. Seeing different people and how they live.

Sitting on a bench, he just sits backs and enjoys the scenery of people going thought their day. Always seeing people happy always puts him in a good mood. But thinking about things going on around the world. It was hard for him to keep a smile all the time. Haven't really seen Royalty the entire time he has been here. He felt like he needed like some time to himself, since this was a rough time for the two. But Kyson tried hard to make the most of it. Pouting all of the time isn't going to get him anywhere.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:26 am
Max was simply wandering about the streets (as he usually does), not looking for anything in particular. Maybe he was just looking for some isolation, a mental reprieve from his worldly concerns.  He normally enjoyed spending his time in the presence of the common folk, seeing their daily lives pan out before him. There was normally a soothing peacefulness to it, but Max didn't seem at peace. The boy was deeply scarred, suffering heavily from his recent losses. The smile that had been on the young boys face during the event only a few days passed would be lost, and no matter what he did he couldn't find it again. Max hadn't really spent much time with anyone since he got the news from Senshi. Sometimes they say that friends are helpful in such situations, but Max didn't know what to say... He barely wanted to believe it, and he didn't want to have to be the bearer of such news to the others.

Sitting at a bench along the street that he was walking along, Max would see Kyson. He was one of the people that had been seated at the upper table. Did he have any information about Senshi or his misison? Maybe, but if he didn't it would only lead to Max having to inform Kyson of the situation and the boy possibly breaking down in front of who he imagined had been his superior. Max had just become a Chuunin of Kumogakure, and showing such weakness might not be tolerated. 

The boy almost ignored Kyson, but something drove him to look the man in the eye and give a little wave, his metal arm catching the light and being pretty hard to miss. This would be especially true for someone of Kyson's rank. Napa, surprisingly lifeless, rests on the back of Max.
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Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:51 pm
While he was sitting, he noticed the same young boy that was at the celebration. But he didn't seem as happy as he was during the celebration. He looked really emotional at the moment. Seeing as he was now one of his fellow ninja. Kyson felt he needed to check up on him to see if anything was alright. He only spoke with a couple shinobi from Kumo. Plus he was one of the few that got a rank up during the celebration. So in a blink of an eye, Kyson would body flick next to him. Sitting right beside him on a bench. The young Hozuki would speak.

"What's up, congrats on ya rank up." Kyson would say with a smirk. Hoping to cheer him up, though from how he looked. He doubted that it would do anything. It doesn't show much on his face, but he could sense the tense feeling around him that he didn't really want to speak to anyone. "You don't really seem like yourself since the celebration.." Kyson would say to the young boy. Curious as to what the matter was. He was also a bit curious as to what happened to his arm. It really did seem like he had been through a lot. But being from Kumo, nothing really surprised him anymore.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:26 pm
Max would watch as the senior shinobi made his way over to the bench moving exceptionally fast. The fact that Max was able to keep up with his movements might have been an impressive feat to some. Kyson seemed to be trying to help cheer young Max up, congratulating him on his recent promotion. Under normal circumstances such a thing would be a happy thing, but Max didn't feel any joy from the rank up. Despite his Chuunin status, the boy still wasn't of a rank that he would have been aware of Senshi's mission. He still wasn't in a position where he could make much of a positive difference in the lives of those he loved and cared about...

Kyson was of a senior rank, and therefore he might have heard something - anything- about Senshi's mission protecting Kumo.

"You are known as Kyson, if I am recalling your name card correctly from the Celebration," Max would say, trying to make sure he would be calling this man by his proper name, "I am known as Maximillian Yamaguchi, and if you don't mind me asking them, I have a few questions for you." The boys blue-grey eyes held a sadness and concern that Kyson was picking up on, thought the boy didn't know it.

If Kyson had agreed to answer, Max would continue, "You don't seem to be a Hoshi shinobi, yet you were at the Celebration. I am under the assumption that you are a Kumogakure shinobi. I haven't seen you around Kumo before, and I know everyone from Kumo. What is your story?" Max would come out and ask directly, not sure of how he might sound asking it. He didn't normally concern himself with such matters, though. The boy didn't always know the "right" or "best" way to talk to people. 

Max would then take anything Kyson said and make a mental note of it. Information was always a powerful tool, no matter how trivial it may seem. Knowing Kyson's story may be something that Max calls upon for reference later, especially if he seeks allies in for his cause. This would hopefully also verify that Kyson was indeed a Kumo ninja, and that would lead into Max's next question if Kyson verified this.

"Are you aware of any pressing concerns back home? Maybe something that would require immediate attention?" The boy would ask, his voice now in hushed tones so that only the shinobi next to him could hear. Max's mind couldn't keep thoughts of Senshi and his mission from his mind. 

Now, if Kyson didn't confirm his affiliation with Kumo, this last question wouldn't be asked as Max was trying to keep such information quiet. Enemies could be around every corner here in this foreign land, and without knowing that Kyson was of Kumo, Max wouldn't inform him of anything.
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Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:31 pm
Seeing as the boy was still somewhat depressed Kyson couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Seeing as remembered him from the celebration. Hearing his long name, it was definitely too much syllabus for him to say all the time. So he decided he would just call him "Max" for short. "Yup, that's me. And ask me anything Max, if you don't mind me calling you that for short." Kyson would say. Curious as to what questions he had for him. But he assumed it would be questions involving who he was. Since a lot of the shinobi he met in Kumo didn't recognize him and  he was such a high rank. So he wouldn't be surprise if he was curious too.

He claimed he didn't seem like a Hoshi ninja, which he was spot on. Though he isn't sure if he really is a Kumo shinobi since he never saw him around. Seeing how young Max was, Kyson most likely left before Max became a ninja. That was his assumption. It seemed Max was curious to who Kyson really was. It was a lot Kyson could talk about, but if he were to talk about everything, he'd probably would talk for hours. "Well, your right. I am Kumo shinobi. And truth be told, I was born and raised in Kumo." Kyson would say as he took his Kumo headband out of his pocket. He always keeps it in his pocket because even though its the same village that killed his parents. No matter how much he runs away from it, it's still his home and he feels like he is the only person who can change it. But he would also take out his suna headband as well. To show Max that he was a shinobi of both villages.

"Its a long story, so I'm not going into all the details. Plus, some information I wouldn't want to say out in the open. So I'll tell you everything I don't mind others hearing. But when we get back to Kumo, I'll tell you everything in detail if you want." Kyson would say as he prepared himself to tell Max a little about himself. Kyson sits back laying both arms on the bench.

"Well like I said, I was born and raised in Kumo. But I always wondered why the place seemed so.. dark and gloomy. I had a lot of questions that would never be answered. So one day, me and a good friend of mind escaped. Could we have died if we were caught? Yeah definitely, but we were young and naive. So in our heads at the time, we didn't think leaving would be that much of a problem." Kyson said to Max as he chuckled a bit. He always starts to feel a little better when he thinks back on those days. But the story will continue after he pauses for about a second.

"So we left to go to Suna. Since that was where my friend was actually born, he had moved to Kumo when he was younger. But anyway, when we both made it there. I met the Kazekage and he answer all of the questions I had. So I made my decision and decided to stay. Seeing what Kumo was really capable of, I felt like it was a good choice for me. But who would've guessed that I'd end up right here back where I started." Kyson said. He was over his little depression phase after Suna got taken over. So he felt a lot more confident telling his story. 

"I'm not gonna lie though, I hated every single one of you before I had met any of you. But seeing you guy's at the celebration. It just felt weird.. to see you guy's actually act like normal kids having fun. Almost forgot that you guys were actually Kumo shinobi. And seeing me be put in a situation where I can change the place I ran from, its almost feels like I have a second chance at things. But I'm afraid this would probably be my last chance." Kyson said as he explained to Max. He was actually enjoying this little conversation the two were having. Though he wouldn't be surprised if Max didn't trust Kyson since he was both a Kumo and Suna shinobi. But whether he was mad or not didn't matter to him. He asked a question and Kyson simply gave him an answer.

Kyson would now move on to the next question, but this question seemed a bit odd. He wasn't sure what was so odd about it, it just seemed like he was looking for answers. But Kyson still wasn't sure what it was. "Hmm, not sure. Haven't really been in Kumo in over 5 years. But I do want see my teacher again, back in Kumo. He taught me a lot before I left. So seeing him will be interesting. But other than that, its hard to say. I just recently became a Kumo shinobi again about a week ago. So I'm not sure." Kyson would say answering Max's last question. He asked some real interesting questions and this little talk they had was interesting. The young Hozuki would wait to see if Max had any other questions or concerns.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:52 pm
The boy would nod when Kyson called him Max, showing that that was fine. Most folks called him Max anyhow. Max would listen as Kyson spoke of his past. The boy was a bit surprised by Kyson having a Suna headband. Many people had attempted to leave Kumo in the time that he was a shinobi, but with Lord Mortarion punishing those caught with death, many wouldn't dare. Those foolish enough to try were quickly captured and executed for their crime. It was hard to imagine someone that could defy Mortarion and not be... well, dead. 

Upon hearing that Kyson had hated Max and the others at first, the boy wouldn't be surprised. Kyson had been a Suna shinobi when we attacked his village, and claimed it as a part of the Kumogakure Empire. If anything were to happen to Kumo like that, Max probably wouldn't be fond of the people that did it either. "We aren't all monsters, though we do have to deal with our demons everyday. Sometimes it is hard to think of Kumo before Lord Mortarions rule, but that might be because of my age." The boy's face showed the slightest hint of anger whenever he spoke Mortarions name. A shinobi of lesser training might not catch it, but with a Jounin's keep eyes and senses, it would be noticeable. "Well, anyone that was capable enough to escape under the watchful eyes of Lord Raikage Mortarion seems capable enough in my book to have a positive impact on Kumo and its shinobi. Welcome home," Max would say this, offering a handshake to Kyson. 

Regardless of whether or not the man accepted, Max would now change his tone to a whisper. "I have reason to believe that my brother Senshi was sent on a dangerous mission to protect Kumo. That is why I asked what you knew. I hope you don't mind, but I would rather not go into detail right now. I merely thought that someone of your status might know a bit more than myself." While he might not have completely trusted Kyson, Max felt as though he could trust him enough to speak on the matter. As soon as he started thinking about the mission, Max wanted to tear up again. It was hard for him not to get emotional about it, but he manages to fight back the tears and not cry. 

Trying to change the subject to avoid any more tears, "You had a teacher in Kumo? What was their name? Maybe I know the person."
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:11 am
Hearing Max say not all Kumo shinobi are monsters. That led him to believe that Kumo ninja were aware of the rumors placed on them. A lot of people saw they were monsters. And even though Kyson still saw them as one. He believed that maybe not all of them aren't that corrupted. But nonetheless he will see for himself. But for the most part, this kid seemed like he has seen a lot in the village. So he would take his word for it. "Glad to hear that, because if anyone there pisses me off, it might not end well.." Kyson would say with a smile on his face. Saying it as if it was a joke but he was quite serious. 

Hearing Max praise Kyson for being able to escape Kumo made him feel good. It seemed he didn't really like Youka either. Seemed like they both had something in common. Kyson would begin to laugh as he put his left hand on Max's head. "Ya know what, your alright kid." Kyson would say as he took his hand off his head. This was the first friendly conversation he had with a Kumo ninja. Hearing the person he mentioned, that was the same stuck up guy he met with nobunaga. But Kyson wouldn't say that out loud since that was his sibling, he assumed.

"Oh, I didn't know that guy was your brother. I actually met him the day before the celebration. But he never mentioned any special mission or anything. So, I couldn't tell you anything." The young Hozuki would say. He was kind of new to this job, so he doesn't know much about other Kumo shinobi other than Maku and the ones he came with. 

"Yeah I had a teacher, he taught me a lot about what it meant to be a shinobi. He never gave me his first name. And he was my friends dad so I called him by his last name, Yuka sensei. After I became a genin, I left an orphanage since I could finally take care of myself. The next day I met a close friend and his dad trained me. Guess I'll finally get to see him again after 5 years." Kyson would say with a smirk on his face. That was one of the main things he was excited about. 

"But enough about me, what about you? And what happen to your arm, if you don't mind me asking.." Kyson would ask.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:35 pm
Max would take into consideration Kyson's words. While he seemed to be smiling and lighthearted, the existing tension he must feel towards his homeland and everything Kumo had done recently had to stain his perspective at least a bit. Well, only time would tell for sure. Max didn't see his homeland as a land consisting of only monsters, but those in positions of power tended to be exactly that. Mortarion had been a monster, and with it he managed to take Kumo, crush his enemies and take what he wanted from those weaker than him. Maku had become the commander of the military, and he was the man that...

Max would shift his thoughts as Kyson admitted to not knowing about any missions that Senshi had been on. He hadn't been with Kumo long enough to really know each and every thing going on. For all Max knew, this mission was something assigned before Kyson had even been convinced to join. 

"Hmm, I hope that you do get to see him. He sounded like a good person," Max would say this, but hide his own concerns. He hadn't encountered anybody by that name and if this man was as kind of a person as Kyson had suggested, Max would only fear for him. The 'good' people were the ones to stand up to Mortarion's regime, and the ones that were quickly turned into mindless, suffering weapons to protect Kumo.

"You want to know about me? Where should I start?" The boy would look to the clouds, thinking about everything that had happened to him and his story. "Well, I am the last known Yamaguchi Puppeteer in Kumogakure. We were a small clan, but not we are a clan of one. Mortarion made sure of that when he conquered our homeland. To be honest, I am surprised that I am still alive. Likely because I was so young and still able to be molded into what our new Kage wanted." Max would then just shake his head. His thoughts shifted into his loneliness, and how he lacked a family. He would then think about how recently he had found a new family, and yet each of them had now been gone as well. 

As Max was falling into a dark hole in his own thoughts, Kyson asked about his arm. "Oh this? I made it myself. I needed to replace the one I lost in combat, and I figured that I should put my mechanical knowledge to good work. It is a bit of an upgrade, if you ask me." Max would think back to those days, the ones that now seemed so far in the past. 'The good old days' were how they seemed in his mind, despite some of the things that weren't happy memories. "I was on a mission with my Sensei Itami, my friend Reizo, and my brother Senshi. We were supposed to guard an outpost, but there was a powerful shinobi having fun at the expense of Kumo. Maku Jemezu had been there, and he was an enemy at that point. So, we engaged him. He was... much more than we could handle. That is how I lost my arm. It was Maku's chains that severed it off during our fight. I would have died of blood loss if not for Senshi wrapping me up..." 

A single tear rolled down the cheek of Max.
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Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:15 pm
Kyson was curious to see what Max's story was. Getting a brief of some things that have been going on since he has been gone. As he started speaking, Kyson would listen carefully. He stated he was a puppeteer, Kyson always thought those types of shinobi were unique. They aren't very common from what he has seen so far. He has only met 2 other puppet users in his lifetime. So he is always intrigued every time he meets one. Seeing how his clan was affected by Youka's rule, Kyson just wasn't surprised. At this point, nothing really surprises him anymore. After everything he's been through, he has seen the good and the bad of this world. But mostly the bad. 

"I see, so you grew up in Kumo on your own too. And found someone who you could call a brother. Sounds just like my days back in Kumo." Kyson said in response to Max. Still not excited to go back to Kumo. But he does have some people he wishes to see again and check on. Hopefully they are doing good. Kyson then asked about Max's arm. He was also curious about how that happened as well. As Max started explaining, he stated that he was on a mission. Hearing how Maku was the reason for it all. Kyson face palmed himself as he shook his head. That man can never keep his hands to himself. Kyson would think to himself. Hearing how they engaged him on their own was probably not the right choice. Thought when on a mission, they probably didn't have a choice. He mentioned Maku having chains, Kyson would keep that in mind. He's never seen him with any sorts of chains but he never thought he would be the type to use any. Hearing how Max almost died that mission made him understand how cruel life can be sometimes. But thankfully he made it out.

"Of all the people, it was the one I'm ordered to protect. Kumo just gets crazier and crazier each day. Well, I'm glad your doing okay. Seems like you and Senshi had a huge bond. Hopefully that bond between the two of you doesn't break." Kyson would say to Max. He didn't have a good talk with Senshi when they first met. But since he's a good friend to Max, he won't give him such a hard time.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:42 am
The single tear would dry, the boy keeping his composure as Kyson reminds him of the bond Senshi and Max had. That bond would never be broken. Never. Such a bond would remain until his dying breath. 

"Yeah, I'm managing to do alright. I take each day one at a time, carving out my own path and finding meaning among all the chaos that surrounds us shinobi." The boy would look down, breaking eye contact as he looks down at his legs before continuing.

"So you are Maku's bodyguard, you say? I wish you the best of luck with that task. Not only is he one who doesn't seem to need a bodyguard, but also one to recklessly place himself in harms way. Confidence in his own abilities and the fear that settles into people hearts when they utter his name both make him reckless. He will eventually make his way down a path that he himself cannot pass alone, unable to see the danger before him despite him bearing the all seeing Devil's Eyes. That is when he will need help from people loyal to him, and when this world will test each of us." 

Max would return his gaze to look Kyson in the eyes, a look of sorrow on the boys face still. "His own overconfidence will be his undoing, of this I am almost certain. Those people in power always think that they are safe, always think that they are beyond the reach of those 'lesser' than them. This is how Mortarion was able to claim power in Kumo from the last Raikage. Only time will tell, but I ask you this. Are you strong enough to protect him? Are you capable of defeating the enemies his own ambition is bound to bring to our doorstep?" The boy would shift his eyes back to the ground, again breaking direct contact with Kyson's eyes. 

"I worry for the future of my... our homeland. Kumogakure's actions have undoubtedly shaken up the shinobi lands. It is only a matter of time before we must pay the consequences for our actions. I hope that when that time does come we can afford the price asked of us." The boy shook his head, uneasiness creeping into his thoughts. 

"It is said that history is decided by the victors. When future generations read of our actions, will we be monsters or heroes? Will we be celebrated, or condemned for our actions?"
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