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Haruko Senarashi
Haruko Senarashi
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I coulda sworn I trained the right tech (Solo) Empty I coulda sworn I trained the right tech (Solo)

Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:32 pm
Yori loved his sisters. They were probably the only two people he felt had any love left for him in this world, and he would do anything for them. Watching them was a regular task assigned to Yori, something that he was very commonly tasked with doing by Genzo. Normally, Yori adored watching these two. He watched them ice skate quite regularly, as he had been assigned to babysitting during their training sessions. It was typically quite enjoyable, so he didn’t mind. He even got paid for it.

Today, however, it was rather aggravating. No, not aggravating… Distracting, yes, that was the word. You see, Yori had an exam rapidly approaching. He was rapidly trying to study as much as he could, but between all these simple bodyguarding jobs he was doing, he hardly had time to practice. Now, however, he decided to take a moment of peace and quiet as the girls finished their routine and were fawned over by their coach, their own mother, who sharpened their blades after one complained of sticking too much to the ice.

A ram, a snake, and a tiger. Nothing. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. Nothing. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. Nothing. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. A slight flickering motion around his body. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. The flicker was stronger now. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. He could see the outline of a hand. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. He could see the sleeve of his suit, flickering in the breeze. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. The silk was covering the arm, which had a definite shape now. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. Each finger could be clearly seen. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. An elbow, now. A ram, a snake, and a tiger. The arm could move, it appeared from the shoulder down.

He practiced more, then glanced around, making sure that his job was still being done. He was a “Babysitter” in name alone, for his job was more akin to “Bodyguard” then “Babysitter.” He was leaning against the rail when they entered the rink, watching them as he always did. Genzo normally sent bodyguards, but he had been sending Yori more and more on missions as of late, and, well, they paid, so who was he to refuse? He watched them loop through the air gracefully, catching along the ice and sliding on one foot, crossing paths and meeting, sleek and fluid, like a dancer. They were really something to watch. On another day, Yori could watch for hours. He was no skater himself, but he did love to spend time at the rink.

Today, however, he just wanted to focus on his training. Hand seals repeated once more. Ram, Snake, Tiger. A copy of Yori appeared.
”Looking good, sir.” He nodded to himself, creating another clone by the same method. The clones both copied his movement ”Cool.”

(TWC: 506)

+2 Stats
500/500 Clone Technique
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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I coulda sworn I trained the right tech (Solo) Empty Re: I coulda sworn I trained the right tech (Solo)

Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:35 pm
Approved, good read I hope you continue to write more
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