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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:16 am
Today was the fateful day that Nike's genin exam was taking place. Many hours of practice had taken place in preparation for this, meaning that Nike felt more than prepared to be able to ace this exam.

Going to the academy Nike had plenty of time before his exam, but really and truly he just wanted to get this out of the way. Opening the door to the examination room inside the ninja academy, Nike had a beaming grin across his face.

"Nike Chikaze is present and ready to take the exam."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:51 am
To many there came a call. Now the stress of an instructor and the likes came in many ways. Setting a bar, and then making sure the students meet the bar. Finally at the end the students had to exceed the bar.

For this yen had a bar set for the young nike chikaze. His usual measures was unique and by many cases questionable. Still they were effective.

A pre set transformation jutsu and a shadow clone. Yen walked in behind his shadow clone as a blonde haired boy comming in late and the clone hence barked at him as planned instantly  failing the  transformed aburame.

"Now that the late commers are done. Nike chikaze.... i disire before we start for you to write me a letter adressed to your disire to serve and mentor young shinobi. And show me How as a genin will you be a leader and raise the next generation? Teach these three kids the transformation and clone jutsu. From your experience and guidance. This will determin your suscess."

The real yen was around the corner and breathed out a heavy mist that seeped into the class room and the cloe weaved the handsigns for the steaming multistory genjutsu.

The mist changed into a scene of 3 academy students that sat in front of nike and they exibited diffrent personalities. The girl on his left was nervous and shaky. Shy and distracted. She squeaked upon looking at nike.

The boy in front of nike was a smart overconfident boy. His eyes burned with a sort of arrogant confidence. His voice drawled in a lazy "hello"

The third was a quiet girl who seemed uninterested in being there. She wished to be left alone. "Go away" she murmered.

Yens exam was unique it drew out the leader in a academy student and enabled them to learn who they are in the end.
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:35 pm
A letter to describe my desire to serve and help the younger generation of ninja?' This was something that Nike did not anticipate but non the less he got down to it. After sitting down at a desk, Nike was presented with a pen/paper allowing him to scribe what he wanted to say.

"My desire to serve the great nation of konoha to me is second to non, I will aid konoha in its time of need and would be grateful enough to be apart of the nation allowing me to serve them to the best of my capabilities. A way for one to help and serve this nation is to help and assist the genie to be by teaching them and assisting them with their training so that they too can become priceless assets to konoha."

Putting down his pen, it seemed that it was now to put his words in to action as this part of his exam was for him to teach 3 academy students how to do the clone technique and transformation jutsu. Appearing in front of Nike were 3 students and deducing from the way they carried themselves one of them just seemed extremely uninterested. The other seemed to be avoiding his eye contact meaning that he could assume that one was just shy and the last. The last was someone who just expressed a sort of overwhelming confidence that just did not help the shy student fit in. First things first, Nike needed to introduce himself to them.

"Hey guys, I am Nike. Nike Chikaze." The last part was not really needed but he just like introducing himself like that. "I am going to assist you in perfecting both the clone technique and transformation jutsu. But first I need to see where you are at."

Before letting them go and perform the technique, Nike gave an example of the clone jutsu by creating a simple clone of himself that copied everything that he did. Dispelling the clone he was now ready to assess the performance of all 3. Having them all perform the jutsu at the same time, Nike was able to see the similarities and differences between them all, and thankfully they were not to different. The problem of all 3 of them was they were not putting in enough chakra when weaving their hand signs. The lazy girl jutsu couldn't be bothered so she barely but any chakra in whilst the over confident boy didn't put much in cause he wanted to assume his image of being cool. The shy girl on the other hand did not put nearly enough chakra as she was unsure of her capabilities.

Looking at the shy girl, Nike felt bad for her. "Okay guys. Looking at the the state of the clones you guys need to add some more chakra when weaving your hand signs. Lets take it slow and not rush anything. Actually lets follow my pace."

 Ram → Snake → Tiger 

Going through the hand signs slowly so that they are able to properly channel their chakra, all 4 of the people present created almost perfect clone. Seeing all 3 of them had created a clone which was actually life like and looked like them, Nike was pretty satisfied and called it a day for the clone jutsu.

"Good Job guys!" Sporting his ever so happy grin, one could assume that Nike too was one of them and not the person helping them get their technique better. 

"Okay its time to see, what you can do with the transformation jutsu." Just like the clone jutsu, Nike got all 3 of them to perform the jutsu at the same time to take some pressure off the shy girl.

The 3 students seemed to of taken information in from Nike as this time it looked like they had put in enough chakra as all 3 of the clouds of smoke surrounding them very large, however they just didn't transform. Just like him when he was learning to do this jutsu, they needed to keep an image of something within their head whilst transforming or else it will fail.

"okay guys, that was a really good attempt, but you need to keep an image of what you want to transform into, in your mind. This way, you will transform to what you actually want instead of it not working... Heres an idea, transform into me."

Giving them the image of what to transform into it was down to them now, however before doing that Nike gave them an example of a transformation jutsu. As he weaved through the hand signs with ease, he took not of the lazy girl who was picking her nose during the entire process. With a large poof of smoke, Nike stood there a perfect reflection of this lazy girl picking her nose. The little joke must of been noticed as the girl immediately removed her finger from her nose.

Dispelling the jutsu, Nike was ready to see them all attempt the jutsu. "Okay get ready... GO!" Upon saying go, even the shy girl seemed to be into it as they all weaved the hand signs as quickly as they could.

Dog → Boar → Ram

With the sudden appearance of smoke, Nike covered his face as a reflex to protect his eyes. The smoke cleared to show 2 copies of Nike and an imitation of the transformed Nike of the girl picking her nose. The over confident boy seemed smug about it but the girl who was picking her nose did not seem to fond about it.

All 3 of the students had managed to do the clone and transformation jutsu under Nike's guidance even if it were unorthodox. 

WC 957
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:16 pm
The clone smiled at the work of the boy and dispersed. Yen got the info and disperesed the mist hence dispersing the illusion. He then cancled his transformation technique.

He appeared at the door in his dark blue cloak and single eye glowing with pride and approval.

"You have a bright future mr. Chikaze" yen stated as he took ahold of the boy's. Written work and glanced over it carefully. 

"Indeed a bright future. Now nike there is one final task you shall do. Take a knee and bow your head... open your heart and soul. Silence and breath and seek for the flame within.."

Yen spoke as he walked past the boy and  stood before him bowing his head and speaking. Revealing the boy's headband.

"To the flame that grows and burns fully in full flame. A flame non extinguished that feeds and brings hope. Our will of fire  allows us  to stand against any foes. As divided we are a wild fire that will engulf the world. The spirit as bright and forecomming as the rising sun. Where no man nor god shall make us fall. We who walk the path of death. Embrace the flames of our ever eternal faith and will. We shall live in our eternal glory. Nike chikaze! If you accept the will of our village raise your head, and call your name in the the name of konoha."
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:35 pm
Once done with his lesson, the world around him seemed to change back to what is once was, only this time he was the only one inside of the room. With a man walking in who Nike could only assume was the genin exam proctor.

Listening to what the man had to say Nike knelt down n bowed. Almost as if the young man was about to get knighted. His excitement was difficult to contain as he raised his head in accordance to what the proctor was saying. 

"I am Nike Chikaze. And I am a proud shinobi of Konoha!" With a fierce determination and a fire lit in his heart that could be seen through his eyes, Nike was ready to become a fully fledged shinobi of Konoha.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:52 pm
Yen smiled softly as he heard nikes words and nodded. Placing and completing the ceremony with  tieing the head protector of the leaf over the boy's forehead. 

"You have promise as a future leader. Meet me at dawn to begin your training. Think hard on your specialty and if you want to learn anything. For i specialize in the arts of illusions, medical, and ninjutsu.  See you then."

Yen stated with a smile. Then he left.

(Exit nike is now a genin)
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:27 pm
Nike had done it. He had no become an official shinobi of the leaf. Proud to wear his villages headband Nike smile could hardly be contained as the forehead protector was placed upon and tied on his forehead.   The parting words from the proctor made it quite clear that should he need some training he could always ask him. Watching hin leave, Nike also got up and followed him out the door.


Claiming genin rank and whatnot
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Nike's Genin Exam Empty Re: Nike's Genin Exam

Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:43 pm
Good good approved
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