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Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Bans Genin Exam

Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:37 pm
Inside his head he felt sort of happy and a little giddy even. His work had paid off and soon he would be ranking up, however he didn't want to show his newly found positive emotions. He didnt want to appear as a child receiving a new toy to play with but that is how he felt. Someone of higher rank and power would be showing up here to greet and test him for ranking up. Ban isn't fond of superiors and being given orders so this could get difficult for him. He was mentally preparing himself to be able to perform the jutsu properly and also to be able to cooperate with the shinobi correctly. He sat in await for the higher ranking shinobi arrival.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:29 am
Now there are many duties of a shinobi in the world. Many dangerous tasks and such. The major point of a leader was to remember the beginning. When they first stepped into class and began the path of learning body and spirit. Holding weapons and basic tasks. 

The flash back was an invigerating reminder of such a test. The final day of academy students was their test to genin. With his strawhat and all yen was in thought hours prior to the test like all teachers. What was the lesson he was going to potray to the students throughout the day? It was an easy awnser.  The life and trials of shinobihood. 

Yen as an hour or two pass by before the student ban arrived set up a unique test. Yes he was a grand instructor of genjutsu and had much proof through his carerer. So it was fitting this day he would make use of the denomic illusions false sorroundings technique. As it would trigger as soon as ban was to enter the class room. 

if ban would look around he would notice that the class room was full as soon as he entered. The teacher was not in sight. It was full of slightly nervous kids around his age. On the board in front of him he woulnd notice that the instructions would be the following:

"When your turn has come up. You will preform the following actions.

Preform the clone technique, and explain why you wish to be a genin?

You will then preform the transformation jutsu and maintain it for 5 minutes (1 post). 

When you are done wether you susceed, or not. You will explain what does it mean to be a ninja of konohagure. Be warned if you cheat i will know and you will stay back 2 years in the academy."

The students will come up one at a time. Each name in random order of familiar and diffrent names for ban. All on the list on the black board. As all will students will remain silent listening to the words of each academy student and an occasional snicker comming from each child randomly.

The first three will fail and as the first one will fail and stutter making a mistake on his handsign's (on purpose)  and will cry  as his response as he would bury his head in his arms and slump in a seat in the back. The other two would run out the room crying, the following 12 will fail and susceed  in a manner of the first 3 susceeding and the fourth and sixth child partially suscessful. Stuttering in their awnsers.  The last ones will pass but will be at a loss of words to their reasoning. When it comes up to ban however all of tgeir eyes will be on him. No snickers but looks of judgement on their faces.

While this was done yen would be in a perfectally transformed form of a child in a grey uniform with grey eyes watching ban with the same  judgemental stare. Tears streaking down his cheeks with disire in them to susceed. His name will be on the top as simply "aey mi ney" as he would be the one crying silently in failure. Yet hoping for the best.
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:07 am
As he reclined in his chair he began to grow restless. He had been waiting here for quite a while now watching each student take their shot at becoming a genin. Some of them failed and some of the passed as expected. The failures had mostly took it pretty bad. A few of them had run out of the class crying while some had cried but also stayed maybe to see if they could get another shot or just to watch the rest of the student take their test. Ban found those students pathetic if they would just burst into tears after failing a test they could retake. Anyways he was confident in himself and knew that he himself would pass, but if he didn't then his reaction wouldn't be as the others were. They were just embarrassing themselves by acting that way. But after a while of waiting for his own turn it had finally come and he exhaled with relief he had been ready for this moment for a good deal of time. After all he did want to become a shinobi when he was younger but he was unable due to him having to work with his stepfather to support the family. In all honesty he only did it for his mother because he hated his stepfamily. Now he rose from his seat and hastily walked to the front of the classroom. 

 "Alright all of you, before I get through with this test Imma let you know that I'm not doing this for your entertainment, even though your tests took my boredom away for a minute and I appreciate it but anyways I don't care what you think. Just thought I'd let you know that right quick." Although Ban wasn't focused on the other students opinion, he was semi worried about the opinion of the proctor of this exam. There was clearly no proctor in the room supervising the exam, but Ban wasn't that stupid. Obviously they were watching because there would be no way to know a students results if they were not watched. And so with those thoughts in mind Ban began his exam. First the instruction board had stated to begin with the clone jutsu. Ban was glad that instead of a proctor giving instructions it was a simple board he could read from. "So now is when you get out your note pads and pencils." His hands began shifting from the ram hand sign, then the snake, and finally the tiger hand sign. Then he called out Bunshin no Jutsu and the following events happened. Smoke appeared temporarily masking the clone Ban had summoned. When it cleared, an exact replica of Ban Senju was next to him in the front of the classroom for everyone to see. He had successfully completed the first part of his exam and it gave him even more confidence and motivation. "So there's that part." Ban said as he made the clone dissipate with ease. Now he needed to explain why he had wanted to become a genin of Konohagakure. "Now I have to give a boring speech. Oh well I'll just get on with this. So the question is why do I want to become a genin of Konoha? Well first, I'm not a big fan of being low ranked because I hate being given orders. That's one of the things I hate most. But I also want to actually become stronger. I'm aiming to become the strongest Senju shinobi in shinobi history. The history of my clan is something that interests me unlike most other things. Actually the history of any clan can catch my attention if it's unique enough. Also lastly I'm going to become stronger because one day I plan to start my own family and I have to be strong enough to take care of them. If you were expecting some "I need to protect the village" types of things you were wrong. That's one of the most boring and basic things I could've said. Yes I'm loyal to the village and all but a genin like me won't be able to do much if another village attacks. Next I have to hold the transformation jutsu for 5 minutes. Should be pretty easy. After that I explain what it means to be a konoha shinobi. Alright here we go then." Bans hands preformed the three hand signs making up the transformation jutsu. After finishing the hand signs he called out transformation jutsu and in place of an orange haired teenager stood a brown furred dog. Ban prepared to hold the transformation for five minutes. 
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:56 am
Yen listend as the guise of aey mi ney. Tbe boy spoke clearly and true yet his words being honest yet true also made yen wonder what was his response as a student. He thought back as the boy spoke. If anything yen knew his disire was to be a leader. To guide and teach the younger shinobi and civilians. And in time be a lead in the village. Although now he knew the road was long and winding. 

At least he knows his way. He may grow yet he has not embraced the idea of a genin. His life is of not only his family. But the village. Genin are the future leaders of the village. Even i was a genin at one time. The second you hold that headband you accept your standing and fate to the role in the village...

Yen sneezed in guize as the boy finished and spoke in a high child voice full of greif.

"I zts swories, excuzes mies"

The jouninn then returned to sobbing murmering.

"Itz justzs wishezs iz cansz besz ninha liks daddys and momzs"
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:52 pm
Having held the transformation jutsu for the duration of five minutes Ban released the jutsu and reverted himself back into a human. Now that he had done the transformation and clone jutsu his jutsu part of the exam was completed and now all he needed to do was give one last speech. He wondered how the others had found their results and how he would find his. Would the proctor come out and reveal themselves or would Ban need to go into a special room to find out? He didn't know but he assumed naturally he would know after finished the exam. Ban dusted himself off and ran his hand through his hair as if he had just been all over the floor and gotten dirty. Now that he had made it up to this point, he was already thinking of all the new things he'd be able to do with a rank up and after that, another rank up and so on. The thought excited him and adrenaline flooded him. He was as ready as he could be to become a genin.

 "I'm just gonna jump straight into this second speech. To me, what being a shinobi of Konohagakure is, well it's like being a prisoner. If your parents give birth to you here, it's your home. You're required to follow all of the rules of the village and if not, you're punished. If you don't like it here? Damn that's too bad because if you leave and desert the village you become a missing ninja. People will try to kill you and a bounty will be placed on your head. You can't just up and leave whenever you want. Then when it comes to war you're expected to participate even if you don't like violence or that type of thing. So this is what being a ninja of Konohagakure means to me. If I fail this exam because of what I've just said then that's on me but I'm being straight up. This is what I think being a Konohagakure shinobi means. Any questions?"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:15 pm
Yen shook his head mentally at the boy's words and he sighed speaking seriously for the first time.

"You may know your stuff... but you understand very little ban senju."

The illusion faded and yen stood in a empty classroom walking up to the boy in transformed state speaking cplainly and striding with pride.

" you can climb the ranks but i see you only see this as a way to "meet the requirements"... you perhaps met the instructor as it is but you miss the mark by a mile. Your rank is earned as soon as i say it is earned. Take a seat and i shall begin the test."

Yen stated in transformed state as he leaned against the wall.

"Let me ask you this ban. How did your father and mother rank up? How did your ancistors ranked up? Look back for a minute. To forsaken your liniage and see the village as a prison? Your bound to be eaten alive by the missing ninja. Despite what skill you gain. Your in konohagure no sato. The village of the burning leaves in the inferno lands of the ever rising sun. Give me three reasons why i should rank you up in the village to the next level."

Yen stated as he walked up to the boy and placed a hand on the desk as he further spoke up. 

"You wont be in a kiddy pool. The dangers are real, as are the fact that training will improve, but so should your duties. But perhaps the next level is  not enough for the ban senju. If i considered skill to be a passing mark you passed with flying colors, but now you only showed the skill of a academy student  time to show me how much heart you have."

Yen stated as he now sat on the desk and stared at the boy in the eyes. 

"What is it you wish to learn ban? What skills can you gain at genin?"
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:47 pm
Ban waited in anticipation for a response from anywhere or anyone after finishing his risky speech about Konoha. Now that the topic had come to his mind he began thinking more in depth about living in the village of the leaves and his mind began drifting from the would be set mind of a born Konoha shinobi. Just as he did that something strange happened. A little kid stood up from the back and all of the other students suddenly disappeared into thin air. The kid began walking towards Ban and he was confused as ever. All he had come here for was to become a genin so what was all of this? The child began speaking to Ban about the test and that he had missed the mark by a mile. "What the? Yo kid I don't know who   you are or what's going on but's I'm not gonna listen to some little annoying ass kid like you! Who do you think you are?" The child then came even closer and placed a hand on the desk, speaking to Ban even more. This time he was talking about training and passing the test. Ban was becoming really frustrated and annoyed at the situation. "Look kid! I'm about to be outta here. I'm going home and you need to go back to your parents. Wait no- actually what the hell is really going on? This was supposed to be a genin exam, talk or you're gonna get it."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:04 pm
Yens smiled as he shook his head. The lesson had begun.

"Ban i am the instructor. Take note that you are simply failing a basic academy test. The art of deception and trickery. You know the basic tests that you take. The boring notes."

A buff of smoke emitted from around yen as he resumed normal appearance. He wore now a straw hat  and his deep dark blue cloak now flowed on the floor of the desk creating a pool of blue cloth. An eye patch over where there once was a left eye. 

Yen sighed as he shook his head and spoke. 

"At 11 i was once a academy student you see. Now im nearing 18 ban. You grow fast, but learn truth of the world faster. And in time gain insight. Stop being childish. If you wish for the rank you must learn now to accept it. And learn to tell a disguise. No classroom is that quiet. Most importantly study your sorroundings. You might not find that transformation technique is not as freindly as you belive. "

Yen spoke as he looked at the class room quietly.

"What are you hoping to study as a genin ban? The pure arts of ninjutsu, perhaps the medical arts? Maybe the arts of fuinjutsu? Perhaps you like the hand to hand arts of taijutsu? Or maybe genjutsu?"
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:22 pm
Ban really didn't understand the situation and he was really irked that a little brat child like this was at the center of all of this. However the child soon explained that he was the instructor in a transformation jutsu. He also had said Ban was failing the exam. "What? So you mean to tell me you're behind all this? How could I be failing the exam especially since I followed the exact orders. Listen I don't care who you are you're not gonna order me around especially looking like an 8 year old or something." After he had finished speaking the kid released his transformation jutsu and went to his original form. A man with a straw hat, blue cloak, and an eye patch. Seemed to Ban like this man was trying hard to appear as a cool magician or something. 

 The man began explaining about his life as a shinobi very briefly. Then he told Ban to stop being childish and how he couldn't see through the genjutsu and that's where Ban drew the line. He wouldn't sit back and be insulted. "Look bruh whoever you are you're really getting on my nerves! You're over here lookin like a wannabe wizard or something crossed over with a pirate and a farmer. If you're really even an instructor prove it! If we're going through this you're gonna speak to me like I'm on the same level as you. Don't look down on me. Ever!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:14 am
The academy student wanted to continue his appearal of suscess. Yet yen could sense it the boy was both frail in chakra levels and physical capeabilities. Even exibiting a slight ammount of effort was unwise. Still yen shook his head and spoke.

"The same level? Proof? Its all in the pudding ban. Only time shall show if you reach the same level. But i degress perhaps i was not as direct."

Yen spoke as the air around ban went cold from merely sitting in yens presence. Chills would run down the boy's spine. Not your typical flue chills but an umcomfortable chill. As if he spoke the wrong way. From the folds of his cloak  yen produced a headband and a jacket. Yet the mere presense of yen was so powerful that the senju was rendered immobile. And out of his fear would be found gripping the arms of the chair terrified.

(Eh display of power: gonna need to match up to bout 500 stats. Pal)

Yen would speak calmly as if to a child.

"If you wish to reach for your headband go ahead. But as of now you dont really have much to do. So just listen up. I asked your disires, i asked your future, and i asked you to think of your duty as a genin... think for a moment ban. So many risked their lives to enable you to live in a warm bed, a safe village, get training of state of the art, and even grant you the chance for another rank. While lesser induviduals, and even criminals whom try to repent do not even get the right to walk free... you never ran into this before. Above your head. When one is hardly trying to use strength. If you wish to reach this level or higher.... you will have to work with your villagers. Simple as that. You will greive their losses... because one day you will have to awnser the question out there with pride..... this headband is not worn by the outsiders, but thoes whom earned their spot.... so reach up your arms and show me your disire. Come on. Push yourself." 

Yen would state as he turned towards the teachers desk. Hopped off the desk amd walked 3 meters towards the desk. Yen then pulled out a chair  and sat in the chair backwards facing the boy and resting his chin on the head rest.

"Each step you take determines your disire. The will of fire here burns for thoes whom wish to face an impossible challenge.  So ban? Tell me your will and way? What truely drives you? Making your father proud?"
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