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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Sun May 21, 2017 7:13 pm
Ryou exhales in relaxation once Kots said they finally did it. "Thank god, great job Han!" He gave a friendly smile towards his new friend. Now that they were done, he turned off his jutsu that increased his speed and charka, he had been using it the whole time so he was exhausted. Ryou takes back his kunai and puts both of his kunais in his weapon pouch. Then Kots asked if that was it for the day for them. "I'm gonna try one thing before I have to go." He jumps over to his Fuma shuriken and took it from the ground's grasp and then placing back on his back. Before he would go onto his own training he would go up to Zak. "Hey, don't worry, just keep working at it." Then he rushes back off to his own little space to train his jutsu. 

Ryou wants to see if he could get dust cloud down before he went on his way back to Sal's place and wait for his return. He started to weave the hand sign for the ninjutsu. Then, once all the hand signs were complete, he took a deep breath in and exhaled with wind chakra. Only a small cloud of dust and debris came forth. Of course, Ryou wasn't leaving until he had this jutsu down. He waved signs and inhaled and exhaled over and over again. He was facing away from everyone so they wouldn't get blasted by the dust. He was breathing heavily because he had been doing the same thing over and over again for the past 30 mins. Then the jutsu finally was getting closer to completion. He weaved the sign for the last time and inhaled one big breath, gathering chakra, then exhaled it all. The cloud went 30 meters away from Ryou's location and then expanded into a cloud with a 30 meters radius. Ryou didn't really know how far it was going to go so it hit some bystanders. A group of three people got hit and was blinding from the dust. He knew that he would get into trouble because of it so he turns to the three shinobi (if they were still there). "Um, you didn't see anything, ok? I'm gonna go now." He nervously laughed as he placed his hands together to form a tiger hand sign. "Maybe I'll see you all around." Ryou would say as he vanished from the group with the body flicker. 

Ryou would soon arrive at his new residence for the week, Salzem's home. He was so tired from all the jutsus he had used, he was honestly surprised that he made it this far without collapsing. This was a good sign because he knew that he was growing stronger. He laid himself down on the couch before him and closed his eyes, his plan was to take a nap then go back out to explore the wonderful village hidden in the leaves. He couldn't wait to see what awaits him in the land of fire. 

TWC: 2609
Dust cloud (3000/3000)
Dance of the Seedling Fern (1427/4000)
13 stats
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Mon May 22, 2017 10:06 pm
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Mon May 22, 2017 10:12 pm
Approved @ Ryou sorry on the wait I thought I'd approved you already guess I forgot to hit send
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Wed May 24, 2017 3:03 pm
Zak watched as Ryou left the grounds, and was about to leave himself, but he stopped. He had watched Kots effectively handle three of them without as much breaking a sweat. It would be an injustice if he did not capitalize on the opportunity. He remembered that Ryou say something about people of his bloodline were good at taijutsu. He could only hope so. He walked over to Kotsuzui trying to think of the most polite way to ask this. Zak scratched the back of his head as he put his words together in his head.

"You were able to fight us with ease. Ryou said something about your clan being good at taijutsu...I was wondering if you could teach me a few moves."

WC: 124
TWC: 2515
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Wed May 24, 2017 7:30 pm
With things done now, Ryou seemed intent on completing the jutsu he had attempted prior to their sparring session. So he went on to do his own thing and practice it. Kotsuzui had nothing else to do so he watched Ryou practice his jutsu to see if he would eventually get it and if so to see what the jutsu was capable of. Attempt after attempt after attempt Ryou failed. He tried so many times he had lost all the air in his lungs. But eventually with one last try he managed to shoot his jutsu as it exploded off in the distance accidentally hitting a group of three to the ground. Ryou, clearly recognizing what he had just done quickly made his escape. "Is this kid serious?" Kotsuzui thought to himself. luckily for Ryou the three he hit with his jutsu seemed to be ok, otherwise Kotsuzui was going to get him back for it,

With Ryou gone, Zak almost left himself but stopped. Maybe he had something to ask of Kotsuzui or Han and had just remembered what it was. Just like that he did. He approached the Kaguya, clearly looking to be either nervous or shy with the action of scratching his head. It turns out he was asking Kotsuzui to teach him a few taijutsu techniques. This reminder Kotsuzui back when he was a fresh Genin straight from the academy. He had been trained by a number of people, two in particular who showed him ninjutsu, taijutsu, as well as bloodline jutsu. But as far as he knew neither of them were around anymore, or they were just very good at hiding.

"Yeah, sure thing" Kotsuzui replied having no problem teaching Zak what he knew. "First, there are things I'll need from you. Two to be exact" he began. "I need to get a closer look at your physical capabilities as well as see any taijutsu you may already know. That way I can determine what your body can handle." Kotsuzui would continue, explaining what he meant by the last statement. "Basically, if your body isn't in strong enough condition to handle the stress and strain of certain taijutsu I can't teach them to do. Otherwise it may have negative results, such as pulling and tearing muscles as well as braking bones. So first show me what you know. Then I want you to punch into my hand, hard and fast as you can" he finished. After Zak would show any taijutsu he knew assuming he had any, Kotsuzui would proceed to placing his right hand out in front of him palm facing Zak. This way he'd be able to gauge both the Genin's strength and speed. If Han wanted to he could stay himself and learn the taijutsu as well.
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Thu May 25, 2017 6:27 pm
Wow, ok. He actually agreed to teach him some stuff. Zak had assumed he was going to get shot down, but now that he had his chance. Their was no way in hell he was going to let it slip away. He started off by doing some simply kicks and punches, nothing special. Kotsuzui had said to use any taijutsu technique he might know. Did he know any? He racked his brain for something, and it remembered the only taijutsu he had learned. It was the very basics, but it would have to do.

He turned to Kots, looking at the hand he held out. Now was not the time to hold back. He needed to go all out if he wanted to prove himself. The young genin bent his knees slightly, and he put out his hands. His breathing calmed as he remembered everything about the technique. This technique was a defensive technique, so he could not attack with it, but it would be good to show anything. Once he felt he had shown his inner to outer counter technqie, he looked to Kots. He still had to throw a punch, so he clenched his fist and reared back and threw a punch as hard as he could.

((I don't actually understand how the taijutsu mechanics work. Can you help me?))

WC: 209
TWC: 2724
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Sat May 27, 2017 5:57 am
Han sat on the ground after the fight, filled with exhaustion. He felt his body aching under the rain and remembered to cancel his Rain Tiger at Will technique and the rain completely stopped. He then stared at the sky, now clear and bright, relaxing his aching muscles. He then turned his head and saw Ryou practicing a jutsu again. 'How does he still have enough energy to do that?' Han thought to himself as he stared at him with curiosity. At first nothing happened, Ryou just kept losing his breath over and over again. Han started to wonder if he hit his head or something. Then suddenly a cloud of dust and wind erupted from Ryou and it hit three other people. Han chuckled slightly and looked back at Ryou who seems to have disappeared in another cloud of smoke. Han chuckled again and got up only to see Zak approach Kots. They talked for a bit and Han managed to understand the gist of the conversation. He got up and walked over to them. "I'm willing to learn as well. If you are willing to teach me." He said, still trying to be polite. He then listened to the instructions from Kots and went back to perform any Taijutsu moves he knew. He didn't really know any, or at least he couldn't remember any, so he just started doing simple punches and kicks as fast and as strong as he could next to Zak. Then Zak switched it up and did the Inside to Outside Block and Han realized he knew the same so he stood next to Zak and performed it in sync with the fellow Genin. Afterwards, he went to Kots and let Zak do the first punch. When Kots would show his open hand to Han, he would punch with a speed of 62 and a strength of 40. He would then proceed with, "I was never really talented with Taijutsu but I think I should know some basic and intermediate skills." He would say as politely and cautiously as possible.

Certain Kill Ice Spears:2914/4000

OOC:Sorry no internet the past few days. Its fixed now so I can post again.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Mon May 29, 2017 2:19 pm
Han seemed interested in learning taijutsu himself as well. Kotsuzui was glad to see they were willing to learn. As per his request the two of them began showing what taijutsu they knew. From what Kotsuzui could tell, they were both using basic kicks and punches. Nothing too serious which helped him gauge their hand to hand combat skills. Next they both began performing blocks Kotsuzui had never even seen before, thus he did not know them either. As per his next request, he had the two Genin punch his open hand. First was Zak as he punched Kotsuzui's hand. Next was Han, following up with his punch of his own that was evidently quicker and stronger. Kotsuzui placed his arms together as he crossed them across his chest and began to think. He took in what Han had to say about himself, that Taijutsu was never his thing but knowing a bit would still be good.

Taking in their skill and what they said, Kotsuzui would begin. "I have a few taijutsu I can teach you. We're going to start with some pretty basic ones. The first one I'll teach you is called Leaf Whirlwind. There's basically two ways to do this one. The first is pretty simple, it's just a spinning high kick" he said before demonstrating it. On the spot, Kotsuzui hopped in the air while spinning as he performed a spinning heel kick which would normally hit someone in the head. Upon landing he continued his explanation. "However, it's most effective the second way. You basically use the high kick as a feint to disguise your lower kick. If you use it fast enough to can catch someone off guard. Like this" he said as he raised his left foot for a high kick. But mid way into the kick, right when an opponent would normally move to block or evade the kick, he planted his left foot into the ground and turned performing a low kick into the imaginary gut of someone with his right foot. "The low kick can be many things. It can be a simple kick like I just showed, a spinning back kick, or a sweeping kick to a persons ankles. Whatever it is, just make it a low one. It'll make it harder to predict. Your turn" he ended, allowing the two Genin to practice the Leaf Whirlwind. 

Basically, if im reading the rules correctly, your strength needs to be the same as the strength boost you're gaining from a taijutsu. Your speed stat needs to be at least half the speed boost. So in this case your strength has to be 15 and your speed at least 7.
With your current stats Zak, I can only teach you D and E ranked taijutsu.
Han, I can teach you C and below. Since you don't have the taijutsu spec you can't learn anything higher.
It'll only take you 625 words to learn Leaf Whirlwind since its halved because im teaching it.
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Mon May 29, 2017 9:35 pm
Zakari was so happy that Kots agreed to teach them. He hung onto every word that he spoke, and when he finally demonstrated the move. Zak was afraid to even blink, or he might miss something. Kots moved so fast, and his moves were fluid. He must have practiced hard to get where he was. The move itself did not look to difficult. It would take a few tries, but Zak knew he could do it. It made the most sense to him to start off simply, and then build on that. 

He started off by simply jumping in the air and spinning. Making sure he could jump high enough, and make a full rotation. He did this a few times to get a feel for it. Once he was sure he had that down, he tried it with a kick added in. He was not expecting it to feel so different, and he almost lost his balance. It had to be from the drag from his leg being extended. He was going to have to put in more strength to get the rotation down. He attempted the spin kick one more time, and this time he landed and got in the full rotation. It was a good start, but by the end of the spin their was not enough force behind the spin to do any real damage. He was going to have to work on it a little bit more. He looked over to Han to see how he was doing.

WC: 253
TWC: 2977

253/625 into Leaf Whirlwind
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New Village Training (Open) (NK) - Page 5 Empty Re: New Village Training (Open) (NK)

Tue May 30, 2017 6:19 am
Han stopped his demonstration of the very basic moves he knew and listened carefully to Kots. Kots was willing to teach them a few moves and Han was very excited and ready to learn, after all, Kots took three of them on single handed without a sweat. Kots stated that they would start with a basic Taijutsu move, the Leaf Whirlwind, and he explained and demonstrated both uses of the moves carefully. Han committed everything he saw and heard to memory with a wide and interested smile on his face. He was in awe at the fluidity and skill that Kots had in his form and his power and speed. Kots then asked the two of them to try it and Han nodded to Zak to let him go first, which he did. Zak started to jump and spin for a few moments. The first few times he tried, he couldn't make a full rotation in the air but after a while, he did it with ease. Next thing Zak did, he jumped up and spun again but this time he performed the kick. However, Zak seemed surprised and unprepared and ended up almost losing his balance. The second time he tried it, he was more prepared and focused and he performed it correctly, although not as fluid and firm as Kots but that is to be expected. It also wasn't very strong or fast yet but he basically learned the move. Zak then sat down and let Han go next.

Han took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He calmed his nerves and prepared himself. His body was still aching from the fight earlier but he was ready to go. He opened his eyes and smiled an excited smile as he said, "Let's do this!". He then stood up and stretched a little, cracking his knuckles and all his joints. He the started to do the form on the ground, very slowly but keeping his body still and his form correct. He corrected all his mistakes slowly, twisting his foot, making sure he is balanced, keeping his hands ready to guard and his eyes focused on the imaginary target in front of him. He spun around carefully, making sure his form was correct so he wouldn't hurt himself by accident. It went like this for six or seven minutes straight, each time getting faster and faster. Then Han was confident enough to try it and he ran fifteen feet away from Zak and Kots and jumped in the air performing a spinning kick in the air, powerfully and quickly, but his muscles were still tired and they tensed up in the air causing him to fall flat on his face causing some dust to pick up and a loud thud to be heard. "Ow. That hurt." He would say as he gets up and he would use the basic medical ninjutsu to clear the bruise. He would then get back into stance and run again then jump again performing a spinning kick in the air again but this time landing it well. "Yes! I did it!" He would say with a wide, almost silly, smile across his face. He would then get back into his fighting stance and refocus himself, more determined then before. He then does a head kick using his left leg but stops mid way as he shifts his momentum down and pushes his left foot into the ground as he quickly bends down and performs a spinning kick with his right leg aiming straight for the ankles of the imaginary opponent. Han smiles widely and he does the move again and again, each time faster and faster, stronger and stronger. Sometimes he performs a kick to the stomach or to the back of the knees or the chest or the ankles again, all he knew was this technique was powerful and he learned how to use it. He even creates a small burst of dust while spinning. Afterwards, he stands up and walks to Kots and Zak and he smiles again. "I think I got it down. Zak, you're up." He would say, patting Zak's back. Afterwards he would watch Zak to see if he had learned the move and would ask Kots "What's next?" when he is done. 

Leaf Whirlwind 625/625
Certain Kill Ice Spears 3004/4000
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