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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:18 pm
"Giving up already?" Love asked with a cheeky grin. As happy as his words made her she was having fun with this spar and didn't want it to be over that quickly. Love ended the flicker movement jutsu but not her dojutsu in case this was a bluff. "Thanks, you're not bad yourself." She then relaxed her stance before speaking again. "So are there any jutsu you want to learn? Name it and I'll tell you if I know it."

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:46 pm
"Yeah, I just wanted to battle a little bit." Ryou gives off a friendly smile. He notices that she didn't turn off her dojutsu, maybe out of a lack of trust, Ryou theorized. Then Love asks if there was something that she could teach him. "Whatever you got to offer." He then says, "I could also teach you something, if you want." He then adds, "Or we could learn something together." He pulls out his jutsu encyclopedia. Ryou hoped that she would trust him soon, he didn't want to lose a chance to make a new friend.

WC: 97
WC: 785
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:33 pm
"I see." Based on the boy next response she deactivated her dojutsu. She also smiled at him. "Alright then, I'll go first since you came to me. Should we start with taijutsu or fuinjutsu?" Based on his answer Love would pull her hair back into a low ponytail or pull out her scroll from earlier. She looked at the book he pulled out, reading the title. "Oh that's very handy." She would have to remember to get one of those when she went back.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:55 pm
Fuinjutsu or Taijutsu? Ryou had to choose between between the two. he already knew some taijutsu with his clan jutsus. He didn't know any fuinjutsu. "Um...let's go with fuinjutsu." Ryou didn't know much about fuinjutsu, he's just barley seen it preformed, but he wasn't going to turn down learning something new. All he knew from the school was that it was sealing jutsu, where the user could seal objects, people and even chakra. He hoped she could help him learn this jutsu variey well, because of how new it was to him.

WC: 92

TWC: 877

877/4000 to Wind style: wind rejuvination
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:27 pm
"Ok. You might have seen before I had just taught myself the generic sealing technique." Love looked around for something that could be sealed away. "Go pick up one of those shuriken." As he went to do that Love would once again sit on the ground, they would need a flat surface for this. "Alright now this is very simple, there are no hand seals." The older girl unrolled the scroll in the dirt. "Place the shuriken on the scroll and then put your hand on top of it. Focus the chakra in you hand, you'll see an array and then the shuriken will disappear." Should the boy as for a demonstration Love would perform the jutsu for him.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:40 pm
Ryou was sitting as well now.After she sat down, Love said the instructions to use this fuinjutsu. She then uses the jutsu herself to show the fellow genin the jutsu she was trying to teach him. He thought it was very cool technique if the blade disappeared into the scroll she had placed under the shuirken. Then, as instructed, he places a shuriken on the scroll like hers was in the demonstration and puts his hand over the throwing blade that was placed over a scroll. He then flows his chakra into his hand that was placed over the shuriken. He thought this was pretty simple right now. After the chakra flowed into his limb, the array that she spoke of showed up and then, like a magic trick, it disappeared. Ryou lifts his hands to see what has happened. He guessed that he sealed it into the scroll but he wondered where it went into the scroll. "Amazing! What was that jutsu called?" Ryou asks.

WC: 166
TWC: 1043

877/4000 to Wind style: wind rejuvination
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:34 pm
"Good." Love nodded and said when little sandy completed the jutsu. She replied to the boy's question, "Generic sealing technique." And then re rolled the scroll for a second time. "Now I want you to place a locking seal on the scroll. All you have to do is send chakra to your index finger. It will glow blue, then touch it to the surface of the scroll and the same array as before will appear upon the scroll in a circle 6 inches in diameter." Love felt very confident and mature after saying those instructions to the boy. She was starting to like teaching, she'd never played school like the other girls when she was younger so guesses this is what it feels like. Except she was really teaching something of value that he would use later on in life. Love would then watch the boy attempt the jutsu and answer any questions he might have, like what things can this jutsu be used on?

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:59 pm
Ryou hears his next instructions, he needed to place his index finger on the scroll as he places chakra where it touches, forming the same array that made the shuriken get sealed into the scroll. He then does as told, he picked up his hand and placed his index finger on the scroll. As his hand left the scroll, the place the layed his finger had formed an array like before. It does as she says, the array spams the scroll 6 inches in diameter. Ryou was glad he completed her assignment and learned a fuinjutsu. He would add that on to his list of things he has learned these past couple weeks. He learned some Medical jutsu from Ayame, Taijutsu with Daniel teaching him Dance the Willow, Genjutsu from Ayame again, He taught himself ninjutsu as he understood ninjutsu and now he knew a Fuinjutsu from Love, which he never actually knew because she never told him her name.

WC: 160
TWC: 1203

877/4000 to Wind style: wind rejuvination
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:07 pm
Love watched the boy perform the jutsu just as she had instructed. Seeing the array she picked up the scroll and tried to open it to make sure that the seal was as strong as it should be. When she couldn't it was time to move on to the final jutsu. "Alright you go those two down with no problem. Now this next jutsu you'll break the seal you just placed." Sitting the scroll back down on the ground she would then tell him how to break the seal. "It's virtually the same way you placed the seal. The only difference is you must use both for index and middle fingers of your dominant hand. A bonus of learning this jutsu is that you will be able to find, and detect different fuinjutsu arrays by sensing for the chakra within them, thus making the arrays visible to you. Of course you'll have to do more training to be able to break higher ranking seals." She told him as she would watch once more as the boy would apply the knowledge given to him by the older shinobi. Love then remembered he was supposed to teach her after she'd taught him and began to wonder about what things this boy knew.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 2 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:41 pm
The next thing Love instructed Ryou to do was to reverse what he just did to the scroll. As she instructed her fellow genin, Ryou pulls out his dominate, right, hand as places the index and middle finger on the array he had created not that long ago. He then closes his eyes to flow his chakra a little better. Then, as easy as it was to make, it was broken. Ryou felt proud of himself that he learned another completely new thing. He looks into the Hyuuga's eyes and gave a friendly smile.

Now that Love had caught Ryou something completely new, it was his turn. "Thanks, now its my turn to teach you something new." Ryou thought of all the jutsu's he was taught. "I guess I could teach you chakra infusion, medical ninjutsu, wind style jutsu, and genjutsu." He didn't know her chakra style or her want she would like to learn but he knew he would learn more about her. Then Ryou laughed, "I did never catch your name." He had only knew as leafy because of where she was from.
WC: 185
TWC: 1388

250/250 Fuinjutsu lock
250/250 Fuinjutsu unlock
888/4000 Wind style: wind rejuvination
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