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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Learning the Lava (T) Empty Learning the Lava (T)

Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:48 pm
The day had come for Kalix to finally learn the element of his clan. Lava was by far the most devastating element that any one person could learn without being the holder of a tailed beast. The many elements out there were very advanced but that of the Lava was by far the most impressive. Today Kalix would wake up from his bed and begin his true training of the lava element.
He would start early when the sun was just about to rise on the island village. Eating his breakfast he planned out a day that would start with him doing some meditation and physical training at the grounds. Then he would head to the beach to finally begin training how to create the element and in abundance. His goal that before he was called by his kage to begin missions he would finish his training of the Lava so that he would be able to master it on his missions and complete said training. After eating breakfast he would head over to the shrine of the kage and begin his meditation. Soon after he sat down he began to speak with a mantra in his mind saying affimations that he would indeed master the lava. IT was important to believe that Kalix could actually do it. His training in earth would make him realize that consistency was the best way for him to improve himself and be better for the village that he loved.
The meditation was not too difficult for Kalix. He would spend about an hour there practicing his mantras and he would then head to the training grounds. It was a good idea to do a nice warm up before he did any sort of training with the Chakra. The extra boost in movement would mean that the body would be able to run far more efficiently. This would make it to where it would be possible for the geinin to train hopefully for the whole day.
After his training at the grounds he would take a jog to his favorite beach outside the central island. Doing so would end his warm up so he could begin his lava training. He would first start out with going over some basics of the two elements. Fire and earth together were going to the be the way the would make the lava. So he felt that the best way for him to start would be to see how well the two elements work together without their infusion. He would begin by making earth pillars out the ground that were about 3 feet high. The earth would rise up and Kalix would be pleased with the result. Then he would blow fire on them to see what would happen. The first few times went about the same way. The earth just fell apart being overwhelmed by the fire coming from Kalix. Kalix had realized that his fire chakra was far more advanced than his earth chakra at this point. So that if he was going to find that balance he would have to improve his earth and tone down his fire until they both were at the same level. IT was like he only trained with one arm in his life and the other was just barely trained. He would have to work on the weaker muscle first before he could achieve that balance and make the lava.
The attempts throughout the first day would gradually get better. Many times the earth would just fall apart after a few seconds when the fire was too hot for it. Sometimes it would actually stay intact for a bit but collapse after the loss of integrity. Soon it would be nighttime and it was time for Kalix to call it for the day. He knew that he would have to work hard to find that balance and every day would be a challenge for him to improve his earth so that it could handle the harsh fire within his body.
The next few days would be very focused on the earth. When he would go to meditate he would make sure that his focus on making the earth stronger and his body more resistant to the fire. HE would go over this mantra a few times more before going to the training grounds for his warm up. He wanted to make sure that he was solid and consistent in his goals so that when the time came to train he was focused just on learning the earth.
After the training at the grounds he would head to the beach and try the same exercise again and again until he was too tired to do it. He would put all of his effort into learning how to make the earth stronger. As he did this more and more he realized that he needed to think of the earth smaller and smaller. The smaller amount of earth he was able to focus on would mean that area would be stronger. And if every area was that strong he would improve the function and stability of the earth immensely. HE would begin to make his earth pillars smaller than before so that he could focus on the smaller parts of the element more. The first few times he tried this practice it yielded no results. The earth would just crumble into ash. But after a bit of training he was able to visualize the earth being strong even at the molecular level. While he wouldn’t be able to control it at the small of scale he would try to think about it on that scale. As the days passed with him being able to control more about the element each time he found that the earth was staying stable longer than before. Every time would be  just a bit better than the last. Showing  Kalix that he was making improvements. In time he would master it and be one step closer to mastering the lava.

(WC: 1002; requesting 1002/2000 words for lava element, 5 stats for my work.)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Learning the Lava (T) Empty Re: Learning the Lava (T)

Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:58 pm

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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Learning the Lava (T) Empty Re: Learning the Lava (T)

Sun Nov 27, 2016 1:41 pm
Kalix could begin to feel the strength of the lava growing within him. Every day he was getting stronger and far more powerful. His confidence was also growing as he was closer and closer to reaching his goal of mastering the lava. Kalix had been working on finding the right balance between his fire and his earth for some time now. He had begun to see his earth be more powerful as his body became much more resilient. The longer that he trained the more endurance he would have and the more his earth could be used.
Now it was time to find the right formula to make the lava he so craved. After many days of meditation and many more days of understanding how to think of the earth he felt as though he was finally at the place where he would try to combine the two elements. The main issue that Kalix had when he was learning the earth was that he was trying to find the right way to make the earth work his lava. While that is still the case for him now he felt confident that with his new skills he would find that balance eventually.
Kalix would begin the combination lava training pretty similar to before. He would eat breakfast and he would head to the shrine of the mizukage to do his morning meditation. Throughout this process of meditation he realized that he had become much more balanced within which meant that he could control himself far better than he did before. This also meant that he was finding control within the elements he had within him as well. This made him a far more formidable man than he was before.
Now that his meditation was done he would go to the beach by jogging. He would warm up his body that way so he could use all of his strength on mastering the lava. The air was cold and the wind was crisp on the genin. It made him feel at ease and at peace while he was running. The weather was just perfect, every day, for training any sort skill or technique. The islands were just paradise to Kalix. And there was no better place to be.
When he got to the beach Kalix would take a minute to do some streretches and then begin his chakra training. He would assume that the lava would come out of his mouth. He would begin to knead the chakra of the earth and of the fire together within his body. At first he felt as though nothing was happening. But after about 30 seconds he could feel the heat rising within his body. His body was just extremely hot but he didn’t want to exhale the element yet. He wanted to wait as long as he could endure. The heat was rising but that didn’t stop him from keeping it within him. He thought about the earth and how the earth would have to be strong and powerful in order for it to do his job. He thought about how the fire was reckless and uncontrollable. The fire was meant to be massive devastation.
It took what seemed like an eternity of time before Kalix let his breath go. In reality it was about 2 minutes before he let it out. When he finally let it out it was like a pile of clay exhaling from his mouth. The substance was hot and irritating to the ninja. But it wasn’t impossible to stop either. He had held it in for far too long and in doing so heaps and heaps of the stuff were coming out of his mouth. It was almost as though he couldn’t breathe for the duration. He thought that he was going to choke to death for a moment. But Kalix stayed calm. He used his training and just let the process run its course. He was in no real danger of an enemy attack so he knew he could just close his eyes and meditates for the time he was incapacitated.
While he meditated he would think about the brief journey that he had gone through. He waited and just thought about everything that was happening and thought about what was going to happen soon. HE was going to be assigned missions and he was going to have to contribute to the well being of his village. It was exicting to Kalix but also very frightening. However before he was able to think about it any longer his thoughts stopped and his mind was quiet.
When Kalix finally opened his eyes it was dark outside. He had collapsed during his meditation from the loss of air. When he got up he couldn’t really see much of anything because it was so dark. HE must have lost oxygen from holding it in for too long. No matter. He survived the process. For good measure the genin decided that he would try one more time before he went home. HE didn’t know what time it was but another go was alright.
He would knead both the earth and fire together within his body. He would focus on making it like the clay again, but this time just molten. That was secret to thinking about lava, thought Kalix, it was Clay. Clay can get extremely hot before it melts. However it can turn to lava just as quickly with the right amount of heat. He would exhale. And out of his mouth was a stream of molten lava. Kalix saw it and was thoroughly impressed by the display. The light coming from the hot substance, how it sizzled when it hit the water, and the smell of the lava. Everything with it was just perfect. HE had achieved one half of the Terumi heritage in just a few shorts weeks. It was incredible and so rarely done in this time of ninja. Satisfied he headed back to his house for some rest.

(WC: 1001; 2003/2000 words for lava element, 5 stats for my work)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Learning the Lava (T) Empty Re: Learning the Lava (T)

Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:08 pm

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