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Uchiha Kisuke
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:30 pm
Pulling the cigarette out of his mouth with the thumb and index finger of his right hand, Kisuke would exhale a pale cloud of white smoke and listened to Yensung while twirling the rolled up tabacco between his fingers. Yensung confirmed that he too did not readily hand out his trust but that he was ready to have a helping hand laid upon him if needed. "Is that what this is about?" Kisuke though to himself, now calm and relaxed. "Was he testing to see if I had enough trust in him to let him touch me, using the buzzing bugs as a distraction. Damn, I guess that means I failed." Sticking the cigarette back into his mouth as he reflected on his mistake, he slowly shook his end when the Aburame asked if it hurt. "I suppose I can." Mumbled Kisuke to Yen's next question, not entirely sure what the Chuunin was expecting him to search his "soul" for. 

Crossing his arms, the cigarette dangling off his lips was swiftly dwindling in size as Yensung began his approach once again and asked a very difficult question to Kisuke. The young Uchiha squinted his eyes as he though about the question. It truly was a tough question, asking an Uchiha if he would turn his back against his clan. The Uchiha clan was different compared to other clans of the village, they were very traditional, very strict, with demanding laws and regulations that relied heavily on keeping the honor of their clan intact. Any offence against the clan's honor would immediately result in banishment from the clan and banishment meant you were no longer recognised as an Uchiha and being considered a member of the clan was everything for an Uchiha, even one such as Kisuke who was not as traditional as other members of the clan. On the other hand however, he had his village which in theory was much bigger than the Uchiha clan in meaning. The village was his home and the home to the rest of its inhabitants, where their Kage lived, their supreme leader regardless of your clan or origins. This, especially for an Uchiha was a very difficult question.

As he pondered some more, his eyes fell upon Yensung's rising hand. This time not hesitating or moving to prevent the Aburame from placing his hand upon him, the young Uchiha would let out a slight sigh which exhaled some fumes as well. "Whats the right answer?" He though to himself, clearly struggling to answer the question. "At the end of the day...." Kisuke said he pulled out and threw away his cigarette with a pause. "I'd have to report them to the Kage. The village always remains on top of the totem pole, no matter what the issue at hand is. Even if it means going against my own clan, if they perform an offence against the village itself, its my duty as a member of the village to take action. No matter what, the village comes before all else." If the situation ever arose Kisuke knew he'd have to put the village before his clan, however he would never be able to forgive himself for going against his clan.
Alister Yama
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:54 am
Yen studied kisuke as he listened to his awnser. It was a very tricky question as yen intended it to be naturally. One that could easily lead one to  question loyalties. However yen was merely getting started.

" if it was truely as simple as that. The real question lies however in what was asked. You would face persecution, even a death sentence from your very village mates? The ones who even at the wee bits of night will cut into your skin with knives. Take the eyes you worked so hard to get back as they all hold you down and take them from your own eyes and crush each one before you. Kisuke. What if you had to take a mission to tarnish your own clan?  Take the lives of your best freind. Your neighbors children. Stub the flow of your clan. What if you had to do it to another clan? Or even burn down the homes of the innocent for your village? Would you question yourself as you prepaire to plunge your blade into the very children of another village? If the choice came to do a sacrifice. Would you forsaken your identity as an uchiha and take the persona of a normal civilian?"

Yen asked as he stopped his hand an inch from kisukes skin and continued to ask the ever increasing questions.

"If tortured. And you couldnt hold back a secret. What would you reveal to an enemy? If you were told that you had to choose between saving yourself, being that saving yourself would rebuild the village, or standing till the village falls and you  fall with the ashes. What would you choose?"

Yen asked casually
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:10 am
"So the first part of this test was a test of trust." Kisuke though to himself as Yensung procceded to further question the young Uchiha. "Now he's testing my loyalty. I clearly failed the first part, now I have to try my best not to bomb this one. But it wont be easy." Yensung was really pushing the ethical questions down Kisuke's throat, presenting him with a very difficult situation. "I'd be ready to face my clan if it ever came to that. They were the one's who committed the crime against the village and they knew what they were doing. I have no issue with dealing with whatever comes my way if it meant I put the villages best interests first. If anything, its more likely they would probably be banished from the clan for going against the village."

"Does that make sense?" He though to himself as the ethical questions kept coming his way. "If the village gave me orders to take out a friend, a clan member, another clan member or even burn down some village I would not hesitate to do so. However I would need to know the reasons why. If the village were falling under the rule of a greedy, evil dictator I would not simply follow his orders and burn down an innocent village if there was no reason behind it. However if I was ordered to do a task that would somehow benefit the village or was thought to have some sort of benefit for the village, I would do it without hesitation. That is my duty as a shinobi of this village. Someone else would do it none the less therefore I have no problem doing it myself."

Clearing his throat, Kisuke would continue "If I went against the village for my clan the village would forsake me which would then lead to me having no place in my clan as well. Therefore I would do what I had to do if the village required me to do so, regardless of the interests of my clan." The next question would be a little more difficult to answer. With the questions Yensung just asked, Kisuke could answer somewhat easily because he knew where his loyalties lied or should be. However this next question was quite difficult to answer if one had never experienced such a thing. "I'd like to think that I would put myself through hell before ever releasing any village secrets, put my life on the line to protect the village. However this is one of those situation where you never know until you experience it first hand." Meanwhile, Kisuke let Yensung put his hand as close to his flesh as he wanted, not hesitating to let the Aburame touch him and quite possibly cover him in insects.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:44 am
Yen nodded at kisukes awnsers. They were solid and  Yet... they were difficult it was a mental drain. One that was meant to make one think and speak till they lacked the ability to realize what it was they were supposed to think. Simply reving up the questions yen dug further into the mindset of the uchiha with now a mind grinding barrage of even more difficult questions.

"How many shinobi does it take to defend the village. And where would you be in the case of an attack? The front? To protect your village even if it was an inetivable chance that you would fall? The back? Where you can be called "the last stand"?  Or the one who would stay behind your opponent in a preintive assault?" Yen finished the question as he slowly walked around kisuke in a very slow circle. Taking his time to  test his resolve to handle the situation.

Upon completing the circle around kisuke yen would nodd and speak harshly with his next question. [size=30]"Would you break an direct order to defend this village if you had infomation  that can save thoes on an important mission for the safety of this village?"[/size]
Finishing this yen would slow down his pace and grant kisuke time to awnser his question fully and completely. Upon completing the awnser yen would begin the difficult test that lies ahead for kisuke. He required awnsers not only in kisukes will and determination but now wisdom. The following questions came with a harsh twist  as yen proceeded to make the test an even greater obsticle. 

Time to get this amped up. I wonder how he shall awnser with the rough truth standing before him. As i said he will have no true indicator to the test overall. Still... im confident he would do well.

Yen thought as he asked the next question. While surging his chakra through his body. It was all in preperation as yen began to first simply order his kilkikaichu simply flow their serum through his body as he spoke. Mixing his chakra with the liquid flowing through him, and enhancing it now yen was close to prepared as he felt the imnediate drop of chakra. It was in part impactful. Still yen hardly needed to do much. He was still talking and questioning kisuke. Despite what was hidden in plain sight.. as yen preparing for the greatest challenge yet. (Kilkikaichu chakra destructive serum, power:75)

Yet yen asked once more as he felt the chill of ice going through his veins.

"Which would you sacrifice for your loyalty to the land of fire? Your family? Your ties to the village? Your own freedom as an induvidual? Would you regret any sacrifice you would make for the sake of the village? Your honor as a shinobi? Or reputation as a leader."

Yen stopped in front of kisuke and looked him dead in the eyes. Devoided of emotion as he waited for kisuke to awnser that question.  Upon kisukes completion of that question yen would walk now counter clockwise  around kisuke as he asked the next question in a matter of fact tone.

"Would you tell the truth as a shinobi of konoha, and expose to the hokage if they were a dictator and corrupt induvidual. Knowing that the village was one founded on truthful  and honest barrings? Or would you turn your cheek for the sake of leadership?"

Yen would wait as he finished his circling of kisuke and study kisuke while he walked. Looking for discomfort any betrayal of his words being fact or fiction.


-50 for chakra destructive serum
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:33 pm
How many shinobi to protect the village? That was a pretty vague question. When it came to protecting the village there were many factors that came into play. Whether you were actually in the front lines, taking the enemies on head first or ensuring the safety of civilians as they were evacuated where two different way of protecting the village. Kisuke remember the different protocols and steps shinobi had to take if every there was a home front attack that was taught to him during his time at the academy. He had never experienced such a situation but if ever it arose Kisuke felt he could successfully apply his knowledge to the situation. "I believe it takes every shinobi in the village to protect it. Whether it be one bold missing nin attempting an attack on the village or an entire army, its going to take every shinobi who can offer their assistance to stop the threat at hand. Whether it be facing the threat in combat or evacuating the area, every shinobi available should play a part in the protection of the village. In your scenario, I'd like to think I'd be part of the evacuation process. At this point in my career I'm not as strong as other shinobi in the village so I would focus on the evacuation. Once that was completed I would join the battle, wherever needed. Whether I'd be someone who stayed back as reinforcements or join the front lines is irrelevant, I'd do what was necessary to protect this village."

As Yen completed his circle, Kisuke thought to himself "That wasnt a difficult question." Compared to the other questions which were pretty taxing mentally, this one seemed quite obvious to him. However the next one would hit like a bullet. "Well.." Kisuke began as he though about it. "If I had valuable information that could save those on a mission I would bring it forth immediately. However if I was still ordered not to proceed for the village's safety was at risk then I would be obliged to follow that order." Kisuke though about his answer, would he really let his friends fall into a trap if he was ordered to do nothing about it. It was hard for him to think of a situation where letting his friends die would somehow benefit the security of the village, however he knew that if ever a superior ordered him to hold his hand he would have no choice but to obey, no matter how much he wanted to disobey. 

It was clear to Kisuke what Yen was doing now, what this test was. Being a Chuunin did not only depends on your strength and skill and a shinobi but on your mental strength as well, the ability to do was is necessary despite one's own feelings and beliefs. What it took to be a leader in the village and follow orders.

"Sacrifice." What would Kisuke be willing to give up for his village. Honor, respect, what other's thought about him meant little to nothing. Kisuke never cared with the opinions of others for everyone had their own opinion. If he concerned himself with everyone else point of view it would be impossible to please everyone therefore he cared not for them. If he had to do something that would "tarnish" his reputation for the sake of the village, Kisuke would have no problem doing it and thats exactly what he would say. "I would gladly destroy my reputation for the village. I couldnt give two shits what people think about me. I could do nothing and if everyone though of me as an ass hole I wouldnt care."

Kisuke paused after that. He would honestly destroy his social standing for the village however he did not know if he would be able to give up his family. His younger brother was all he had left and he did not want to just disappear on him the same way their father had. He was struggling with this part. If ever he found himself in a situation where he were forced to leave the village without a word, he did not even want to think about it but he had to answer it. "If the village required me to do something where I was forced to cut ties with the village and my family afterwards then I would do it. If they were asking me to do it then that means I am the only one capable and trust worthy of doing it. However having to leave my brother behind without a word, I would harbour that and regret it for the rest of my life." Kisuke said this because he truly believed he would leave his brother behind if the village required him to, but he was all his brother had left. Would he really let himself be the person who left his brother behind for the greater good of the village. He liked to believe so but he truly did not know.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:31 am
Very good. He is showing depths rarely shown and seen. Still it only gets, harder. The final batch of questions.... the last hurdle till i am confident of his mental frame.

Yen thought as he remained silent. He continued to walk around kisuke. The grass crushed beneath his feet as the crunching was the only  sound that gave the two of them company. Yen remained this way for at least 1 hour. He wasnt stumped but was testing kisuke. Each question following had a silent factor of at least an hour making the day go by into the evening

"You find three genin have misbehaved. They have committed many dismeanors against the behaf of the village. Even as far as caused harm while you were required to keep supervision on them. What would you do to dicipline the three genin? Would you go as far as to cause any harm for setting an example?"

Yen remained silent for an hour as he would listen to the uchihas awnser. At the end of the hour yen would speak up as he looked into kisukes eyes.

"Woukd you regret following any order that forces, your hand  against your family, innocents, and even the allies of the village? Would you change any awnser i have recived so far from you kisuke? Reflect on each awnser you have given me and reinforce them. They are your vows to the village."

Yen remained staring into kisukes eyes as he awaited his kisukes awnser's.

Yen after that hour would speak the most challemging question yet. As it was very easy but also challenging as it was a series of questions in fact.

"Why do you belive you deserve to be a chuninn? Do you belive that despite skills you are ready and has been ready for the rank? After all of your awnser's are there any doubts of you being a chuninn? Do you have any reasons you belive you cannot be a chuninn? Any weaknesses? Any fears? Do you feel you are over confident in your awnsers?. Has the will of fire in you and your belife in the will of fire wained? Explain please why." 

Yen would state as he awaited kisukes awnser. Upon awnsering yen would nodd and finally speak giving his analogy.

"You would make a fine chuninn in time. I suggest you take this with your current leader. As your duties lies in preparing your mentality. Disallowing the illusion within. I want you to reflect on your awnsers and embody them fully. Face your instructor not as the genin. But the one disiring growth. I must leave now my student. But i shall return... by then i expect you to be ready. If not a chuninn. Buisness calls. I will be back."

Yen stated with a smile at long last as he headed home.

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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:18 pm

Approved unless interrupted <3
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:16 pm
Kisuke watched as the Aburame walked slow steady circled around him, without so much as uttering a single world. He continued doing this, continuing till seconds passed, then a couple of minutes, then a dozen minutes, then several dozen minutes. It felt like Kisuke had been standing there for eternity. When was it going to end? Kisuke wondered if he should do or say something. But then it donged on him. This was a test of mental fortitude, cracking on the pressure and speaking through this silence would only hurt his results. Therefore the young Uchiha would focus on his breathing and remain silent for as long as needed. He readied himself to be here all night of need be. The only problem was his legs mite get soar from standing straight for so long.

At last, after an hour the Aburame asked his next question. "No, I would never cause them harm. I would show them and explain why what they did was wrong. Try to make them understand. Fear and pain are never good motivators. I believe if you get to them on a positive emotional level then they will better understand. I would try to reach that positive emotional level, get them to trust me so that I could show them why what they did was wrong." "Positive emotional level?" Kisuke though to himself, someone who though he would never utter those words let alone in the same sentence. After he answered the question it was followed by another long silence, one he was prepared for and remained silent for the entire duration which also lasted an hour. The sun had already began to set by the time the following question was asked. 

Instantly he answered "I change none of my answers. Im here to serve this village. Regardless..." Kisuke paused for a moment before continuing "that does not mean I would not regret my actions. If I was ordered to carry out the task of putting down an ally or a family member for the greater good of the village I would be obliged to carry out that task, as I said before. However... I would carry that burden on my shoulders for the rest of my life. Whether they deserved it or not is not the issue, cutting down a friend is never easy if you have a heart." Kisuke though about what it would be like having to slay his younger brother however he quickly erased those thoughts from his mind as he knew he would have to wait for an hour for the next questions and he did not intend on painting his mind with that image for the next hour. 

"Despite my skill I do believe I am ready to be a Chuunin. I believe I have the mind set and ideals to be a leader in this village. I am willing to carry out and do whatever is necessary for the greater good of this village and I want to instil that same belief into the next generation of shinobi. I do not doubt my capabilities but of course I have fears. Everyone does. I fear that I wont be strong enough to protect this village or to protect the members of my clan from being persecuted and hunted for their eyes. I fear one day that I may in fact be asked to cut down my own friends. But that is why I believe I am ready to be a Chuunin, because if push came to shove I would complete my task for the village's sake."

This time, instead of continuing his slow methodical walk, Yensung nodded. "Buisness calls." He said after telling Kisuke he expected him to be Chuunin by the time he got back. Did that mean he was leaving the village? The Uchiha didnt asked, he simply nodded and watched the Aburame walk off. Once he was gone, leaving the Uchiha alone Kisuke plopped onto the ground before releasing a sigh of exhaustion. This was not what he had expected as a test. His brain was fried, he never knew mental exhaustion could drain someone so much. However he came here expecting a physical test and although his brain was fried his body was in perfect condition. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it, Kisuke would take a little break before he would continue his training on his own, this time a more physically taxing training instead of the mental kind Yensung put him through.

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:53 pm
With a fresh new cigarette light up, Kisuke walked over to the nearest tree and turned around to place his back onto it. Sliding his feet across the earth of the training ground the young Uchiha would simple let himself fall down onto his ass. With his legs fully stretched out in front of him and his back slouched against the tree behind him, Kisuke let out a sigh of relief. Finally able to put his aching brain to rest, he would slip the cigarette held in his right hand into his mouth and take an extremely large inhale from it. Leaving the cigarette to tangle on the tips of his chapped lips, Kisuke would let his heavy arms fall to his side. Kisuke had no idea that he could be this physically drained and exhausted without having done a single bit of physical exercise. Leave it up to Yensung to figure out a way to kick the crap out of him without actually having hit him. Kicking his head backwards, letting it thumb heavily on the bark of the tree he was resting on, the young Uchiha would slowly look around him. With nothing else to do, he simply watched, observed and analysed what was going on around him. His leather jacket was still on the bench he left it at, a couple of leaves had fallen onto it. The sun was not as high in the sky as it had been when their training had began. It was now close to setting, probably around supper time. Would explain why no one else could be seen for as far as the eye could see. Kisuke was all alone and he wouldnt have it any other way. Alone with his head resting back and a cigarette slowly shrivelling away in his mouth was as great of an afternoon he could ask for. Kisuke close his eyes and simply continued smoking his cigarette, smoking it as slowly as possible to enjoy it for as long as he could. The wave of relaxing that was taking over his body was magnificent, almost putting him to sleep  despite the fact he was sitting on the cold hard ground and had the rough pointy bark of the tree behind him stabbing into his back. His heavy eyes, drained of energy and filled with exhaustion slowly began to force themselves closed and without any resistance from Kisuke.

However just as his eye lids closed and sleep was about the overtake him he herd a high pitched yet oddly deep voice from above him shout out "Heya." Kisuke would open his eyes to see a tiny white dragon perched on one of the lower branches of the same tree he was resting under. Slightly frowning,  Kisuke would ask "What the hell are you doing here Fuku." The dragon was playfully smiling while looking down at Kisuke with his blood red eyes, his tail swinging back and forth as it dangled off the tree branch. "Nothing, just came to visit. See how things are going." Straightening his head to no longer be looking upwards, he would pull the cigarette out of his mouth to check how much was left before answering "I didn't summon you here." Taking one last inhale before throwing the stub of his cigarette away, Fuku Riu would hop off of the edge of the branch and nose dive towards the ground before spreading his wings wide as he began soaring, flying circles around the tree. "You never summon me." "Because your annoying and useless." "Hey thats mean. When I grow older Ill be the strongest of the Mount Shinsora dragons, just you watch!" Fuku Riu playfully landed onto Kisuke's shoulder, now right beside his face. Without changing his position or demeanour Kisuke would answer "I'm sure you will buddy. Now, why did your really fly all the way out here. Arent there other dragons back home you could be playing with or annoying."  Coiling his tail around Kisuke's arm and under his armpit, the reptile would respond "Yeah but Ka Riu is being a dick again." "Is that so?" Kisuke rhetorically asked as he knew the aforementioned dragon was quite the ass. "Yeah, hes bullying me and the other young ones, beating us up and everything so I decided to come see you."

"Well then, maybe I need to teach Ka a lesson." responded the Uchiha as he just got an idea for what his next training session could be. Slowly pushing himself onto his feet, using the support of the tree behind him Fuku Riu would complain "Ahhhh no, dont bring him here. I came all the way here to get away from him you fool." With a sly grin on his face the Uchiha turned to face the dragon perched on his left shoulder "Dont you want to see me make a fool of him." Fuku Riu began pondering Kisuke's proposal while he traversed over towards his shoulder shoulder, using his tail to keep balance and not have to dig his claws into the flesh of his master. "How exactly do you plan on doing that?" "Well, telling you would be no fun. Just sit back and enjoy the show." With a look of disbelief on the dragons face, Fuku Riu would reluctantly nod. Pouncing off of Kisuke's shoulder, the tiny white dragon would take flight and soar into the highest branch of the same tree Kisuke rested on just a few moments ago. Walking away from the tree, Kisuke would take a look around to make sure there was no one in the area who Ka Riu would be able to hurt. Kneeling down onto one knee, the Uchiha would slowly perform the required hand seals in smooth succession and then slap the palm of his right hand onto the surface of the cold hard ground. Black seals would circle and spread outwards from his hand on the ground and then create a fairly large explosion of puffy white smoke directly in front of the Uchiha.

From within the smoke a loud snort of the like of a snarling beast could be heard. Two pairs of massive wings flapped, sending away the summoned smoke and revealing a 7th horned dragon. "Ah, its little Kisuke." Crossing his arms as he stood to his full height, Kisuke would watch Ka Riu take a step forward and lower its head to be face to face with his summoner. Now within inches of each others faces, Ka Riu began sniffing the air with his massive nostrils and sneered "That rodent Fuku has been here. Did he come crying all the way to little Kisuke? Pathetic." Ka Riu began to chuckle while Kisuke remained calm and unmoving. "I think its time to teach you a lesson Ka. One that can only be taught with an ass kicking." At that moment, Kisuke activated his 3rd tomoe sharingan. His natural yellow eyes would swirl into a crimson red with the 3 tomoes rotating into their positions. Being the hot headed dragon that he was, Ka Riu accepted the invite and rose onto his hind legs. Now standing at twice his original height, Ka Riu would heavily come back down onto his fours in an attempt to slam into his master. Easily rolling forward and evading the attack, Kisuke would pick up a rock that fit perfectly in his palm and then dashed out from under Ka Riu and out to his right. Being the arrogant dragon he was, Ka Riu simply turned to face Kisuke, not at all worried what the Uchiha was doing believing he already had the upper hand. Turning his long neck to the right Ka Riu would turn to see Kisuke dashing towards him right his right out stretched to his right. Bringing the rock down, Kisuke would smash it right on top of Ka Riu's face right in between his eyes. However the dragon was tough and Kisuke knew that it wouldnt really hurt him, so he followed up by slapping him in both of his eyes. Ka Riu's reflexes were fast enough to close his eyes lids before they made contact but the simple fact Kisuke attempted that greatly aggravated the dragon and that was Kisuke's plan. He didnt plan on beating the dragon but simple humiliated him, put him in his place to make him realise hes not all that. 

Opening his eyes now filled with rage, Ka Riu pounced forward. Smashing the flat of his snout into Kisuke's torso, the Uchiha would be knocked backwards onto his ass. Before Kisuke could get back up onto his feet or attempt to role away, Ka Riu was already on top of him. With his right claw on top of Kisuke's chest pressing down, the overwhelming difference in strength pinned Kisuke onto the floor. With Kisuke grinding his teeth in agony, Ka Riu would lower his head down towards his summoner and growl with flames forming at the back of his throat. "What lesson did you say you were going to teach me?" "This one." Came Kisuke's voice but not from the Kisuke who was pinned under Ka's claw. Suddenly Kisuke would vanish from under him and Ka Riu would find himself standing back to where the fight had started with Kisuke still standing in front of him face to face with his sharingan activated. Only now Kisuke held a kunai under to Ka Riu's soft neck. "You've been under by Genjutsu this whole time Ka and I've had this kunai to your neck the whole time." "You cant even cut me with that tiny piece of metal." Answered the angry dragon, hatred running through his veins knowing he was under the Uchiha's spell the whole time. "Whether I could or couldnt is not the point. That point is I was in control Ka. Learn your place or else next time I'll put you in it." With Fuku Riu snickering in the background, Ka opened his mouth ride to unleash his Nova Flame but Kisuke sent him back to Mt. Shinsora before he let out a spark. Swirling the kunai around his index finger, the Uchiha would turn back to look at Fuku Riu and with his sharingan active he would give the tiny dragon a playful wink. 


Forgot about this thread for a while so gonna go ahead and exit.

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The Illusionist - Page 3 Empty Re: The Illusionist

Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:37 pm

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