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Who Needs Joints? [p] Empty Who Needs Joints? [p]

Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:16 pm
The underbrush of large leaves and branches inhibits Shiro’s movement. Around him, he can hear the panting breath of multiple pairs of lungs driven by their empty stomachs. No longer does he need to be cautious with his steps. Instead, his only goal is to make it through this thickness of foliage and out into the open region of the field before his property. Left and right he staggers, regaining his balance after losing it multiple times over by tripping over raised roots. Never through this expedition has he fallen completely onto his hands, not yet any way. If such a stumble were to occur now, he would very likely perish by the fangs of his current enemies.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” He thinks, ducking under a low branch and continuing with his speed. Water droplets fall from the leaves above and land on his body. The shoulders of his shirt show the stains like rain. “I mean, I can probably take them easily but for me to have to travel from their den to here, the length may be too much. I can’t even remember how long it took me to get there.”

The light can be seen shining through the trees ahead. As drops continue to rain due to Shiro’s disturbing the trees, the water refracts the light and causes it to shine in his direction. He shields his eyes from the glare.

“That might slow them down. Just a little further, it’s right in front of me.” His whispered voice remains calm amidst the clear danger. Shiro can hear the rampant running steps of his adversaries as they continue to run after him, seemingly undeterred by the shining sunlight.

Suddenly, Shiro trips into the open field, recovering before completely hitting the ground. His head looks up at his home ahead and he keeps his pace until the center of the open range is reached. The training post he always uses it just to his left and the chasing wolves now stop ten meters in front of him. For the first time, he gets a good look at their dripping maws and hungry eyes. And to say that these predator animals have sharp teeth would be an understatement. Those fangs have a sharpness of 80 and so do the claws on their paws. The growl can be heard from a distance and the roar, though Shiro has yet to hear it, is probably audible from fifty meters away.

Slowly recovering, Shiro removes a kunai from one of his ninja pouches using his right hand and holds it at the ready. In this situation, either side can make their move first and being prepared for the sudden pounce of the wolves is paramount.

“Don’t let them catch you by surprise. That’s how you’ll fall.” Shiro tells himself, keeping his eyes fixed on the three gray-furred canines in front of him. “I have good range now, enough to think about a plan. However, in a real battle I may not have that luxury. The opponent will most likely not allow me any time to contemplate my next move. This training should help me to think on the fly even when under pressure. So, to accomplish that, I need to jump right in.”

With that, he starts his running towards the blood-thirsty animals. The three of them intend to meet him halfway, pouncing forward five meters after Shiro is already five meters from them. The gap is closed quickly as they move at a speed of 40 and all three attempt to tackle him to the ground. Seeing a path already, Shiro ducks below the highest one, slides to his left dodging the second one, and confronting the third one head-on. He shoves his kunai forward with a speed of 68 so that its sharpness of 83.25 can provide a parry against the sharp teeth of the wolf’s maw. Using his 65 strength, Shiro overpowers the force of the animal’s pouncing speed and pushes back so that he lunges forward with his kunai lodged into the canine’s mouth. The claws within the wolf’s paws extend to half of an inch and his arms reach forward so as to scratch at Shiro but the arm with the kunai is too long. The foreleg of the wolf does not have the range to reach Shiro. Landing seven meters past where the first two wolves had landed, he turns and heaves his right hand with a swing so that the wolf is flown off with a speed of 106.5.

The three wolves regroup after the one soaring a meter above the ground has descended to the grass. A trail of trampled blades follows where the animal had slid across the ground and stops where the wolf is getting up.

With a distance of seven meters between the wolves and Shiro, the short time presented is used to decide on his next move. As always, he has scenarios at his disposal and actions to choose from. However, these options are not to be used recklessly. Each has a use and a time to be applied into a battle.

The sight of the now moving wolves give Shiro a quick idea. “It’s true that I won’t always have the time to make up a strategy, to string together some strikes and maneuvers. In a fight like this, one with multiple enemies, that chance of being rushed increases. How can I level the playing field so that being outnumbered is not as big of a disadvantage or not a disadvantage at all? I would need to be able to deal with two or more targets at once. It’s possible that they might be in different directions or be striking for different areas.”

By this time, Shiro and the wolves are practically face to face. The first jumps over his head and the third dashes to Shiro’s right, hidden by the second wolf. As his concentration shifts to the wolf in front of him, he is still cognisant of the first wolf. The third wolf is also nowhere to he seen so he reasons that he must be planning some other strike, maybe a finishing blow.

Suddenly, the first pounces and the disturbance of the grass is heard despite Shiro having to concentrate on the second wolf.

“I wasn’t anticipating them to be this clever. I may be in over my head here.” Shiro thinks, blocking claws slashed his way by the primary target. “I need to defend against the one behind me as well as the one in front of me at the same time…”

The idea hits him like a bullet, so suddenly that the action is performed without thinking about the next ones. First, his left arm reaches forward to clash with the teeth of the second wolf. Next, Shiro’s right arm begins to turn and bend so that it can grab a second kunai from his right ninja pouch and continues backward until the shoulder joints begins to show more resistance. With his bone control, Shiro widens the socket of the ball-socket joint and removes the ball. Now that the shoulder is free, the arm continues with its momentum and intercepts the bone peppered jaw of the wolf. Shiro’s right arm is in fact pointed straight behind him at a 180 degree angle to the left arm.

The right arm, having lost much of its support of the shoulder joint, now requires more effort to move due to his needing to utilize his bloodline ability to manipulate the bones manually. Because of this, Shiro ducks and turns so that the wolf in front of his left arm is brought to collide with the wolf in front of his right. Just after the two wolves let go of the two kunai, Shiro reconnects his right shoulder by bringing the ball and socket back together and shrinking the socket down to its original size.

“Much better. That was uncomfortable for a moment.” Shiro breaths, keeping his eyes on the two wolves before him while his mind remains partially fixed on the wolf that had gone off to what is now his left. The house is behind him and the forest is in front of him now that Shiro has turned. “But overall, that wasn’t all that bad of an idea. I don’t know why I haven’t thought about using my Shikotsumyaku for such a technique before. And even though I can’t support any weight on the de-jointed limbs, I can use my own bone control to move them manually. Though, that kind of action requires me to split my attention between concentrating on my own body and on my opponent.”

Shiro gets the idea to further his research on his new technique and decides to end his skirmish so that he can continue his work.

“It wouldn’t be easy trying to test this… honenashi while having to put up with these wolves. Maybe I should scare them off now.” Just then, Shiro hears to sharp ruffle of grass to his left. Without looking over and breaking eye contact with the two wolves before him, he knows that this is the final wolf that had gone off to hide himself for a surprise attack. In one motion, he steps backward and lets the offender land in front of his two allies. Now, all three walk slowly towards him.

Shiro raises his right hand to his bottom lip and forms the half-tiger seal. WIth the chakra prepared within his chest, he releases the flames which expand in a cone shape outward. The fire, frightening and bright, do a good job of scaring the wolves off into the forest where they had come from as it pans left and right to spread the heat.

“Alright, time to get to work.” He thinks after taking a deep breath and quickly recovering from the sudden use of the fire stream jutsu. Shiro straightens his back out and turns to make his way towards the training post, facing his house as he arrives behind it. “For one thing, I want to know if the momentum from one of my de-jointed limbs will really carry for a significant distance. Even if I do need to use Shikotsumyaku to manipulate the bones and control the limb, it’s fine for only one action. The problem lies in doing so over time.”

Shiro jumps to about half a meter off of the ground, spinning as he rises. WIth his right leg, he kicks against the wooden stake and registers the impact. The force and speed are memorized as he makes a second round. Though, before reaching the stake once more, Shiro makes sure to detach the limb at the base of his hip in the same way that he had removed the ball from the socket in his right shoulder. The top of the thigh bone is controlled by Shiro’s Shikotsumyaku bloodline ability so that the leg is held up as his body spins. After the joint is successfully dismantled, the left leg impacts the wooden training post by the back of his foreleg. His calf hits with the same force as the front of his right leg and Shiro compares the two feelings as he lands on his two feet after reassembling the hip joint of his left leg so that it can hold up the weight of his upper body.

“That wasn’t all that bad. It seems as if the loss of the joint attachment does not change the force of the limb as it strikes. This is probably due to my holding the top of the femur in place. However, that constraint does not prevent me from moving the limb in any unnatural way. After all, if I could just substitute the joint for an artificial holding force without any other changes, there would be no use to the technique.” Shiro reasons, turning around so that his back is facing the wooden training post. “For example, I can detach the joint of my right arm and bend it backward at the same time while using only a fraction of my concentration on the top of my upper arm bone to act as a holding force in place of the former joint.”

Carrying out the action described, Shiro raises his right arm so that it lies parallel to his shoulders. Next, the arm slides towards the post, rotating with the shoulder staying at the center. The kunai punctures the outer layer of the post without Shiro’s body turning at all. The arm remains at its angle, the only movement being along the parallel with the left shoulder while the upper body stays facing away from the post.

Shiro places the kunai in his left hand back into his left ninja pouch before removing the right kunai from the wooden stake and reassembling the joint in the right shoulder so that he can place the weapon into his right ninja pouch.

“Now that I have that down, I need to go get those wolves again…” He whispers, placing his two hands into his pockets. Shiro sighs looking out into the forest. “They’re probably going to chase me with a larger pack this time.”

(2,000/2,000 towards Honenashi)

[Claims: Honenashi, 11 stats]
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Who Needs Joints? [p] Empty Re: Who Needs Joints? [p]

Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:32 pm

Link to tech please so I can double check <3
Satoru Nara
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Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:43 pm
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Who Needs Joints? [p] Empty Re: Who Needs Joints? [p]

Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:51 pm

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