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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:27 am
Mission Spec's: Clean this shit up

Mako had gotten to the training grounds very early, well before the sun had risen. It was pretty common for him as he didn't sleep as much as he had used to.  When he got there he found the entire training ground in a state of disarray, looking as though it had been trampled through by a group of wild monkeys.  It was a sorry state that was for sure, though Mako felt it could use a little help.  He would use his left hand to hold the cigarette he was smoking and would cut his right hand on his tooth and place it on the ground.  After a puff of smoke a small red spider monkey would pop out.  The monkey would run up his back and perch on his shoulder, having stolen a cigarette from Mako's belt pouch on his way up.  Mako would light a match against his belt buckle and light the monkey's smoke. 
The training arena had broken training dummies, needed paint and had broken fences.  It needed mowed pretty bad and had some real bad wild rose bushes growing up in it.  Mako smiled and saw how much work there was to do.  "Alright Sushma, there is a pack of cigarettes in it for you if you can make this entire training ground look twice as bad as it already does."  Mako would say to the monkey.  The small monkey would smile and run around collecting supplies, spray paint and toilet paper.  He threw the toilet paper over all of the trees and rose bushes.  The monkey lifted up and dumped all of the trash cansm spreading litter all over the place.  And lastly he took the cans and spray painted graffiti everywhere in the area.  What before was disarray would now be utter chaos. 
The monkey would go into the public restroom nearby and shove stuff down the toilets clogging them and spreading toilet paper everywhere.  Once he was finished the Monkey would look around and smile a very large smile.  Looking around quite pleased and sighing.  Sushma would then command Mako to turn around and close his eyes.  Mako would do asked.  Sushma would add a little monkey signature to the training grounds by adding a little poop to the works on one of the training dummies.
"Thats disgusting Sushma," Mako would say to the spider monkey. Mako would leap up to the roof of the bathroom shelter and sit on the side and wait.  Handing over the pack of smokes that he owed the monkey.  He would light another cigarette watching the entrance having already informed the students to meet him here early in the morning.
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:46 am
It was rather early in the morning and Kin had slept well but nothing would save the girl from waking up tired. Her bags had bags under them her stomach growled seeing as how she had no time to make herself breakfast if she had she would have been late. Her hair was tied back into a messy ponytail. She was wearing her normal training garb and her headband was tied to her arm this time because Kin had not wanted to fight tying it around her ponytail. 

Walking to the training grounds was a hassle all to its self the girl had no motivation to be up this early and the last place she wanted to be was a draw between the hospital and the academy, seeing as how she was asked to be here from her sensei this was where she needed to be. Upon walking through the academy gates her nose would be insulted by the smell of feces. "Oh..oh my. Is  that" Looking  toward one of the training dummies there she would see it a lump of brown defecation. Kin nearly threw up from the poignant smell and sight alone. 

Looking up she would see the rest of the mess that was the training grounds "How did this happen?" There was  spray paint everywhere broken fences and the grounds were a mess. Kin knew there was a long day ahead of her and sighed sadly.

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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:37 am
Mason had woken up even more tired, than when he went to sleep last night. " I really don't want to do this, but I have too." Mason thought to himself trying to get the will to get up and get dressed. His stomach started to grumble. "Alright I'll get up." Mason said out loud. After Mason got dressed and ate some ramen, he still felt hungry but he willed himself to get out of his house.

Nothing happened on his way to the training grounds, he still didn't know why his new sensei had asked them to come to the training grounds at this un-godly hour, but he didn't feel like pissing him off the first day. As he neared the training grounds, he started to smell a very foul smell. "What the hell is that?" Mason said lightly. He saw Kin, then he saw what wass making the very, very bad smell now. "You have to be kidding me, you can't expect us to train, or do anything here like this can you?!" Mason yelled very pissed off that someone, or something took feces and rubbed in onto a few training dummys. "I should just walk away and pretend I forgot." Mason thought to himself, going against his better senses he stayed and walked right next to Kin, with a frown on his face.

WC 225
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:37 am
Izo rolls out of bed with a big Yawn! Getting a decent nights sleep had did him well. Looking towards his alarm clock Izo, notices that he has over slept. ‘if I hurry I might still make it on time’ izo would think to himself as he jumps out of bed and quickly gets dressed for the day ahead. Izo decides to skip breakfast, hoping that it will save him a few seconds. Izo darts out the front door like a bat out of hell, letting the door slam shut on his way by. ‘guess I’ll start the day with a nice jog through the village!’ izo sarcastically thinks to himself as he sprints with all his might down the streets of the leaf village.

Turing the corner, Izo can finally see the academy was only a few hundred meters away. Izo turns on the jets at this point, hoping that he isn’t the last one of his squad mates to make it “maybe kin woke up late, or mason forgot to feed Murphy, or what if mako sensei lost his lighter and was so heart broken that he couldn’t smoke that he decided to call the day early?!!’ izo frantically thinks to himself.
Finally arriving at the Academy, Izo can see mason standing next to Kin “guess I’m last again” Izo would mumble under his breath. As Izo walks through the entrance he can see that it looked like someone had paid a monkey to trash the place! There was even poop to prove! Covering his nose Izo goes to stand next to his fellow teammates, standing on the opposite side from kin so that mason would be in the middle. “um good morning I think?” Izo would say to everyone while still covering his nose with one hand, and scratching his head with the other

Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:30 am
Having been surrounded by monkeys for over 6 months its sort of a smell and situation you get used to.  Mako would watch as the young genin would wander into the absolutely annihilated training ground.  Mako was a tough love sort of instructor and needed to see how determined these students were to dedicate and finish the task regardless of how mundane it is.  This was in fact a mission and needed to be treated with the same care and dedication that a high rank mission would.  Of course he would feel some guilt for the added difficulty, but this would prove what he needed to learn.
He looked over the edge of the bathroom shelter with his feet dangling, the monkey hidden behind him.  He smiled with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth.  He would look around and investigate the training ground.
"Well the Hokage has tasked you all with a very important mission, one that will test you and your determination.  Are you willing to do what is asked and what is necessary to complete this mission?" Mako would say with an official sounding air.  Mako would wait and see what his students faces seemed to give away whether it was glaring excitement because they figured their mission was more important, or massive disappointment because they figured they would be cleaning.
After seeing their responses Mako would smile because he knew no matter the reaction it would be priceless.  Mako looked down and reached over and grabbed a very limited amount of cleaning supplies.  2 brooms, 2 brushes and one small bucket.  There was a hose for water on the side of the building and some tools for fixing the dummies.  He would toss it down to them, as the things landed with a thud before the three students.
 Mako would then look down on them and announce, "Your mission is to clean this training ground.  As per the specs of the mission, it must be spotless.  As an additional rule that I will be implementing, if you complete the job in under  4  hours I will take you all out and buy you some ramen.  However, if you do not finish it within that specified time I will have to demonstrate a jutsu which I can guarantee you will not like.   There are very limited cleaning supplies.  So creativity will be essential to completing the mission.  Use everything you know. "
all you have to do is 500 wc, but going over is helpful. make sure you complete the cleaning, and be creative use jutsu.
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:54 am

"I'm not dealing with that crap, no pun intended." Mason had said trying to keep his cool, but fails and looks more pissed than he actually was. "I'll clean up the paint, and the litter." Mason said as fast as he could so he wouldn't be stuck with cleaning up the dookie. Mason grabs a brush, and body flickers towards the hose grabbing it, and going over to the paint covered. He heats his hands around the hose, so the water would be hot enough to make the paint come off easier.

He scrubs the steaming water over the painted area as fast as he could, getting it done in an half hour. "I might as well finish working on Phoenix Fire, if I have to get rid of the litter I'll burn it." Mason thought to himself. He weaves the hand signs Rat-Tiger-Dog-Ox-Rabbit-Tiger. "This is the most signs i've ever had to weave." Mason thought to himself. He started to gather the chakra into his chest. "It's just like Great Fireball but with more, and smaller fire balls. I've been practicing for a week it should go just fine." Mason also thought. He inhaled a large amount of air. He exhaled in short breaths, small fire balls about 5 of them which he had aimed pretty accurately, it hit five of the about hundred clump. They had burst into flames, small black smoke rose from the clumps of garbage, before it had turned into ash , which in turn he blew some short amount of wind onto the ash piles blowing them away. "Five down ninety-five more to go." He said smiling that he had completed the jutsu he had been trying to learn.

He had burnt all the garbage in about twenty minutes. "I guess I'll unclog some toilets. Be back soon." Mason had said sorta disappointed that he wasn't doing an important mission right now. He ran as fast as he could to the store district, getting there in about five minutes. He looked for a general store type shop finding one in seconds. He entered and bought a toilet plunger, and ran back to the training grounds, having thoughts of going back home to take a nap, but he insisted on finishing his part.

Arriving at the training grounds, he instantly went into the bathroom. "How does every toilet get clogged?" Mason yelled just finding out that every last toilet had been clogged. "This better not all be shhhhhh.....crap" Mason said just catching himself from swearing. He plunged diligently getting it all done in ten minutes. His left arm ached from plunging veraciously. "I'm done, I'm taking a nap now. Wake me when your done." Mason said before body flickering to a nearby tree branch, quickly sleeping.

WC 461 TWC 686 (Claiming Phoenix Fire 426/1000 + 686/1000= 1112/1000 Extra 112 towards Wind Glaive.)

Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:28 am
Kin looks over in the general direction of the feces and looks away grabbing one of the brooms. Maybe Izo would be a gentlemen and not make the only female in the squad deal with the feces. "I...I will take care of the trash in the...field and the rose bushes. Rushing away from the smell of feces that lingered in the area.

Taking a knee next to the wild rose bush Kin inspected the bush looking for a way to get into the middle of it with minimal damage being done to her forearm. "Too bad Mako sensei did not leave clippers." She sighed and looked at the bush reaching into the pouch on the side of her leg, Kin takes out a kunai and begins to cut away at the branch. Reaching further into the branch she feels sharp cuts being made and quickly pulls her arm out but the damage is done her arm was torn up. Scratches and cuts blood poured down her arm Kin kept in her screams they would have been loud. "That's it. I will not be bullied by some stupid plant. Forming the hand sign of Bird she focuses her chakra into the air around her and they begin to form little spheres  then they fly toward the bush quickly cutting it up it was not perfect but it will do for now. "Oops. But at least I got to try the wind bullet jutsu." She rubs the back of her head making an excuse for what just happened. "I will clean you up later."

Walking away from the bush she takes the broom which she had sat up against a fence and began sweeping the training grounds there were cans and plastic containers left everywhere. Kin wondered how they could let the training fields get this bad. Left and right the broom swooshed continuously non stop for fifteen minutes. her arms were on fire but she finally had all of the trash into one pile which would allow for easy disposal. "I guess it's time for me to go back to that rose bush."The girl would turn her head and have a stare down with the bush. this time it won't win.

Taking a seat next to the bush Kin takes out the same kunai. The bush had already been cut by her crude air bullets but she wanted to shape it so it at least looks like a bush again. Sticking her hand through the mess that was the "evil rose bush she began to cut away at it until it was approximately a foot long and a foot wide. Examining the bush it took a minute for her to accept what she had done but it had been trimmed to say the least and it won't be cutting anybody for a long time.    

Kin questioned how the others were doing seeing as how Mason was napping she supposed they were doing fine. She would take this opportunity to focus on learning a new jutsu, preferably  the Genjutsu Binding Technique. Before even attempting a new genjutsu she would meditate to clear her mind and focus her chakra. Sitting under the same tree as Mason Kin crossed her legs and put her hands into the tiger seal and focused her inner thoughts into master the jutsu.

Wc: 561 TWC: 801 (Claiming Genjutsu Binding 700/3,000 and extra 101 toward Wind Release: Air Bullets 101/2,000)
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:33 pm
Izo is still scratching his head as hears mason say he is not about to deal with the dookie. Hearing this,  would cause  Izo to lowers his head, now knowing that he will have to volunteer to clean up the crap as he wasn’t about to let kin do it. “I guess I’ll clean the crap off the dummy. But when I get the animal  who did this , I’m going to give em a piece of my mind! “ izo would call out as he  grabs the other brush and body flickers over towards the stinky dummy. Izo would take his shirt and uses it to cover his nose once he got close to the dummy. While doing this he would remove the dummy and body flicker over towards the hose. Once at the hose, Izo would scrub at the dummy for ten good minutes before all of the crap was removed. After he is done scrubbing the dummy, Izo would walk back over and return it to its post, taking his time to ensure that there are no holes or anything else wrong with the dummy.

“nice, that awful smell is finally gone!” Izo would yell out after taking a deep breath of fresh air. Looking over towards masons direction Izo would see him just finish up burning all the garbage before yelling that he’d be back soon. ‘man that guy runs off a lot.’ Izo thinks to himself as he walks over to the broken fence. Now at the fence, Izo can see that many of the post will have to be replaced.  Izo assumes that this task will take to long. He decides to try making a shadow clone to help him with replacing the post, assuming that it would take half as long if he does so. Having never preformed the jutsu before izo assumes that it works a lot like the clone jutsu just with added chakra. Izo would gather as much chakra as he possibly can Izo preforms the hand signs for the clone jutsu. Seeing that it is only a regular clone and not a shadow clone causes Izo to become embarrassed and quickly dispels the jutsu ‘why didn’t the shadow clone work,’ izo would think to himself as he begin to replace each and every fence post without the help of a shadow clone. Izo  would start with the fence post closes to the building and work his way all the way around till he was finally done replacing the fence post. This would take Izo about 30 minutes. Once he is done, Izo would body flicker over towards where mason and kin are  and takes  a seat under the tree.

WC 450
TWC 307 + 450 = 757

Claiming 757 towards shadow clone
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:53 am
Mako sat upon the tower going over the Haiton jutsu he had been practicing, he needed to get prepared for the jounin exams, and after much evaluation over his own personal weaknesses he knew he needed to be prepared for the worst.  This included genjutsu and water users.  This jutsu would be incremental for giving him an edge with the latter.  So as he sat on the roof watching the kids as they proceeded to finish the mission.   3 hours and 57 minutes and they had finished everything and were sitting under a tree waiting.  They had missed a few things but luckily they were relatively small or he would've covered the whole field in ash and forced the kids to clean it up.
He hopped down and the monkey jumped down and landed on his shoulder smiling with a grin.  "You all did well enough though you forgot the graffiti, clean it up before you leave or I will count it as a failure.  None of you will be receiving the ramen, and I expect you to take the missions more seriously regardless of how quickly it is finished."  Mako would lecture after leaping down and would leave the area flicking a cigarette butt onto the ground and heading home.
Mako would come by later to check if it was finished later the evening, he did not doubt it would be but needed to gauge whether it was a success or failure.
1093 TWC all toward haiton volcanic ash Mission complete
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12) Empty Re: Cleaning Up Some Dookie (Team 12)

Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:35 am
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