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Field Medical Training  Empty Field Medical Training

Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:04 pm
I More Medical Training (Chakra enhanced strength Chakra Absorbtion and Chakra Anesthetic✓.6000 Words)

5 AM
As the sun rose Kin did as well. It was an average monday as the sun shines vibrantly as everything in the village has a hue of goldenrod. Kin jumps out of bed and puts her typical garb a short Blue kimono with leggings and sandals. Looking in the mirror she puts her hair into two pigtails that lay on her chest and ties her headband around her head the symbol of the leaf is hidden behind her side swept bangs. Grabbing her pouch which only has four meters of bandage on her dresser and heads down the stairs. Rushing down the stairs she see’s her mother preparing breakfast and her father at the table. This was rare as her father is typically off on a mission. He is sitting reading a book Kin can’t make out what book and doesn’t bother trying.  

5:30 am.
“You ready to train with your mother?” He asks in a caring tone.”Um..yes..I am.” Come to think of it she had no idea what her mother wanted to do. They weren't going to the hospital today instead they were going to the training grounds not really the place you would expect a medical ninja to be seeing as how in the code of the medical nin they are not to be on the front lines to begin with nonetheless Kin holds her tongue as her mom puts two plates on the table one for her father and the other for Kin.

6:00 am
As kin and her mother finished breakfast they rose from their seats and pushed in their chairs. They kissed her father goodbye and walked out of the door. On the way to the field her mother finally desiced to fill her in on the agenda for the day. “Kin today we will work on two jutsu.” “Two?”  Kin thought to herself the last time she worked on a medical jutsu she could barely handle the amount of chakra it took to muster it all out. “We will work on the offensive Chakra Absorbtion and  the supportive Chakra Anesthetic we will start with the later. “ In all of her reading she has never heard of the chakra anesthetic but was open to learning about it. “Well okay. We will start at the hospital and head to the training grounds after.”    

6:45 AM
Making their way to the hospital which was pretty full as an escort mission just got back and some of the shinobi from the mission have exhausted their chakra. “I originally did not want to teach you this technique but given the circumstance I thought it would be a great idea and you can help your mother out here. “Kin was displeased by her mother attempt at using her as an extra hand but at the same was proud to help out these tired ninja. “Okay so how do I do this technique mom. Well we are not going to let you start on these ninja because well… if you don't do it right it will hurt a lot.” Kin was confused by her mother's last statement while looking onward she sees her mother forming handsigns. Hare - Ox - Monkey! Then her five fingers light up with blue flames “Wow Mom that's really cool- “ before she could finish her sentence her mother's hand was approximately ¼ into her abdomen at first she felt a little bit of pain as it felt like as Kin could only describe what the gentle fist must feel like coming from a genin but could latter only feel a higher amount of chakra flowing through her body she was revitalized by it. “That was the chakra anesthetic jutsu. It places some of my chakra into your body and can be a great asset in the field if a teammate carelessly uses their chakra in the heat of battle. Do you understand the jutsu’s usages.”  “Yes i do.” She rubs her abs as she still feels her mother's finger imprinted onto them.

7:20 am
“First we work on the basic’s  the hand seals for this technique are as follow Hare, Ox Monkey. You will also want to make sure that your chakra is focused onto your fingertips the more you do this jutsu the less you should have to concentrate. You should also know the limits of your own body. This jutsu  replenish others chakra by using yours so make sure you don't overestimate your abilities or else this could be a fatal mistake which can cost you and your comrades their lives. Do you understand Kin!”

7;30 am
Her mother's new tone gave kin chills down her spine. She knew the medical ninja in the squad was the most important but why does her mother need to constantly bring it up. “Now Kin try the hand seals.”  Hare - Ox - Monkey as she finishes up the hand seals she focuses her chakra into her fingertips they begin to glow with blue flames. Kin could feel the chakra leaving her body and going to those areas in her body she now understood why her mother gave her the chakra increase it was a technique which drained the user in order to replenish that of the patient. “Bring in the first ninja.” Her mother yells out to a nurse the male brings in a chunin rank ninja who has pretty much all but drained his chakra in his last mission. “Now Kin you will put those five fingers into the man's abdomen. Make sure you use enough force if you don't it will become a superficial technique. Kin looking over the man she grabs his waist wrapping her arm around then she slams her five fingers into the mans abs. He at first yells in pain but you can see his chakra coming back to him as he is no longer pale and sickly looking. “Good Kin. Now continue with the next three. Kin does so cleaning up the technique with each ninja she heals.

8:00 am
Now that Kin has learnt the first technique it’s time to move on to the second. Taking her young pupil to the training fields Kin follows apprehensively she wants to learn the chakra absorption technique so she can be an offensive asset to her squad mates but she was not really the type to be on offensive anyway.

“This technique should in my honest opinion should be in every medical ninjas toolbox. Just in case you have to get your hands dirty and take the field but as you should know is the absolute last case scenario.” Her mother tells the young kunoichi. “Kin was getting tired of this speech at this point she most probably knew it verbatim. Her annoyance was shown on her face and did not get past her mother. “Am I boring you Kin?” Her mother snaps back at her. “You wear your emotions on your face and as a ninja you can not afford to do so.”  Kin looks down at the ground with despair in her eyes.

8:30 am
As kin was upset her mother was also hurt by her daughter's actions. She takes time look down at the grass. Kin notices an ant who would be at her mercy in a way mirroring her current situation with her mother.

9 am
After a half hour of silence and awkward glances her mother finally decides to say something. “Do you want to learn the technique or not?” With a quick reply Kin shook her head. Well first you need to be able to concentrate your chakra into the palm of your hands, unlike the basic medical ninjutsu and chakra anesthetic You are taking chakra from their chakra network and replacing yours with there's it is a crude Version of the gentle fist but it's effective seeing as how a medical min can never have too much chakra.”

10  am
Kin has been on this jutsu for an hour now and has had very little luck with the chakra color. green when she needs her hands to show blue but instead it keeps glowing the same pale green as her medical ninjutsu that seemed to pose a huge problem seeing as how she doesn't want to heal her enemy's  as problematic as that may be, her mother sat quietly  just reiterating what's she told her before but this time she had remembered that her daughter need to try to reverse the flow or else it would not work.

10: 20 am
“Kin remember to try to reverse the chakra flow if you do not then you will be restoring their chakra rather than taking it.” Her mother says half heartedly. “That would have been nice to know an hour ago.” Kin yells toward her mother. “Well try it.” Holding her hand out she tries to to call forth some of her chakra and a it dispenses out her chakra flow is still green focusing on the chakra’s flow she tries to invert it but it as it comes in and out it begins dancing like the leaves falling from the trees but then soon disperses itself. “WHy can't I do it?” Kin has soon become discouraged from this technique. “I quit it's not working. “ In that very moment her mother gets up and holds out her hand. Her chakra begins to pour out her hand in a blue that is the same shade as the ocean. “Does this look hard to you Kin does it!” Again her mother has tough words that cut through her heart and causes Kin emotional pain.

Kin looks on to her mother and runs away from the field. Rushing away from her mother and under the large  fence gate  that greets the ninja who come to the field for daily training. Kin runs back into the village tears strolling down her face. The emotion of the moment causes Kin to relive a very bad memory one in which she tried so hard to forget. Five years ago when Kin was just a seven year old girl she could recall her mother and father discussing what they thought was a private conversation between the both of them but a young Kin was listening behind the cracked door. She could recall her mother saying Kin had no talent as a ninja and they believed that pulling her out of the academy was the suitable choice.  Kin remembers standing there silently with tears rolling down her face the only thing that young girl could feel was pain and regret . She hated letting down her parents and  never wanted them to feel shame and pity over her.  

11:15  AM
Standing in the middle of the street  with tears still streaming she knows that even if her parents think of her as a disappointment she can not let them get to her. SHe needs to grow up to be a great kunoichi with or without her mother's help. The girl loved her mother dearly but she didn't particularly like her mother and the way she treated her. SHe was never around when Kin needed her most. Like at her academy graduation or even when she aced a test at the academy. Her mother was always busy at the hospital saving someone else's kids life. She did not resent her for mother for that instead she admired her but she resented her for being there all the time constantly being on call and having no time to be with her own daughter, the same can be said for her father  he was never home infact he was always away when Kin was younger she thought she was just a thing to them and that they took advantage of her. Standing in the street she holds her hand out and looks it over focusing her chakra into the palm of her hands it goes from green to the ocean blue. She did it she finally did it she hates how she finally musted the strength to do it but Kin did it nonetheless.  Calling the chakra back into her body she did it yet again this time she knew she had finally mastered the jutsu but with an emotional cost.

On her way back to the field Kin saw the world in a new light though the last hour she recently  experienced was poor to say the least she saw the world in a new positive light. Children playing birds chirping happily as the world was her oyster she was ready to face a new challenge and now it would be to train the new jutsu she just mastered.

12:15 pm
Finally arriving back at the field where she left her mother she would learn her mother had left. Sitting down in the middle of the field Kin would see a note left on a training post which read:
“Kin I am disappointed in your lack of self control a kunoichi can not let her emotions control her but she must control them, If you are to be an effective ninja you need to be able to persevere and be mature enough to make the tough decisions that all medical ninja need to be able to make. I will continue training you when you grow up and only when you decided to act like an adult and not some spoiled brat who did not get her way and quit in the middle of a training session If you want to learn medical ninjutsu you better find a new trainer or scrolls to help you. P.S Dinner will be ready at 6 pm you better be home by then

Her mother takes this seriously she remembers that she had lost someone close to her on a mission and couldn't move on until she had learned how to save a life. She wanted her daughter to learn the most basic version of the jutsu so she should never know the pain her mother felt on the battlefield. And in the moment kin began to cry she showed her mother that she was no 100 percent into it.

Still sitting in the middle of the training field in a relaxed state as if nothing can get to her, the wind is blowing from behind her, the girls pigtails blowing in front of her dancing like bells in the wind. Kin was in a meditative state sitting with her legs crossed and hands on her knees. She was re focusing her chakra she was working on her chakra control.

Kin had once read that a ninja can enhance their strength by focusing their chakra into certain parts of their body such as in their hands and feet. Maybe just maybe Kin could try it what if it's successful and she has enhanced strength it's an A rank technique maybe just maybe...there are no downsides to the technique so why not try it out. Finally standing up she stands proud and strong as if she is a new person this is a good sign Kin normally is a very shy and timid individual but when she is determined it is as if she is a new person. Holding her head high Kin knows now that she must try and when she does she can finally come home to proud parents from this point on her mother has been nothing but disgraced by her daughters lack of usefulness and if she can utilize this jutsu well then maybe her mother will finally accept her as her child and be proud of her.

1 p
As the sun shines warm upon the training fields as it takes its spot in the center of the sky,. The pond that splits the training field in half is making a very soothing sound almost like a song that rain drops make as they go pitter patter on the ground. Blue birds fly overhead to their nest they have recently gathered food for their young.

Funneling chakra into her left hand she felt it start to twitch. It has never felt this much chakra all at once  she figured that she would need to refine it but for now just letting her hand and body getting used to that much chakra in that one part of her body was good enough.

HAving been able to successfully channel her chakra she thought it would be a good idea to work on her own taijutsu before this jutsu becomes as useful as possible. Leisurely walking over to the post she gets into a battle stance and begins punching the post. Punching the post her body pivots with every alternating punch. This would help her get disciplined in the way of taijutsu much to her disma she was never a fan of punching the post and hated this aspect of training but as she was taught at the academy a ninja must use every aspect of their mind and body and her mind was in pretty prime condition but her body was lacking yes she could heal a wound efficiently she would hope she would be a good enough ninja that that does need to be a battlefield casualty.

2:15 pm
She continued punching the post for fifteen more minutes  before tiring of the repetitive action. All she could do was hear her mother's voice in her head telling her that she can not do it and that a ninja must be a disciplined one and giving up is not a good ninja way. Kin looks up into the sky remembering that her past was not an easy one.  

5 years ago.
A seven year old kin sat outside of her parents bed chambers wearing a nightgown and holding a stuffed  toy cat. She could only hear her parents going back and forth about her. They did not think she would amount to anything and that maybe they should give up on her and pull her out of the academy. This upset the ir young daughter to the point where she ran from the door and to her room, she pulled her sheet back and laid down in her bed  putting her head under the sheets to cry. This was the first time Kin was ever sad, her parents words hurt they shook her to her core.

The next morning the sun rose and the birds chirped outside her window as per usual. This signaled the young girl to get up and put on her little green smock and run out of the house. Today academy was out of session and her parents were not up so Kin used this as the prime opportunity to run away from her home. Packing a sack Kin put all of her clothes into it and ran down the stairs. ”They won't miss me..I...I am just a bother to them.” Walking by her parents room she gives the door a longing glance and then opens the door quickly just to close it it slowly and gently just to make sure not to wake up her sleeping parents.

Walking by the elderly dango shop lady who used to babysit Kin when her father was away on a mission and her mother was too busy in the hospital., Mrs Abumi Kin waves to her carrying her gigantic sack. “Oh hello Kin.” the older woman calls out to Kin. “Hello Mrs. Aubmi.” The young child responds to the child's only mother figure. “What is with the sack child are you and your family going somewhere?” Asked Mrs. Aubmi. “No I am running away but don't  tell my parents.” Kin replies back looking around making sure no one hears her and tells the child's mom. “Now why would you do that? Come here and sit with me young one.” The older woman demanded. Not wanting to disrespect her elder Kin obliged. “I...I...I.. heard my parents talking about me last night. They ...they ...they said that ...i..will never be a good ninja and that I will just die.” Kin let out with tears. “Kin let me tell you something that I have picked up over my very long life. The only person whose expectations you should want to live up to are your own and  nobody elses. DO you understand what I am saying child. I believe you can do great things but only if you can put your mind to it.”  Mrs. Abumi told the child. Kin had taken these words of advice to heart and kept them with her for all these years.”Well Kin if you still wish to run away, here have some Dango for your travels. Mrs. Aubumi hands Kin some dango and Kin heads on her way looking backwards and waving goodbye to her. Reaching the training fields kin sets up her new living quarters this was her favorite spot in the entire village her and Mrs, Auburn I would go there just to gaze up into the sky and dream. Kin would typically fall asleep  while mrs. Auburn I  would use the clouds to tell a story it was normally about a princess finding her prince this was typical even when the clouds had no definite shape but she went with it Anyway to amuse the older woman.  A growl would go through the young womans stomach causing her to go through her bag to find one of the sticks of dango.  Upon finding the sticks of dango she would reach in and yank out the stick and a  heart shaped golden locket. Putting the dango on the sack she runs over to where the locket landing she opens it up to see a picture of her and her family. Saddened by the picture Kin throws the locket into a dirt pile and curls herself into a ball to cry never losing eye contact with the locket until a stray dog come out of the woods and grabs the locket and takes it back with him into the woods.

It was most likely attracted to the sheen of the piece of jewellery. “Hey that’s not yours you have to give it back to me. The mutt just looks at her and then scurries away back into the woods. Following the dog she gets to the outskirts of the woods  and looks onward. Kimn remembers her mother telling her to never go into the woods at least not until she is a ninja. But according to the girl her mother is no longer the boss of her and the newly bossless child heads into the woods. Following a trail of footprints she finds the dog laying in a little grotto. “Hey you. Give me back my locket.” The dog just growls and barks. Keeping her distance kin needs to find away to get it back. Picking up a rock the dog watches curiously then Kin throws it behind a bush the dog follows and Kin uses it as an opportunity to get the locket back until she hears whining looking behind the bush Kin sees the dog fell into the river. Oh no hold on I am coming to get you. The water was rapid and was unrelenting the head of the poor puppy kept falling under the water . Originally decided to change clothes she feared that if she went back to the field it would be too late for the stray. Jumping in in her dress she completely forgot that she does not know how to swim but in the moment it did not matter to her she needed to save the dog. SHe must save the dog. Treading the water Kin finally caught up to the dog. Unfortunately for her the dog was in a panic and cut her on the arm. Blood started gushing from her arm but before she could she managed to toss the dog from her arms onto the dry land but this time it was her who was drowning her head started going under she was blacking out. WHen she felt someone’s hand reach in and drag her out of the water.

Waking up in the hospital Kin noticed that she was on a breathing machine and the dog was there too. Unaware f how she got there looking agaisnt the wall on a table she saw her sack of clothing and the locket. Her clothes were dry and the room was dark. Soon the door burst open and there walks in her mother in traditional medical ninja garb. She was followed by an inuzuka clan member who to the little girl's knowledge came to only look at the girl. Taking a seat next to her daughter Mai Hayata decided it was time to talk to her daughter. “Kin.” Mai says to her daughter. “Yes mom?” Kin responds. “Why did you run away? Actually I know why I talked to Mrs. Abumi she said that you heard us talking last night. And you believe we were going to take you out of the academy. I won't lie we were going to take you out but then today you proved to us that you have what it takes to become a ninja. “ Kin smiles as the sun shines brightly into the room.

6:45 pm
Having seemingly fallen asleep while reminiscing she was facing the exact woods in which five years ago on this very date she met that stray mutt. She always wanted to know what happened to it and she was in the same position as she would be with Mrs. Aubumi who passed away three years ago also on this day. This day to the young girl was very important and today would be the day she learned three jutsu. This would make this day even more important this would be the day she showed her mother that she is a competent kunoichi. “Five hours and 15 minutes left to master this A - rank jutsu and she felt up to the task her mother's chakra from earlier is still running through her body. Holding her hand up she focused all her chakra as if she was about to do the chakra absorption jutsu but this time there was no more taking it slow there was only do or do not. Holding her fist out she punches the training post and it snaps in half she did it the gennin did it. She used an a rank jutsu. Trying it again she would this time focus the chakra into her feet as if she was about to walk on water or up a tree but no this time she was going to leap from the ground and jump toward the water. Her leg was completely vertical with her the water and when she comes down for her drop kick the unimaginable happens. The water rparts and she touched the bottom. The water comes down like it's a rain shower her hair getting soaked promptly and the dirt at the bottom of the body of water has been warped and replaced by giant shattered rocks. The water now has been replaced by a rocky jungle gym which can help train a ninja to use their surroundings to evade their enemies onslaught. This time she now focused her chakra into her left hand she felt it begin to finagle but it wasn't a bad tingle instead in fact it was the excess valve of her chakra letting the flow of her chakra leave from her hands. Taking this moment now she slams her fist into the ground destroying it. pebbles flying everywhere with massive force if someone was standing they would have surely been cut by the flying rocks.

Annoyed Kin did not answer her summons that dinner would be ready dinner had already gotten cold and Mai was on the hunt for her daughter. Going to the place she had last seen her child she heads back to the field only to see it was not the way she left it. Infact it looked completely different the terrain was warped boulder lay everywhere the ground is soiled from the pond's water and the post broken in half. Mai could only wonder. Who or what could have done that. Moving in closer slowly and with stealth she sees that it was her own child who created this much damage and with a very powerful medical jutsu not even she had mastered. The chakra enhanced strength had eluded may for many years  and to see the daughter who she had thought was a failure be able to use that jutsu a new light was just light and it was bright. Her daughter was the families powerhouse no longer a failure no longer a weakling she was KIn  Hayata and she was powerful indeed.

7 pm - 7 am
Kin had used a lot of chakra doing this jutsu and passed out from it. Her mother would soon pick her up and bring her home. “Kin you mastered an A- rank jutsu in a day i am so proud of you. Not only that but you also learned Chakra Absorbtion and Chakra Anesthetic. The next morning, Kin wakes up with her hair a mess and huge black bags under her eyes you would have though she just came back from a battle. Her chakra has not yet fully come back. Slowly she kicks her legs over the side of her bed and scurries over to her dresser. She pulls out her ninja garb which consists of a green jacket like shirt and standard ninja shorts. Limping to her door she walks back down the stairs and into her family's kitchen. Ther her mother stands wearing an apron and her father is nowhere to be seen her must have already left for his mission. “Oh dear. You look like you  just came home from war. “ Haha funny,” I  am ready to try the jutsu again today. I believe I have mastered it.” She looks over to her mom with a smirk. “Kin you mastered The Chakra enhanced strength jutsu and two others in a day...I was wrong you are a very talented ninja. ” Her mother replies with a tear running down her face.” I am so sorry for being so mean to you.”  Mai said to her daughter while crying she was crying alot she would be dehydrated in a half hour if she didn’t. “Mom please stop crying I just learnt a jutsu in a few hours no big deal.” Kin replies nonchalantly

8 am
After kin replenishes all of her strength her mother takes her back out to field this time it is for combat training this is new considering her mother was all for medical ninja staying out of the fight as a whole but it was not unwelcomed. Her mother got into a deep training stance and kin followed suit. To Kins knowledge she had never seen her mother fight before but seeing as how much she scared KIn she never wanted to. “This is a sparing match no blades or lethal techniques.” Mai shouts at her daughter. “Using these techniques in training is one thing but in the heat of battle is another. Running in with a flying side kick Mai was ready to go where as Kin was just getting ready. Blocking her mother's first kick sloppily she was open for a punch which Mai takes as the perfect opportunity to lay one on in the gut. Sending Kin toward tree she hit her back up against it causing massive pain to her back. “Ah.” Kin lets out a yelp. As mai jumps toward her daughter hoping to get a lucky shot in. Her fist is extended but Kin she is seemingly knocked out by that last blow but Mai was going to make sure of it but at the moment of impact Kin’s  hand lights up blue as she catches her mother's fist. “What! No my CHakra!” Kins hand was syphoning of her mother's chakra in order to replenish herself for her next attack. Holding her mother's fist she collapses it in order to have complete control, the chakra from her hand soon flees and head down to her right foot. “No.!” Mai screams out in desperation. Kin then gives her mother a swift front kick with her right food sending her flying toward the rock formation she created less than 12 hours ago. As mai goes flying into it she slams shattering the formation into millions of pieces and hits the ground hard she is seemingly knocked out. You can tell that Kin had gotten out some of her resentment for her mother out on her in that very moment but she soon realized that her mother had been hurt by her actions. Running over to her she channels her energy into her left hand and it comes out green she places her palm on her mother back seeing as that is what hit the rock formation. It took a little while but using the basic medical technique she could tell that she healed her mother to a point where they could walk back to the hospital together.

Kin is at the front desk checking her mother in they were not busy which was good seeing as how no ninja was in critical condition was a good sign. Mai sat in the chairs the waiting room provides waiting for her turn when one of the doctors worriedly says her name. “Mai Hayate. What happened to you.” Mai gets up and says that her daughter happened. “She learned the Chakra Absorption technique and used my chakra on me in order to you the chakra enhanced strength jutsu. She is quite formidable in battle for a 12 year old girl. I think one day she will make a great medical corps member.” Mai says with a smirk. “Okay let's get you inside before you do any more damage to yourself Mai and Kin Please consider joining us i think you could fit in quite nicely one day.” The doctor winks and takes her mother away. “Im being serious by the way you should consider it your mother is quite skilled and we could always use more field doctors and nurses in dire situations.

Standing in the waiting room she remembered the medical nin’s saying. The first lesson she was taught before learning the jutsu was the way a medical ninja must act. : "No medic ninja shall ever stop medical treatment until the lives of their party members have come to an end." "No medic ninja shall ever stand on the front lines."No medic ninja shall ever die until they are the last of their platoon.” There was seemingly another rule but Kin could not remember it until now.  "Only those medic ninja who have mastered the Strength of a Hundred Technique of the ninja art Creation Rebirth are permitted to discard the above-mentioned laws. One day I will be able to fight on the front lines and I will learn those techniques. Just you wait. Believe it!” The medical team brings in another group of ninja and are too over stacked and they ask for Kin’s knowledge which she proudly accepts to them. Kin knows that she will be a necessity to her team now and won't need to be saved infact she will be the one doing the saving. Her medical skills are coming along quite well and soon she will begin working on Genjutsu and then tai it was all coming along and she would be Izo and Ichizo’s team partner she always knew she could be.  Kin was finally confident in something and her mother could see it. “I have never seen Kin this happy in my life” Her mother remarked to a nurse who was standing near her. “I think she would make a great medical ninja one day. Now that her mother was the patient they need an extra hand in surgery Kin agreed to help seeing as how she has read enough medical journals to participate in this one even as just a helping hand for the doctor who is in need to help this ninja who has a broken sword stuck in his arm. Kin knew this is where her future will be in the emergency room saving people from death's hand.
    ( TWC: 6,013 claiming Chakra Anesthetic , Chakra Absorption Technique,and Chakra Enhanced Strength +65 Strength Stat)

Last edited by Kin Hayata on Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:23 am
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:06 am
- You're actually 15 words short even including the times listed, so please add a sentence or two of training to cap it off... I noticed a lot of this is already just character development and not working on the techniques but it seems around half and half, so that's not the worst. Just keep in mind you should always have the majority focused on training in future topics of this kind or they could be denied.
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:50 am
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:09 am

Actually, my bad. I just found out you don't meet the spec requirement for chakra enhanced strength (med and tai) as your first spec is genjutsu. Without the spec, you may only learn techs of up to C ranks of any spec. So for example you can learn basic medical jutsu, a C rank without the medical spec, you may not learn mystical palm or chakra enhanced strength which are A ranks.

You may use the words to claim other techs if you like. <3
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:50 pm
So I can Claim Chakra Anesthetic and Chakra Absorption along with the Temple of Nirvana Jutsu (Genjutsu) if that is okay and I can't claim any stat points, at least I dont think so. Sorry for being a pain I am new to this
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:13 pm

You can claim stat points, a total of 30 as well as the 3 jutsu (temple if Nirvana). Next time just make sure you have the requirements for any jutsu you're trying to learn <3
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:28 pm
Also claiming 30 stat points
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Field Medical Training  Empty Re: Field Medical Training

Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:35 pm

Approved <3
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