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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Team 10 Does one final boring task

Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:06 am
Mission specs

Well. Last night was interesting, to say the least. But that didn't matter, at the moment Risako’s hands flew across three different pieces of parchment, scribbling the same words onto each piece of paper. Each one was addressed to the fine young genin (despite that she was fifteen, that's the terminology she would use,) that happened to be placed under her command. As she walked to the training grounds, she'd slip them under their doors, so that they knew to meet her at the training grounds for what was, finally, a slightly harder mission.

Of course, the Chuunin would be the first of the four to arrive, and considering it was roughly six in the morning, she figured she had an hour at the least to get her portion of the work done.

Walking over to the tool shed, no not the one for gardening tools, I mean the one that held all the dangerous little weapons and other nick nacks that the shinobi of Konohagakure used to practice with, Risako swing the doors wide open, to see the area in complete disarray.

Targets were scattered lazily about the floor and shelves, kunai and shuriken were stuck into the wall, candy wrappers were littered about, and not to mention the dust and bugs that began to stir with the gust of wind from opening the door.

Stepping in, she began by tossing everything that was in, out. The candy wrappers she pocketed for now, so she could toss them proper once she found a trash can. After thirty or so minutes, she had all the items stacked into nice little piles.

Forming a few hand seals, a gust of wind would invade the tiny space of the shed, carrying all of the dust through the window.

From there, she began to move the orderly piles back to their designated spots in the shed.

Well. That was her portion of the work. Taking a peak around the training ground, and seeing no new arrivals or her team, she sought for specific things that needed to be done. The fences needed repairs, so one of the Senju would probably be assigned to that. Someone would have to get the litter, and finally, someone needed to reset the targets.

For now, Risako would take a seat by the shed, and wait for her team to arrive. If they arrived at different times, she'd simply tell them to take a seat until the rest of their team showed up. As for the rest of the day, catching a thief, a prankster, and some lady’s lost cats still needed to be done, but that was for later.

[461/500, I promise this is the last boring mission.]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:12 am
Orokana showed up after he got up and got ready. it was 6:30 when he got there. he saw risa. "hello risa, another clean up job I see, I will start with cleaning up with all the trash around." Orokana walked to get a broom and started sweeping the area. there was so much candy rappers it was ridiculous. he kept cleaning and cleaning. the are was so big. he sighed. but he kept cleaning. once he had a good pile he would sweep it into a dust pan and put it in the trash can. then starting again. he was not even close to finishing. but he ignored his own thoughts and kept his mind on task. he started again. as he was sweeping he noted that the fence was really bad. he went back to sweeping. he noted he should pust it up. and he did and put it in the trash can. going back to sweeping. it was starting to get boring, but he could not read and sweep sadly. so he was thinking for the lesson yen taught him. he was reviewing it in his mind. he was very annoyed by it. he kept trying to think what he meant. but Orokana dismissed it for now. and dusted up more into his dust tray and walked over to then trash can. then dumped it into the trash can. then walked to the areas needing sweeping. it was tedious work but someone needed to do it so he thought might as well do it.

Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:12 am
Kayla lightly ran toward the academy. It was probably around six and a half when she did. Not too late from her point of view but never know in the end. She didn't really know what to expect once more but for sure she wanted to make the job quick and done fast. It wasn't in her plan to waste an entire day here and if she could do one of the longest job with her clone she would just to make sure that by the time the other should of done the rest or she thought. She made her way there and blink as she realise it was yet another cleaning job. She sigh lightly but went for it and look around. Fence needed a good clean up and even a paint job. She look over at Risako and smile. "I can handle the fence! Look like it need some loving!" She smile softly as she made her way to grab a bit of supply.

She lightly made her two clone and went for it. Casually and surely grab a few paint brush and actual paint and shared the job between her clone. Kayly took an hammer and started to fix part of the fence even going as fat as using some of her own wood release to do it. Kaykay on her side would polish removing the old paints while Kayla applied the new one. She wasn't rushing anything. Actually she was really taking her time at the job as she wanted to make sure the paint was well made and wouldn't just rub off with a shot of wind.

(272/500 )
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:41 am
Hiroyushi would arive at the training ground, walking casually; arms behind his head so he could rest it as he walked peacefully towards the academy he had been training at only a couple days prior. He would walk over to the group and make sure everyone was there. Kayla, Orokana, And Risako where all there already; alas, Hiro had been late again! He would walk into everyones view and say " Sorry I'm late!" before looking around an waiting for some kind of reply. After being filled in that he was going to repair the academy he would get to work. He would first begin carfully prying ninja tools from the walls of the academy, some of these Hiro remembered doing when we was still here. He would rub his hand along the holes in the wall and feel the damage the tools had done, had any of these hit a person it could have done some serious internal damage. Hiro would take note of the punctures and walk around to the desks and begin picking up candy and wrapers stuck in places Hiro would rather not touch a second time. He would eventually follow in the footsteps of Orokana and grab a broom, sweeping the floor around the academy, making the floor look prestine wherever he had dragged the broom.

Wc: 220
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:54 am
As Orokana and Kayla approached, at roughly the same time, Risako would simply nod as they realized it was another clean up job. It wasn't fun, really, but work is work. "No foxes this time guys, at least not yet." 

Hiro still hadn't made his way to the fields yet, and she began to grow a little worried. Surely nothing had happened to him, but, he hand't been late before. But, right as she was dozing off, he showed up, and she filled him on what to do. "Alrighty, once again we're cleaning the place up. After that however, we're gonna go do something a bit more exciting. I promise." 

She didn't tell them what exactly, as she wished to keep them in suspense and all. Her foxes wouldn't help out this time, at least not with the cleaning duty. They'd come to help do the other stuff like it or not however.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:38 pm
Orokana yawned and then kept sweeping. he felt bored and tired. he kept sweeping and putting the trash he collected in the trash can. he walked back to his sweeping stop to finish the last of the sweeping. he continued to do it in silence. he then thought about what yen said. he was thinking of how yen said he needed to know what genjutsu is, where chakra comes from. Orokana did not know what anything meant. he wanted to be a better ninja, a stronger ninja but he did not know how to be one. he was just a kid playing ninja to yens eyes. and maybe he was. he did not know himself. he kept thinking of something he could do to be strong or get stronger. but it all failed. then once he finished he sighed lightly. then he pulled out his book and walked inside the school. "i finished risa, if I'm needed i will be in the school, I'm making tea." Orokana said as he walked in not really caring if she was ok with it or not. he got in an area that he could use to boil water. he took out a pack of tea and looked around for some cream and sugar. he looked around and found some. he then started boiling the water. and then found a paper cup he could use. then he started reading waiting for the water to boil. he reviewed his notes for what yen said to him. then he noted the water was boiled and poured it in his cup putting some tea leaves he had in the cup and stirred it and continued reading. it was peaceful and he smiled. he then stopped and took a sip of his tea. then walked back to the others hopping they finished.

(562/500, claiming mission finished and one ap.)
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:40 pm
Hiro would follow suit with Orokana by continuing to sweep, He would rapidly move from chair to chair, table to table, paper to paper, taking upmost caution not to destroy anything we was hired to repair. He quite enjoyed cleaning the academy. In a way, it was almost symbolic of the ninja's move from student to genin and soon to Chuunin. He would beam brightly ass he picked up trash and moved it over to a bin, throwing it on top of the rest of the trash that had accumulated throughout the cleaning process. After the removal of trash; ie, Paper, wrappers and the like. He would walk over to some of the desks and take a look underneath before cringing. It was like someone put a years worth of gum underneath the desk. He would sigh as he shuffled his way over to the cleaning supplies and grabbed a scraper in his hands, clearly not pleased with the kind of work he was about to do, but it was his job, and thus he would do it. He would walk over to each and every desk and begin scraping the bottom of each of them, each individual piece of gum would fall, and Hiro would cringe as it did, he wasn't a fan of picking up anything someone else may have had in their mouth. He would wander over towards the garbage again, grabbing a bag and dragging it over towards the gross pile of gum laying on the floor. After placing it all into the bag he would go to Risako and say " I think I'm going to go home so that so I can wash myself." After that Hiro would head out to his home and take a nice warm bath, trying to forget the rubbery horror he had to deal with.

(Wc: 525)
(claiming mission finish and one AP.)
Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:25 pm
Kayla would keep working on her fence for now. She did had a lots of painting job to do on it! Her clone kept going back and forth moving object around lightly. The young Senju would be trying her best to do as much she could with the clone she had. She knew this did gave her some kind of advantage on the other. Even more on the other Senju since he didn't had those famous wood clone! This actually made her sad and happy at the same time as it would keep her without much wood competition for now at the very least. 

"Kayly! Watch out to no...Awww..." The clone would put her knee in the paint tray making it flip over on her and paint her and the dirt. Kayla sigh lightly as she stand and slowly walk to her clone and lean to lightly brush the dirt around like if she wanted to clean the paint sand. She sigh lightly before rising and making the clone disappear. It was just silly to keep this full of paint one around from her point of view! She lightly move her eyes away and look over at Kaykay. At least this one was still doing good for now.. She though to herself. They kept going for a moment until Kayla was fully happy to see the result and stand with a wide smile.

"Well! I think that's good enough! Right?" She said with her wide smile and nod to her sensei Risako. "I will be ready for the next mission Sensei!"

(272 + 262 = 534  Claiming mission and one ap)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:55 am Continuing in this topic.

(nuuuu you guys weren't supposed to be goin' yet)
Claiming mission rewards.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Team 10 Does one final boring task Empty Re: Team 10 Does one final boring task

Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:33 am

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