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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:17 pm
Re-filling his cup of sake, Kisuke would take another shot of the flaming alcohol before sliding his cup across the table and leaning back in his chair. Crossing his arms and stretching out his legs under the table, Kisuke would look over towards Ayumi with his jet black eyes. Kisuke slightly nodded and shrugged his shoulders at the same time in response to her reply. It was a fair response to his question considering Ayumi probably had no control over such events therefore Kisuke would leave it at that. Kicking the tips of his boots together under the table, Kisuke listened to Ayumi truthfully explain explain how he was hard to deal with. For that he also remained silent as he could not object to the validity of what Ayumi was saying. He did not act like a hard ass on purpose, it was simply who he was. He would have to go out of his way to try to not act like one, which was not something he was willing to put any effort into. 

Kotsuzui on the other hand, often exaggerated thing simply to get on Kisuke's nerves therefore the young Uchiha paid no attention to what he had to say. However was Kisuke truly too much of a hard ass. Thinking back to their first meeting as Genin's fresh out of the academy, green as summer grass. It felt like a lifetime ago, however back then Kisuke said the world was nothing but death and disappointment. Everyone called him out for being depressive however this sudden death of their team mate Jim only proved what he said back then. However he kept that to himself as it was necessary at this moment. 

The prospect of Kaze having given Kotsuzui a run for his money was interesting and good news at that. At least he wasnt weak, something Kisuke wanted to find out on his own. Uncrossing his arms and placing them behind his head as he ran his hands through his hair to get a few strands out of his eyes, Kisuke groaned "For once I agree with the drunk. I think were ready to become Chunnin."
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:56 pm
Kaze acknowledged Ayumi with a nod of his own,  before placing his hands behind his head as Kotsuzui began to add on to the subject of Kisuke being a bit difficult to deal with. The boy gave a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking, "Everyone has reasons pertaining to how they act, whether it be something that happened in their childhood, or the death of a loved one. How someone allows those things to affect them is their own decision. Smile or frown, love or hate. The choice is yours alone." His gaze wandered the faces of those around him as he spoke. Although it may have seemed like his words were directed towards someone at the table it was completely unintentional. It was just a statement, nothing more.

The white haired boy agreed with his new squad mates. Kotsuzui must have gotten stronger in the time that had passed between now and their spar and with Kisuke having been on the same team as the Kaguya he must be strong as well. Kaze looked towards Ayumi, "I agree as well, we're all ready." It was time.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:50 am
Whilst listening to the boys talk amongst each other, Ayumi would grab her cup and lower it towards the ground before tipping the content over. It was probably unsophisticated of her to tip her drink onto the floor of a cafe, but.. eh whatever; it was her way of honoring the deceased. Setting the cup back on the table, she would listen to Kaze: "Everyone has reasons pertaining to how they act..." Drifting off, she would idly listen to what he had to say. Agreeing to his train of thought, the girl stared off into space. Somehow, all of this talk reminded her of her old team; maybe it was due to the death of a team member, maybe not. This meeting definitely had a slight déjà vu(ish) moment.

"What's it take to become a Chuunin?" Those were the words which had warped her back into reality. Followed by the question was the agreement amongst the 3 genin, each stating that they were ready to become Chuunin. Cocking her right eyebrow, the girl sat in a silence for a split second before speaking, "Well, we do have a rank up mission. I... believe the three of you are ready to become Chuunin, however I do think that we should do a number of missions first in order to strengthen your teamwork." Followed by a pause, the girl would continue, "How does that sound? If the three of you are fine with that, we can start straight away." (Okay, "straight away" was a lie, but eh) Should the 3 genin oppose her suggestion, then... well we'd have a problem. Should that not be the case, then yay..?

[Post is more meh than usual, sorry; having a bit of a writer's block atm]
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:46 pm
"Look at you Kaze" Kotsuzui would say after the Uchiha had finished speaking his view on the reasons why people act the way they do. "Being the voice of reason for everyone." It seemed as though both Uchiha's were also ready to become chuunins which pleased the Kaguya. If the three of them felt like they were ready, Ayumi may have more incentive in the promotion for her students. Kotsuzui looked over to his sensei as she began informing them on a rank of mission that would allow them to become Chuunins. "So what are we waiting for, let's sign up for the mission" Kotsuzui would said, already getting a little too excited about the news. 

Though, Ayumi added in that they should do a number of missions before they attempt the rank up one in order to work on the Genin's teamwork. Kotsuzui knew exactly what that meant. The three of them would have to do a number of petty missions like the one Kotsuzui had done with Kisuke and the Yamanaka where they had to catch a kid vandalizing the village. Kotsuzui was not looking forward to them, but Ayumi as right in suggesting that they do the missions. "No objection here" the Kaguya replied, informing his sensei as he looked over to the two Uchiha's to see if they'll also agree. 
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:26 pm
Still with his fingers intertwined together and his hands placed behind his head, Kisuke would push backwards and balance off of the back two legs of his seat while he listened to everyone speak their mind. Kisuke herd but did not fully listen to what the other Uchiha was saying. To be honest, at this moment Kisuke did not know him so he did not really care about what he had to say about decisions and stuff. So, Kisuke remained silent and patiently waited for this meeting to get something useful done or eventually end. "Team work missions." Kisuke mumbled to himself. Performing missions to improve their teamwork skills would kill two birds with one stone. Slowly nodding as he rocked on his chair, Kisuke agreed "Yeah I agree. Lets get these missions out of the way so we can get promoted."
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Tue May 03, 2016 1:04 pm
Kaze held his smile back instead just looking towards Kotsuzui and nodding, he had not meant for his statement to really mean much, he had just been sharing his thoughts. It had not gotten much of a reaction from anyone except Kotsuzui but that was expected seeing that Ayumi came off as serious and Kisuke was Kisuke.

Kaze shifted a little in his chair while the others spoke, soon he would be going out on a mission. It would be his first time going on a mission and it excited him, anything could happen. Hopefully it would not be something boring like raking leaves or any of the other simple task he had heard of genin having to do. Regardless of the mission's details he would do his best to complete it. "Let's do it." 
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Wed May 04, 2016 9:27 am
After hearing the responses from each one of the three genin, the girl would grab her folder before pushing herself out of the chair. "Alright. Let's go," Ayumi slightly muttered before shooting a look towards the three genin. She then turned on her heel and walked away, expecting them to follow her lead.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Wed May 04, 2016 9:30 am

Approved @ Sayang <3
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Wed May 04, 2016 2:21 pm
Everyone was in accordance with doing the missions before ranking up to Chuunin. Once the three Genin's agreed, Ayumi sensei got up from her seat and proceeded to leaving. With that, the Kaguya removed himself from his seat as well and followed behind his sensei to get these missions started.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Its Okay [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Its Okay [IO, NK]

Wed May 04, 2016 3:08 pm

Approved @ Kotsuzai <3
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