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Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Dante's Questioning Empty Dante's Questioning

Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:08 pm
Detained for questioning of all things. He couldn’t blame them, it was safety protocol after all. Great way to start a new life! Where he came from usually the ones detained, ended up dead! Of course that was because his father and uncles were Volcano’s form of ANBU! Since their disappearance things weren’t the same in Volcano. He was sure he could have stepped up and taken over, but it wasn’t worth it, considering the state of dismay the village was in. So starting over and finding his twin was his only option! Besides if his father was still alive out there somewhere, maybe they would find him together.
He patiently waited for this so called person to question him, and due to boredom he lit a cigarette. Dante rarely smoked, but he had picked up the habit thanks to his Aunt, Saya Kaguya. Ah yes, the influence adults have on the younger generation! He kicked back and propped his feet up on the table with the chair at an angle. Now where was that damn headband at? He may as well pull it out. He had one after all. His weapons on the other hand had been taken from him because of questioning which he understood. he dug through the rather large pockets on his pants and finally found it! An original Funkagakure headband! A bloody handprint engraved on the metal part leaves behind an image of how that village left behind a mark. Regardless, he didn’t need it anymore. He tossed it on the table so he could at least prove he was from a village. Second thought, he had never needed it in the first place! Most Volcano nin were missing ninja. And come to think of it, he was probably on a missing nin roster anyways, like it mattered to him anyways.
The room was dimly lit as he puffed away on his cigarette. A slight breeze blew threw the room blowing against his long maroonish black duster making the ends of it rustle underneath his chair! Do they even maintain this area? Add some lighting, repair the cracks in the walls, yeah this could be a comfortable living space! Then again maybe comfort wasn’t an option in mind when detaining someone.

Eventually someone would show up, then maybe he could leave and get some rest. He had been up almost 48 hours now.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:43 pm
Interrogation room four.

Operative Wolf was back on duty and on her way interrogation room four. Chairomaru remained in the cozy office of the administration complex of Konoha, that lucky dog. With long strides Wolf made her way through the familiar building. Sure, she was not usually part of the interrogation corps--she wasn't much of a sadist--but they needed someone to fill in for them so here Wolf was standing in front of heavily reinforced door. The kanji for four neatly scrawled across the door indicated that she had arrived.

Let's get this over with already.

Pushing open the door Wolf stepped into the room. The smell of smoke hit her nose in an instant; she despised that smell. To an Inuzuka smell was everything and the smell of cigarettes was up there on Wolf's list of worst smells. Luckily the wrinkling of her nose in distaste would be obscured by the porcelain white mask from which she drew her operative code name. With armor to match her rank of anbu, Wolf knew she struck quite the imposing figure despite her general lack of height.

After smell came sight, Wolf took in the scene with an eye for any immediate threat in the diminutive room. Sitting at the sole table in the room was a boy who looked like he could be no older than sixteen or seventeen-Wolf was bad with ages. On the table lay a headband that Wolf knew she was going to have look at later. However, for the moment, she allowed the door to close behind her as she took a seat opposite the boy.

This must be a joke; I am interrogating vagrants now? Great.

Lazily laying out the file she had brought with her, Wolf scanned over it rather quickly jumping from line to line in a swift yet efficient manner. She didn't need the fine details, just the essentials were needed. Picked up at the gates...wanting entrance to the village...claiming to go by the name of Dante Hyuuga...from the Volcano village...Glancing up from the file after a few moments Wolf spoke up in a smooth natural voice befitting one who is entirely relaxed with their position in life.

"So, Dante is it?" Wolf questioned before continuing. " If you'd please put that out we may begin."

Pausing, Wolf motioned to the cigarette in-between the boy's lips. She then attempted to pick up the headband that lay on the table. If not stopped, she would turn the headband over a few times before speaking up for a second time.

The Volcano village, Funkagakure. Interesting.

"So, tell me a story."

Another brief pause.

"Better yet, tell me your story. What brings you to the village hidden in the leaves and so far from home?"

Wolf expected a full explanation. A one word response would simply not do. Hopefully the boy had a good head on his shoulders-Wolf did not much enjoy extracting information from the unwilling.
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:54 pm
Dante saw the ANBU enter the room as he took a drag. She paused for a moment, probably wasn’t fond of the smoke, some people were like that. As She looked at his headband he sat the chair back down and took another drag off his cigarette. So she wanted him to put out his cigarette, very well he could do that! He put it out in the center of the table as it made a sizzling sound! He looked at her as she asked about his story and he took a deep breathe before he began.
“My name is Dante Hyuuga, I am from Volcano Village. I have a twin sister, she is here in Konoha from what I have heard. Due to the severe economic drop and lack of a Kage I decided to move here.” Dante said as he explained his situation. Plain and simple! If she wants more information he will give it.
“Anything specific you want from me?” He asked her. Hopefully She didn’t want too much information because he didn’t feel like throwing out his family history! Telling her his father was a missing nin and his sister killed their mother and the sword and Kunais he owned are his mother's bones. A little creepy and disturbing, no need to make himself a person of interest in his new village!
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:12 am
Fair enough.

The boy's story checked out thus far. Funkagakure was not very well known for its booming economy nor anything else really besides a body count. That aside, the boy had not really given much information that Wolf did not already know. After all, she had his name from and village of origin from the report made from his initial visit to the gates. So, the only real information that he could glean came from talk of a twin sister.

Guess that is a good a place as any to start.

"So, you have relatives here in Konoha?" Wolf questioned. "That is good to know. One so young should not be living on his own."

A pause as Wolf shuffled through the papers in front of her and pulled out a few.

"You will need to fill these out. It's all pretty basic." Wolf said holding out the papers along with a pen to fill them out. Normally she would have slid them across the table, but the cigarette kind of prevented such an action.

The forms themselves asked pretty basic questions. Why are you coming to Konoha? Where did you come from? Do you belong to a clan? Where will you be staying and how can you be contacted? The list went on for a bit, but there was nothing on there to cause alarm. The village simply wanted anything and everything on record. Paperwork made the village run.

"Do you have any questions?"

Of course it went without saying that the boy would be watched like a hawk. Konohagakure had not fallen so far under Jason's rule that it did not keep tabs on possible threats. It would be foolish to simply allow the boy to walk free without surveillance. This, of course, meant that Wolf would have to fill out more paperwork to request surveillance. Bureaucracy's a killer.
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:47 pm
Dante looked at the form placed in front of him. Honesty was the best policy right now. He began filling stuff out and looking over the document, and he thought about his sister who was in Konoha and how she was still a missing nin as far as he knew, maybe he should ask this ANBU about her as he filled out the paperwork.
“Have you heard of or from a Sephora Kaguya-Hyuuga?” He asked as he filled in the part asking about his clan. He was part of two clans, Kaguya and Hyuuga. May as well put both down in case there any questions about his clan heritage. He wasn’t exactly sure where he would be considering he had no ideas on who or where he was going to stay! Once again this depended highly on finding his sister or someone he knew like Tori, Megami or Akki. Any member of Team Fukutaichou.
“I really have no place to stay at the moment, I am going to find shelter and food when I get into the village. I plan on making this my new village my Permanent residence.” He stated firmly. Good answer right? “I may need help finding my sister if you are available.’ he added slightly questioning hoping he may have help
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:40 am
"No, it does not ring a bell," Wolf replied plainly before falling quiet again.

A dual clan name? That was a first. The Inuzka did not have much experience in the field of genetics, but from what had observed one clan often dominated the other. This domination often held true  for both naming and actual bloodline. However, there was always a first for everything. Here was Wolf's first encounter with a member of two clans and both bloodlines.

That explains those bleach white swords he turned in.

Then came the bombshell, the boy had no where to go. Were Wolf in a different position she might have taken him in for a few nights. However, her job prevented any hope of that ever happening. Shame, Ashi could use someone in her life besides Chairomaru, even if it were a kid. Fate was not kind to a shinobi, man or woman. Though the ball was now in Ashi's court to find a place for this kid to live; fifteen year olds living by themselves was not really a thing after all.

"I suggest submitting yourself to an a children's house," Wolf stated dryly. Many such houses had popped up around Konoha after its destruction left many children homeless and without families to care for them. "When you leave talk to the people at the front desk and they will show you the way along with returning you your belongings."

A pause as Wolf contemplated the boy's last request.

"Unfortunately, the anbu of Konoha are not in the business of reuniting people with their loved ones. The staff at the children's house will be more than willing to help though, I am sure of that. Be sure to inform the front desk of where you will be staying as we will be checking up on you."

Glancing down at the initial report for anything that may need clearing up, Wolf sighed inaudibly before continuing.

"I will be holding onto your headband here," Wolf said holding up the Funkagakure headband. "If you don't object that is. You will not be directly allowed to join the village until you undergo a probationary period during which you will be going to meetings such as this one to make sure you are adjusting....Any questions?"

Wolf was nothing if not efficient even in the face of a child. When on the clock it was her job to operate to the best of her ability. And so she did and so she would continue to do so. Such was the life of an anbu.
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:44 am
Childrens house? No! Dante was a little old for this and after thinking about it, he could find Sephora simply by listening for the loud mouth brat. Yes, she could be heard across the village with her distinct tone. As a matter of fact anyone who tried to could hear her. 
"No housing needed, I am pretty sure I can find Sephora if need be. I also know her friends here in the village. I am not exactly concerned about a place to stay. Besides I am a little old for childrens housing. But thank you for the offer. I have no questions, your instructions were quite clear. Is there anything else you need from me?" Dante asked politely. This ANBU seemed to be friendly and not intimidating towards him so he felt no need to be offensive or defensive either.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:51 am
A single quirked eyebrow was all Wolf would provide as a response. So, for a moment there would be silence. At least there would be until Wolf recalled the mask on her face prevented Dante from seeing the skeptical look on her face. How old was he? Fifteen or something? Kids his age don't live alone. After the awkward silence Wolf would now simply nod before speaking up again.

"No, that is everything." Wolf replied. "You can pick-up your effects with the same desk people I mentioned before as you leave. And regardless of where you are staying we would like to know. So, please keep us informed."

With that said Wolf turned her hand in such a way to invite Dante to stand and leave. Wolf still had to go over all the paperwork and file it away. Such was the nature of these small jobs. A bit irksome, but necessary. Perhaps she could get ramen with Chai today? Yeah, that would be nice.
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Dante's Questioning Empty Re: Dante's Questioning

Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:47 am
Dante stood up to take his leave as the ANBU seemed to gesture that he could leave. He was kind of anxious considering it felt like forever since he had slept or ate anything. He stood up as he left the room and as he walked outside the door he headed towards the area that held his weapons and he retrieved them and then headed to find someone Sephora knew or Sephora herself.

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