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Yasahiro Yagami
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:33 am
Ashi could not help but wince as the boy ran headlong into a tree. It wasn't really sympathy her se. Rather it was an involntary reaction most humans would have after watching someone run into a tree. It was a lot like watching and thinking 'Oh gee, that could have been me'. That being said, Ashi did compose herself as the boy righted himself.

Perhaps he had hit that tree a little too hard? As right after he asked one of the more foolish questions a shinobi could ask: to fight. Normally the woman would give the boy a lecture about how one shouldn't go looking for a fight. However, this morning was a bit different. She was pretty sure she could fit pounding a kid into a pulp between now and breakfast. Why was she craving orange juice now?

Er...Not pound to a pulp...Train, yes, that's it!

"If you insist," Ashi said making the customary seal of confrontation. She was not going to pull a cheap opening shot. It simply would be a dirty trick and a bit unwarranted in this situation. Turning her attention to Chai she spoke again in a more familiar loving tone.

"Chai, how about you take a walk?" Ashi returned her gaze to the boy at this point. "We won't be long."

Accordingly Chai walked off to do whatever it is that nin-dogs do. Perhaps he would chase small children. Maybe he'd dig up a garden. Or, better yet, he'd chase his own tail. All entirely valid thoughts.

Ashi, on the hand remained remained where she was facing the boy. Certainly he was much large than Ashi. However, Ashi had years of experience on him. And, in the shinobi world, experience could trump most anything. It would just be a matter of catching the boy off guard. Though the Inuzuka did wonder if he would put up much a fight if she even caught him on guard.

Don't get cocky Ashi. You know where that gets you.

And so, Ashi would wait. Her eyes never wavering from the boy. He would have to be the one to make the first move as the anbu was quite content to sit here all day.

Might even be relaxing.

[WC: 2306]
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:03 am
As Kyo saw that his new sensei was deep in thought he would hear her say "If you insist." and then making the Seal of Confrontation meaning that she hoped it to be a fair fight. Kyo would also perform the seal as he also wanted it to be a fair battle. Looking at her dog his sensei would say "Chai how bout you take a walk." and then looking at Kyo saying "We won't be long." as if Kyo was nothing but a fly in her way. He hoped that his new sensei was not as cocky as she seemed. Though he had realized that she had maybe same the name of her dog which was Chai. A pretty unique name as he had never heard of a dog having Chai as a name. The dog Chai had begun to walk off into the distance upon the instructions of his master.

He would see that she had his eyes staring at him as if she had been waiting for him to strike the first move. Looking at his sensei he would look for any signs of weakness but he had saw that she held her posture not a flaw in thw way she stood. Kyo could just play dirty and throw dirt in her face then proceed to attack her. But he would realize that it would not be a fair battle if he did and she would probably get mad. He had decided on an attack. First he would bow low to his sensei and then say "Let the battle commence" immediately after saying the words commence Kyo would rush forward at 15 speed but seeing as she was only 3 meters away he covered the distance quickly aiming a punch at her gut with his left foor at max speed though if she were to block his attack he would instead using his righr dist as an uppercut to her jaw.


Last edited by Kyori on Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:07 am; edited 1 time in total
Yasahiro Yagami
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:04 am
Matching the boy's bow with a shallow one of her own Ashi dropped the seal of confrontation as he dashed forward. Ah, the waves of melancholy for simpler days washed over the woman. Back in the day she had been the rash genin to rush straight into battle. Countless times toppling the bigger kids in her academy class. It was all a matter of timing and leverage. Sure, Ashi was small, but she could pack a punch when it counted.

With all the speed and precision of a professional fighter Ashi moved her hands to intercept the punch to the gut from the boy. If Ashi, moving at her full speed, was able to catch the boy's fist it would be quite painful for her opponent. Were she indeed to catch the fist, the Inuzuka would push back on it with far greater strength than the boy could ever hope to muster, 50. With such strength the poor boy would be pushed back and probably end up on the ground. Were all to go as planned Ashi would speak up in a rather mocking tone.

"Is that all you got?"

Honestly Ashi would not be surprised if that was indeed all the boy had. He was after all still learning. That being said a bit of hard learning never hurt anyone. Well, it never hurt anyone TOO much.

"Try again."

Ashi had a bit of nasty trick up her sleeve. Sure she was going to beat the hell out of this kid-she isn't soft. However, there would be a lesson in the end. And an important lesson at that!
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:33 am
(Hoping this works lol if it doesnt ill just edit it)

He had saw that she had indeed went to block his fist so as her hand was moving to intercept his left punch his right fist would already be rising up in the air as he felt his knuckles connect to the woman's chin, however as soon as his punch had connected Kyo had been pushed to the ground really hard realizing either the woman was really strong or he was just weak. Hitting the ground with his back first had sent a rush of pain through his body making him struggle only just a little to get up from the ground but as he got up his sensei would say "Is that all you got?" looking at the woman he had figured that she was mocking him. She new poor Kyo was not even near her in terms of power so she had decided to taunt him, Kyo would smirk a little as he was not going to play into her little petty game to make him mad. As Kyo stood he would brush off his cloths as dirt was on them."Try again." said the woman.

Kyo could have made a retort saying he was only bluffing to see what she was made of but he knew that would be uncalled for so he chose not to do it. He had once again begin to study the woman realizing that with her being both physically stronger and faster than her he would have to outwit her. He looked at his surroundings snow had finally begin to pour down from the clouds above as they had finally come together to make the snowy wonderland. He could use the snow to his advantage for stealth but it was yet not coming down thick enough just yet. Damn, what was he going to do this was his first real spar after he became a Genin and he didn't know what to do he was such a disgrace to his mom a woman who had rose through the ranks of the Uchiha and the village easily. He was not as agile as his mother or had large reserves of chakra like his father, he was not like neither as they were strong he was weak he needed to get stronger and he did not know how to do it.

He was almost once again temped to use the dirt on the ground to his advantage. But instead pulled a kunai out of his left weapon's pouch with his left hand with his hand grabbing it around the handle as he held it tightly and ran directly for his sensei throwing the kunai quickly at her neck and then quickly reaching in his left pouch again grabbing one shuriken safely and throwing it at her abdomen, however as he threw the weapon's he did not stop running, if she were to grab or dodge the weapon's before he reached her he would grab yet another kunai out of his left pouch and throw it at the women but this time at her forehead. But as Kyo ran forward he would extend his right arm forward forming a fist with his right arm aiming it at the gut of the women.

Yasahiro Yagami
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:29 am
For all his height the boy fell like all the rest. It was not unexpected really. The moment she caught the boy's fist she knew. As he was pushed backwards with ease it became apparent that going toe-toe with him would not be a problem. Sad really. Part of Ashi was hoping for some surprise. Something different. Something amazing. Alas, she also knew this was the real world. Miracles rarely happened, tis their nature.

Perhaps I should be doing something productive?

Yes, the thought occurred to Ashi as she watched the boy fall to the ground. What was she getting from this spar, well, besides the satisfaction of superiority? Sadly, she found herself faced with the concept of actually working in this fight. Though it would not be work on account of the boy. Ashi already knew she could have won this fight before it even started. What was she to gain here?

Then it hit her, what was one thing a shinobi could never have enough of? Chakra control. As of late Ashi had found it quite helpful to be able to amass a large amount of chakra in a single spot. This was, after all, how her chakra based strength derived its power. However, imagine such a skill with medical chakra. To be able to heal before a hit. Such an ability would be helpful to say the very least.

I guess I have work to do.

Thus, as the boy strafed and let loose a single shuriken, Ashi moved both her body and her chakra. A simple twist of the body allowed the shuriken to whiz by harmlessly into a nearby tree. And, at the same time, Ashi moved her amassed chakra in her abdomen where the shuriken would have hit were its aim true. She felt the shift as if her stomach was turning over. Suffice to say it was a rather unpleasant feeling.

Next up was the kunai-simple enough to dodge. With a quick bend of her legs Ashi was in a crouching stance. The projectiles were not nearly fast enough to even phase the woman. Then there was the issue of the charging boy, which, as Ashi thought about it, was not really a problem at all. Right palm extended and tapped by the left and then a fist and lastly a unique tiger hand seal. By Ashi's odd ritual had reached completion the boy, if he did not alter his plans, would be just within striking range. He would be able to just graze Ashi if he really tried. But then it would happen.

A roar. 

A roar like the howling winds and even stronger. From the fist of Ashi sprung the maw of a tiger ten meter in diameter. Exploding out the air pressure would undoubtedly push the boy into the air and and back at a breakneck pace. Sure, Ashi had toned down the power quite a bit so as to not hurt the genin, but he would still be hit back a good ten meters. And, of course, have the bruises to prove. That is of course unless the boy was able think fast on his feet.

If the boy did indeed get launched backwards, Ashi would straighten her back into a standing stance. This was getting sad. But the boy had to see. He had to see that running headlong into a fight was dangerous. It was dangerous especially when you knew nothing about the powers of the individual or group you were facing.

"Stop for now, what have you learned thus far?" She asked with genuine curiosity in her voice.

Has he learned his lesson?

[WC: 3182]
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:39 pm
It was as if it was a impossible task to do, the woman he had just started to call sensei today was like a monster. But Kyo knew he was only to weak he had only just begun his journey of being a ninja and he knew that with his first spar or battle he was not going to be a beast of the field. The first kunai he had threw she did some flexible shit easily dodging the kunai but he did not care and let loose a shuriken that wizzed over the woman's head as she had got into a crouch easily avoiding the shuriken. But after the dodge of the last shuriken the world had seemed to speed up for Kyo, the woman had begun to preform the tiger hand seal with Kyo not even knowing that they could use ninjutsu within the spar. However he did not know if it was ninjutsu as he did not have his doujutsu activated. But as he was about to stop in his tracks and turn Kyo had heard the roar of a tiger.

The only thing he had saw was white cloud like chakra coming his way at an extreme speed as it hit him full force in his left should with him being sure he had heard a snap or something. But as the white misty chakra connected Kyo had flew back about 50 meters or so he thought as that was what he had counted. When he had stopped flying the white chakra had exploded see debris in the air around him, he had only managed to cover his head with his right arm as the only thing he felt in his left one was extreme pain. When the explosion had stopped Kyo released his arm letting it rest on the ground as his face was in the dirt. He knew he could not further progress in this battle, he was dirt he had deserved to be on the ground. A Uchiha who did not even want to further evolve his Sharingan , he was a disgrace to his can. He felt tears slowly spring from his eyes. He could not go further in this battle his opponent let on relentless attacks even breaking his shoulder in the process. He couldn't do it anymore there was no hope at all that he would win this battle, if he was on the battlefield he would have surely died. In all the battles he had in his life, the ones when he was small in the academy and the current one he was always in the dirt. He remembered the words the other Uchiha his age told him after they found out that he did not have fire as a first element.

At first he ignored all of them but then it all had dawned on him he was weak and a disgrace to his clan he needed to be banished. More tears had fell out of his eyes, he needed his Sharingan he needed the power from it and he did not care how he would obtain it, no longer will he be the weak Uchiha every one expected him to be even his drunkard of a father today he had a point to prove and he did not care how he got it done. His eyes would seem to pulse causing him to push his right hand into the ground and push up as his left one wasn't available. His eyes would pulse again giving him visual access to everything around him he knew that his Sharingan was activated something he had swore he would never do. He stood straight up with his left arm limp hanging to the ground and his right one gripped around a kunai that he had grabbed around the weapon's pouch on his right thigh.

"Stop for now, what have you learned thus far?" asked the lady as if she was mocking him, staring straight into the lady's eyes he would say "I have learned that when you are down you have to get back up no matter the cause and finish what you were to do."

He would begin to run to the woman at the speed of 15 but this time not in a straight line as he would move in zagged line so he would have control over his turning. When he got within 15 meters of the one he would throw the kunai with full force at her abdomen but not stopping there as when he reached the 9 meter mark would grab a single smoke bomb from his pouch with his right hand and throw it on the ground directly in his front instantly releasing smoke into the snowy air, he knew he would need to act fast as the smoke would begin to disapeer in only a minute. He knew Inuzuka had increased senses so he knew from "rolling" in the dirt his flowery smell would be gone. With the woman's sight now unavailable he would have to work with what he got. In the smoke he would move at maximum speed towards the woman quietly making sure not to step on any fall sticks, leafs or anything for that matter but the snowy ground. Once within 5 meters of the woman he would once again grab a kunai from his right pouch with his right n as he gripped it around the handle and threw it forward directly for the woman's forehead, though he continued to move forward the kunai completely faster than him. If he were to come within punching range of the woman he would throw a punch with his right hand at her abdomen. once again.

Yasahiro Yagami
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:30 pm
Perhaps that was a little much.

So much for control and all that. Ashi had launched the boy back a good fifty odd meters. Thus the question stood: had she overestimated the boy's strength? Or had she underestimated her own? Both possible answers were almost equally dismaying. She never meant to bring physical harm to the boy. Yet there he was laying among the aftermath of her seemingly simple taijutsu technique.

On the bright side it can't get much worse, right? Just a few bumps and bruises. Nothing major.

Of course such foolish assumptions were quickly put to rest. Ashi could not help, but wince just a bit as the boy struggled to his feet-he shouldn't be fighting in his condition. Certainly the boy was still quite a distance away, but Ashi's practiced medical eye caught all the telltale signs of injury. The boy was favoring one arm over the other and the one he was not using, well, it did not look promising. 

He shouldn't be fighting.

Yet still the boy fought on. Struggling to a point he finally responded to Ashi's request. Something about never giving up. A noble sentiment, but nothing more than sentiment. In practice pushing through a fight in which you are outmatched is a fools errand and can get one killed on the battlefield. Yes, there was once a time Ashi would have matched the boy's fiery spirit. However, ever since her defeat in Kumogakure she had tempered her inner fire. And such tempering had served her well as an anbu where emotions had to be suppressed and held back. Unhealthy? Yes. Necessary? Even more so.

No point in getting yourself killed, little one. Wait....

It was as the boy spoke that she noticed it: crimson eyes. The eyes of the Uchiha clan. In all her years Ashi had had more than a few run ins with Uchiha. From her experience most Uchiha were rather arrogant, yes, past Hokages included. Though she held no ill will towards the clan she did not exactly like them either. Of course such a revelation changed nothing, the fight would continue.

I'll have to end this soon before he hurts himself. Uchiha or not, he is only human.

Surely by force of will alone the boy pushed forward and pressed the attack. Moving in a almost stumbling fashion he moved in a quick zig-zag pattern. An interesting mode of attack to be sure. Then it came, a kunai, once again on track for her midriff. Dodging was getting a bit boring for the Inuzuka so as the blade flew though the air she timed her movements perfectly. Moving forward her right arm she swiped the kunai from the air as it was just about to pierce her stomach.

Of course such a movement allowed for an opening on the part of the boy. In an instant the air around Ashi was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. The boy was resourceful if nothing else. However, Ashi could match his resourcefulness with her own. Blinking through the smoke the woman began to sink into the ground; hiding like a mole technique worked wonders. Thus when the kunai aimed for her forehead came it would find only open air as Ashi's head disappeared below the ground. 

This technique is always so cold.

Moving through the ground as if it were water the woman moved to a point ten meters behind the boy and began to rise. As she rose the smoke dispersed around her due to a easterly wind bringing in more snow. Yet as the smoke blew off her it seemed to cling to her clothes as if not wanting to leave. Then, all at once, it was gone. Gone in the wind.

"Not too shabby little one," Ashi said honestly. "However, we are done. It is brave of you to fight on, but you will permanently hurt yourself if we continue and that simply wouldn't do."

"Let me look at your shoulder," Ashi said more as a command than a question. Taking a tentative step forward she would test the waters. If the boy were not opposed she would continue walking up to him. 

"Please hold still."

Not giving the boy any indication of her intentions she would attempt to run her hand over his right shoulder. Were she not stopped she would find it in an instant-the break. Luckily it was not too nasty.

His wounds could have been a lot worse, you idiot Ashi.

Then, all at once, a green chakra would surround Ashi's hand as it lay over the boy's shoulder. He would no doubt feel a cool sensation as Ashi's healing chakra washed over him. Slowly but surely the broken bone would start to knit itself back together. After about five minutes of this, and not a word, Ashi drew back her hand and took a a few steps back.

"It'll still be weak for a while so don't go doing anything stupid," Ashi said nodding at her work. Healing the boy still felt a bit hollow. After all, she had been the reason for his injuries in the first place.

"Say, what's your name little one?"

Yeah, yeah, Ashi was a bit lacking in social graces and she probably should have asked earlier. Killing for a living tended to do that to someone, sadly.

[Jutsu used: Hiding like a mole Technique and Mystical palm]
{WC: 4065}
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:36 pm
As the kunai he threw was flying in the air he qould see chakra pool in the women's stomach as she went down, down into the ground running up under Kyo and appearing 10 meters behind him. The smoke had soon disapeered giving Kyo a full view of the area around him. His Sharingan had soon gone out from the over exhaust of chakra but not before seeing his reflection in the melted snow with 3 tomoe spinning around his single pupil of both of his eyes. He had awakened mastered the first form of his Sharingab but at a cost.

[size=32]"Not too shabby little one," his sensei said honestly. "However, we are done. It is brave of you to fight on, but you will permanently hurt yourself if we continue and that simply wouldn't do."[/size]
Kyo would nod with his eyes big as he was really exhausted. It was the first time that he had over exhausted himself. When the woman had asked to check out his shouldwe Kyo would nod and she would come over and place her hands on his shoulder healing it with him feeling the bones in his body reorganize slowly snapping and making multiple noises. But other than the bone reforming he would feel that his chakra had also slowly returned. Asking what his name was Kyo would stand on his two feet and then go and collect thw very few weapons he had thrown everywhere. Once he had collected all of his weapons Kyo would say " My name is Kyori Uchiha as you probably already know I am a Uchiha from my sharingan. But just call me Kyo, and please do not tell anyone about my Sharingan " he would wait for the woman to reply as the gentlw snow had stoppes falling from the sky.

Yasahiro Yagami
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:43 pm
"If you insist," Ashi said. "Your secret is safe with me, little one."

Just cause she knew his name didn't mean she'd start using it.

On one hand it was amusing to the Inuzuka that a Uchiha would want to hide his sharingan. However, on the other hand, she could respect a shinobi wanting to keep secrets. In the end it was not her secret to tell. Luckily Ashi was very good with secrets. One of the best really. It was part of her day job after all.

At this point Chai came from the wood line with long sloping strides. If dogs could grin then he would be grinning. In fact, Ashi had sneaking suspicion that he had been watching the whole fight. For a ninken he was always strangely nosy.

That dog...  

"Well, I would suggest heading home and resting." Ashi said, returning her gaze to Kyori. "You're bound to catch a cold out in this weather."

Of course, Ashi had hardly broken a sweat, but the genin looked beat. He looked physically tired and maybe even more emotionally tired judging by his voice. Plus, Ashi wanted to be on her way. Maybe there was still time for a pleasant morning coffee?

"I must be off...I'm sure our paths will cross again at some point." Turning to go Chai followed his friend into the snowfall. Glancing over her shoulder as she left Ashi spoke one more time, "Keep your chin up, little one. You'll get there."

And like that she was gone. One way or another she would see the genin again. Hopefully he would put up more of a fight next time. She'd have to follow his career a bit more closely from now on. More out of curiosity than anything else, because, like Chai, Ashi was nosy.

So much for a peaceful morning.

{TWC: 4370, +21 stats for Ashi and learned Yin Healing Wound Destruction with it's 4000 word count requirement. Also, learned Kyori's scent and chakra signature.}
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Young Pup [P,IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Pup [P,IO]

Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:30 am
Still looking at the woman Kyo was about to turn around from the immense silence in the area but chose not to after hearing the woman say "If you insist, Your secret is safe with me, little one." He would only stare at her as being called little one slightly annoyed him as he looked as if he was a grown man being 6'3 and well built. 

But of course some people just did not care would call you what they want to call you. He would see that his very new sensei had looked to her side he saw her dog Chai if he remembered the name correctly. The dog appeared to be grinning which called Kyo to smirk because he must have been hallucinating knowing a dog could not grin." Well, I would suggest heading home and resting." his sensei said, returning her gaze to Kyori. "You're bound to catch a cold out in this weather." 

Kyo would nod and continue to look at her whilst saying " I am going to head home in a sec, I just need to regaun my mind seeing as I just went threw two mutations of my doujutsu at the same time." He saw the woman was still looking at him as she said I must be off...I'm sure our paths will cross again at some point." Turning to go Chai followed his master into the snowfall. Glancing over her shoulder as she left his sensei spoke one more time, "Keep your chin up, little one. You'll get there." He had finally realized that maybe her calling him littlw one was not to taunt him but to remind him that hw was not quite yet ready to venture into the ninja world as he was still very weak. 

Kyo would nod and say "Goodbye" as the women and her pet dog walked off into the distance. Well that was alot for a day thought Kyo as he began to place his multiple weapons within their assorted pouches so he could use them in the time of need. Aftee organizing his weapons he would take off into the snowy trees heading for the Uchiha district. He would decide not to tell his now dead beat of a father about his predicament. 

While he was fighting he had decided to believe in his bloodline as it could be very useful in battle as he had just witnessed first hand. He slowly began to see the Uchiha district along the horizon making him go a little faster so he could get to it. He was really tired and was ready to go to sleep.

Arriving home he would jump through his window seeing as it was open right onto his bed. Now on his bed he would proceed by throwing his cloths off now only having his undergarments on as he pulled the coved over his body and slowly began to drift off to sleep. 

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