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Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:53 pm
It was a lovely, clear afternoon in Konoha as Maloren made his way to the training grounds to train himself. The sun was high in the sky, the heat beating down on him with an oppressive force. Sweat was already forming on his forehead and he hadn't even started to train yet. He walked onto the training ground and surveyed the area quickly. It was a rather large training ground with a lake to one side, the area was surrounded by trees so he could train in privacy as well. He chose this one for the lake in case it got too hot, he could always cool off in the water and then continue his training. He look down toward a tree and found a training dummy he had set up prior to coming. It was a Hyuuga clan training dummy, on the back were small bits of paper that his goal was to strike off from the opposite side with his gentle fist style. He made his way over and wiped his brow, it really was too damn hot. 

Looking up at the sky and judging how early in the day it was he knew it would only get hotter as well. So he shrugged and pulled off his shirt, figuring the article of clothing would merely get in the way as he tossed it over a branch to keep it off the ground and stretched. He then positioned himself before the training post in his gentle fist stance and silently activated his Byakugan, focusing his sight on the dummy and the small bits of paper on the other end. He took a deep breath and began to strike the dummy in tenketsu locations, moving quickly and methodically as he knocked off single pieces of paper in his strikes. 

(WC 300)

Last edited by Maloren Hyuuga on Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:44 pm
Junko and Katashi were walking side by side to the training area. It was a bright day, an hour or two before noon. With any luck, the area by the lake would be vacant, and they could train in peace.

Well, it was not vacant, that was certain. But neither of the twins cared much, as they both knew the boy that was tackling a training dummy with the tips of his fingers. Junko broke away from Katashi's arm, running up to the boy. "Maloren! Hey, Maloren!" She yelled, waving her arm in the air as Katashi ran up from behind. He caught up to his sister quickly, and then slowed his pace back down, keeping steady with his sister. "Ey yo!" He would somewhat shout out, now jogging alongside the sprinting Junko, smiling and casting a glance her way. Junko grinded her teeth a little and threw a fake punch at her brother, annoying by how much faster he was than her.

[163 words]
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:01 pm
Maloren heard the calls of Junko and Katashi and blushed slightly. He hadn't been expecting this, he'd always had a huge crush on both of them in the academy. They were his best friends though, so he couldn't simply avoid them on that premise. He stopped his gentle fist practice and turned centered himself, taking a deep breath. His top body was covered in sweat. He hadn't yet actually gotten tired though, which meant he was slowly increasing his stamina, which was good. After centering himself he turned to the two of them, a light blush still evident on his face and waved with a small smile. "H-Hey Junko, Katashi. W-what's goin on?" He asked, fighting the stutter, and hoping it went unnoticed. 

He slowly reached up and cracked his neck and sighed at the blistering heat. The sun was really beating down on them and he knew soon it would reach it's zenith and only get much hotter.

(WC 159
TWC 460)
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Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:59 pm
It was really hot today, much different than the other day with Kozue. Junko stopped running about a foot away from Maloren, and Katashi stopped a little further on, although he was still only about a foot away because circles, bitch. It was almost awkwardly close, and Katashi would have stopped sooner if he hadn't been paying attention almost entirely to keeping exactly in pace with Junko.

"So, what are you doing," Junko peeped, "working on your jutsu finger thingy?" Junko didn't care much about the name of the thing, although she'd likely remember it... eventually. Katashi, on the other hand, remembered. "I believe it's called Gentle Fist, sister, and it's a Hyuuga clan technique," he said, almost snarkily, Junko instantly turning to glare at him. Katashi looked at her with the corner of his eyes and tilted a small smile.

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:07 pm
Maloren sighed and smiled at the brother and sister duos antics, and shook his head as they progressed. "Katashi-kun is correct Junko-chan" He replied simply. "The gentle fist technique is my clans taijutsu style. That allows me to assault your chakra network" He informed her as the thought finally sunk in that he was currently half naked in front of two of his crushes. The blush that followed could be recorded in certain record books. He instinctively took a step back but otherwise stayed stock still. After a few moments he realized he also called them by the affectionate suffix'. "What is wrong with me today?!" He thought, he worked hard to try to keep this stuff a secret and just like that it starts to come out because of an overly hot day while training. 

He sighed and looked toward the lake, a good swim would cool his nerves and refresh him for the next stage of his training. He nodded his head at the idea and looked toward the duo before him. "I'm going to go for a dip in the lake before I continue training, you're both welcome to join me at both." He said before moving toward the lake.

(WC 663)
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Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:50 am
"I was about to suggest the same, you looked like you were burning up!" Junko yelled as she took off her top. Katashi was about to stop her when he remembered that she was wearing a bikini under her clothes. She'd told him as they came, almost yelling at him when he said they probably wouldn't go swimming today. Looks like Katashi was wrong. Begrudgingly, he slid his shorts off, not standing in his black boxers. Junko has already dropped hers, and was running to the lake in her pink and black bikini as he took off his shirt.

"Come on, slow poke!" Junko yelled as she jumped into the water, doing a sort of dive into the water. It was kind of a vertical dive with a small downward angle, made possible only because she pushed herself off from the water's edge in an almost perfectly horizontal manner. She had had to use all her strength to do this. Katashi was pretty cool getting in too, kinda. He ran at his max speed (much faster than Junko's), and jumped with all his might (much more than Junko's), and cannonballed. Sadly, the lake wasn't all that deep yet, and his gluteous maximus made a resounding "SMACK" sound with the bottom of the lake. But he did not scream or shout, he simply stood up and started swimming.

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:00 am
Maloren had already taken off the rest of his clothing with the exception of the orange and black boxers he was wearing and realized the mistake he made when he talked about swimming has a Junko in a bikini and a Katashi in boxers ran by him. He then proceeded to break the previous record he had just set moment ago with his blush, literally having problems staying upright. The problem with this is in the fact that since he had already started moving toward the lake he was already next to said body of water when he started swaying. 

He tried to put up a valiant fight against gravity, but in the end the force of nature would win the day and fell into the water without a breath of air. Needless to say, he sank like a stone. The cool water brought a momentary shock to his system as he tried to reach up to let them know. The stupid thing is that he could swim perfectly fine, but the disorientation from seeing two of his crushes in swim swear was too much for his teenage system to bear. As such he couldn't get his bearings. He tried to stand, he knew that after hearing Katashi hit the bottom of the lake it couldn't be that deep, but his feet couldn't reach the bottom. "I must be in a deeper part of the lake" He thought as he sank down toward the bottom.

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Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:45 am
Junko was laughing at Katashi for hitting his bum on the bottom of the lake, pointing at him with a shaking hand and the other arm across her chest, grabbing her arm pit. "Hey Maloren, did you hear that!?" she yelled out, turning to where she had heard the splash. Except, there was no Maloren there. Just dark wate-- wait. Wait. WHAT!? she thought as she noticed Maloren completely motionless under the water. He looked alert but.. wasn't swimming? Oh my god, he must be having heat stroke or something! Junko thought as she almost instantly stopped laughing, fully turned, and started swimming, instantly ducking under the water and starting into a dolphin kick. Katashi was completely oblivious to this, as he was looking the other way, refusing to let Junko see his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Junko was approaching Maloren, directly above him. Him looking up and all, but this being somewhat deep under water, Junko would likely appear as just a vaguely human shaped shadow, assuming of course that there wasn't so much light blocked out from his sight that he didn't notice the human shape.

That was unlikely, however, as Junko wasn't exactly bigger, not at all. So, even though she swam directly over Maloren and would try to wrap her arms around him, pulling the top of his head into her neck, and began kicking her way back to the surface. Luckily, they were right near the edge of the lake and, pushing him above her and using the bouancy provided by the water, she pushed him right over the edge of the lake before kicking herself up enough to climb out and... trip, calling right onto him, placing the top of his head right on the middle of her neck AGAIN. HOLY CRAP AM I BAD AT GETTING OUT OF THE WATER WHAT THE HELL was what ran through Junko's mind as she fell, barely catching herself enough to prevent her windpipe from caving in.

During this time, Katashi had FINALLY noticed something was up and, because he was doing a fish kick to get to them, he was already almost there.

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:57 am
He felt surrounded on all sides by a black abyss, there was no pressure in such a small lake but Maloren felt paralyzed by the embarrassment from before. He couldn't seem to force himself up. He was quickly losing consciousness as the small, lithe human shape appeared above him. "Junko?" He thought as he felt a pair of thin arms wrap around him and force his head into the center of her neck and started to push him up out of the water. His blush deepened at this point as he finally blacked out, the combination of his crush saving him and his head being where it was being too much. She would force him out of the water and he landed on his back. The water from the lake had gotten into his lungs and he was not breathing at the moment because of it. 

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Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1 Empty Re: Maloren and Junko's Training Post 1

Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:29 am
Junko quickly righted herself, getting off the boy and letting him breathe. Except.... he was not breathing. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..... she thought, almost instantly followed by a quick glance back to see where Katashi was (almost here), and then back to Maloren. "Ok. You know how to do this." Going at about one hundred fifteen compressions per minute, Junko pushed down on the boys chest ten times. Taking a deep breathe, she leaned down, opened Maloren's lips, and blew hard, a total of ten times, and then swapped backed to compressions. She would do this until Maloren woke up and stopped her. Katashi was just getting out of the water as she started and was quite worried, but knew better than to try to help. Or rather, he wouldn't help until Junko needed a break.

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