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Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Another day of training in Konoha Empty Another day of training in Konoha

Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:17 pm
Kaneki's training had generally come from his father in these times. His days at the academy, long since finished, were the only time when he had direct supervision over his training. Most days his father would give him all he needed to learn a new jutsu, task him with a timeline, and if he did not meet it than he would be forced to repeat the process. This week the Jutsu he was supposed to be learning was the Fireball jutsu. It was another fire style technique that he was happy to learn, but it was proving the most difficult out of all his jutsu. 

He stared up at the faces of the past Hokage. While he was going to be training today it was not going to be a normal training session at all. "Ok....First use my chakra climbing to get to the top of the stone faces....damn it."  He knew this was meant to test his chakra control, but if he failed, he would die. Kaneki looked up to the monument and exhaled before focusing his chakra on his feet and hands. The shift in his chakra caused the dust beneath his feet to scatter as he looked towards the top. He let his hand touch the surface of the stone and smiled when he felt the adhesive pull his chakra was causing. Kaneki began to climb, slow and steady, but as he did he could not help but to let his mind wander. 

His focus shifted to his clan, the Senju, he often wondered why his family never took the name of the clan as most others. While Kaneki knew the basic history of the Senju he had no knowledge of his families direct past in the clan. All he knew was that his father continued to deny ever being a full fledged shinobi. Yet the man had access to an amazing list of Jutsu and knowledge that most veteran shinobi held. Kaneki had questioned both his father and mother, to little avail. Another thing that Kaneki had always wondered was why his father never even attempted to teach Kaneki the Wood style. He had never seen his father use it but he knew he was capable of the Kekkei Genkei, he had to be. 

As for Kaneki's mother, he loved her dearly but she had always been rather mute when it came to conversations on the clan, never truly answering him or even humoring his attention. Kaneki was pulled back to reality when a stone under his foot broke off from the rest of the surface. He was shifted off the rock and held on only by his right arm, the sharp tension causing a great amount of pain. "Damn it!" He instantly focused on his left hand, rejuvenating the chakra in the palm of his hand, so he could regain his place on the stone faces. He was directly under the chin of one of the former Kage, he could not tell which one and he currently did not care, he knew he would not even hit a rest point until he met the head of the Kage. After a moment to gain his breath the Genin continued his climb up to the top, this time he kept his attention and focus on the task at hand. Ever so often he would allow a coordinated jump to lead him to where he needed to go. It was not long until he was sitting on the head of the late First Hokage. He exhaled before looking over the village with a look that could border on disgust. Kaneki truly held no love for his country, but in the same instance he would never allow it to come under harm, because that was not his shinobi way. 

After a few moments of rest he began to refocus his chakra to begin his climb once more. Taking almost a mass of thirty minutes, Kaneki reached the top with a loud grunt. He had ended his chakra grip when he was close so he could preserve his chakra for what lied in wait. As he brought himself to the top and rolled over a slight scoff escaped him. "I'm still too weak...."

Another voice would speak up behind him, causing him to sigh softly. "Stop wasting time. You have more to do." As he laid his head back so he could see behind him, he saw the one man who he was not sure whether he loved or hated. His father, Hideki. The man wore his standard white kimono, his hands ever tucked into the sleeves as they held each other. "The Great Fireball Jutsu is not like your fire stream or even your exploding fire shot. The Fireball jutsu, much like your fire stream, is a jutsu where you build up the chakra in your chest and expel it, but unlike the stream it will not be a steady flow, it will be one large ball, all at once."

His father walked next to him and rather than help his son up he looked over the village before his hands flew, to form the horse seal, and then the tiger. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He clasped his fingers in front of his lips and as he did a fireball, at least two meters in diameter flew into the sky and exploded after only a few seconds of flight. Kaneki was capable of doing the jutsu, but not at the speed and size of his father. Hideki turned to face his son before looking back over the village. "Do not return home until you have learned and mastered this technique." Before Kaneki could speak his father formed a half-tiger hand sign, disappearing in a screen of smoke.

Kaneki exhaled before walking towards the field that was nearby, while it was not exactly a permitted training ground it was large enough to serve as such. He walked over towards the field and exhaled as he gathered chakra in his chest. The shift of his chakra was held longer than usual, he could feel the heat of a fire style building up and it caused him to exhale softly. He smirked softly before forming the two seals necessary for the jutsu. Horse. Tiger. "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!"  As he clasped his fingers in front of his lips he felt the chakra build up and as it released a fireball flew from him. The only problem was the fireball was barely a meter in diameter. While he was sure it would not take long to correct the problem he knew he needed to do such as fast as possible, one shot of this jutsu had caused him to become slightly winded. 

"I can't use this Jutsu all day....I'll pass out." He pulled his white hood over his head before forming the two hand signs once more, but this time he stopped. "Wait a minute...maybe I'm not putting enough chakra into it." In the past his jutsu had relied on perfect chakra control, but Fire style techniques tended to react well to high reserves of chakra, but he knew that using too much chakra would only allow him to do the jutsu a hand full of times. He paused before forming the hand signs once more. Horse. Tiger. "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" This time as he exhaled the flames from his lips he poured a heavy reserve of chakra into it, this time the fireball was two meters in size and flew across the field with a decent speed. He smiled before falling to his knees and blacking out, almost instantly. 

It had to have been at least three hours before the Genin woke up, he groaned as he rolled onto his back and sighed loudly. "Damn....It." The boy had been right, in that using a heavy amount of chakra would produce results. The results being him passed out in the middle of combat is not one that he wanted. Kaneki stood up and rolled his neck before laughing softly. "I can't believe I passed out...." He looked to the sky, noticing that the sun would be setting soon, not that he needed daylight to practice a fire technique, but he felt this was ridiculous that he could pass out like that. 

Kaneki returned to his training, almost instantly. He began to weave the hand signs once more. Horse. Tiger. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" This time Kaneki tried to temper the amount of chakra he used, the result being another of the miniature fireballs that he knew were far from acceptable. Kaneki knew he would have to use more chakra but he would also need to save enough in reserves so he wasn't killing himself. Kaneki focused himself for a moment, hoping to be able to use his chakra control to reserve enough of it to continue battle while still making an effective jutsu.

Kaneki began to form the hand signs once more. Horse. Tiger. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He clasped his fingers together and as he did flames flew from his mouth, forming a large sphere, this one exactly two meters, that flew across the field away from the boy. He smiled softly before exhaling, while he was feeling a bit drained he was still capable of a few more, and continuing a fight if he had to. 

Kaneki smiled softly before knowing what he had to do now. He needed a target and he needed to try using the jutsu while in rapid movement. Kaneki looked around before walking towards a log that was nearby, he took the log and instantly picked it up. "This should do perfectly." Kaneki walked the log towards the center of the field and set it down before looking around. "Let's see if I can do this in the first shot..." The Genin began to walk away from the log before turning on his heel with a slight sigh. "Ok....I need to try and at least hit it twice...It may be too much but...It'll be worth it." 

Kaneki pulled his hood off, and removed his jacket before tightening the headband resting on his forehead. The boy cracked his neck before sprinting towards his target, he drew his shuriken with a sigh before sprinting towards the target. When it came to Kaneki's general strategy, he would use a weapon or clone to distract and than use a fire style jutsu for the kill. As Kaneki rushed towards the log, he threw the shuriken and smirked as it hit it's mark. "First one..." Kaneki formed the hand seals necessary for his attack. Horse. Tiger. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" The Genin sent a fireball, slightly under the standard size, flying for the target. After he sent it flying he leapt into the air to repeat the jutsu. Horse. Tiger. "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" The second of the fireball's flew towards the target, impact instantly after the first. Both fireballs met their mark and when Kaneki fell back to the ground on his knees he could not help but smirk. "Yea....That'll work." 

Kaneki walked towards the area of his attack with a confident smile. The area was completely burnt to a crisp from two of his fireballs connecting. After a look around he realized that his jutsu were actually getting stronger, much stronger. But he knew that he still had a long way to go if he were to ever master all of the fire style jutsu like he had intended. Kaneki's fascination in jutsu was broad but he currently wanted to focus on his fire style and basic techniques. After that he would move on to weaponry jutsu and things of that nature. He set his hands in his pockets before turning to where his jacket was. Now that he was finally finished with his training he could go and do something else, like eat. As he pulled his jacket on and pulled up the hood he heard the rumbling of his stomach, demanding food. 

[WC: 2005. Claiming 10 stat points and Fire Release: Great Fireball]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Another day of training in Konoha Empty Re: Another day of training in Konoha

Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:20 pm
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Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Another day of training in Konoha Empty Re: Another day of training in Konoha

Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:28 pm
Spinning a kunai knife on his finger, Kaneki walked through the streets of Konoha, slightly lost in his own thoughts. He spun the knife up into the air, catching it quickly before walking towards the Hokage's stone faces. He looked up at the past leaders of the village and sighed softly. He couldn't help but wonder what all happened in the village that he didn't know of. His father always seemed distant to their village, not only that, he seemed to have a grudge against the shinobi of the village. 

Kaneki walked away from the statues and smiled when he saw his home. He looked to the doorstep where a small pouch had been placed. Father.... Hideki knew of Kaneki's training session today and when Kaneki spoke about returning to the house earlier for certain supplies his father must have taken care of it for him. It seemed like the more the boy did the less his father communicated with him, there were times he never even saw the man. It was not like the young shinobi was dependent on his father, it was just something he had begun to notice. Picking up the pouch with a slight sigh he paused to look inside. As he suspected there were wire threads inside of the pouch, exactly what he needed for his new jutsu. Kaneki had made leaps and bounds with learning new jutsu, beginning with a simple fire stream, and his latest discovery was a perfect fireball. Now that he had perfected the art of learning the techniques he needed to work on mastering the fire itself and it's uses. After closing the pouch he began to run towards the training grounds with a slight smirk on his face.

Kaneki began to run, leaping onto buildings and moving swiftly, excited to learn yet another jutsu for him to eventually use in combat. After making it to the field the young shinobi instantly pulled the wire from the pouch, after taking it out he began to separate the roll into a few different thread lines. He knew he would have to prepare the wire before combat so it would be smart to keep a few fixed shuriken ready. After almost ten minutes of sorting the ninja held two shuriken in his hand, each was tied to a wire that was at least ten meters long in length. He began to spin one of them, checking the strength on the tie. After he was satisfied he smirked and looked to a nearby tree that would act as a perfect target for the day. He took both of his kunai into his hands, instantly both flew towards the tree, the wires flowing through the boys fingers until the weapons landed in the base of the tree. Instantly Kaneki bit down on both of the wires, releasing them from his hands. He freed his hands so he could begin weaving hand signs. Snake. Dragon. Rabbit. Tiger. As he built up chakra to his lips he gripped the ends of the wires again. As he did fire flew from his lips directly down the wires, following them to the tree. Kaneki watched as the base of the tree was burned by the flame, but it had not come out the way he wanted it to. He knew he was going to need more wire to spread the flames. 

After waiting for the flame to settle Kaneki walked over to the tree and attempted to pull his kunai from the tree, his hands immediately flew back as he felt the hot metal against his hands. A slight wince left him before he focused his chakra to his fingertips, allowing him to pull the weapons from the tree bark with no trouble. After collecting the shuriken he began to rewire them, as well as two more of the throwing stars. The shuriken were easy enough to wire, he knew that the basics of the technique would be simple, it was the preparation that would be a pain in the ass. He sat down and paused to think, if he had knowledge of any Genjutsu than perhaps that would help, but most likely he would be left to his own devices. Kaneki sighed before standing, this time all four of the shuriken were dangling from his hands. He pulled them in between his fingers before exhaling and throwing the shuriken towards the tree, this time he pulled on them at the last moment, causing the throwing stars to wrap around the tree before finding their targets. The young shinobi smirked before wrapping the wires together and biting down on them, he pulled them tight while forming his hand seals. Snake. Dragon. Rabbit. Tiger! Fire Style: Dragon flame! This time the flames roared down the four wires, moving swiftly, and when they connected the entire tree went up in a roaring flame. Kaneki exhaled as the wires fell from his mouth, for once after using a new fire technique he was not completely drained. Though the technique required an insane amount of chakra he knew that he would be able to learn better if he applied the technique to real combat. After a moment he walked back over to his wires and paused to think. "I wonder how effective I could make this....If I filled an area with wires and ignited them I could set fire to miles...especially forests and grassy areas." 

The ninja walked towards the tree, using his chakra to part the flames he pulled his shuriken from the tree once more. While he knew he should free the tree of his flames he decided against it, with him no longer pouring chakra into the flames they would die out soon enough. He turned away and when he did he heard a loud crack. Upon turning around he felt something hot impact him on his head, he cursed before looking to the branch that had fallen from his target. "Damn it." After rubbing his head he kicked the burnt branch back towards the tree. He walked back to his things and once again began to rewire his shuriken. They were made to be fire proof but it was not exactly good for them to be used over and over again. As he tied another wire to the first of his shuriken he looked to the flames that had engulfed the tree. It was amazing, years ago when he began his shinobi training he never though learning such a technique would become so easy. Though it was not necessarily easy as it was that he worked hard enough to make it easy.

He finished setting the wires back on the shuriken and sighed before setting them in his pouch, he was running out of wire and if he wasted this last chance he could end up being in trouble, he wanted to use the jutsu against a moving target but he did not exactly know what there was that he could use. After a while he simply decided to take a walk around the training field, he was not simply taking a break. The shinobi was trying to think of different ways to maximize his new technique. After a while he made his way to the dummies back on the training field. He looked to the tree in a group and paused before smirking. "I guess I could use these, hope no one misses them when they're gone. This time i'm torching them to pieces." He looked over his shuriken and pulled them, as well as the wires. 
As he looked at the three targets he wondered how difficult it would be to maneuver the throwing stars in between the targets. Or would it be easier to simply wrap the shuriken around them. Either way he knew he would have to be fast, if the enemy had time to react to what was going on than he would be in trouble. Not only would he be tethered to his enemy but he would have to be relatively close to attach the wires. He saw the tree nearby and smiled at the idea of tying his enemies to the tree, but to do that he would have to be in their blind spot, and technically his. He walked behind the tree, making sure to memorize the distance of the dummies past the tree. If he threw them too short he would miss them and only hit the tree. If he threw them too far it might leave too much time for his opponent to react. 
After pinpointing their location he set two shuriken in each hand, if he moved fast enough in combat than this would be a devastating attack. Kaneki threw both of the shuriken past the tree, after about a second he pulled on the shuriken, causing them to turn back towards the tree, Kaneki could hear the shuriken impact the side of it and when he pulled he felt the dummies in between his shuriken. It took more strength than he thought but after pulling the wires he knew they were pinned to the tree. This time the shinobi took care when clamping his teeth down on the wires and forming the hand seals. Snake. Dragon. Rabbit. Tiger! Fire Style: Dragon Flame Technique! As he opened his lips the flames filled with chakra once more shot towards the tree, at first the flames wrapped around the tree, tracing the wires swiftly. But seconds after he saw the entire tree catch flame, but Kaneki did not stop there. He gripped the wires tightly before pouring his chakra into the flames, watching as they danced and flew around the tree. 
Kaneki eventually released the wires and watched the fire, until something finally occurred to him. "I have no idea how to put a fire that size out..." He crossed his arms as the fire continued to rage, while he was sure the fire would not be of any concern right now, if it fell over and lit another of the nearby fires he could have a problem. Kaneki did not exactly know any water style techniques so he would be in trouble if he did not figure something out soon. Though his worries were ended when he saw the fire begin to die down. He exhaled before chuckling at the tree a bit. "Damn you scared me....I thought I was going to have to get someone to put this thing out." Only a second later Kaneki heard a loud strain come from the tree. He sighed before looking back to it, as he did he heard another loud crack, much louder than the one before. The tree eventually began to fall over, back towards the dummies he had tied to the backside of it. 
Kaneki walked forward, arching an eye brow before whistling sharply. The back side of the tree had been half burnt away by the flames that had based there. "Wow....I didn't expect that." He looked to the dummies that were underneath the tree. He could not tell which destroyed them more, the tree or his attack but they were crisp and destroyed. He smiled softly before walking away from the tree, the first tree he used earlier was not destroyed like the second but it had finally died down.
Kaneki walked back to where he set the rest of his wires. Like he suspected he was out of them and would need to buy more, not only that if he wanted to use this technique more than once he would need to buy more kunai and shuriken. Another soft sigh escaped him before he spoke once more. "The Dragon Flame Technique is a pain in the ass.....But it's effective enough." He turned back towards the village before raising his hood and sinking his hands in his pockets. While he had not expected to be training for such a short time he still felt that he had maximized his training for the day, but now that he had learned another technique he considered the possibilities of learning other types of jutsu, such as weaponry class jutsu. It would mix well with his fire style. 

[WC: 2033 Claiming 10 stat points and Fire Release: Dragon Flame Technique]
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Another day of training in Konoha Empty Re: Another day of training in Konoha

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:26 pm
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Another day of training in Konoha Empty Re: Another day of training in Konoha

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:50 pm

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