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Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:17 pm
As Kenshin walked towards the borders of Moon and Waterfall Country he got to thinking, he was running low on ryo, and he knew from experience that one of the best ways for a Missing nin like himself to get some easy ryo is to rob travellers, most travellers are easy targets and it wasn’t uncommon for a few of them to go missing so no one really notices it when of them don’t make it to their destinations, and the few who do notice generally don’t care enough to go looking for them. So with that thought in mind Kenshin decided that he would rob a traveller, something he knew better than doing on the main road, so he changed course slightly and went down one of the smaller, less noticeable roads to Waterfall Country, all the while keeping his eyes open for a suitable target

Kenshin narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he noticed something coming down the path, it was a palanquin, being carried by two men in plain black kimono’s and being flanked by four rather grizzled looking Samurai, and the two Samurai at the front had their eyes on him with their hands on the hilts of their katana’s. As he passed the palanquin his eyes shot towards who was being carried, it was a beautiful young woman dressed in an extremely ornate kimono and was wearing a lot of extremely expensive looking jewellery, but he kept walking, deciding that trying to rob her would be far too much trouble, she was undoubtedly the daughter of a daimyo and even if he did manage to defeat her bodyguards and rob her he would be in trouble. If he left her alive after robbing her she would give her father a detailed description of him and there would be a price on his head faster than he could blink, and on the other hand if he did kill her than her father would launch a country wide manhunt to find out who killed her, and he didn’t even want to think of what would happen if they did manage to find him

Kenshin continued on down the road, eventually coming across another person, except this person was the exact opposite of his last person he had come across, he had come across an extremely poor looking old man. He was wearing clothes that could easily be classified as rags and looked to be held together only by the amount of dirt and grime on them, the man himself was even dirtier than his clothes and he smelt like he hadn’t even heard of personal hygiene. The man walked over to Kenshin and begged him for some ryo, but received nothing more than a glare as the young Missing nin walked past him, the old man obviously wasn’t worth robbing, sure, he may have a handful of ryo from some more generous people but it just wasn’t worth the effort, besides, Kenshin wasn’t the type of person who would rob a beggar, sure, he would punch one if they got too touchy, but he wouldn’t take their ryo, there were plenty of other people he could rob. The old man shouted some choice words at Kenshin’s back as he walked down the road, all of which Kenshin ignored, the old man wasn’t worth his time so why should he care what he thought, instead choosing to keep his eye out for a worthy target

It wasn’t long before Kenshin managed to spot another man coming down the street, except unlike the last this man looked like the ideal target, he was a rather average looking man and he was wearing clothes that one would be able to find in any clothing store at a rather cheap price. Once Kenshin had walked past the man he slipped into the forest and began stealthily following the man, waiting for a good opportunity to strike, and it did not take very long for an opening to present itself, the man slowly began slowing down until eventually he walked over to one of the tree’s surrounding the road and began leaning on it

“It’s a little warm isn’t it” said Kenshin quietly, leaning on the same tree as the man, but on the other side, causing the man to jump in surprise

“Oh, you scared me kid, but your right, it’s pretty hot” said the man with a small smile, when he first heard the voice behind him he’d been scared out of his mind, thinking that it was a thief or bandit, but when he’d seen the bored looking teen leaning on the tree behind him he had instantly relaxed, figuring that he just hadn’t seen him leaning on the tree

“Well, as pleasant as this little talk has been I think it would be best for us to get down to business” said Kenshin, causing the man to look at him in confusion

“Huh, what are you talking about kid?” asked the man, his face screwing up in confusion

“I hate having to spell it out for them” muttered Kenshin to himself, sighing when he looked back at the man

“I will be taking all of your ryo, that much is already decided, if your still alive afterwards is entirely up to you, give me your ryo without a fight and I let you live, try to fight or run and you die, it really is that simple” he said, not in the mood for being manipulative or cunning, just wanting the man’s money

“I don’t know who you think you are kid but I’m not giving you my ryo, obviously your bitch of a mother nev-” said the man spitefully, before getting cut off as Kenshin’s hand clamped around his throat

“Never…I mean never, insult my mother, I gave the option of living, and normally if you choose one of the other options I would make it quick and painless, but you insulted my mother and that is something that I will never forgive, so I’m gonna make this painful” said Kenshin, his vibrant silver eyes glowing eerily due to his anger

Kenshin manipulated the threads within his arm and made six of them burst from his wrist, making the man’s eyes widen in shock and horror as the threads waved in front of his face menacingly. The man tried to scream as the threads began closing in on him, but the hand that was slowly crushing his throat didn’t allow anything more than a strangled choke out of his mouth. The man began gagging as the threads forced themselves into his mouth, within five seconds of the threads entering his mouth the man’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he began convulsing violently, until he went completely slack, the only thing stopping his body from dropping to the ground being Kenshin’s grip on his throat. Almost immediately after the man went slack Kenshin’s blood soaked tendrils emerged from the man’s eyes, ears and nose, one from each opening, and soon after they were sucked back out of the man and into Kenshin’s wrist

With his job done Kenshin allowed the man’s body to fall limply to the ground, he had enjoyed that far more than he should have, but then again if there was one thing he hated above all others it was when someone insults his parents. With the man dead Kenshin flipped his corpse over so that he was facing the sky, knelt down and began looting the mans body, taking 500ryo, but leaving all of the man’s jewellery on his body (A steel watch, a silver chain necklace and a golden ring), and stood up. He then turned around and faced the poor man that he had seen earlier, and was now looking between him and the mans body with wide eyes

“I knew you were following me, I could smell you, did you enjoy the show old man?” asked Kenshin in an indifferent tone

“You…you killed him, and I saw it…are you gonna kill me too?” asked the old man in a nervous tone, he had only followed the teen to give him a piece of his mind but he had gotten more than he bargained for when he witnessed the boy murder that man, and all for a measly 500 ryo

“That depends on your answer, are you going to tell anyone about what you saw?” asked Kenshin in a bored tone, his eyes having stopped glowing in anger long ago, and now replaced by the same dull grey that was usually seen in his eyes

“N-no, I promise I won’t tell anyone” said the old man in a pleading tone

“Good, then I will let you live, and now I want you to take everything else from his body” said Kenshin, making the old man look at him in shock

“But…why?” asked the old man, his face scrunched up in confusion

“Because that way I know you won’t tell anyone, because you got something from his death too” said Kenshin, causing the man to give him a strange look

“You’re a strange one” he said as he walked over to the man’s body and took his watch, necklace and ring

“Believe what you will, I’m just ensuring my own wellbeing” said Kenshin, before starting to walk away from the body

“And old man, If you do tell anyone what you saw here, I swear I will hunt you down and make what happened here look nice” he called over his shoulder, before continuing down the road towards Waterfall Country



Total WC: 1601

Claiming 500 ryo from Rob a Traveler mission, current 500 + 500 from mission = 1000

Claiming 1 AP
Will claim upon approval

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki on Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:35 pm; edited 6 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Re: Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:49 pm

Travel and training can't be done in the same topic, you have to pick one. <3
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Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Re: Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:19 pm
There, the edits have been made, please tell me if there's anything more that needs to be changed
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Re: Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:23 pm

Okay so you get the ryo but this is an E rank mission so no stats. You do however get 1 AP. <3
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Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Re: Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:26 pm
That's fine, I only really did the mission for the ryo, but the changes have been made
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Robbing on the Road to Waterfall Empty Re: Robbing on the Road to Waterfall

Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:45 pm

Approved <3
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