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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:19 pm
ooc: You don't have to change it, I was just letting you know for future reference. But yeah that would have worked because your base stats are faster and stronger than that of the rock pillars.

Kotsuzui stood there, as he watched John frown. At the moment, his eye sight was not too impaired and he could still see the details of John's face. Now that John knew Kotsuzui was not going to hold back, he crossed his arms like he had just done moments ago. "Not that again, same old tricks won't always work" Kotsuzui said, thinking John was about to use the Dance of the Larch again. After a few moments John uncrossed his arms yet again, but Kotsuzui was a little confused when he didn't see any bones emerge from John's body. Raising an eyebrow, Kotsuzui looked up at John as he asked "are you that short on energy?" But then he noticed the veins on John's forehead to bulge out. Due to the fact Kotsuzui was only a low level Genin he could not tell that John had just gained more strength and had a stronger chakra flowing now. "John John John please, the bathrooms are over there" Kotsuzui said slightly laughing at his own joke as he pointed to the side. John crossing his arms and then the veins appearing on his forehead very much looked like he was over forcing to take a shit. Almost like he was constipated. But this was just Kotsuzui at his usual tactics, especially since he had no idea John just opened the second gate.

John charged at him with a little more speed than he had when he was dodging the rock pillars, but seemed a lot slower compared to when he had activated the Dance of the Larch. Kotsuzui caught sight of John's hook punching coming his way. With John's muscular and burly body Kotsuzui knew he did not want to get hit by a strike like that. Kotsuzui quickly shifted his head back completely evading the punch, but he was not done there. With his right hand he pushed the back of John's left elbow using his own momentum from his swing to throw his whole body off balance. "Leaf Whirlwind" Kotsuzui said to himself as he lifted his left leg to kick John in the face while he was thrown off balance. Whether the high kick made contact or not, it was more of a distraction or rather a feint for the second attack. Before lowering his leg to the ground, Kotsuzui rapidly kicked John's legs, a continuation of Leaf Whirlwind. The final kick to the Taijutsu would kick John right in the shins sweeping him off of his feet and forcing him into a face plant, if it made contact. Whether he were succeful or not, Kotsuzui would hop back a few feet creating more distance between the two Kaguya's, and wait to see what John had in store next as the alcohol was gaining on him some more.


My speed was 69 and my strength was 45 during the use of Leaf Whirlwind.
Skill used:
Leaf Whirlwind
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:14 am
John hadn't expected Kotsuzui to deflect his attacks. just what was in that bottle?! John saw his punch get deflected and his attacks against him was futile, as Kotsuzui kept deflecting his attacks. John was then thrown off his balance. John was surprised that Kotsuzui moved this fast. John couldn't believe it. to be able to move this fast was astonishing for John. Just as John was thrown off balance. John quickly activated 5th gate before the high kick connected. with John's speed now being at 101,

John could now see Kotsuzui. John's strength was now also 101, and John's skin was now as ripe as a tomato. and John let out a bestial growl. John's muscles were now bigger than ever, and John felt great strength flowing out from him. a big aura was also flowing out from John which signified how strong he was. John countered Kotsuzui by punching him in the face with the speed of 101 and strength of 46. John had punched Kotsuzui with a hammerfist aimed at the central area of his face. if the attack hit, then Kotsuzui's high kick would cancel out and Kotsuzui would lose his balance and most likely hit the ground. if the attack had successfully hit, then Kotsuzui would most likely bleed from his mouth and nose. if all of John's attacks were successful in being hit, then John would cancel the gates. John then exhaled as he now felt tired as he felt he couldn't do anything strenuous. if John had knocked Kotsuzui unconscious, then John would sit down next to Kotsuzui and wait for him to wake up. John felt the wind caress his naked upper body and he shivered. John felt the cold air hit his body and he smiled. this is what it felt like to be alive.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:39 pm
Kotsuzui's eyes opened wide when all of a sudden an aura of chakra exploded around John. Not only that, but his skin become a bright red color and his muscles expanded at the same time. How could one man harness this much power inside of him and be able to release it at moments notice? Just by sight Kotsuzui knew if he stayed anywhere near John he was in deep crap. As John swung down his hammer fist of death, his arm would go right through an after image of Kotsuzui as it faded into blurs, the Kaguya having used the taijutsu style Shunshin. Once John realized that Kotsuzui was no longer there, if he turned around he would see Kotsuzui standing just about 30 yards behind him. "What in seven hells is that?!" Kotsuzui asked, with both shock and excitement showing from his facial expression. He could not grasp how one person could hold such power within them. it excited him that it was possible, maybe he could unlock such power in some other way. It also excited him  because he could spar with it and it would only make the fight that much more interesting.

"Are you trying to kill me John?" Kotsuzui asked, "if that strike of yours hit me you probably would have killed me. This is just a training session remember. But never mind that" as Kotsuzui had a smile of enlightenment. He did not care that he almost died, he actually just completely forgot about it. "You have to tell me what that is...such power. Your skin freaking changed color, you had chakra flowing around you. I want to see more of that, lets continue fighting!" as the thrill for a fight was racing through Kotsuzui's body, or maybe it was the alcohol, who knew. He wanted to see more of what John had hidden away with all that power, and most of all, he wanted to see if he had the skill and capability to fight against such power and hold his own. But he could tell John was exhausted, releasing all that power at once must have a huge impact on the persons body. It would only make sense if it did. But Kotsuzui was hoping his eyes deceived him and John was in fact not that tired. Kotsuzui felt like he was just getting started. Seeing the possibilities of such strength brought a new thrill to Kotsuzui's life.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:40 am

Belated but approving jutsu claim as requested <3
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:46 pm
John looked at Kotsuzui with amazement in his eyes. he was surprised that Kotsuzui had dodged it. if it had hit, then Kotsuzui would have been killed. John had heard Kotsuzui ask him what that sort of power was. John decided to speak. "it's something called 8 gates opening. i have learned this technique somewhere, but i cannot tell you when or how i achieved it. it just came to me one day." John said to him. John continued to speak. "if you want more of this power, then have at you!" John dashed towards Kotsuzui with the speed of 70, but suddenly as he came at him so that he was 15 yards away, John collapsed to the ground and began to cough violently. John reverted back to his normal form, and his entire body was shaking. John could move, but he was now too tired to even throw a swing of his fist. John got up from his knees from all fours and stood up, only for then to drop on his behind. "No more... i've had enough...i'm too tired." John said wearily. As John sat there, he began to think how powerful this technique was. just the fact that if Kotsuzui hadn't dodged, John would have killed him right then and there. John didn't want to kill someone of his own blood. people that shared his blood were his blood-relatives, and John didn't want to kill people that shared the same blood as him. John exhaled as he felt strength come back to him, but it came to him ever so slowly. John had looked at Kotsuzui and smiled. "that was an incredible spar, am i right?" John asked with a smile. if John had to be honest, this was the most fun he had. like he had a family again. John reminded himself of his own quest. he wanted to find his parents and find out why they left him at such a young age. he also wanted to ask them who gave him the scars across his own body.

John wanted to get as strong as possible, so that when he finds the man who gave him the scars, he will deliver swift justice. but would it be real justice? would killing the man really help? John sat there quiet and thought about it. what if it was never worth it? John could at least confront the man and ask him why he did it. but for now, John had to train his butt off and get the necessary man power to get his quest done. that is what John would have to do for now.
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kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:59 pm
Jin had been watching the entire fight wide eyed and with his lips pursed. He stood there in the same spot the whole time silently observing, droplets of sweat popping up all over his brow and temples as if he had been fighting with them as well. "What the hell... has Kotsuzui been this strong the whole time? And that other dude, what the hell was that just now? Is that also part of their clan's powers? Is Kotsuzui also capable of transforming like that on top of his current abilities?" the blonde haired Yamanaka thought to himself as his icy blue eyes surveyed the two Kaguya clansmen. It was the first time Jin was seeing the clan's abilities in person, and it was both disgusting and very intriguing. He also got to see his ally Kotsuzui implement a few doton techniques as well as some taijutsu. His opponent seemed to rely solely on hand to hand techniques and their innate ability to control their bones. But easily the most shocking was the blonde Kaguya's apparent transformation. Jin couldn't believe his eyes when Kotsuzui's sparring partner turned red like a tomato and swelled up as if he had been using steroids his whole life and the effects just suddenly manifested.

When things looked like they had come to a close, Jin unfolded his arms and inhaled after what felt like an eternity of holding his breath. He began slowly approaching, wondering if they had even realized he was there the whole time watching. "That was a great show, guys. Should I go get the medics? " Jin said to them, making his presence known if it hadn't been already.

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:42 pm
"The eight gates?" Kotsuzui questioned to himself after John had explained what it was. It was some kind of power that he claims just came to him, something he unlocked without even knowing how. Was it a power that the Kaguya clan held and John was just lucky enough to unlock it early on? Or was he just down right lucky in obtaining this one of a kind power? Whatever it was, Kotsuzui hoped that one day he would obtain that power, or power on the same level as that. John made an attempt at continuing the spar and attacking Kotsuzui. But Kotsuzui did not even have to prepare himself to fight as John fell to the ground while viciously coughing. "So that's what it does to his body... makes sense after having exerted so much energy in such a short amount of time" he said to himself as he slowly began walking over to his fellow Kaguya. He made an attempt at getting up but merely fall on his ass again and let Kotsuzui know he could not go on.

"Take it easy John, don't force yourself. Your body has clearly been pushed passed its limits" Kotsuzui said, letting John know he could relax a bit before getting up. Once he reached John, he got down on one knee to meet the seated Kaguya and gave him a friendly tap on his shoulder. "That was fun, however I thought it was going to last a little longer than it did" as a grin formed on his face, both mocking and joking with John. Kotsuzui heard Jin speak up as he began approaching the Kaguya duo. Kotsuzui in fact knew Jin was there the entire time but didn't pay any attention to it because he was to hopped up on the excitement of sparring with a fellow Kaguya member. "Nah, that won't be necessary Jin" Kotsuzui replied, "why need a medic when you got me" as he looked up at Jin and gave him a cocky wink. "Did you injure anything?" Kotsuzui would ask John. He would not be surprised if John tore a few muscles or something in the process of releasing and using all the power. If he did, Kotsuzui had some medical skill which he may be able to use. If it was just exhaustion John was experiencing then all he needed was a bit of rest, maybe some food to replenish some of his lost energy.

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:10 am
John sat there and he looked at Kotsuzui and the stranger. they weren't gonna attack him? that's good. John attempted to speak. " muscles are in pain.... ugh...!!" John clenched his face as it hurt. a lot. John tried to power through the pain but it was too much. John had heard what Kotsuzui said what he was gonna do, so John slowly nodded. though John would have a tough time to even move his forearms, as his entire body was shaking. and it hurt to even breath. how John is alive, he doesn't know. John smiled at how strong he had become. John wanted nothing more than to rest.

though John could do well with some food, but he couldn't move at all, so he would have to get some medical attention at first, before he can get somewhere to eat.for now, John had to wait until kotsuzui would heal him up so that he could move.then John could walk with Kotsuzui to where there was food, and John was gonna eat a lot because this sparring match made him hungry. John was so hungry, he could eat a high-rise building. whatever John ate would be fine. as long as it made him full and gave him the strength back. John would then continue his training later.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:54 pm
Kotsuzui heard the one word he was hoping not to hear, muscles. John going into the fifth gate was too much for his body to handle and as a result it tore his muscles. "Fuck" Kotsuzui said as he shook his head a bit. "I was banking on you maybe messing up your bones or something like that. I can heal broken or fractured bones, but I can't heal muscle tissue damage. It looks like you may have to go to the hospital after all." Kotsuzui stopped the think a bit, before he laughed with himself and looked back at John. "This was just a training session, I don't see why you pushed yourself so far as to destroy your own muscles. Let's get you up" Kotsuzui said but refrained from touching John at all. If his muscles were really damaged so bad where he couldn't move, than the slightest touch would cause him an immense amount of pain. "Actually, never mind that" as he stayed knelt down beside the Kaguya.

"Here, I got an idea" Kotsuzui said and formed the Hare, Ox, and Monkey hand seals. Holding out his right hand, fingers extended, five blue flames of chakra formed around his finger tips. "What this will do is inject my chakra into your nervous system and eliminate any and all pain. Don't worry, it's only a small incision, you won't feel a single thing." With that, Kotsuzui proceeded to stab the five flames into certain points on both of John's legs, his arms, and his back. Once he was done, the blue flames dispersed and Kotsuzui punched John in the leg. "See, no pain, no nothing" he said with a grin on his face. "Here, lets get you to a hospital so they can properly take care of you. This won't last forever." Kotsuzui got up and offered his hand to John to help him up. "Remember to take it easy, you may not feel the pain anymore but your muscles are still fucked up. If you try running or pushing yourself you'll only make things worse."

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui - Page 2 Empty Re: kaguya family reunion. (p) (NK) Kaguya kotsuzui

Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:57 pm
John smiled and nodded towards Kotsuzui. John looked at the newer person in the training ground an John grinned. another blonde person. it seemed that there weren't that many blonde people around. or at least, not that John had payed any attention. John then waved his left hand as he began to walk to the direction to the hospital. "that Kotsuzui person seems interesting. maybe i should get to know him better. get to know a family member of my clan better." John smiled at the idea. John had entered the emergency area and told a nearby nurse what had happened to him and she took him to a nearby examining room. after a while, a doctor came and examined his body after John had explained what had happened. the doctor noticed upon examination that the muscles were torn in multiple places.the doctor advised him that he'd stay a day in the hospital. John was then taken to a patient room where he could spend the night. John then promptly fell asleep on his bed.

(exit. 3750 wc. claiming lariat technique 3000/3000. claiming 3 stats.)

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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