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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Yep, this is still a fountain

Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:50 am
"Sir, your order is ready."  A waiter would say before placing a fine dish before him. Picking up his spork, yes spork because it is the best silverware, Maku would begin eating.  His right hand however would be scribbling words on a page.  Two pages to be precise.  One was addressed to Denkitiki and the other was addressed to Akihana. 

The letters where written quickly and without a lot of thought towards punctuation, grammar, and spelling, but after all how much did those things matter really when you got right down to it.  For Denkitiki a copy of two papers where included.  The black market missions he had recently picked up.  One involving the acquisition of Uchiha body parts and eyes, and the other concerning the infiltration of Hoshigakure. In the letter he would mention wishing to visit Konoha and check on things.  He would extend an invitation for him to come with him, and by come with him he meant he was going to already be there when he got the letter.  He would also ask him to bring some sandwiches, preferably Turkey on white bread.

To Aki he would simply include a copy of the infiltration mission.  He would mention to keep a close eye on everything, especially any new visitors.  He would hint that while he was gone there would probably be a lot less crime through no actions of his own.  He would also mention, he would indeed return in time for the festival that was coming up.  He would also ask her to write down what the festival was about again, because once again she had failed to explain it to him, but he wasn't angry at her merely disappointed.  He included that the letter should be sent to Konoha, and gave the address of the place he had stayed at last time he was there.

Finishing both the letters and the meal, he would stand and send them off.  Watching the two messenger boys run out the building he would sigh.  "Once more into the rabbit hole."  he would say.  His eyes closed and he concentrated, harder than he had in some time. His breathing slowed and became more controlled, even a bead of sweat that had nothing to do with the heat began to drip down his temple. A handseal formed and slowly golden chakra flooded out of his body forming a bubble around him.  Perfectly he imagined himself at the desired location, and with a pop he vanished from Hoshigakure.  His chakra signature would immediately be noticed only in its absence. 

In a place far away from where he had been, a loud swear could be heard, probably by the citizens of Hoshi even.  'DAMNT DAMNT DAMNT, WHY WON"T THIS GOD ******* JUTSU ******* WORK IT's SUCH A PIECE OF ****."  Would be Maku's initial lines upon entering Konoha.  Instead of sitting on the bench next to the fountain as he had planned he had landed 2 feet above the water, upside down, and promptly fell in.  Splashing, and taking out his anger on the water, undoubtedly a group would begin watching the stranger thrash in the fountain.

After a few moments, Maku would step out of the fountain and adjust his sopping clothes. "Sorry folks, nothing to see here, just a man loosing a match with a fountain........He was a noble opponent and I admit his superiority."  With that, he would walk towards the Hokage building, feet squelching on the way.

On the way he would ignore most of the citizens.  No doubt they wondered who he was, but he simply continued to walk.  He had visited this place before, it seemed like such a long time ago now.  The fountain was where he had first learned of Echo taking over Iwagakure, which had set a chain of events that had no way of being stopped.   Reaching into his jacket he pulled a kunai pricking the end of his finger before replacing it.  Letting a drop hit the ground he made a simple seal summoning Ukam the toad.  Before he even let the toad speak, he would place a hand on the toxic skin absorbing the beast into his own body.  "Soooooo wheres are wesss."  He would hear the voice in his head as his features became ugly for a split second only to return to normal with the transformation technique.  "Konoha, I think we can have some fun here."  He would reply cheerfully in his head for only the toad to hear.

By the time he made it to the hokage building he was completely dry.  The sky was a bright blue, the noon day sun eliminating shadows from view.  The heat had felt good, preventing the wet suffering from lasting to long.  Maku himself was in a pinstripe suit, black with green pinstripes  (This is his armor, but due to the cufflinks he can alter its appearance).  On his left hip was his sword, and in his breast pocket the demon flute.  Along the lining of his jacket rested the variety of his other ninja tools and the newly crafted discord head band.  The only item he had left behind was his suppression mask.  The crustacean head band with the scratch through it rested on the top of his head, preventing his blonde hair from obscuring his eyes. 

Walking into the building unless stopped he would meet the secretary at the front desk.  "Hello love, my name is Maku, also known as Kani, also known as the Lavender Peacock."  he would say with a smile.  He had made up the last name on the spot, but hey people always called themselves cool nicknames with colors and animals, so why couldn't he?  It wasn't his fault no one had come up with the best nickname of all time until now.

"Check the bingo book I'm sure I am in there, well under Kani anyway."  With his left hand he would place two papers on the desk, his right would merely rest on the hilt of his blade.  One would be the contract that Jason had sent out, the other was the assassination of the hokage contract he had taken as well.  As his smile got a little wider at her reaction his eyes would swirl from sky blue to blood red streaked with black.  "I'd like to see the hokage, pretty please love, I'd be ever so grateful.  Don't worry, I can wait if he is busy."  With that he would walk away from the desk leaving the papers.  Finding a comfortable chair he would have a seat and grab a lurid magazine.  "50 ways to keep your garden happy" read one of the articles on the cover of one of the aged magazines.  Flipping the pages he would begin to read.

His eyes would flick this way and that across the page and every now and then around the first floor office.  Not wanting to be caught unawares of course.  His chakra senses began to snake their way out in every direction with a greater intensity than before.  Feeling out where each individual was, even picking up those with a lower signature.  As for his own chakra, he would not work to conceal it, instead letting it move out radiant.  Almost absent mindedly he pulled a single tooth pick from a pocket before placing it in his mouth, waiting to see if he would be answered quickly, or if this would be the dentist office all over again.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:50 pm
The air was warm in the village. A bead of sweat dripped down the male's face underneath the mask that was his to wear while on duty. The Hokage had ordered several teams of ANBU to patrol the village in case the group known as Kokuan decided to make a move. It had been months since their leader Kiranomo, the Hell's Angel, had been removed from the village but there was information that her second in command was still within it's walls. The male stayed crouched on the rooftop that was his current position overlooking a fountain near the center of the village. He kept his chakra signature masked using the chakra suppression technique so as to stay hidden. He had been out in the hot sun for a few hours now and was just about to move on to his next position when it happened. He had turned to leave but a flash of gold caught his attention and he looked back at the spot it had originated from. He had just caught the sight of a man materializing and falling head first into the fountain.

The man would get up and thrash about in the fountain screaming about a jutsu not working before finally getting his cool and stepping out of the fountain onto dry land once more, now fully soaked. He would adjust his clothes and say something to the onlookers whose attention he had garnered from his outburst. Something about losing a fight to the fountain and it being a good opponent. Yuri didn't pay much attention to that. Instead he was focused on the large chakra signature coming off of the man that clearly wasn't there a moment ago. Yuri would pull out his bingo book and flipped through the pages to see if this ninja was of note. He stopped on a page that had a picture of the man listed under the name of 'Kani' with words of caution as this man was clearly dangerous.

Closing the book, still crouched on the roof top, Yuri would raise his right hand slowly to the communications collar on his neck. "Shoichiro, this is Captain Yuri. There is a high ranking missing ninja that seems to have just appeared in the village. Notify the Hokage immediately. I'll follow and keep watch." He kept his eyes on Kani while telling the communications squadron to notify the Hokage of the intruder. Yuri would notice the missing-nin begin to walk in the direction that the Hokage's building was in. Keeping his chakra suppressed and himself crouched low on the rooftops Yuri would follow. Yuri watched as the male withdrew a kunai and pricked his finger before replacing it. There was a puff of smoke and a toad had appeared. Clearly it was a type of summnoning. Before Yuri had been able to contact the communications squad again the man would place his hand on the toad and seemingly fuse with the beast momentarily before his features returned to normal. Yuri would notify the communications squadron of this quietly as he continued to follow Kani all the way to the Hokage's office.

Jason was sitting at his desk, the noon day sun shining bright through the windows in his office and illuminating the room. The desk in front of him would be covered in a mess of papers that still needed to be looked over. His bow and quiver were propped against a wall behind him. The Hokage hat sat on Jason's head, covering most of the messy black hair that could usually be seen. Jason wore his standard armor with his necklace hanging loosely from his neck, concealed from view beneath the white short sleeve shirt he was wearing underneath the armor. Some thought it unusal for Jason to wear his armor all the time as he did but Jason had had too many close calls and dealings with missing ninja at odd hours. He knew it was best to be protected and ready for anything at all times. The small fox that was Jason's familiar rested atop a small cabinet against the wall next to the door which was her usual spot.

Everything seemed to be a normal day until an ANBU had burst into the office. "What is it?" Jason would say with furrowed eyes. He thought today would be different. He thought today would finally be absent of any issues. Of course he was very wrong. The ANBU would inform Jason of the appearance of Kani and the missing-nin's probable location was this building. Probably this very office. Jason scowled and ordered the ANBU to notify every Jounin rank and higher in the village to suppress their chakra and head to this location immediately in preparation for possible fight. Shigure, the voluptuous assistant given to Jason from his ninja Stein would be standing behind Jason to his right as this went on. Jason would turn to her next, as the ANBU disappeared to no doubt follow the orders Jason had given, and told her to summon Stein as well. He made sure to tell her to have Stein keep his distance and observe until he felt it necessary to join in.

By this time Maku had no doubt made it into the building and scared the bejeezus out of Jason's secretary who went running from the room straight to see the Hokage. "S-s-sir! There's someone out there! He handed me these!" she said to Jason as she handed him two pieces of paper. One was the contract he had sent out himself. The other......Jason frowned even further as he read over the contract to assassinate the Hokage again, just to be sure he had read it right. Was this a threat or a warning? Jason wasn't sure but he could feel the immense chakra coming from the individual. What power. Jason used his haki now to locate Maku's exact location in the building and gauge his possible opponent's strength. From what he could tell it was around Jason's current level. In fact it might even be higher. Jason would turn to the secretary and tell her to let the man know he was ready to see him now. As the secretary left to tell Maku to come into the office, Jason would feel the aura's of several ANBU and Jounin gathering outside of the office, surrounding the building. There chakra was obviously suppressed but that wasn't enough to keep Jason's observation haki from noticing them. Jason waited, his hands folded in front of him across the desk. His hazel green eyes were hardened and void of emotion.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:51 pm
She hadn't been gone long before she returned.  Apperantly all of a dither, though Maku wasn't sure why.  Perhaps it was his looks, he was looking good today, like really good.  Whatever it was, she was back and informing him the Hokage would see him.  Standing he would begin walking towards where she had come from.  "Thanks darling, do you mind if I keep this?  You know, I never can get pumpkins to grow right."  He would say with a frown and gesturing towards the gardening magazine.  "Thanks."  He would say regardless of her reply or action, and he would walk past.  Tucking the magazine away in his back left pocket.

He had never been in the hokage building, but luckily he seemed to find his way anyway.  Making his way inside the hokage office he would spot who he had come to see.  The hat, the armor, that dead pan was all very serious.  "No need to look so serious sexy eyes."  He would say with a wink.  Taking a few strides into the room he would motion to the chair infront of the desk clearly asking for permission to sit.  If some form of acknowledgment was indeed garnered he would have a seat.  

His eyes scanned the desk and picked up the two pages he himself had brought.  "Fascinating readings don't you think?  I particularly enjoyed the first."  He would say motioning towards the one Jason himself had put out.  "Though the second, well it has its merits as well. Monetary perhaps, but merits all the same.  Wouldn't you say so?"

Giving Jason a chance to respond, he would most likely continue.  "So I guess the first question is.......are those your natural eye colors, or did you get them done?"  As he looked at Jason Maku's own eyes would swirl to blue and then back to red and black.  

There was no real telling how long the mission had been out.  It was more than possible that Jason had already acquired what he was after.  Maku had mixed emotions about the whole thing really.  His own eyes where stolen, well one of them.  He truly
Believed in taking what you could to make yourself stronger, so he could never truly fault Jason if he had taken sharingan for himself.  

Still, it was a strange thing to see black market contracts from Kage.  Perhaps Jason handled Konoha slightly on the shady side of ethics, a place were missing nin could call home.  It was a far cry from the decency Maku had always thought Konoha had.  Places did change though, depending on who ran them.  This meeting would reveal a lot, it was time to peek behind the curtain.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:08 pm
Jason's heart was racing. The continuous pounding of the red organ that resided within Jason's chest felt as if it was a drum within the confines of his body. The adrenaline that was now pumping through his veins gave Jason strength and his determination to defend the Village Hidden in the Leaves that he called home for so long would keep his face calm. Thoughts would fly through Jason's mind one after another at excessive speed as he contemplated the real reason for this visit. Jason's eyes would drift from the door a few feet in front of his desk to the two pieces of paper that now resided in front of Jason. Why would this ninja bring these two specific contracts and drop them at Jason's feet, so to speak. Perhaps Maku wasn't happy that Jason was looking for sharingan. Maybe it was the simple fact that the leader of Konoha had put out a contract in the black market. 

Jason's eyes flicked back up to the door of his office just in time to see Maku stride into the office with a wink in Jason's direction and a line about not being so serious. Jason let that break the tension that could clearly have been felt before as a small smile crept across Jason's face. Jason noticed that Maku wasn't very scary looking or intimidating at all. He couldn't see why his secretary had been so scared of this man. In fact, Jason might even go so far as to say that Maku was devilishly handsome in his green pinstriped suit. That was, if Jason swung that way. Who knows, maybe he does? Stay tuned folks and you might find out. Maku would motion towards the chair in front of Jason's desk clearly asking for permission to take a seat. Jason would give a short nod granting Maku the permission to sit down before they got to business.

Fascinating readings don't you think? I particularly enjoyed the first. Though the second, well it has it's merits as well. Monetary perhaps, but merits all the same. Wouldn't you say so?"

Jason's smile widened a bit at Maku's words. Was that a threat? This could be interesting indeed. "Aye, that's quite a sum of money." was Jason's only response to Maku about the two contracts that lay on the desk between them. Maku then asked if those were Jason's natural eye color or if he had had them done. It was obvious that Maku wanted to know if the contract Jason had put out had been completed yet. The hazel green orbs that reflected the color of the forest Jason loved so much began to swirl taking on a new appearance. The hazel green began to turn into a sea of dark red lined with flecks of black along the edge. A single black pupil adorned the outer edge of the red in the form of a single tome. The eyes would stay in their new form for less than a second but it was more than enough to get his point across. This would be Maku's answer as the eye's once more begun to spin and the hazel green color of the forest would return to Jason's eyes. 

"I got lucky and ran into a skilled medical ninja who gave me what I was looking for. Depending on how you want this to play out you may have a chance to meet him as well."
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:52 pm
"Mmm money is so boring though.  Sometimes you have a lot then a little, but what is it really?  Numbers on a page?  Yet, so many people simply can't resist it's lure.  A sirens song but on land.  Though it does make villages run, it makes lives more posh, wouldn't you say?"  Maku's voice would be calm and Singh song as it often was when he was at his ease.  

Watching the eyes of the hokage he would see them morph.  A single tomoe, he had just begun the long walk of stealing the powers of the Uchiha then.  For a brief moment he considered activating the Tsukyomi Genjutsu.  It would have been simple, as thy sat here comparing eyes.  Upon seeing that single tomoe he knew that Jason would have no hope of breaking free........then the moment passed and he grabbed the Uchiha contract off the table forming it into a paper air plane.

Giving it a toss he would send it flying about the room unless he was stopped.  "You have just started I see.  Still a long way to go."  He would say watching the airplane make its path through the air.  "I think I should give you a warning.  Don't ever use your real name in the black market, especially seeing your rank.  It'd be wise to keep things vague, you mention this..." Maku would make air qoutes "secret power."  His hands would return one drumming fingers on the desk and the other sitting almost absent mindedly back on the hilt of his sword.  "I mean come now, that's begging people to double cross you."

He would let his words sink in.  It was no doubt, not every day one went and told the Hokage their business, but Maku didn't often like to deal with every days, he preferred to make them special.  "Anyway, your probably wondering why I am here.  I suppose I am for two reasons when you get right down to it."

Stopping himself he would glance outside the window.  As if he saw something flicker.  In truth it had merely just been a bird, but with the assembly that he did not know about gathering about the building it would be possible to assume he saw one of them.  Though, the bird did bring a possible situation to the forefront of his mind.  "Are we surrounded yet?  Or is it really just me and you?  I won't be offended either way, I just hope we can tell the truth here, otherwise.....well the future of our conversation will be tainted."  Looking back at Jason he would smile, gazing through those windows to the soul to look for a lie.  Not showing any concern about being surrounded in a potentially hostile land.

It would make sense if Jason had ordered such a thing. Only a foolish Kage would take on a threat single handedly when they have tools at their disposal to protect the village has a whole. Having not a care in the world during his stroll he didn't hide his arrival making sure there was no doubt he was there.

In truth, he wouldn't mind a bit of a scuffle.  It'd make the day more fun, and work up a decent appetite for dinner later on.  Though, it would put a damper on things.  In truth, he was prepared for any kind of assault.  His abilities lied in being able to be just fine even if confronted by a large group.  Maku had a way of making a bang when he wanted.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:16 am
Jason watched as Maku took the contract Jason had put out on the black market and formed it into a paper airplane, sending it flying around the room. He then listened as Maku said something about Jason just starting on his path of the Uchiha power and gave Jason a bit of advice about keeping his real name out of any contracts he might make in the future. Especially since Jason was Hokage. He also mentioned to Jason that it would be wise to be more vague in his future contracts if he made any at all. Mentioning the "secret power" in the contract for obtaining the uchiha dna was practically asking to be double crossed. Jason had never really dealt with the darker side of missions and contracts before so he welcomed the advice. 

Maku then would say to Jason that he was here for two reasons. However before continuing, Maku would pause and ask Jason if they were surrounded yet. Jason wasn't sure how Maku had managed to sense or see the mass of ANBU and Jounin now surrounding them but he was obviously not afraid and certainly smart. Perhaps he had just been assuming that Jason had signaled for his ninja because of Maku's presence. Whatever the case may be Jason decided to tell Maku the truth. Knowing they were surrounded wouldn't change the outcome if a fight broke out. So far it did not seem like violence was the path they were headed down and Jason was certainly hoping to avoid a fight. He had just recently gotten the blood stains out of his office from when Kozai had ripped his own arm off. He would hate to have to have it cleaned again so soon. 

"Yes, we're surrounded by a number of ANBU and Jounin. Please, I would prefer to keep this conversation civilized instead of turning to violence. Tell me, why have you come to see me?" Jason said to Maku, making sure to keep an eye on the ninja but trying to avoid making direct eye contact at all times. He knew that Uchiha could use powerful genjutsu by utilizing the power of the sharingan and seeing Maku's own sharingan eyes he would prefer to avoid that outcome if at all possible.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:42 am
"Pretty smart, normally but I like being surrounded. What's an artist without a stage?" He would say at Jason's confession. It made sense, even if he had only guessed. It's what he would have done as a leader when he did wear that hat. Though he had only two competent ANbU then at his disposal. Sometimes he missed them......

"Well violence can make the day go faster, and make you hungry for dinner, but we don't have to worry about that just yet. No instead like I said two reasons". He would stare around the office thinking on the matter. It wasn't something he particularly liked, or enjoyed. It wasn't what he would normally have done, in fact it was most annoying that he was about to do it. If Jason had acted any different in fact, well he wouldn't be. The young hokage though had remained solid, Maku had not seen any reason to not think he was capable, so now it was time to reverse that. He would find out exactly how capable he was.

"Firstly she will leave. He would say with a glance at the assistant who probably worked hard. "What I have to say is for you and I, no doubt she will learn of it if we come to an agreement." He would wait and only if she actually left would he continue.

"Hoshigakure, it's a new shinobi village. It's where I just came from. I say new, but keep in mind it's under my and my brothers protection. I consider it to be one of the safest havens in all the shinobi world at this point. Keep in mind however, this next part is not my idea." He would look towards the window. A sound like a quill on parchment seemed to hit his ears, and he could almost hear her voice talking of the plan he was about to seek out even after explicitly saying he wouldn' barking, gods why did he let her keep that dumb mongrel now he could hear it with his imagination.

"I'd like to propose an alliance. Konoha and Hoshi. We would share information, protection, and unite against common threats. Trade would be opened up of courses. The economic implications no doubt would be worth it, our climates are vastly different no doubt we have something to gain there."

He would wait and see what Jason had to say to this initial offer. If he seemed to have a positive look, he would continue. If his response could be interpreted as negative then he would change what he would add accordingly.

"My conditions are simple. No more black market contracts. No dealings with missing ninja, and you increase your own villages rewards for the capture and subsequent death of any missing ninja they find, including any shinobi that has allegiance to Kumogakure." He had naturally heard of what that village had become since his last visit. No doubt Youka was having fun in his macabre madhouse, so best to keep him isolated there until he found time to pay his closest friend a visit. "I know precisely what the underworld is, what it does and who is there. All dealings with it will be left to me and me alone. I don't think that's much to ask after all, we must keep our political figures posh." He would add seemingly dusting off the end of the desk as though to make it clean.

"Any missing nin you currently associate with will either be brought in and made a true village shinobi or.....well I've already said what the other option is.". He would then lean back and truly let Jason consider what he had asked. In actuality he hadn't asked a lot. An alliance with an up and coming power, the added affiliation of Maku and his brother to call on in times of distress, and an entire new trade system that otherwise wouldn't exist, all for the simply request of not dealing with criminals, well except for Maku, but he considered himself above the normal riffraff. After all, that's not really a thing villages should do anyway.

"One last thing, look me in the eye when we make business, it's rude not to. If I wanted to kill you that way I think I'd have already done it." He would add at Jason's reluctance to look him in the face. He was used to it by now, even before he and the sharingan people pulled this stunt. It's like they new something even if it would have been impossible to.......or maybe he was just to pretty for their eyes, yes that seemed more likely it.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:50 pm
Jason listened and watched as Maku didn't appear the least bit surprised at Jason's confession of having them surrounded with his ANBU and Jounin. He would tell Jason that normally it was a smart move but Maku liked being surrounded. He said something about an artist and a stage. Jason smiled a little at that. To be honest he was quite impressed with Maku's resolve. Either he was very cocky and overconfident or he was exceedingly strong. Either way it was impressive. Maku would go on to again say there were two reasons he had come before pausing and staring around the room. Jason assumed he was gathering his thoughts for what came next.

After a brief pause Maku would tell Jason that he wanted Shigure to leave, that what he said was for Jason only. He told Jason he was sure she would find out later anyway and so Jason would give a short nod to Shigure implying it was ok for his assistant to leave him with Maku alone in the office. Shigure would make her way out of the office with one last glance around the room before Maku continued. Jason would gesture for Maku to continue once he was certain Shigure was out of ear shot. Maku would then tell Jason of a new village, Hoshigakure, that was under the protection of himself and his brother. He said he had come to propose an alliance between Konoha and Hoshigakure. Jason had heard rumors that a new village was beginning to make a name for itself. To be honest Jason couldn't really see a downside to this proposal.

He thought about it for a moment as he listened to Maku continue. There was of course a condition for this proposed alliance. Jason would have to stop all dealings with missing ninja and would be unable to put out any more black market contracts. Neither of those things were a problem for Jason. He would prefer not to make any more black market contracts anyway now that he had gotten what he wanted. As for the missing ninja situation, well that was also going to work out in his favor. Konoha had become overrun with missing ninja while he was being trained by Brennar in order to take the seat as Hokage. It posed a problem that Jason was still dealing with. Especially that troublesome group Kokuan. Maku told Jason that he had the option to make any missing ninja a member of Konoha or kill them. If he refused he was certain that Maku would kill the missing-nin himself and probably attempt to kill Jason for dealing with them. Not to mention the lost of what could be a prosperous alliance with an up and coming village. Maku had also insisted that Jason up the reward for the capture and or death of any missing ninja for his own villagers, including any ninja currently affiliated with Kumogakure. 

Apparently Maku was well aware of what had happened in Kumo and what it had become or else Jason doubted he would have made such a request. It was more of a demand really but Jason preferred to think of it as a request nonetheless. That part may pose a small problem. There was still a Kumo ninja within Konoha that Jason had recently sparred with. Her name was Coco Wei if he remembered correctly. Jason didn't think she was much of a threat and she certainly didn't seem to have ill intentions toward Konoha. Jason made a mental note to bring that up with Maku in the conversation that was to be had. Finally Maku would tell Jason to look him in the eye as he spoke because it's rude not to. He also said that if he had planned on killing Jason that way he would have already done so.

Jason smiled at that and looked Maku straight in his eyes. Jason's own were brilliant hazel green orbs that reflected the Will of Fire and Jason's determination in strength. His resolve could clearly be seen behind the windows to his soul. "Very well. I agree to your terms and would be happy to ally myself and my village with Hoshigakure. I do have one concern though. There is a woman, a ninja of Kumogakure, that is currently still within the walls of Konoha. I sparred with her the other day and she is very capable. She didn't seem to harbor any ill intent toward me the people of my village. I would prefer not to kill her if possible, even though she is from the village that is currently lead by the Demon Priest. Would you accept letting her leave the village in peace? Obviously if she refuses to leave I will use force. If she continues to be stubborn then I will kill her myself if I have to. However I would much prefer it if the business with her could be resolved peacefully."
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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:41 pm
"It's best to deal with these kind of things with finality."  Maku would say.  "This kuniochi, what has she seen, who has she seen?  What does she now know of the village simply by being part of the day to day?  Your own powers and skills what does she now know of them?"  He would give Jason time to ponder these things before he continued.  "The demon priest can use each of these morsels of information only to make a mosaic.  I will not tell you how to run your village, but I do want you o wisely consider your options, and the lasting consequences that they may cause."  

Giving Jason a chance to say any more on this coco Maku would continue with the information of becoming allies.  After all, that was the road they where on now, best to see it traveled.  "There are two people you can contact regarding most of the information you will need from this point.  Denkitiki and Akihana.  Address your letters and trade requests to them and I'm sure they will see you supplied.  I have quicker ways to send information so when I leave here I will see that they know it's coming.  Finally I hope you will agree to perhaps a joint chunin exam with Hoshi, an event that hasn't taken place in some time,  however they are your contacts now, so I'll leave that to you and them."

"since this first thing has gone so second desire for being here is no longer important.  So we will leave it at that."  Maku would say with a tricksters smile.  No need to continue on that road, the fork had proven that well enough.  "I hope you will send some shinobi to visit and I trust they may send some of theirs so there can be some trade and familiarization with the new alliance."  Maku would abruptly stand at the conclusion of this giving Jason a formal bow.

"I think that's it.  Though, I hope we could make arrangements for perhaps.....a friendly spar say?  Just something to get to know eachhother better aye?  Say tomarow, around dusk, if your schedule allows it."  Maku would pose the question and then see the hokages response.  If he agreed then Maku would be happy to meet the young master at the appointed time.  "Might be nice to show the kiddies what thy could become, don't you think? If you want to open it to the public of corse."  If not then we'll, that was alright as well.

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Yep, this is still a fountain  Empty Re: Yep, this is still a fountain

Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:20 pm
Jason listened as Maku explained to Jason that ultimately the decision of what to do with Coco was Jason's choice. He did however make a good argument about what information Kumogakure could glean about Jason himself and Konoha from what Coco has seen here. She had only been in the village a short time but Jason was sure she had more information than he was willing to let Youka know about. 

With that little note on how to let information on yourself and your village not get leaked to one of the most dangerous men in the world Maku would continue on to a slightly different yet still related topic. Maku would tell Jason that in relation to the newly forming alliance there were two people in particular he could get in contact with for relations such as trades, setting up a joint Chuunin exam and possibly even joint village missions. Their names were Akihana and Denkiteki. Jason would remember this for when he undoubtedly wrote the two of them soon concerning the alliance. 

Once Maku had said what he needed to about the alliance and the Coco situation he would turn to a more surprising request. He offered a friendly spar with Jason. Now Jason was not one to turn down friendly spars. I mean, he even fought with that Coco girl from Kumogakure a few days before. So of course when Maku offered this spar Jason would accept. "I would enjoy a friendly spar with you. Tomorrow at dusk it is."
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