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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Summoning Jenumba Empty Summoning Jenumba

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:04 pm
Mako spent the morning nestled in the center of his couch, with his legs up on his coffee table he had a cigarette in his mouth and a ninja guide book open in his hand reading it.  The current page was on said "Katon Release: Great Fireball".  He had been wanting to expand his ninjutsu abilities for a while now just not really sure how to go about doing it.  There was a lot of training he had been putting off doing and he had enjoyed his simple life of lounging around in his room, but he needed to be back at the grindstone and making himself more powerful.  Dreams are powerful things and he needed to make his a reality.  He decided long ago that he would end up being the monkey mask anbu, he had not chosen monkeys they chose him but regardless he felt an undeniable affinity for them.   Speaking of monkeys he realized he had only met one and maybe he would find a way to summon a different one and that one could teach him the fire style.  He knew Sushma could probably guide him through it but maybe meeting a different monkey would be a fun experience for the day.  His mind drifted to thoughts of a large ape that liked to get drunk, at least that's what he thought if they were all like Sushma.  Mako was very curious about this and the curiosity began driving him somewhat insane as he sat there on the couch doing hand signs practicing the fireball jutsu he had to learn.  He had just finished the cigarette he was smoking currently and decided to light up another. His nagging to stay in the room and remain a slouch continued to push at him.  He decided he would attempt to summon the monkey following this cigarette.  He continued to dream of what Sushmas family might be like after having seen his current trainer.

He finished the cigarette and stood up and wiped his face with his hands he was pretty tired and not really feeling training but he would go anyway just to have something to do.  Mako hopped in the shower letting the warm water fill his soul with energy drawing his focus out of him and giving him a sort of renewal.  He stepped out of his wall shower and dried off, he groomed up a bit because he always wanted to be ready for pretty girls.  He put his clothes on a nd strapped on his training gear and contract scroll and strapped the headband around his thigh, then set out.  He always had trouble leaving the empty apartment but never understood why.  He walked through the town and continued reading about the great fireball then when he made it to the training grounds he put the manual away and laid the contract scroll on the ground and sat down on it.  He figured he would have to focus double the amount of chakra than was required to summon Sushma.  So he began concentrating and getting his chakra flowing and riled up.  It flowed very freely at this point and he knew the time for summoning the next monkey was now or never  He formed the hand seals for a proper transportation jutsu except the wind blew in the middle kicking up enough dust to confuse Mako in the middle and by the time he had pressed his hand against the ground a large portal opened up above him drawing him in, he flew through the tunnel of purple and there were little light specs resembling stars, when all of a sudden there appeared a cloud of smoke revealing a very large Jungle.  The trees if this jungle appeared to be from a rainforest and they were exceptionally, several times larger than a normal tree. 

Mako scratched his head he had no idea what was going on or why he was in the middle of a massive jungle.  And from what he could see is that a lot of the things in the jungle were on a larger scale as well, unless he was just on a smaller scale.  He activated his surface walking jutsu and climbed up the closest tree so he could get a better vantage point of where he was.  When he made it to the top the view above the canopies was breathtaking.  He saw a forest that continued on endlessly and about 15 miles away was a massive golden temple built into the side of a mountain, with a monkeys head crafted on the side of the mountain where a waterfall poured out of its mouth.  He now knew for certain what had happened,  Mako's attempt to summon backfired and had brought him to the Land of the Summoning Monkeys.  He leaped through the tops of the trees toward the temple in the epicenter of the massive forest that he now stood in.  He didn't know what he might encounter in this temple but the thought both excited and unnerved him.  Sushma didn't talk much of home but he talked about his family.  He would always refer to Uncle, Gramps, and Pops.  Sushma said they were all lame and very controlling which is why he always came to hang out with Mako, and smoke up all of his cigarettes.  That made Mako think of cigarettes and he pulled one out and lit it.  It hadnt taken him long to get fairly close to the temple and as he stood on top of the trees he took on the breathtaking sight in front of him he wondered if he would ever see it again after today, he hoped he would but he knew most summon animals were very particular about who they allowed on their sacred land.

As he stood there pondering he suddenly felt a massive grip wrap around his ankle, and within a second he was ripped from the tree tops and was being dragged throughout the forest.  WHatever had him was very powerful much too powerful for him to even squirm free. The trees buzzed by as he was being dragged at breakneck speeds by a big orange blur.  He could tell they were going in the opposite direction of the temple and that what had him was winging through the trees far too nimbly
 to be anything but a monkey.  They seemed to go for several minutes and Mako figured he would bide his time seeing as there was no way to be free of the tight grip he was currently in, when all of a sudden the thing holding him stopped and launched Mako over his head in the direction of the ground.  Mako flew out of his hand and barely having a moment to react he flipped around so he would land feet first and noticed he was darting past several sturdy branches, right before he hit the ground he reached out and grabbed one and spun around the branch several times given the momentum and stopped still hanging from the branch  Mako looked up and witnessed an orangutan, the orangutan was about 4 and a half feet tall with bright orange fur and white skin and had a big gut, around the gut was a white cloth with the same symbol Sushma had on his headband, a red circle with a white tao symbol inside of it.  The orangutan hung from a tree branch in a similar way as Mako and was staring down at him.  Mako and the beast locked eyes for several moments as they both waited for the other to make the first move,  When all of a sudden the using his free hand made a hand sign and channeled chakra through the tree into him a launched a giant fireball in Makos direction.  Mako let go of the tree and dropped letting the fireball scorch the tree and leave him entirely unharmed,  he landed on a tree branch not too far below himself and continued to stare down the great ape. 

The Ape dropped and stared falling very quickly in Makos direction drawing back his fist as it lit on fire, the attack was far too fast and mako knew he had very little chance to all out dodge it and he looked over to another branch and activated body flicker disappearing from where he was standing and appearing in the other location as the apes flaming punch tore through the limb and leaving a massive crater in the ground below.   Mako watched as the Orangutan was growing far more frustrated and the ape closed its eyes and drew in natural energy and launched fireballs in a barrage at him, They weren't too accurate he had little difficulty dodging them but as they exploded the heat in the area grew and it seemed as though it was starting to form a dome he had to escape, it was too soon to flicker again so head to run up a tree and hope he could make it out in time.  He ran up a nearby tree at full speed as the flames formed beneath him, he could feel the heat lashing at the back of his legs as he made his ascent, then as he had cleared out of the dome and had escaped the blast the ape appeared right before him face to face.  Mako had been running vertically up the tree and he had no idea how the ape appeared before him as it wrapped its arm and bicep in a v and wrapped its arm around Mako's throat and brought him crashing down from where he had been running up the tree.  Mako fell back with the attack and rolled with the elbow, he brought his hands up and pushed off of the monkey, they were both free falling head first to the ash covered ground below.  Striking at each other in midair and dodging each others punches.  They fought in midair until the very last second when they both spun and and landed on the ground.   The monkey did not seem in the least bit tired but Mako was worn down.  He watched as the great orange Orangutan smiled and the burst out in loud deep laughter that bellowed for likely miles away "BWAHAHAHA HAHAHA BWUAHAHAHA WELL HELL BOYO!!!! YA FOIGHT LIKA MONKEY!!" the orangutan bellowed and he ran over to him using his knuckles first then following with the body.  Until he got close enough for his massive arms to grab him and pulls him in for a massive hug.  "Oh mai uts tha first human in alotta years!!" he said during the hug while picking through his hair for possible bugs, his face contorting in sadness when he failed to find any.  "So mah names Jenumba, and tis an honor ta meet ya. Hurd a lotta good things about ya from the Runt, and sorry about grabbin ya but ya aint ready to meet da king today.  He'd chew ya up and spit you out onto the floor.  You will only meet him when you can beat him"  The orangutan said very seriously knowing that the King of the Monkeys would never work for a person who could not defeat him in combat.  Mako knew he still needed more training then.  However he was glad that he could meet Jenumba for the first time.  "So will you come help me train sometime?" Mako asked hoping Jenumba would be nice. "Hell boy ill not only train ya me and you are gonna fight together alot going forward, you got a ways to go before you can summon Gramps, so just call me anytime.  I cant do fire jutsu outside of Naya but i can teach you how ton sound good?" Jenumba said enthusiastically walking around on his knuckles beating his chest.  Jenumba formed several hand signs and flicked Mako in the forehead as Mako disappeared in a puff of smoke and landed back in his couch left to ponder over all he had experienced.

2008 words
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Summoning Jenumba Empty Re: Summoning Jenumba

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:05 pm
claiming 10 stats and c rank summon
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Summoning Jenumba Empty Re: Summoning Jenumba

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:09 am
bumping because im ok with waiting on the summon until it gets adequately looked over but i would like the stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Summoning Jenumba Empty Re: Summoning Jenumba

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:40 am

We can't really approve training for things that aren't approved. So if you'd like this approved now you can only get the stats. I suggest you wait until the summon is approved before claiming anything from this topic. <3
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Summoning Jenumba Empty Re: Summoning Jenumba

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:43 am
The summon is approved though but I understand. I will wait
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Summoning Jenumba Empty Re: Summoning Jenumba

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:48 am

If the summon is approved then this is fine. But could you please add a link to your stat page in your sig. I tried looking for the summon there but couldn't find it.

So yeah, this is approved <3
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