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New Things [Solo, P] Empty New Things [Solo, P]

Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:11 pm
After finally graduating from the academy, Rinto believed he would no longer have a reason to come back. He could no longer have a reason to return to the place where he wasted years away. However, he was sadly mistaken, for he found himself waking up one morning needing to go there. It wasn't a need he could resist, no, it was a need that had to be fulfilled. Only a day or two had passed since he achieved his genin rank. Already, he was hearing talk about different types of jutsu from those around him, especially his old classmates. Jutsu... techniques that he certainly required more of in his small arsenal. So, that same morning, Rinto got up from his bed and out of the room he shared with two others. The orphanage couldn't release him just yet, not until he had a steady income from his mission, or someone came over to adopt him. The former far more likely than the latter of course.

He had showered and dressed appropriately, with a red sleeveless hoodie and a white t-shirt underneath. On his lower body were his normal pair of black pants along with black sandals on his feet. From then it was a case of gathering his recently bought ninja tools, all of which were in the ninja pouch on his right side, and attaching his katana to his ride side as well. After grabbing the regular apple on his way out the door, he was all set. He was off in a light jog, occasionally taking a bite out of the apple in his grasp, happily munching away with thoughts on the jutsu was going to train for.

The teen had gotten enough information from his roommates, who were apparently friends with some of the genin. They were talking about things such as body flicker, or even fire stream. Of course, nothing but low ranking techniques were flowing from their mouths and, as a result, into his ears. The only techniques that caught his ear was the water replacement jutsu so he did some extra research just the day before. It seemed to be a move that was similar to the substitution technique. Except it was with water, staying true to its name. However during his research, which happened to be conducted at the library, Rinto came across another move entirely. Something called "dynamic entry." For sure, the name was flashy enough, but the actual move was simple. It was a taijutsu technique were the user merely jumped up and sent a kick towards their target. At least, that's what it said in the book he was reading.

Learning and practicing both of them would be easy, wouldn't it? That was the same question currently rushing through Rinto's mind as he proceeded to jog towards the academy. In a way, even the jog was a form of training, for endurance of course. Though it wouldn't be lasting long, as the boy could tell he was getting close to reaching his destination. In fact, just as the feeling came by, he was able to see the building in his sights. That was when he pushed his body a bit, slowly becoming faster with each step he took. Eventually, he reached the front yard of the academy where he quickly came to a stop. But, that was not the place he wanted to go. No, where he wanted to be for his training was behind the building, where the students usually conducted practice matches. Getting there would result in him either passing through the front doors or jumping the fence.

Seeing as it was a free day for any academy student, a day he used to wish would come by quicker in the week, the building was closed. There was no way to enter without breaking perhaps a window, or picking a lock and such. That wasn't the route Rinto wanted to go with, though. Even if he was a shinobi, his career just started and there was no need to head into such things yet. In his opinion, at least. It seemed the next best thing, and the easiest thing by far, was to go around to the back and jump over the fence. Rinto sighed and shrugged his shoulders, putting his hands into the air as he did so, as if saying "there's no helping it" with his movements. So, the teen rested his hands behind his head and casually started to make his way around the academy. As he walked, his mind started to rush, an action he wasn't used to as of yet.

Which jutsu was he going to start training with first? It seemed that the quickest one on his very, very, very small list was the water replacement jutsu. Although both techniques were of the same ranking, that one was ninjutsu, something he decided to specialize in the minute he graduated from the academy. Therefore it would be a somewhat easier move to learn than the dynamic entry, which fell under the taijutsu category. Plus he might be able to do some meditation before hand, something he had never done before... or maybe he can do that afterwards instead. Afterwards works. From what he heard you had to be completely still while doing it, so it would be a great way to rest his muscles. Rinto suddenly shook his head before lightly rubbing it. There was, thinking through everything. It was out of character for him, and honestly gave him a headache at the end of it all. This one only slight, and far more bearable than last time, which was during his genin examination. Soon, a smile graced his face, for he eventually arrived at the fence of the academy, all the way in the back.

The thought occurred to him though, that it would have been better to use the official village training grounds... although it was more of makeshift one. But, he'd grown comfortable with the academy, a thing he wasn't exactly happy about. Plus it was more legitimate to use in all honesty. The teen walked up to the fence separating him from the open field, the same one belonging to the building. A faint grin graced Rinto's features before he climbed up, moving at a steady and manageable pace until he finally reached the very top. Then, he proceeded to leap off, safely landing on the ground with his two feet. He looked around next, going from left to right, back to front, checking to see if anyone was around to catch and reprimand him. After all, he wasn't in the mood for such a thing. Right now, there had to be nothing but focus.

He had already memorized the required hand seals that went with the water replacement, for they were the exact same as the substitution jutsu, something he had down pat. Since there was enough open space for him, the Uzumaki began his training immediately. His first training session as a ninja... A grin threatened to break out of his face, and he didn't fight it. It was wide and bright as he went through the hand seals already integrated into his brain. Tiger, boar, ox, dog, snake. He shut his eyes and waited. And waited... and waited... and waited... and waited... This was taking far longer than usual. By now, he should have felt the smoke meant for theatrics surrounding him, the small shift in the environment as he went from one place to the other. But, none of what he expected to happen, happened. At that moment, Rinto immediately opened his eyes and examined not only himself, but his surroundings. Still in the same spot, not a hint of water on the ground. Something went wrong. And the main question was what.

Rinto crossed his arms and pursed his lips, now heading into his "thinking" mode. From what he recalled, it was the same process as the substitution jutsu. Even the hand seals were the same. Wait... the same as the substitution jutsu... except with water. Water... water! That's what he was missing! A very silly and goofy mistake, one that was expected from someone like him, if he had to be completely honest. Now he had to answer another question that popped up: what was he going to use as a water source for this. He remained in his thinking position, his brain running similar to a factory without the smoke. Luckily his answer came to him with a single blink of the eyes, since it was protruding most of his vision. He blinked again and glanced around. Mist. The mist. Mist was simply evaporated water, so if he could use the mist around him as a source... would that work? Did he have the skill for such a thing? The boy thought a bit harder at the... thought.

No, he didn't have the skill. However, as said before mist was evaporated water. That meant things such as the side of the building or the grass had water, didn't it? It'd be possible to gain a small amount of it for the technique. However, there was yet again the question about his skill level. Rinto sighed before leaning his head back in defeat. He'd have to search for a water source around here, if there was one. And his instincts were currently telling him... to head towards the academy building. And so he walked forward until he reached the wall of the academy, soon pressing his hands against it as his eyes scoured the area. It was painfully obvious what he was looking for, wasn't it? A water pipe of course, or perhaps a gutter. He continued to search with his golden eyes, moving along as he did in order to make sure he thoroughly went through everything.

Eventually he came across a broken pipe along one of the corners of the building, one not too far from the fence, and steadily leaking out water with every passing second. The teen smiled at his "discovery", now wondering what he would be able to use to gather the water. He kept his hand on the wall, walking around the corner and then moving forward. Though, that was when he accidentally kicked something. Well, more like he kicked it and almost stumbled over the object in surprise. It seemed he wasn't looking closely enough, unfortunately. Rinto's eyes traveled downwards, and then widened in surprise at the find. A bucket. It was a normal-sized blue bucket. That was perfect! The teen grinned stupidly as he bent down and picked it up, soon returning to the broken pipe and setting the bucket underneath. He watched as the water slowly began to fill, until eventually it reached the brim.

Since he didn't really want to move the bucket to a different spot entirely, he simply decided to continue training where he was. Rinto performed the same hand seals as previously: tiger, boar, ox, dog, snake. It happened it what felt like a second. Smoke surrounded him before it vanished seconds later, with him being at least a meter away from his spot. What was there in his place? Well, he heard a splash not too long afterwards, so he could only assume it was a success.

But now he had to move onto the next technique.

For this, he actually changed places and walked all the way back to the fence. On his way, he began to think again... about the next technique he was about to try and learn to be precise. As mentioned not too long ago, it was a taijutsu technique. Uncharted territory for Rinto, in that case. Was he really going to delve into something he hardly had any experience in? Especially when he bailed on the practice matches in the academy. Practice... practice makes perfect. How was he going to become good at taijutsu if he didn't practice? He gained a determined glint in his eyes at that.

Then he crouched down, ready to initiate the next part of his training session.

WC: 2010
+ 10 stats
+ Water Replacement Technique
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

New Things [Solo, P] Empty Re: New Things [Solo, P]

Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:33 pm

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