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Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:23 pm
Aw, yes. Training. It's something everyone should do, if they wish to be stronger then their opponents, and live in combat. That's why Zennal was at the nice, open training ground. It was a nice little training ground. It was completely flat, with tree's surrounding it half of the borders, while the other half was a walk-way to the training grounds that led out to the rest of Konoha.

Zennal was here to practice a certain Earth Jutsu. Doton: Mud Spore. It was a useful jutsu, one that created your own-personal mud slide. Zennal gave a quick look around, not noticing anyone at first glance, he began to get to work. His mind began to wander, as he weaved through the Ram→Ox →Boar hand seals.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:41 pm
Amazingly this time Lingqi just fell straight out of the air. Usually when she dropped in on someone there was a tree or roof top, something like that. This time however things didn't go that way. She'd been riding a giant bird and had fallen off. When Zennal was chilling out doing his thing, Lingqi fell right on top of him head first. She collapsed on top of her newest friend, and immediately sprang to her feet. "Sorry to drop in on ya like that."

Just as the boy would be trying to stand to his feet another figure would drop in on him. A cute little monkey! He'd drop in on Zennal and dance around a little bit before running to ling.

"Hiru!" she shout with a giggle. "You win this round, I can't believe that you held on longer than me. It's those darn feet Hiru." She waved her hand, and did a cart wheel. "Any way let's greet our new friend." Hiru the monkey would jump up on Ling's head, and strike a pose. "We are! Lingqi Rentei! Aaaaaaand Hiru the monkey! Greatest duo since bread and butter! And who will we being dining with today friend?"
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:08 am
Zennal sighed as he went through the motions again, when all of a sudden, BAM! Something heavy landed on his head, and with a thud he fell back, a bit of blood on the top of his head. He held his head as he sat up to see what the hell had landed on him, when ANOTHER thing landed on top of him. This time, he debated on whether or not he should sit back up. This was resolved very quickly, though. He stood up, and before he said anything, he looked straight up to see if anything else would try and bludgeon him. 

It was when the things that hit him started to talk was when he looked over at them in surprise. A girl, roughly... no, exactly the same height as him, with a... a monkey? What? Don't those carry diseases or something? At the mention of 'Friend' was when he started to actually pay attention to them. This girl couldn't be serious, could she? 

After their little introduction, which Zennal couldn't help but snicker at(he found it funny) when he replied "Zennal. Senju Zennal. As for who you'd be dining with, well, I don't know. I don't have much food. Barely enough for the gear I have now, actually. Anyways, what was with you falling down like that!" At this, the 13 year old would hold the top of his now bleeding head "You could have given me a concussion, and I could have died! Hell, YOU could have gotten one! Same with your monkey!" He decided to not bring up the part about any sort of diseases.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:26 am
"Pfffffffft." Ling announced with a wave of her han. "I've down that to literally every one I've ever bumped into this village, so I doubt that I would die." She giggled manically. "Don't worry about food, I was just joking about that. Well not joking really I was just using a different phrase of speech." She waved her hand, and picked Hiru off of her head, and held him under her arm.

Ling was a short, girl. Now woman. She stood at the same height as the boy before her. Her hair went between blue and brown depending on nothing in particular. Her eyes were a vibrant blue. She wore a unique looking outfit. Yellow stockings, a monkey hoodie, and furry arm warmers. she was a cutie

She spun around in circles, trying to get herself dizzy. "Whatcha doing down here? Well I guess this isn't down. It is from where I was, but at the moment it's just right here. So I guess my question is what were you doing right here? Was that a jutsu? You know I'm kind of a jutsu master? Yup yup. I'm all water riffic! It's funny because my clan is specialized in Genjutsu. Woops hahahah my mom told me to never reveal what my clan was. I guess that's okay I didn't tell you about my special power. hahahaha woops. Okay so I have a special power, but I didn't tell you what it was. And I won't. But I just want you to know it's really cool. Like really cool. Okay you have to make it fair now. what's your clan?" She stuck out her lower lip and her eyes shimmer. "You have to you have to you have to! It's only faaaaair!"

She smacked her hand to her forehead.

"Oh you said senju? Like Jason? Like JASON. Omg omg omg. Grow a tree, grow a tree right now!!! I want learn tree stuff sooo bad. Teach me! Teach me tree stuff. I'll teach you my water stuff! Grow a tree! A red wood! No weeping willow! Pine! No palm, ok ok okay. I got it. Just a banna tree. I promised Hiru to buy him lunch if he won the bird riding contest. That way we really will be dining with you."
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:55 am
"I haven't been landed on like that, ever! So I could still get a concussion!" he responded, in an almost violent way when she mentioned her not getting one. Really, this girl was nuts! Banana's, even! Zennal had no idea how this girl could be a Genin, let alone a Kunoichi. Still, he was happy that he didn't have to give the crazy woman food after she gave him a bloody head injury. Things took a turn for the weird- sorry, weirder- when she started to spin, in what could only be inturpreted as a way to get herself dizzy. When she began to speak in some large paragraph, was when Zennal began to be confused.

So, he broke parts of the question-barrage into smaller, individual questions, before answering her. "I'm here training, yes that was a Jutsu, Doton: Mud Spore. I did not know you used water Jutsu, and I would love to learn how to use the Water Element." When she mentioned speacial power, though, he hoped she would speak more of it. Sadly, she didn't. Then she started asking about his clan and how he hadn't mentioned it, which he was certain he did. She seemed to realize that too,

Then she started demanding he made a tree. This would be a bit difficult, as he didn't even have the other half of the element he would need to even be able to unlock the Wood Element. He was just interested in the fact that she knew the Hokage. Well, I guess he was famous, but meh. "Ehe, see, the thing is, I don't have that element yet. I graduated the academy not to long ago, and I've yet to learn many Jutsu, or even another element. When I can sprout a tree, I'll make a nice big one for you. I'll see what I can do about the Banana's" Zennal smiled as he finished saying this. Zennal didn't know why, but this girl made him inately happy. Maybe it was her cheery demeanor? Probably
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:15 am
Ling stopped her spinning and fixed the boy with a silly kind of look. Her eyes kind of crossed as they both converged on a stream of blood trickling down from his head. She wondered if she should mention that? She ran her hands over he own head and found that she didn't have any wounds or anything like that on her. She did have a little sore spot on the top of her head, but she got one of those every time she met someone knew in the way that she did. Oh well!

This guy didn't know his clan's super special ability? Pfft what a dork bag. Ling totally had her whole clan thing down. But you know, maybe she'd just had more time.

Ling had much more important things to worry about. With a chirp Hiru jumped out from Lings arms, he went off to chase a bug. With both her arms now free she did a flip and ended up standing on her hands "Okay then. I teach you water you teach me earth, and we learn trees together. Easy peezy Lemon Squeezy!" She started walking around on her hands doing laps around her newest friend. "Jason was awfully tight lipped about this type of stuff."
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:30 pm
Zennal felt a slight bit of a trickle down his face as Lingqi crossed her eye's at him. He raised an eyebrow, and moved his hand to between his eye's, and that's where he felt the blood. He frowned, and said "Son of a..." he sighed, before saying "Whatever, I'm not seeing double, so it can't be that bad." He glanced at the top of her head, and noticed a bump. He raised an eyebrow at that, and thought 'She must have a thick skull...' he repressed the chuckle he had.

Zennal watched the monkey run off, before turning back to her. She was mid flip when he turn back, and he had to say; she was very dexterous. She could do pretty well with Taijutsu or Weaponry, but she said she did Ninjutsu, and that her clan specialized in Genjutsu, so maybe not. Then she offered to teach him the Water element in exchange for the Earth element so they could both grow trees, and he just smiled. "I'm sorry to say, but you can't learn the Wood Release. It's my clan's Kekkei Genkai. It's like how the Uchiha have the Sharingan." He said as he followed her movements.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:00 pm
At the mention of that Ling fell straight down and landed on her back. Deflated, defeated, defecated...okay not that last one. Alliteration! She pounded her hands and feet on the ground and wiggled her body in angst. "No fare no fare no fare no fare no fare no fare no fare no fare! I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna!" No one ever says no to her! She's so cute! Just look at her. She sat up her body wracking itself over with deep shuttering huffs and puffs. "I I, I." He words were interrupted by the deep huffing and puffing a person gets when they cry heavily. "I just want to grow a tree, and you guys are so mean and won't even teach me. wwwwwhy? Do you not think I'm cool enough? Because I am! I'm way cooler than any of you dumb old Senjus. Fine whatever I don't even care. I'll grow trees without your help and they'll be a million times cooler than any of the dumb trees you guys grow. You'll be all like 'Oh Lingqi your trees are so cool and pretty can you teach us how to grow those?' and I'll be like 'NO! you all smell!' Then you'll feel super bad for being butt faces to me, you BUTT FACE!" She was so mad! But as usual when an emotion that was blatant jubilation came along her head started to feel fuzzy. Like fur was growing over her brain or something. She felt the usual and comforting sense of euphoria wash over her as her body release chakra into her brain to numb her emotions. She tried to hold on to her anger at Zenal but it was quickly fading away.

Almost immediately after insulting him she let out a loud giggle, and started rolling around on the ground like she was a log. "So what's an uchiha? What's a Sharingan? I'm not from this country so I don't know what any of your clans do. Except for Hyuga. Because my best friend is totally one, so I know all about them." Hiru stood up from his bug chasing and started squawking at Ling angrily. "Sorry sorry sorry. My best human friend is one. My best friend is a monkey, but monkeys don't have bloodlines. Well maybe they do. Butif they do they do Hiru has been hiding it from me. Oh eem gee. What if he is a monkey senju!" She cast a look over at her monkey who was shoving a lady bug into his mouth. She squinted her eys and gave him a suspicious glance. She looked back at her new friend and sighed. "I'd feel so betrayed."
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:33 pm
Zennal didn't expect things to escalate like they did just now. She flopped down and began to have what looked to be a temper tantrum. Then she began to yell about thing being not 'fair'.  That his a slight nerve with him. He wanted to yell out 'What isn't fair is having a pinkie cut off from your twisted fathers fetish!' but he didn't. Instead he watched her flail around, and did what looked to cry. After the final 'Butt Face' was said, he simply replied "It isn't that I don't want to. It's that you physically can't. Unless you have the blood of a Senju, your body physically can't mold the earth and water Chakra together to form the release."

Then her emotions switched from Anger and Sadness back to her giggling old self. A feeling of relief and curiosity washed over him. He was happy he wouldn't have to deal with a screaming child, while also curious as to how she flipped from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. For now, he wrote it off as Lingqi just being weird... but maybe there was more? Doubt began to wash over him as she rambled on in the background, mentioning not knowing about the Uchiha and the Sharingan, but does know what the Hyuuga and the Byakugan was. 

In any case, after her rambling, he only let out a sigh, and sat down. "Jason and My wood release is like the Hyuuga's Byakugan. Only out family line can use it. Understand?" He didn't want to get angry at her, but that mention of 'fair' got him riled up a bit. Was this what it felt like to deal with children? Damn... maybe he shouldn't have kids?
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:14 am
Pfft, you're going to tell a girl this limber that she can't physically do something? Pa-shaw. She didn't need to say anything more on the matter, she'd already said that she was going to somehow become a better wood user than he ever was so like, what ever ya know?

Ling gave a real "Pffft." And swatted her hand at the sassy Senju. "I know you can't use eyes that another clan has." She threw up her hands. "No, no, no, no, no. I understand you just thing I'm a ding dong bimbo. I know that you can't use another person's bloodline and stuff, but an element should be super teach able! Bleeeeeeeh but what do I know? I was practically born doing water jutsu. So I never even had to learn how to use it! My family learns to swim before they can even walk! Hahahaha it's a wonder that I have a monkey for a pet... ahem. Best friend, and not a dolphin or something. Oh eem gee when was a kid there was totally this dolphin I used to swim with when I was a kid. I'm getting of trace. The point is that one day I'm going to grow a tree right up your butt, and you're going to cry at how awesome I am."

A torrent of water erupted from beneath her feet, and shot her into the sky. She began to balance herself of the fountain of water. In the background there was guitar music being played by Hiru, and tossed her some shades with is feet. Ling caught the shades and threw them on her face. "From Now on you and I are Rivals!"
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