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Training for two (Amaya, James)

Takashi Chishiki
Cosplay Queen Saya
Akane Tokiyama
Shikami Shinkou
Dastri Hotaru
Talia Rose
James Moonstalker
13 posters
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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:03 pm
Stein had been Hunting for new specimens to add to his collection, he always needed new ones as old ones died off, and he always kept his chakra suppressed cause some of his Specimens could seem to sense his Chakra if he didn't, then all of a sudden he came across a group of ninja's and their training grounds, makes sense seeing as parts of the forest connected to the training grounds, he saw the back of a female with Pink hair? odd, then the back of someone that seemed familiar but he couldn't tell with their back to him, but as the pink haired girl was only a meter away from the one he thinks he reconized, The third that he could not see, also could not see him due to the distance he had and the two others being in the way.

He would silently take off at full speed, (Using HoHo) and then as he stopped behind the male, and just behind/aside the female he could see he formed a Seal of Confrontation, and on the ground formed a Seal, the Barrier Confining Seal, which could keep everyone in the two meter radius, which was everyone, if their Chakra was not sixty five or higher they were not escaping, then he would duck down at and a second seal appeared on the ground, a Seal of Chakra Absorbing, that formed a meter from the placement of his hand, which was in the center of the two meter Seal, once more hitting everyone, and if their health was not at least forty it would begin to drain their Ap by Forty points per post, and Stein would gain half of that back per person, at this point Stein would not jump backwards out of the Seals, and then with a speed of eighty Five, formed the hand seals of Ram, Monkey Ox, and then clapped, a Seal formed that spread out ten meters from Stein, nullifying their chakra presence from the rest of the world, Stein being about a meter out from the seal that held all the Ninja in he would now wait and he stared them down.

His mind reeled with ideas he had for each of these kids, and thankful he was silent the whole time, only someone with Expereinced Fighting and trained In hearing could detect him, as he was a doctor, everything to him was down precisely, he wondered how the kids would react, a devilish grin on his face.

Stats-Speed with HoHo, 85 -10 ap
Power of Seals- Barrier Confining 45
Chakra Draining 40

Ap Spent- 30 BCS, 30 CDS, 50 SoS, 10 HoHo
250-30-30-50-10=130 Ap Left
- 40 Ap from anyone in the CDS, +20 AP to me per person drained
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 8000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:58 am
(Ugh..would call speed blitz but moving at full speed is in the rules apparently.)
Whether her attack was stopped or not, (Wasn't givin a super great timeline) Amaya would be stopped, held still as she was trapped in the seal, followed by her energy being drained. She couldn't see who or what was doing this, but it was pretty uncomfortable. "Urgh...Whats...Happening?"
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:24 am
Dastri would freeze in place and blink a few times, her body suddenly feeling stuck and weak. "Um... guys? I... I don't feel so good." She would look to Dastri and James worriedly, hoping one of them could explain what was going on. "Tell me that's one of you."

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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:18 pm
Stein looked up as he saw the blade at his neck, and he would just smile wickedly, the chakra draining seal locked down, and then at a speed of eight five, his hand jumped up from the ground that was right under the hand with the blade, and aim to grab the wrist of the kid, as there was no cloth to interrupt skin on skin contact there, if the wrist grab was successful, not only would Stein Twist the wrist away from his neck, in hopes to disarm as well, he would begin to drain the chakra from the kid at a much quicker rate, sure enough it was the kid who he stole from earlier, this one had interested him in that fight when that weird thing had began to form on him, maybe it was something unique to this kid, this was timed for when james's attention went to the girl who was inside his two seals, so that the likeliness of dodging the grab was lowered greatly, and without a health of at least forty he was not resisting this second charka drain, and as Stein wrenched the wrist, he stood up, and never took his eyes off of James, his worry not on the other girl at all, and he noticed a third that was knocked out from the attack of James's, and his other arm being within reach of the girl that still stood, he aimed to shoot his free hand for the spot of her neck and shoulder came to together that was showing flesh, with the skin contact it would begin to drain her as well if not resisted or dodged, and as his arm had shot up at a speed of eighty five, it was highly unlikely, not to mention she was not facing him.

Ap= 180 (SoS Did not get to go up so added that 50 back)- 25 for Chakra Absorption Technique=155 + 60 from three in the Chakra Draining Seal= 215 + 35 per contact made If successful= 250 (and then some but then Im maxed)

Chakra Absorption Power= 35

Amaya= 103 Ap- 40= 63 -10 ap for the Immaterial sword she made= 53 AP -40 =13 AP(knocked out already due to James Attack if successful)
Dastri= 100 Ap- 40= 60 (If Contact is made) - another 75 = 0 AP (knocked out)
James= 200 Ap - 40= 160 (If Contact is made) -75= 95 Ap
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:31 am
Dastri's body would jump in surprise as she felt a hand clasp on to her neck and shoulder. She would give a sharp high pitched scream of terrified surprise and react without thinking. Glancing back at whoever the hell was touching her, she would glance up to down as she sized up her attacker and launched her counter attack. She leaned forward slightly and brought her right leg up as if she was going to try and step forward but instead, launched her foot back as hard as she could, using Leaf Gale to launch her foot at 35 speed towards his groin as if she were trying to fight off a sexual predator. After doing so she would feel most of her strength leave her body and her left leg would shake as it struggled to hold her up before she lost all strength and went limp, falling to the ground unless some outside force held her up.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Sun Jul 05, 2015 2:36 am
("Dastri's body would jump in surprise as she felt a hand clasp on to her neck and shoulder. " as the chakra absorption is connected it would drain you, causing auto KO, as you cant resist and it takes away the rest of your Chakra, but that was a nice attempt, I applaud you)

With Stein's Touch on Dastri's Shoulder she would begin to collapse and as he leg flew, she would crumple out of chakra, thus her hit would never even get half way, and she would just fall, this leaving Stein with a free hand once more.

Meanwhile He noticed a change start to happen In James, and just as the change started, Stein shot a Thread out of his palm and into the wrist of James, and his stiches would begin to glow, and his strength grew even higher, meanwhile, the grip on James's wrist , had Steins palm on the bottom of his wrist, and his thumb on a pressure point that rests in the palm of the hand, so when Stein wrenched James's Hand away from him, and he stood up, he would now be applying pressure to James's Wrist, so much that if he didn't duck low, he would get his wrist broken, also No Mark would happen as it did not happen as james wanted it to happen, also as the Thread moves up through James Wrist, it would slide harmlessly between Steins fingers and stop just past steins fingers.

James Second attack would be rendered Useless as Stein would apply Pressure yet again if the wrist had not broken yet, as a natural reaction would be to grab their own wrist , to help stop the pain, and if that did not work, Stein would catch the wrist as it crossed over James's chest, in direct line with his heart, and a Thread would shoot out of that hand if the grab was successful, which stein was moving at full speed, and his speed was greater, as they were in a close quarters, and with a thumb on the back of that hand he would begin to apply pressure, and the thread would pass by Steins fingers without harming them, as Steins Grab for the girl was faster then what James could move at, Dastri would have already been knocked out, Leaving his hand free already.

If instead James went for the Kunai instead of the punch on the wrist, Stein would still do the above with grabbing the wrist and ect, eliminating that from the possibilities if he didn't alter his course of Actions, and as Stated before, his grab for Dastri was so fast and already connected, that Dastri was out and James was not able to stop it in time, due to his transformation going at a speed fifty was not enough to out speed Stein's eight five for the grab

250 Ap - 25 for chakra absorption= 225- 30 ap for stiches= 195 ap - 10 Ap for threads= 185 + 26 from Chakra Draining Seal= 211 + 35 from Chakra Absorption Seal= 246 Ap

Amaya (We were given permission to skip btw) Ap 13-40= 0 (out cold twice over now)
Dastri 0 Ap (Confirmed KO)
James- 95 ap +10 from Sage= 105 - 25 from Transformation = 85- 75 from over all drain = 10 Ap
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 3 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:02 am
(According to the absorbtion thingamajigger's page, it says a FULL post of touching, thought it'd give me a chance to retaliate. Unless I understood it wrong. Also I guess skip me since unconcious)

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