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Yukimura Uchiha
Yukimura Uchiha
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The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:28 pm
Yukimura Uchiha was the quiet student who never asked questions nor volunteered to do anything extra.  As each student was graded, one by one, Yuki began to panic.  He hated the pressure, let alone all the others watching him.  He knew for sure if the students were loud while he tried to preform, his ability will waver.  
After a few minutes, Yuki settled down. He watche the kids that went before him with analytic intent, studying any little mistakes and tips he could read off of them.  

Before he knew it, he heard his own name be called to preform.  He felt a chill run up his spine as he stood to attention.  His knees felt weak and heavy as he began to walk out from the back of the room.
"Um. Excuse me," his whimpering voice asked the students that blocked his path.  He felt his head become flushed with blood with all the eyes watching him.  
Kids began whispering, 'forest boy', 'tree dweller', and finally 'orphen boy', obviously describing him.  
He gritted his teeth in embarressed silence as he continued to press forward toward the front of the room.

He started to stop asking for people to move and just parted the crowd who didnt move for him.  He felt more angry than shy about the people around him who were gossiping about his origins.  
He cared little for these things, just bored city folk with nothing better to do than gossip.  

I will give them something to talk about, he thought with a slight smirk on his face.  

He approached the center of the room, put his legs together, "Yukimura, of the Uchiha clan, ready to take thr final exam!"  His voice cracked as he tried to sound mighty, but to no avail.
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The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:10 am
Standing in his chair rather than sitting, the proctor looked down on all of the students as they performed the jutsu needed to graduate to becoming a genin. As he looked down the list of names he saw one that stuck out for being a Uchiha.

"Ah yes, Yukimura, you're next. Get down here and show us that you're willing to be one of the next lights in Konoha. Perform the jutsu I have written on the board and once you complete this I'll give you a head band."

With that the proctor stayed standing in his chair eying the child, waiting.
Yukimura Uchiha
Yukimura Uchiha
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The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:05 pm
Yuki stood there for a moment, unsure when to start.  He noticed that everyone was quiet, staring at him to begin.  Yuki took a gulp before beginning his exam.
"Here I go," he said in a small mumbled voice. 

He spread his legs shoulder with apart as he did the appropriate hand seals for the clone technique.  At a speed of 9, he did the hand seals Ram, Snake, then Tiger.  He expelled some of his chakra into the jutsu. 
A puff of smoke appeared around him, revealing himself and two clones.  All three of the Yukis were grinning in satisfaction that they preformed the technique flawlessly. 
"This is the clone technique jutsu, the first of two," all three of them said to the proctor.  He dispelled the jutsu shortly after.   The two clones exploded into a puff of smoke, disappearing with the jutsu. 

Next, he did the hand signs Dog, Boar, then Ram.  It took him a moment but he managed to summon and channel the chakra within him.  Yuki took deep breathes, breathing in then out before starting the jutsu. A puff of smoke once again covered Yuki, showing that the jutsu has begun. 
When the smoke cleared, Yuki looked exactly like his proctor, same features and all.  It looked like Yuki was an exact copy of him, except he had a small smile on his face.  Sweat was beginning to drop down his face, proof of how straining it was to keep the jutsu up for this student. 

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" Yuki asked the proctor, unsure if what he did was good enough.  He had a feeling he was up for anything else that could be thrown at him;  he studied and practiced in private for just this occassion.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:15 pm
(you need a wc of 800 to pass. So idk if you want to edit and add to your post or you actually want me to give you other things to do.)
Yukimura Uchiha
Yukimura Uchiha
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The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:21 pm
(you can give me something else to do and I will do the rest of the WC when I get back from work, sorry and thanks!  TWC: 298/800 )
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:32 pm
The boy had performed the tasks so quickly the proctor could hardly believe it. "Well I guess you think your pretty good then huh. Well guess what, shinobi training time boy, BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING!!!!"

With that the proctor kicked his desk and a tiger jumped out. What the boy didn't know was that this was just a puppet being controlled by the proctor. He would make it move like an animal though. It was time to see if this genin could hold his own.

(You can control the tiger, just fight it and win and you pass when you have the wc)
Yukimura Uchiha
Yukimura Uchiha
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The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:52 pm
Holy shit! The young academy student thought as the tiger jumped out of thin air.  He fell backwards on his ass, dispelling the transformation jutsu as he hit the ground.  He began to crawl backwards as the tiger sneered at him. 
"Wha- what is this!  H-how am I supposed to defeat this monster!?"  Yuki asked the silent proctor.  The proctor seemed to neither not care or chose to remain silent.  Yuki knew by the silence that this was another test.  He wasn't sure what to do next. 
Instinctively, he did the hand seals for substitution jutsu while still crawling backwards: tiger, boar, ox, dog, snake.  He pushed his chakra into the jutsu, keeping it active just in case the tiger decided to attack him. 

He never really trained to fight yet and he knew he wasn't prepared for this fight.  He bumped into the wall finally, breaking his panicked thoughts.  The tiger lunged forward at him, rearing back it's claw to strike him.  Yuki's eyes widened in surprise at the speed of this beast coming to get him.  As soon as the beast made contact, the substitution jutsu took effect, it replaced him with a chair.  The chair was promptly crushed by the hard strike of the beast.  Yuki appeared in a puff of smoke a few feet away from the tiger, parallel to him in the corner of the room. 

He was now hyper aware of his surroundings, looking for something to use against this monster before him.  He was seen pulling out his jutsu encyclopedia, slamming the pages to the E rank jutsu.  His eyes never left the tiger but he peered down for a slight moment to see a hand seal.  He found the perfect one.  He seemed to have looked at his book for a moment too long.  When he looked up to check the tiger, it was running straight for him. 

He kept his cool, he knew if he was to become a ninja, he would need to out smart and defeat this thing swiftly and promptly.  He pulled his chakra into the next jutsu, holding a ram hand seal.  He saw the tiger coming now in a slow motion due to using the Body Flicker jutsu.  The jutsu increased his speed greatly, by 25, thanks to his amount of chakra.  The tiger's strike missed by a fraction of a hair as Yuki's afterimage spun to the right.  He back flipped upward onto the wall thanks to learning the surface walking jutsu, just dodging a second swipe from the tiger.  He rolled within a few feet of the tiger and did a half of a tiger seal, expelling all of his chakra into the next jutsu. 
"Ironic that I will use a tiger seal to defeat you!" he yelled out at the tiger, which looked up at his once prey, now becoming his hunter, "Katon! Fire Stream Justu!"  The fire stream was powered up from 10 power to 20 due to expelling all his chakra into a single blow.  He held the half tiger seal to his mouth, pushing his face forward as he summoned fire inside himself.  He spit out a steady stream of fire, making sure to aim the whole jutsu directly at the tiger.  He had to show no mercy in order to pass this test. 
He dispelled the body flicker jutsu while he held down the fire stream jutsu on the tiger, relentlessly keeping the stream on the tiger.  The tiger protested in a giant roar, engulfing in fire.   Yuki pushed off the wall with all his might, flying past the tiger.  He corkscrewed around the tiger, never letting up on the jutsu until he landed. 

Sweat was engulfing his own face as he jumped backward, preparing for the tiger to now be angry and come at him with full force.  He no longer felt scared but he knew he was getting tired, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep his assault up.  His breathing became jagged and body felt heavy. 
" beat this thing......?" he asked, now in a commanding yet tired voice.  His one eye closed due to sweat dripping into it.  He seemed to smirk with excitement when asked, craving to fight more.

TWC: 709
709 +298= 1007
+5 stats
Claiming 500 WC for Fire Stream Jutsu
Remaining 507 WC for First Tomoe
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell. Empty Re: The Shy Uchiha breaks out of his shell.

Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:41 pm
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