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Ninjas of Love Empty Ninjas of Love

Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:46 pm
Ninjas of Love 46048-ghj
Alice walked into the raikage office building silently. She had been specifically called to meet with the Raikage, for a reason unknown to her. She found it strange as she had never been called to meet the kage of the village before, even though she had been a jounin for quite some time. She had heard word that the village had received a new Raikage, but who it was Alice couldn't remember. Details always escaped Alice, and she was no good at remembering names anyhow, either way she was about to meet whoever it was soon. Alice approached the door to the Raikage office getting strange looks by other ninja as she did. This was not new for Alice, as her strange appearance always drew attention. She must have looked strange as she was wearing her ankle length orange tattered dress bottom, that had rips through it revealing her left leg that was cloaked in her black ripped fish net stockings. The stocking looked like they had been stitched multiple times, but if one looked closer they would realize that the stitches were on Alice's leg itself. The stockings ended mid thigh, and Alice was revealing a few inches of her upper thigh after the stocking ended. Her shadow boots masked the sound of her feet so she was ominously silent as she walked. Her kumo head band was tied around her waist loosely as a belt, thought it only clung to her right hip. She wore a sleeveless black top that stopped at her belly button, as well as arm warmers that also had tears and holes in them that began at her gold bracelet decorated wrists and stopped just below her shoulders. Her hair was jet black and styled in two ponytails on each side of her head while the rest fell naturally. The strangest thing Alice had on though was a dark black veil to cover her strange mouth that was stitched in the corners. She knocked on the door a couple times saying "Alice Hyuuga here to see the Raikage."
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Ninjas of Love Empty Re: Ninjas of Love

Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:55 pm
From his seat he would wave a hand at the door and speak rather quickly," Sure come on in and grab a seat quickly, been a while since i've seen you around....been delimbing anyone lately," looking up from the papers he would shake his head and look back down," Kinda disappointed in you Alice, but i'm willing to give you a simple "reprieve" so to speak," tossing a folder onto the edge of the desk he would wait for her to read through it before speaking again. Clearing his throat he would lean back into the giant chair and continue," Your job is very are to go to Amegakure and be essentially backup for them. Now here's where i need to strain my words. You are NOT to kill anyone that is apart of the village unless they do something stupid or attack you first >.> do i make myself clear?," smiling for a moment he would wave for her to go," If so then you may go and deal with this, and report back every so often via bird," if she had anything else he would wait and answer.

Ninjas of Love Empty Re: Ninjas of Love

Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:59 pm
Alice would walk swiftly in and take a seat, remembering now that Yaju was the new raikage, a man she had already met. "I have not seen you around much either, and nobody too noteworthy." She would nonchalantly and grab the folder that was tossed. "What have I done now?" She would say tiredly as she read through the folder swiftly. "Alright I'll go to Ame, sounds fun." She would say before yaju added the no killing part. "Aw why ruin the fun? Alright I will not KILL anyone unless needed. I hear Ame was not doing so well anyways, should I step in if they need help leading, oh and Is it alright if I take the transporter?" She would say placing the folder back on the table.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Ninjas of Love Empty Re: Ninjas of Love

Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:05 pm
"yeah no killing...we need the villagers alive, but if anyone suspicious or can't prove they are of the village then they are fair game got it?," on the note of leading it he would shrug and pick up the folder swiftly," Sure if it needs a leader then step in and take care of the place until we have a better suited plan, but in that event i will need you to keep in contact with me and give me a status update. Even if you lead the village you are still under my reign got it? Lastly you can take the transporter and there is one inside of the Ame office if you need to get back here, now you are released," with that he would wait for her to leave before going to work again.


Ninjas of Love Empty Re: Ninjas of Love

Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:43 pm
Alice nodded and left
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