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Odin Senju <3
Odin Senju <3
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Gift for the Raikage - Page 2 Empty Re: Gift for the Raikage

Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:24 am
Odin didn't know where to begin.  
"I hadn't given it much thought at all Hayate-sama.  My only intention was to give you a gift because I know Kages such as yourself often rarely think of themselves while maintaining a huge village and all it's shinobi,"  he stared at the way Yaju opened the bottle, amazed is what his mouth and eye would say.  

"Well since you mentioned it, maybe you can give me some pointers on what a low level genin should learn as his first jutsu.  If you ever have time from your busy schedule, I would love to learn anything from you," he ponders for a moment, knowing how selfish that just sounded.  

"I want to become the best shinobi Kumogakurae has ever seen.  I want to become stronger in order to protect everyone in this village," his look became slightly more serious.  
"I would take any advice you can give."
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Gift for the Raikage - Page 2 Empty Re: Gift for the Raikage

Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:21 am
"Think of ourselves? Well while you might think that of us in this position of power, we actually do get out more than the villagers think, you just never see me out and about because i can pretty much change my physical looks to avoid detection," chuckling he knew that the boy was dead on because.....the last time he had even went out and did somemthing for himself was when He and Akihana went out for that dinner thing. Since then he had been couped up in the office working dilligently and trying to crack the code of the power he had just recieved.

Moving on he would raise a brow at the boy for a moment, examining him as he spoke about trying to get some pointers from him. Yaju's first thought would be to either tell the boy to get the hell out and find his own path, but the sensei mindset that had still been apparent had smiled, causing him to stand up and look at the boy with an amused look," You want to ask me for pointers eh? Well i don't would seem as if you aren't ready for what i have to teach. My last batch of "students" were hit with a tree you know," laughing at the sentimental memories he still held, he wasn't quite ready for the boys next words.

The context of the boys words were...really weird and awkward to be honest, saying he would take "any" advice he could give in which he would lean back into his chair and think about it for a second, taking everything into consideration before speaking," You want to stand at the top like myself and a few others huh? Well then i thik i can help you, but," and he strained this word heavily," i'll teach you one thing now and after this you have to find a team and i'll teach you more then," waiting for the boys response, he would anticipate some sort of elated jump or happy dance...not everyone had the priviledge of training under the Raikage.
Odin Senju <3
Odin Senju <3
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Gift for the Raikage - Page 2 Empty Re: Gift for the Raikage

Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:18 pm
Odin smiled, looking at his Raikage with anticipation.  He listened to his warning of what happened to his last pupils,
"I guess your last students didn't have the what it takes.  I promise, I'm more dedicated and stubborn than your last batch,"  he knew that statement came across cocky but he didn't want to waver from his convictions, "Like I said, I will become stronger and I will protect everyone in this village, including you Raikage.  I have nothing left of my clan and you were gracious enough to invite me into your home.  There isn't anything I can do to repay that kindness," he continued. 

He heard Yaju state that he would teach him and pride swelled up in his soul, "Thank you so much Hayate-sama,"  Odin almost bowed to him but then Akihana's warning made him simply twitch in response.  He nodded, stretching his arms. 
"Whenever you have the time, I will be in the training grounds trying to learn something of my own.  Do you have anywhere you would like to train exclusively instead?" He asked.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Gift for the Raikage - Page 2 Empty Re: Gift for the Raikage

Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:32 am
"No they did...they were just...difficult to break in. They are doing well within the village which makes me happy, so i cannot complain too much about that," there would be a pause in his speaking as he chuckled for a moment and stood up," If you can take a crack from a tree then we'll see about you being more determined that my last batch, which given how you're built..i don't think so," it was odd how many people wanted private tutilage from him, but considering he rarely took in students it could be fun to mess around and kind of have fun with them once again.

"Protect me?," that was a laugh and a half, causing him to momentarily stop and laugh before shaking his head," Boy you have a LONG way to go if you even have thoughts about protecting me. If you didn't know i'm not the type to be protected because of reasons and the like. I take care of my villagers so its nothing to repay me for, just live your life and grow," from where he was he could easily see the outside of the village and stared into its distance for a bit before rolling his shoulder and going into though.

Looking back to the boy for a moment he would point to the mountains from the window and smile," If you find those kids meet me at the mountains with both of them and we'll go from there, i have things i need to go do so for now you'll have to excuse yourself," with that he would return back to his work, ushering out the young boy.

Odin Senju <3
Odin Senju <3
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Gift for the Raikage - Page 2 Empty Re: Gift for the Raikage

Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:04 am
Odin nodded at his Raikage, he was glad he could give him a good laugh.  He knew he was nowhere near chuunin let alone a sanin level...  
"I plan on training hard to withstand a hit from a tree soon enough," Odin jested but he was planning on being serious about it.  

He looked down at the floor, wondering what kids Yaju trained are like now.  
"I will find the others and join you soon enough.  I can't wait!  Thank you for sharing your time with me!" 

[exit Odin]
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