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Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:38 am
After having taken his sweet time for his journey, Oren was finally in the Moon Country. Walking in a forest, one of many that dotted this extensive land of plains, his frame was covered in a traveling cloak and a backpack with pretty much all the stuff he needed for this adventure in it. Noticing a clearing in front of him, the boy would get slightly excited for a break. It would seem this was a common stop, as it had a small arbor for travelers like the boy to hide in the shade and rest their legs. Sitting under the cover the boy would put down his burden and start searching for stuff inside it. When he was done, inside his hand would be a rather tightly packed sandwich and a book in another. Lately, during the journey and some small time before it, the rogue got interested in an exotic and foreign religious book. It was actually a slightly reworded version of of a Sacred Book of One God, from lands afar. Having studied the good book for weeks now, he had surely familiarized with it enough. Not ever being a man of faith before, the boy felt like he had finally found what seemed right to him to be his belief. However, the book in his hand would not be the one, it would be a book about ninjutsu and all kinds of common techniques. A book he had bought and was studying for an even longer time in order to gain more insight into how shinobi used chakra and its possible applications. Leaning onto a tree that was made part of the arbor, he would find the page and take a bite of the sandwich, which had chicken slices in it.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:53 am
While walking through the plains Tenrai saw a outline of a boy leaning agaisnt a tree with a book in hand he looked about 16. Tenrai walked up to the boy and said " Who are you and what are you doing here answer or be killed ". Tenrai looked at the guy hardly the guy didnt seem much. Maybe he was a missing nin Tenrai thought while pulling out Abik.
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:50 pm
Oren was startled. By a ninja it would seem, a boy about his own age. The boy would demand to know what Oren was doing here, or the rogue would be killed. Not a nice way to start a conversation, the young medical ninja thought to himself, but there was little that could be done. Being somewhat well versed into the way people behaved and whatnot, it was rather clear that the boy held a level of hostility towards him and although in most cases Oren was capable of befriending even those who would otherwise seek to end his life, this time he doubted his tricks would work. Putting his good book down, the rogue would look at his shinobi. A threat might work. "The road behind you is safer than the path before you, friend. Choose safety or your peril."
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:59 pm
Peris or safety Tenrai thought while staring at the boy before him. The boy probably was mocking Tenrai where he stood. Tenrai laughed in his head. Maybe he should finish him now Tenrai thought. Tenrai began to raise his sword after seeing that when the boy said peril meant he was going to try to kill him. Tenrai then activated Ultimate Lighting with his sword. Now rushing at the boy in front of him. Tenrai appeared in the boy's face his sword aiming for the boy's right side of his neck hoping to dehead him from where he stood. Just incase the boy somehow blocked the sword Tenrai prepared to hit the boy in the boy in his stomach with his left foot.

-20 AP
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:58 pm
The decision of the boy was clear as he would openly laugh in front of Oren. In that moment the rogue would wonder if he should flood the boy's lungs with deadly poison and be done with it. However, the dead usually provided less value, than the living. And though this guy was no doubt a non-believer, the God of Mercy might still be mad at Oren for slaughtering a stranger he had just met. So instead, the rogue would decide to wait and see what the boy would do. Raising the golden colored sword, the boy held in his right hand, his assailant would begin to channel chakra into it, or so Oren would guess, seeing as the blade would become covered in sparks. That seemed like an interesting and probably quite deadly ability.

And now the boy would rush at him from about 10 meters away, with the blade in his right hand. However, Oren would not allow him to swing it at him. The moment the blade was raised for a horizontal swing Oren's lips would open every so slightly. Three sharp lines of metal would shoot from his mouth two aimed at the boy's right arm, one to hit his elbow and another his shoulder. The third would actually go for his left shoulder. All three of them aimed to hit him mid-swing, so the blade could not be used to deflect them. Of course, any place hit by them would be quite disabled because of the pain they would surely cause, most likely disarming the ninja. The counter attack would not end there however. In the unlikely scenario that the boy managed to avoid the piercing metal, or if his attack did not stop, Oren would step back, getting out of range of the swing. In his right hand two kunais would appear, slipping down from his robes. The right hand would be swung in a vertical fashion the two blades launching at the boy's legs, near his hips, making them rather hard to dodge.

[A summary:
Senbon speed: 65
Senbon sharpness: 69

Kunai speed: 65
Kunai sharpness 69

-20 AP for using Prepared Needle Shot]
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:53 pm
Seeing the Senbon being shot at him Tenrai while his sword still swinging down activated his Golden Eye. Tenrai with no way to avoid both of them Tenrai used his left arm to block one of them thus taking the pain it cause the kunai for some reason numbed his left arm and then simply sidesteppung away from the other.Tenrai dropped his sword while getting out his weapons . Tenrai pulled out 5 kunai and threw them at the man aiming one for his left eye ,one at his heart ,2 at his left and right legs above the knee and one at his neck with his right hand. After throwing them Tenrai picked up his sword with his right hand and started to run towards the man with his sword going in a downward arc aiming at the top of the man head.

-20 AP

30+ reaction time

Kunai Speed: 74

Kunai Sharpness: 16

Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:13 pm
It would seem Oren managed to interrupt the slash, as one of the three senbons pierced the boy's left arm, effectively disabling it. Not wasting much time, the blonde rogue would fold a single tiger hand seal, exhaling a thick mist that would cover the area, just as his opponent released his fancy looking sword, which was something silly to do, in Oren's mind. Nevertheless, with the area around them shrouded enough to sever visual link, Oren would step to his left, making sure the boy could not blindly hit him. Using his ability to track chakra, the rogue would find the boy's considerably big signature without much effort and launch two kunai, that he was prepared to launch before, in the direction. Although his aim was not well enough to target specific body parts through sensory, unless somehow avoided the kunai would hit the boy in his right shoulder and and left side, just under his ribs. Of course, that is if he did not see and dodge the kunai. The blades were timed to hit just as the sword hit the ground, thus before his opponent could launch any counter attack.

[As before kunai speed 65 and sharpness 69

-10 AP for using Hidden Mist]
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:25 pm
After seeing the guy perform the handseal for hidden mist Tenrai laughed. He had his Golden Eye activated and could see through it clearly. Tenrai still did his assault towars the man. Tenrai saw 2 Kunai cone for him simply rolling to the left he laughed. Running foward Tenrai had his sword Aiming right at the man's heart for a killing blow with his sword

10 AP
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:05 pm
[Tenrai has 10 AP left in that post (from his total of 50), he used an ability that took 20. From my experience and what mods told me, that would render him immediately unconscious for the rest of the thread.]

A laugh would echo throughout the mist and Oren would sense the boy start moving towards him after managing to dodge the kunai. Apparently his assailant either was capable of seeing through the mist, or had the ability to sense chakra as well, although that would not explain how he could detect and avoid the daggers thrown at him. As the boy closed in, Oren prepared to jump back, out of the mist where he could see the attacks. But then, as a familiar sparkling sound could be heard, suddenly the remainder of the boy's chakra would disappear and in a moment a thud could be heard. Oren would stand somewhat surprised, until the mist cleared away and he would see the boy collapsed on the ground a couple meters before him. The conclusion would be rather apparent, the boy tried to use significantly more chakra than he had, exhausting himself to the point of collapsing.

Walking up to the unconscious body Oren would look at him and wonder. He would remember the golden glow of the boy's eyes during the fight, as well as how the shinobi managed to smoothly navigate throughout the mist while dodging the kunai. The rogue would remember a mention of a rather special type of ninja abilities called doujutsu, named ocular abilities, which were inherited and in most cases contained within the eye itself. And it would seem this guy had one of those previous things. From his medical ninjutsu studies the rogue knew he could remove the eye and probably implant it into himself later. An ability to see through his own mist would be amazing. He would probably need a rather large tissue sample as well. Honestly, the boy was not too well versed in that part of medical ninjutsu, that covered transplanting body parts, but it was an educated guess. So, wasting little time Oren would get some equipment from his bag and proceed to remove the boy's left eye. When he was done and sure the boy would not bleed out, he would then turn his unconscious body over and remove his right kidney. When he was done and sure that the boy was stable (he would rather have him live, you see) Oren would walk around, gathering his scattered weapons before stepping onto the golden sword that the boy wielded. Although it looked quite fancy, it was also the reason of the boy's defeat. On top of it, fighting with a sword did not feel like his style, so Oren would just shrug and leave it in the dust. When he was set, the would move the guy into the arbor, get all of his stuff and get the hell out of the place. Hopefully the God would forgive him for his hideous acts there, but he did warn the boy to walk away. It did not occur to him however, that his words may have been too fancy for the more retarded ones.

1462 w.

Acquired one Golden Eye level 1 and Akari kidney.
+7 stats
1373 w. towards finishing learning Divine Intervention skill
89 w. towards mastering Hidden Mist]
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK] Empty Re: Angel of light meets an angel of spirit [IpcmtPNK]

Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:34 am
Tenrai awoke in a small puddle of blood. Tenrai opened his eyes and saw that he couldn't see out his left eye. Tenrai felt where his eye was but it wasn't their. Tenrai tried to get up but found that it hurted. Tenrai looked down and saw that a hole was where his kidney was. Tenrai was hurt, hurt because he was defeated in battle, hurt because his eye and kidney was took, and hurt that the man didn't even finish him off. After hours Tenrai got up after seeing the golden glint of his sword. Tenrai picked it up and started walking back towards the villiage towards the Tenkage office


Wordcount: 495

2 stat points
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