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Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Remember when all the boys were electric?

Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:24 am
Rakka arrived at the gates of Tengakure, arms crossed as she stood there. She was pretty sure she was supposed to wait for someone to attend to her.
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:28 am
Standing at the gates on his duty was an ANBU called Jester, once an alleged molester. However, such rumours did no longer continue to fester and it is claimed he had got better. His constant curve of the lips and partial closing of the eyes often lured people into a false sense of security, he seemed awfully friendly.. Alas, he was far from that. Seeing the girl wearing the headband of Shimagakure, he watched her for a few seconds before consulting with the village guards, befoer coming to the general consensus that was not a headband of Tengakure. "You there, what has drove such a beautiful dove from the luxury of Shimagakure to the city teeming with the largest skyscrapers in the world, our bakeries, perhaps?"
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:37 am
Altar stood at the gates of Tengakure, assigned the position with Jester. Honestly, he didn't like the creepy motherfucker and figured he was probably a molester, even though the accusations of such had been dropped. Anyways, up walked a pretty young girl with a headband not of Tengakure, and after consulting for a few seconds, Jester dropped down to say something to her. Figuring he was about to do something unspeakable to the poor girl, Altar would jump down as well, deciding he would try to save her from such a terrible fate. He would walk up to the girl, and welcome her to Tengakure.

"Don't mind him, he's...different. Bad guy. Welcome to Tengakure, miss. Just need to make sure you're not here to raze the skyscrapers or some crazy shit like that, and you'll be fine to come in." Altar would say, giving a weak smile at the girl.
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:07 am
Rakka smiled slyly as the man approached her, inquiring as to why she was there.

”Definitely the bakeries.” She said, nodding. Then the second person appeared, informing her that he was “Odd.” She answered a little more seriously when he spoke. ”I’m just visiting. One tends to get sick of the maddening amount of sand in Shimagakure.” She explained simply.
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:45 pm
Jester gasped dramatically at what Altar had said, looking between the girl and his partner in crime, for now, at least. "How could you possibly even entertain the idea of such a pretty little flower being here to raze the village? Why, that'd be a fool's errand! Everyone knows what Xyxer did to the last shinobi to try and do that!" He paused for a little while, continuing his neutral smile before swinging his arms to the right side of his body, gesturing inside of the village. "After you, I don't believe I can refuse entry to a girl whom could even rival the 5th Mizukage in appearance! And phwoar, she was a very hot one." He smirked at his own archaic references and jokes, following behind the girl if she was to enter. "You'll have to go towards the Tenkage office first, though, we always have to register foreign shinobi there and make sure they're not missing shinobi. It's the largest 'scraper in the village, if you have eyes, there's no way you can miss it."
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:21 am
Rakka nodded in complience, however that word was spelled. She looked to the huge ass building, shrugged, and walked towards it.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:28 am
Altar looked between the newcomer girl and Jester, then back to the girl, who nodded, looked at the giant Tenkage building, shrugged, and proceeded to walk towards it. Altar would simply look to Jester, raise an eyebrow to him, and say something about smelling what the Rock was cooking follow the girl into Tengakure.
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:53 am
Jester walked behind the girl calmly, humming a short ditty under his breath as a shadow seemed to be slinking across the roof tops to accompany them on their task, after all, missing shinobi had been quite a pest for this village. Soon, the trio would reach the Tenkage Chambers, and that was where an entirely different story began.

Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Remember when all the boys were electric? Empty Re: Remember when all the boys were electric?

Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:38 pm
Rakka went to the tower

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