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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(six months ago) Empty (six months ago)

Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:58 pm
Life with Arata, the barmaid had decided long ago, was an adventure in itself. And every time she saw shinobi and kunoichi rushing off on various important missions, looking terribly competent and very busy as they flew from one place to the next, Akihana couldn't help but think that there were different types of excitements in the world. Once upon a time she had seen herself joining the elite ninja team and serving her village. And then Arata had come along and in the space of a few hours, every single priority in her life had changed.

"Mommy, where do they run to?" Arata's voice interrupted her train of thoughts and the blonde genin smiled at her son.

"Somewhere very important, I'm sure," she replied with a soft squeeze of the boy's hand. The afternoon had found mother and child taking a stroll down the village streets in a relaxed manner, Akihana's eyes flitting from one moment to the next at colorful shop displays and price tags of thing she could and couldn't afford. A set of books caught her attention and then were discarded just as quickly. No, Arata needed new shoes, she couldn't afford books right now.

"Will I be able to run as fast as them some day?" her son asked, his voice genuinely curious.

"Even faster I bet, darling," Akihana replied as she took his hand in hers an they crossed the street together, to walk towards the main administrative buildings. It was as she was pointing out that this was where the new Raikage-sama worked that they pair was stopped by an out of breath messenger.

"Akari-san," the young girl breathed, stopping to clutch a stitch in her chest. "I-I," she panted even as Akihana tried to make her relax.

"Calm down, Kimi-chan, tell me, what's up."

"Su-summon from the new Raikage-sama," the kid managed, still very much out of breath. "He wants to see you, Akari-san."

"Did he give a reason?" the young woman inquired, already knowing the answer even before the messenger shook her head. Of course the Raikage wouldn't discuss anything of the sort with a messenger.

"Well I suppose I better go see him then," Akihana commented, bending down until she was her son's height. "Arata-kun, mommy has to go see Raikage-sama, could you go to Fenn nii-san for a while and wait for mommy there?"

"I'll take him, Akari-san," Kimi ofered, earning a grateful smile as Akihana kissed her son and waved him off. Fenn wouldn't mind watching Arata for a little bit until Akihana found out why she was needed at the Raikage's office.

The blonde watched the two cross the street safely once more and only when they had disappeared into the safety of the side streets leading to Fenn's small apartment did she turn towards the gates leading into the huge building. She hadn't been aware that she had done anything to warrant a trip to the Raikage but perhaps she had. The man didn't seem all that bad from the few times she had had the pleasure of serving him at the Drunken Kage but maybe that was just because he was relaxed. In the end, it didn't matter what the reason behind the summon was, just that she had to answer it as quickly as possible.

Entering through he reception area, the young woman smoothed down her blouse, being able to do nothing about the fact that she was wearing day old jeans and that there might have been a fading stain on the cuff off one of her sleeves thanks to Arata refusing to eat his corns last week.

"The Raikage's expecting you," a secretary informed her, waving her through to the inner offices and towards the chambers of the new leader of Cloud. Taking a deep breath, Akihana approached the closed doors and knocked, wondering what awaited her on the other side.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:43 pm
The back and forth swiveling of the chair marked his rapid work pace as he flicked back and forth putting various things where they had belonged and even moved some of the old stuff into a new area. This day had marked the first or second month of his instatement as Raikage and he had already been busy," Damn even when she is gone, she still has work for me to do," grumbling under his breath, he flicked a singular piece of hair.

All of this work had been making him run ragged, black bags were under his face and his eyes....well lets not get started on those. His yellow hues had been long closed from the world, his eyelids barely opening as he moved to and fro with the help of his Clones who were taking care of more of the work.

After a while he had finally came across what he was looking for, a single file with the name A. Akari on it. Looking it over it had been a while since he had seen it, only glancing at it first during his brief "clean-up" of the office, but now he was going to give it a full read over. It took him a mere moments to fully read and analyze it before alerting the secretary that he wanted to see this woman, of course her clan was brought into question because of the alleged coup they had performed so long ago, but furthermore because answers were needed.

Flicking the folder into a nearby tub he would continue to clean off the desk before the woman had arrived, making sure that at least this place was presentable for any form of business. Although his own choice of clothing were a simple long sleeved black shirt, black vest and black pants; he none the less looked like he had no sleep and came from a funeral.

Shortly before Akihana had arrived the office was clean and the clones dispersed by a simple hand clap, he placed his legs onto the desk and waited patiently although falling asleep while waiting was...not in his plans.

The buzzing of the intercom woke him up as he fell from his position and sighed," alright," was the only word that he needed to utter before sitting upright in the seat. Rubbing his head he would clear his throat and speak albeit in a...sleepy tone," Come on in and take a seat," his eyes slowly watched the door as she walked in, the wolf like eyes paying attention to her form.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:07 am
The blonde genin wasn't sure what she had expected upon entering the new Raikage's chambers. Sure she had seen him around the bar a few times and yes, she could confirm that he was young enough to excite many o the teenaged females in Kumo, sending them into frenzied giggles which Akihana would one day have to explain to Arata the meaning of - someday but not now, thank Kami - but as she walked in, the young woman was truly surprised to see a look she was very well acquainted with, the look of a boy who had not had enough sleep. It was the look Arata tried on her every Monday morning in an attempt to beg off a few more minutes in bed.

"Raikagae-sama," the Akari bowed deeply as she approached the desk, hiding the soft smile on her lips behind her long golden hair. She almost had the urge to tell him to take better care of himself, a mom thing which she had to fight more and more everyday to tone down around people that weren't her five year old. "Congratulations on assuming office so quickly," she added in formal tones, raising her posture once more.

Removed from the bar, he looked a lot younger than she had first thought the new Raikage to be. Perhaps it was just because she was seeing him in the firm, unforgiving light of day for the first time but there were bags under his eyes and he definitely had the air of someone exhausted beyond belief. She could relate to that. As much a she loved her son, the last time she'd actually had any sleep was before little Arata was born.

"I hope I'm not in trouble," she ventured, her head still lowered slightly in respect to the superior ninja. Also, it gave her a chance to look over the small area with her mom vision, certifying that at least the working conditions looked clean and suitable to function in.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:08 am
Watching her closely, he continued to follow her until she had made her way to the desk while trying to open his eyes more to present himself in a more awakened way. When she bowed he would nod his head with a small yet tired smile and offer her a seat," Thanks...its only been a while and i'm still catching up on my master's work. Its tough but at least i have the bulk of it done," although as he glanced over his shoulder he could see out of the corner of his eye the amount of folders he still had to go through.

His head although for a moment would involuntarily tilt showing his exhaustion but he quickly reached for a small green cup and drunk from it, his eyes openly widely before a short but brief yawn escaped his lips," That's better...So how is your son faring? I hope you will be enrolling him into the Academy and continuing his developements," standing up he would walk over to the tub in which he held her folder and slid it onto the desk in front of him, only walking to another area to grab something else unknown for a moment.

After a moment of silence he would have came back with a single pen and a notepad, sitting it all down in front of him and plopping himself back into the seat," No you aren't in trouble...just wanted to go over this," pointing to the folder," with you and tie up some loose ends," ending it with that he would open up the folder to her past history, of course her being from another village had raised a question in his mind.

Looking up to her he would tap his index finger lightly on the desk trying to find a more non-direct way of asking his question," So why exactly did you come to Kumo all those years ago? I am sure you know of the Coup your clan tried in the past...which honestly has nothing to do with me, but moreso to the point. I want to know if you will be a further threat to this village, if not i will do my best as the Raikage to assist you and your son, but if you do intend to finish what they started," his eyes would look into her and lower," i won't hesitate to take you or your family out," closing the folder he would write something down onto the notepad and slide it away for now, waiting for her answers to his questions.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:12 am
" Thanks...its only been a while and i'm still catching up on my master's work. Its tough but at least i have the bulk of it done,"

At least they both knew that was a little white lie. For even though after his drink the Riakage looked more awake, they could both see there was piles and piles of work to complete. Akihana didn't pretend to know what went into leading a Shinobi village but the woman imagined it would be no easy task. The politics she was only aware of through osmosis meant people in power would be watching, waiting for the new Raikage to screw up, and she hoped for everyone's sake that this young man would do nothing of the sort.

" That's better...So how is your son faring? I hope you will be enrolling him into the Academy and continuing his developments,"

"Arata-kun's doing fine," she answered, unable to hide her surprise at the fact that the man in front of her actually knew her son by name. Not that she and her son were such lost entities but it felt both pleasing and a little frightening to know how much he already knew. Somehow, Akihana figured that was the desired affect anyway. As the young ninja moved to slide a file across the table, the kunoichi stiffened where she sat. She had seen that file only once before, on the day she had arrived in cloud and been "escorted" straight to the Raikage's chambers without being told why. The blonde didn't like thinking back to that time, it reminded her of how alone and scared she had been.

"He can barely wait to start the academy, but he's young yet. I'm home schooling him in the basics first before I unleash him on the other kids," she laughed a little uncomfortable as the Riakage brought a notepaper and pen. Now at least the reason behind her visit was clear. The genin tried to relax herself. This was all routine, she was no more in trouble here than she was at home.

Even if the wolf eyes had a way of making anyone observing them on edge.

"I cam to Kumo because..." the barmaid began, trying to remember why. If truth be told she wasn't sure. She remembered running, a lot of running. No longer flitting from tree to tree but scrambling from branch to rock to cliff face and dashing through ravines as though if she ran fast enough, she would leave her problems behind. "My village, it had an Akari compound and they were mostly... Loyalists," she admitted, keeping her eyes lowered as the fought the memories that had been buried so long. "They didn't approve of... my condition and gave me a choice. I was to either make myself scarce or they would kill me and Arata who wasn't even born. You see, they weren't sure he would possess our bloodline limit and was considered a liability, as was I for being involved with... his father."

The dark hair swam acros ehr vision, spilling over pale flesh and mingling with ehr own golden locks. Another shake of ehr head. No, not today, not ever.

"Cloud was just the place I happened to stop running at," she confessed, a reminiscent tone in her voice. "I stopped because I had been running for days without rations and realized that I had someone else to think of now. I tried to trade for provisions but the moment I stepped near the gates, a few ANBU were escorting me to the former Raikage's office." The memory was clear toe her even today. Akihana, panicked and almost faint with hunger and exhaustion, the Raikage looming over his desk, the file, the impromptu inquisition about clan loyalties. It had taken some time for everyone to realize she was pregnant. And even then scrutiny wasn't lifted, not until she had signed relevant documents stating she was there of her own accord and could be incarcerated for treason unless she agreed to being watched for the next year or so.

The file contained all the documents she had signed six years ago.

"I-I.. really don't know what the ancient Akari were thinking when they planned the coup," she added, an apologetic tone in her voice. "But I am no longer affiliated with anyone in that clan. They disowned me before I came to Kumo and I have grown to like that arrangement. My son and I have been very happy and comfortable here, Raikage-sama, and when its our turn, we would both be happy to serve the village in whatever way we can."
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:46 am
It pleased him somehow to see that the children of the village had been doing well in their attempt to grow and become stronger, probably stemming from his small time as a father to his pseudo-son Kodo. The smile that grew on his face turned into a brief laugh as he scratched his head and looked over to the cup," I see...well i hope to see his developments in the academy, i usually give lessons when i am not busy so he might be seeing a bit of me on some days," it wasn't to unheard of for him to come down to the academy and help with the lessons, most of the teachers had been reassigned to newer missions due to the shortage of ninja although he had been aiming to fix that with his a couple of new implementations to the exams.

Going back into a more professional and serious demenor he listened to her words carefully, taking in each one and overlooking them for any trace of deceit or lies. He wasn't one to be lied to especially when it came to the protection of his own village, but he could feel the truth in her words and continued to listen nodding slightly as he wrote something down on a small piece of paper and slid it into his desk. In a sense he could relate to her issues, going through almost the same thing with his father..except with a different twist on the story.

After her story, Yaju would stand up slowly and straighten out his shirt before taking her folder into his hands and walking into what looked to be a small closet and reaching for something while speaking," Well it seems we have something in common, well not the child bit, but the disownment of family. I will not doubt your words due to knowing how mother's feel about their children," coming back out he would be holding both her son's file and her own," with that i have all i need to know about you...and can make a sound decision on what i want to happen from now on," both of the folders would begin to light on fire before bursting into a silver flame and disappearing before her eyes.

Sitting down he would pull out two new folders, each with a clean slate and sat them into the cabinet behind him," So what i am going to do is this. You will no longer be on ANBU surveliance any longer and any helps and services that you need will be given upon asking. I feel as if you and your son will do this village a huge service so long as you keep to the words you have just told me. Now furthermore, i would like to inquire that you attend in simple Genin missions, at least one a two or week and at least four in a month to build up a reputation amongst the villagers. If need be i will set you on a squad and then go from there," stopping for a moment he would raise a brow and stand up before walk into the back quickly and coming back to the desk sliding a headband over to her," Don't know if you had recieved one of these, but this is for you. As an official ninja of Kumogakure i am counting on you to make sure we keep the village at peace," it might have been a lot on her, but he was sure she could do it.

Clasping his hands together he would have almost forgotten a key element that he had or rather should hae asked first," So do you have any other questions, comments or concerns for me or yourself while you are here?," he wouldn't dismiss her just yet, however if their was anything that needed to be discussed then they would do so now.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:13 am
" I see...well i hope to see his developments in the academy, i usually give lessons when i am not busy so he might be seeing a bit of me on some days,"

Akihana nodded gratefully, already imagining how excited her son would be at the idea of the new Kage being one of his sensei. She could already see her kid bouncing of the walls and saying how cool the young Raikage was. Arata was always in such a hurry to grow up, it made her wish time would stop sometimes, just for a while so she could appreciate him the way he was. Sweet, enthusiastic and ready to take on the world with a conviction that no harm would come to him. Childhood didn't last forever but she hoped Arata's lasted long enough for both of them.

" Well it seems we have something in common, well not the child bit, but the disownment of family. I will not doubt your words due to knowing how mother's feel about their children,"

"Thank you," the young woman replied and then gasped as, with a small flick of his hands, her and Arata's file disappeared in a small wisp of flames. Hardly daring to believe what she was seeing, the kunoichi waited until he confirmed that she was indeed an official citizen of Kumo from here on. The words made a warmth spread inside her, at the prospect of finally being accepted in the village she had lived in all these years. Akihana had accepted Cloud as her home many years ago, and when Arata was born, it had become his home too. But only now did the process happen vice versa, Cloud had finally accepted her and her son in return.

When the male ninja suggested she go on missions, a protest rose to her lips, something along the lines of not being able to leave her son, but it died the next moment when he mentioned only doing about four mission a month. That should be enough to get a babysitter and return to semi active duty for now. And things would get easier in year or so when Arata started the academy.

"Raikage-sama, you have shown me and my boy great kindness," she began hesitantly, wondering how best to phrase her request. "I have a job and while we do not have much, we are happy with what we do have. I simply have a... a personal request of sorts." Waiting a moment, the young woman lifted her face, for the first time looking directly into his wolfish eyes. A small shiver of fear fought its away across her spine but she suppressed it. This was for Arata, there was no time to be scared.

"Only the former Kage and a select few ANBU were informed of my... disgraced status from the Akari clan. Not everyone is aware of Arata's... that is to say I never did marry his father. And while I make no excuses for my own indiscretions, it is unfair for my son to pay for them." Taking another breath, she continued.

"Most people assume I am a widow, it is not unheard of in a shinobi village and honestly, I have never tried to correct the assumption simply because it would lead to a can of worms I don't wish to open with my son. I've already explained that he mustn't feel bad for not having a father but I'd rather let him go on believing that his father was... a good man." And not someone who abandoned him before he was even born, she finished quietly in her head.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:26 am
"There is no need to really thank me...i am doing what i think is best for both you and your childs future and for the developement of our village. We cannot simply have each other on opposing ends and instead need to be one," kind of ironic coming from someone like him, but in the position that he was in, he simply wanted to continue the work that Misaki had started.

Although his kindness had been growing lately, there hadn't been a doubt in his mind that many in the shadows would not like his decision yet it was his own and he would see to it that it would go smoothly. With that in mind he had made these decisions with a sound mind and would now watch the small family himself, showing that he was fully behind the conversion of their full citizenship. Now the only question in his mind was what did she actually need.

For a moment he tilted his head and listened to her, being strictly honest to himself he didn't really understand her plea nor did he see where this was going so the only thing he could do was simply make small context clues come into effect. After she had finished he would scratch his head and finally speak," So in short you would like a provisional father figure for him so that he actually grows into a well rounded man? If that's what you are asking then i can make that happen unless," he swiveled for a bit before blinking," Unless you're asking me to do it?," he didn't understand at all and if he was making the right assumption...then he wouldn't know what to say.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:43 am
Akihana wasn't sure what to understand from the quiet way in which the dark haired ninja listened to her request. After all, Akihana had no idea of his upbringing and whether he was thought to judge women who who had children outside of wedlock. It was usually the kind of things orthodox clans imbued in their children from an early age, her own being no exception. And yet, he didn't look to her as if he was judging her or Arata. But then...

" So in short you would like a provisional father figure for him so that he actually grows into a well rounded man? If that's what you are asking then i can make that happen unless,"

"Oh no," the blonde shook her head hurriedly, trying to stop the Raikage in his tricks, but he already seemed to be coming up with an idea. One that Akihana, despite her embarrassed state, was curious to know about. What her request had initially meant was to keep it between then that she had no marriage certificate to legitimize Arata. But the idea of him being teased and called names just because she had never gotten around to getting married was too much. Better to be thought of as widow than an unmarried mother, a facade she had managed to maintain very well over the past few years mostly without having to say anything. People saw a young girl at the bar, they thought student or ninja, they saw she had a child, they assumed widow. It was the way things were.

" Unless you're asking me to do it?,"

"Raikage-sama, I would never ask to impose on your valuable time like that," she finished, a soft pink dusting her cheeks at the idea of the village leader acting as a father figure to her son. "What i meant was, if I could get papers to show that Arata is... well, partially orphan instead of an illegitimate child, that would help with everything really. His registration into the academy, his interaction with his peers. I don't want him to suffer for my mistakes." I don't want my son to be called a bastard, her eyes pleaded silently.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

(six months ago) Empty Re: (six months ago)

Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:02 am
A small smile appeared on his face as he turned his his chair and rubbed his bare chin, thinking of something while also figuring out what she had wanted. It would seem that she didn't want a father figure for him, however the decision on it made him wonder how the boy would react to a father figure like himself. Sure he was a bit weird and had a different way of teaching, but overall he was a decent person.

Taking in the small signs of her face turning pink made him stop and look closer at her before shaking his head," It wouldn't exactly impose on my time considering all i do on a daily basis is sit in here and clean...besides i could very well help him on the path of being where i am now," chuckling he would reach into the desk and pull out a paper and start writing on it. After a moment he would stop writing and press his finger onto the paper, causing a small chakra burnt imprint to appear on it," Take this paper downstairs whenever you are ready to leave and the woman at the desk shall take care of the paperwork for the issues, however," he paused and looked to her," I would just let him live life as is...somethings are worth living through and if anything it will make him stronger," speaking mostly from his own experience he knew what it was like to be called a title or name as a child, especially after the murder of his own father.

The thoughts themselve made him pause in his work before shaking his head and changing the subject," When you have the time you should bring the little ninja up here and let me meet him in person, i want to make it a habit of knowing my ninja and family by face and name," a soft smile appeared on his face as he handed the paper to her and reclined back into his chair.
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