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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK) Empty Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK)

Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:06 pm

When the genin arrived back and gave the girl her balloon, Haru would stand up, waving for them to follow as he led the three of them to the gates.

”We’ve got quite a few missions today, kids. You guys have a busy day ahead of you…” He would say, walking through the gates and about facing to his right, walking along the sides of the village. ”At the moment, you’ve got an easy one. We’re just patrolling the edges of the village.” He would say, his byakugan still active. It was then that he started practicing with his chakra senses, trying to see if he could detect the kids without focusing on them with the byakugan. Although he did have a byakugan for such things, it never hurt to practice a skill like this for when the eye failed him. You never knew what would happen in a fight. Nothing much would happen on this patrol, and he would let the kids talk as they wished without adding much to the conversation himself. When they got back to the gates after preforming a full circle of the village, he would prepare them for their next, hopefully more exiting, mission.

(Exit, WC: 200)

+3 JP
+200 Words Chakra senses training
+450 Ryo
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK) Empty Re: Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK)

Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:41 pm
The next mission was just a standard patrol, with which Youta was fairly familiar. Not sure about others, but the girl liked to keep quiet while on patrol, firstly for the security reasons, second because it let her enjoy the scenery undisturbed. So, for the most of their walk Youta would either look at her surroundings, take in the view, listen to the environment, or when in a more dull place, she would examine the Shinkou blade. It appeared to have some interesting markings. Soon, they would finish their route, as always without any trouble and then off to the next mission!

[Done, spoils and exit]
Sayuri Senju
Sayuri Senju
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Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK) Empty Re: Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:41 am
Sayuri didn't enjoy this mission at all. Once again, there seemed to be no action. Her sensei was obviously keeping a close eye on them and Youta seemed to be quite nonchalant about the whole thing. However, Sayuri was still on her guard. She didn't do much expect keep her wits about, her eyes open and listened to her surroundings. It began getting really boring so Sayuri started imagining a spar where she would be facing off against her teammates. In this daydream she would be victorious and destroy the two. Just when there was a smile on her face, she thought she heard some rustling by nearby bushes. She didn't think much of it as it could simply be wildlife, but nonetheless she kept her attention on it. At some point, she reached for a shuriken and was about to throw when a small bunny hopped out and went on its way. Sayuri would scoff and curse at herself under her breath for her idiocy and hope this mission would end soon.

( 173 Words / Exit )
[ +3JP / +450Ryo ]
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Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK) Empty Re: Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:27 pm
Keisuke scratched the back of his head as he followed the rest of his team around the walls of Tengakure. His goggles were placed on his forehead, a usually red scarf can be seen on his neck. The rest of his attire was what he normally wore, black pants with black shinobi sandals and a navy blue shirt. This mission was getting boring a bit too quickly due to nobody bothering to speak. He wished he had more of a... "exciting" team. Kei eventually began to hum a small tune as he walked, hoping that it would pass time. It was a bit strange, but he felt as if he had already done this mission before. "... That's right. I patrolled the gates before I was put into a team," he mumbled to himself. A few seconds after he spoke, he noticed that they already finished their mission.

He really expected it to be a bit longer... seems thinking about stuff really managed to steal time away from a person. Keisuke immediately stopped moving and yawned as he waited for them to get another mission.

{EXIT --- TWC: 184
-Gained 3 JP and 450 ryo}
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Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK) Empty Re: Tengakure's walls of Jericho (Mission, P, NK)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:18 pm
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