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Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:10 am
Mission Name:Capture the Prankster
Rank: D
Type: Retrieval
Character Requirements: Genin or higher
Mission Location: Village
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 Ryo

Kenzo had just completed another assignment, thoughthat mission was E-rank. He could help, but to feel that these missions were below him, for as he kicked off each building he could feel the massive amounts of power, and strength that were locked within his small body, pressing against the cinfines of his kin, asking to be released. He would, again be unsatisfied, for as he reported in for duty he was greeted with another mission. For some reason, he thought that asking about a mission that would be considered more challenging would actually get him one. Instead he was given briefed on D-rank mission. D-rank is higher than E-rank, but obviously he wanted to test his skills. He wanted to push himself to the limit, and there was only one way to do it. He had to fight! That thought would be dismissed however as Kenzo remembered the mission prompt. "A boy has been putting graffiti on the wall of buildings. He has thus far managed to escape custody, and posses skills equal to that of an Academy ninja, able to move around on rooftops to escape capture. Now it is your turn to try and capture him, good luck!" This was the best thing that they could have put him up to? Catching the average ACad? Kenzo could've done that while he was in the Academy. He wanted a real challenge. Everyone has to start somewhere right? Kenzo did as he was ordered, and began partrolling the area around the academy in search of any suspicious little kids. He found none. All the kids were in clase, except himself of course. How ironic it was that kenzo was the one searching for an acad. Only days ago he had been calling those acads his classmates. Now, he was a rank higher than all of them, and it wouldn't stop here either. At Kenzo's age kids didn't usually make it out of the academy, especially Kids that painted the academy walls; kids like the one Kenzo was staring at right now.
That kid ceased his vandilism for a moment only to yell at Kenzo.

"The hell are you looking at?"

Kenzo did not reply to that question. His answer likely would've created an ordeal, and caused one of them to end up dead. Instead, Kenzo spoke calmly, allowing his small, cute, voice to spring from within his chest without flinching an inch.

"I've been sent here to capture you. You're in trouble."

After laughing, the boy drew a small blade. A pocket knife.

"Ya gotta come get me first. Come on!"

The kid yelled, but Kenzoo really couldn't find it within himself to go all out on this kid. Kenzo sighed. Why did this kid have to make things so difficult?

"Are you sure that is what you want?"

Kenzo asked, giving the male a final chance to back-down and come silently, but silence didn't seem to be a word related to the boy at all because he continued to scream.

"C'mon!!! Come!"

At the moment, Kenzo shook his head before dropping his hand to meet the males shoulder. Kenzo lowered his head to bring his lips mere inches from the boy's left ear.

"You're coming with me anyway."

Before the boy could make a move a tendril of solid flames extended from Kenzo's foot to wrap around the males foot, and lift him in the air. Then Kenzo walked off, heading to get his reward for the capture.

TWC: 579
+ 1 JP
+450 Ryo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:08 pm
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