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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:34 pm
It was with a curious mind that Xyxer found himself standing in front of the village of Tengakure. In just a few weeks prior Xyxer had defected from his village and became a missing ninja, travelling with a sannin, but all of that had changed when he had learnt of the destruction of Kirigakure, his home village. Seeking to find out what had happened on that day where Kirigakure had perished, he knew of no place better to find out than a village he used to be allied to. Observing the village guards that stood at attention, he stopped a few meters from them with his arms slack beside his body. He could see fear in their eyes however, and Xyxer was not surprised in the least. His armour, The Abysswalker, did have quite a threatening appearance. Seeing that posing as a threat to the guards would surely hurt his interest in discovering about his village, he raised his hand once and spoke, "Hail, shinobi of Tengakure. I wish to speak to your leader, the Tenkage."
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:33 pm
Standing beside Xyxer was Yusuke, as he decided that he wanted to follow Xyxer and hope that he could improve his ability and learn new things while travelling with him. Yusuke did not know what he was going to do after his village was destroy and the only person he trust now is Xyxer . After travelling for a while Yusuke and Xyxer was right in front of Tengakure, not knowing what there were doing there Yusuke turns to Xyxer and asked him "umm Xyxer what are we doing here in this village?"
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:51 pm
The alert came almost instantly. Shinji's ANBU informed him in the middle of one of his many training sessions. Apparently a pair of missing ninja had been spotted crossing the border into Tengakure and they would be at the gates in moments. Aggravated Shinji pulled off his training gear and donned the robes of the Tenkage. The elders had told him, or ordered him rather, that he had to wear them when he went out in public-it was a needed burden if he did not want the elders on his ass. Fullly adorned in his Kage robes Shinji bit his finger, so that a small amount of blood dripped out. With a brief smirk on his face he slammed his hand on the ground. In a heartbeat there stood an Oni. Amon was his name-a temperamental son of a gun in Shinji's mind, but he was always reliable in a fight, which Shinji hoped he would not need to get into, but Amon was a insurance policy. Amon was silent as usual. He would speak up if needed, but not now. Shinji merely nodded to him and Amon took to the skies. Shinji meanwhile blurred off in a burst of raw speed to the village gates

Amon and Shinji arrived at the gates in a matter of about a minute. Upon arrival the guards would straighten up and their fear would seemingly vanish. Shinji would be standing squarely in the arch the gates made. Amon landed on Shinji's right and stood rather menacingly with his muscular arms crossed-it would be hard to stare down a Kage and an Oni at the same time. The menacing pair arrived just as the missing ninja without armor on asked what they were doing here. Taking that as his cue Shinji spoke in cold commanding voice that would easily reach the ninja: "Yes! Please do tell what you want in this village. If it be death and destruction you will only find your own here." Shinji knew these two ninja from his recent studying of the Bingo book. From what he could recall one was the abysswalker or something while the the other one he could not quite place. No matter their names Shinji knew it was his duty to defend this village and defend it he would, but only if it was truly in danger. The only reason he stayed his hand this time was, because of the recent instance with the one named Kenchi who came as a refugee of sorts. Regardless Shinji now stood with a stern apprehension with his arms at his side ready for any action should the need arise. As it were he stood ten meters or so from the missing ninja-more than enough room for action by either side.
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:11 pm
Xyxer stood unfazed as he witnessed the appearance of the Tenkage and the Oni. Looking between the two, he also noticed out of the corner of his eyes that the guards were no longer slack, nor did they show any blatant signs of fear. He was rather curious about the Oni and he began to piece together in his head why such a creature is here, did the Tenkage fear for his life? A small smirk found it's way onto the lips of Xyxer, but that was easily hidden by the helmet he was wearing. He listened to his companion speak, as well as the Tenkage. However, the Tenkage's words had seemed to have angered Xyxer slightly. It was almost as if the man was challenging him. Clenching his fist a little, he shook his head as he fought off the urges and his hand went slack once more, the fingers uncurling.

Opening his mouth, a calm and soothing voice escaping from the shadowed abyss where Xyxer's face lay, "I do seek death and destruction, but not of this village. I seek it for the people that ravaged and erased my homeland. Kirigakure. A village that once neighbored yours and were allied under the same nation." Xyxer paused after he had said that, waiting for a few seconds before he continued again, "I come here for answers, which I am sure you must have some knowledge of. I also come here in order to pledge my allegiance to you, as your village had the closest relations with mine." He looked sideways to Legacy after saying that, wondering if he would do the same thing. He was unsure about that as he had not informed the poor boy of what was going to be happening, something that Xyxer almost regretted.
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:13 am
Yusuke was looking around when he saw something emerge from the shadow, it seems like the tenkage himself and a demon like creature. The moment Yusuke saw both the Tenkage and demon like creature he said to Xyxer "oh he has a pet with him and it looked scary". After hearing what the Tenkage had to say Xyxer begin to speak up and talk to the Tenkage while Yusuke was just listening. Yusuke was not at all shock after listening to what Xyxer had to say and nods his head, as Yusuke looks over to the Tenkage and not too sure if the Tenkage was looking at him he raises both his hands up and said to the Tenkage "i come in peace and Xyxer has spoken to you why we are here" as Yusuke did not know what to say and that was what he could think as of now.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:01 pm
Shinji watched each shinobi before him with an eye for the slightest movement. In fact, Shinji heard Amon shift behind him as the one in armor shook his head and clenched his fist-an odd show to say the least. It seemed like the armored man was fighting back the urge to do something, which Shinji took note of. He then listened to both men speak. It became rather obvious that the armored one was more a leader than the other one. The words they both spoke were rather stunning: they wanted ally themselves with Tengakure-that seemed a little extreme to Shinji, but he saw a opportunity here to better the sky village, or rather the fire nation, and to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Shinji, being the wordsmith he was, did not let a chance like this pass him by and spoke up in the same cold tone as before: "Very well. I will consider your request, but before I do that answer my questions-both of you. First off, who are you and why should I trust either of you? You turned your back on the Mist before its destruction, so what is to stop you from leaving this village? Or worse yet gaining entrance and then wreaking havoc?" Shinji allowed these questions to hang in the air-he did not want to answer the missing ninja's inquires about the Mist right off the bat, so he had deferred them by asking his own. He wanted an answer from both shinobi not just one with a simple agreement from the other.

Shinji felt that it would be possible to bring these shinobi into the fold of the fire nation and then use their apparent resentment of the people who brought down the village hidden in the Mist to fuel the hunt for more missing ninja. It would allow the fire nation to use missing ninja to hunt missing ninja-a novel idea thought Shinji. Therefore if they succeeded it would help the fire nation. And then again if they failed it would not be a loss to the fire nation. All in all Shinji figured it would be a win-win situation. The only stumbling block would be making sure these shinobi would not turn on the sky village. If he could not secure their allegiance in any way or at least be able to trust them then he would be forced to eliminate them with prejudice.
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:20 pm
Xyxer silently watched the Tenkage and his Oni, glancing between the two every now and again. However, his thoughts were clouded at this time, he could feel his other side calling to him, beckoning for him to indulge in the art of bloodshed. His body quaked a little at the prospect, but he covered all of this by simply coughing, listening to the Tenkage as he finished speaking. An almost inaudible chuckle escaped the lips of Xyxer, but it would still be able to be heard. "Leadership. We left Kirigakure as the Mizukage was merely a child ordering the deaths of many. My loyalty is unshakable if commanded by a good leader, if you do not promise carrying a feat of good leadership then I shall be departing immediately." After he had said that, The Abysswalker looked up into the sky briefly, a few drizzles of rain plummeting down from the heavens and striking the ground.

Xyxer began to speak once more after a few seconds, his words coming out slowly as he decided to take his time with this fellow, "Both me and my companion carry skills that I'm sure would aid you. I could even demonstrate a reason as to why a Legendary Sannin, one that was capable of destroying Konohagakure as if it was a simple feat, saw me as her successor and took me on as her apprentice." Xyxer paused for a few seconds after saying that, smirking a little in the shadows of his helmet, "However, feel free to deny the extraordinary offer you have been made, it's not surprising to see fools as Kages." As soon as he began to finish his last sentence he looked down towards the Tenkage, wondering on if those words would have affected him.
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:22 am
After hearing what the Tenkage and Xyxer have to say Yusuke said to the Tenkage "as you have heard what Xyxer has say i would like to add on, I am looking for a worthy kage one that does not simply send their people to their death knowing that there is danger ahead and one that care from the people in their village". Yusuke then looks over to the Tenkage and waited for the Tenkage to reply.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:15 pm
Shinji could not help, but laugh himself. It was not a booming laugh nor a shallow one-merely a laugh nothing more. It was true what the armored man said: many kages were fools. Listening to the lesser of the two missing ninja Shinji noted that he was not the most talkitive of people, but that did not matter. Not allowing any time for second thoughts Shinji spoke up in a smooth more soothing voice than before right after the second missing ninja stopped speaking: "Leadership it seems is always a problem. However, here in Tenkgakure you will find solid leadership. That I can personally assure you. Naturally though a good leader cannot lead without people to follow him. As such, before I allow you two into the village I must ask you to swear loyalty. Not to me directly as I don't expect you to trust me right away as I will not trust you, but to the village of Tengakure......And finally you will have to submit to screening by my ANBU." Upon mentioning ANBU two decidedly feminine ANBU appeared. One was Shinji's favorite ANBU cat as she was called and lizard as the other one was called. Their masks reflected their respective names and each had long black hair that reached their mid back-as it were they would look like sisters. Overall they were very nice looking despite the glowering masks they wore.

Continuing to speak Shinji allowed a slight smile to spread across his face: "Now, if you would please allow these nice ladies here to run you through some screening you will be good to go. If you pass then you are welcome in the village and you will given a headband and a position among the village. However, be aware that you will be kept under surveillance. On an entirely different note, assuming you pass this screening, I would like to speak with you at a later date." Shinji pointed to the man in the armor. He wanted to know more about the Mist, because the files were not exactly clear on a few things. Returning to the conversation Shinji said his farewells: "Now I must go. If you need me I will be in my office. Please play nice with my girls here.......and they will not have to hurt you." With that Shinji turned his back on the two ninja and blurred away back to the kage building. Amon stayed for, but a second longer than Shinji before he poofed away in a cloud of smoke back to the land of the Oni.

{Exit, you can control the ANBU and their security test-you will pass. Just dont kill/molest them or I will be back. Also welcome to Tengakure. Please do not cause trouble.}
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The shark and the piranha [Private, NK] Empty Re: The shark and the piranha [Private, NK]

Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:00 am
Xyxer felt aggravated as soon as he had heard the laugh, he didn't believe he had said anything with a slight tinge of humour. However, he just shrugged it off, for now. Listening to what the Tenkage was saying and the approaching ANBU, his eyebrow tilted upwards. Perhaps the man believed that Xyxer would not assault women. He spoke slowly, "I pledge allegiance to Tengakure." Shrugging his shoulders once more, he had decided it was a fickle idea for something that was not going to happen. Being asked a multitude of questions, Xyxer often took a few seconds before he replied to them so he could formulate a proper response. After all of this was done, the Lizard gave Xyxer a Tengakure headband, which he simply slung into his backpack as he traveled inside of the village and went to find the largest lake. However, the ANBU would report to the Tenkage of the possibility of Xyxer having a split personality, due to how erratic the pattern in his results were.

+Tengakure Headband]
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