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Insurence [P] Empty Insurence [P]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:36 am
Kirigakure no Sato's fate has been sealed, although a little bit of insurance in the matter could not hurt, a flash of crimson appears in the Raikage's office, a raven landing upon the edge of the window facing the Raikage knowing full well to avoid the desk and doors, should the Raikage be within his office at this hour the ravens eternal gaze looks towards him and begins to speak, "Kurisu, I have a special task for you that will let both you, and Nike have some fun."
The Raven waits for the man to respond if he is indeed in the room, if not the Raven simply vanishes in the same crimson as before.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Insurence [P] Empty Re: Insurence [P]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:51 am
Kurisu was sitting at his desk, his mind still wrapped around his recent conversation with his newly discovered daughter that he didn't know he had. Also the part of reuniting with his son that he created with Mishu Uchiha a while back. Thoughts of having to get his life together and take care of his family weighed on his mind as he drank some of his favorite drink, Jack Daniels.

Because of his state of mind, he didn't react violently to the raven appearing in his office as if by magic. He listened to the statement that the bird made and noticed that the sound of its voiced sounded similar to that of his brother-like best friend Viper Uchiha. The mention of Nike spiked interest deep in his mind from his other personality who at that point took over control of his body in order to handle the conversation.

"What task?" Nike asked, now in control of Kurisu, interested in a possible chance at killing someone.
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Insurence [P] Empty Re: Insurence [P]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:01 am
"Kirigakure no Sato has messed with me for the last time, this time on a more personal level." the raven pauses for a moment readying his next words.
"I have already met with Zachariah about this, Kirigakure no Sato is destined to be destroyed and I want you to aid my men in doing so, this will give you a chance to let loose and kill all you want."
The real Viper smirks within his realm at the mention of his messengers words as Kurisu/Nike is observed upon a monitor.
"My men are from the Volcano village that is under my personal supervision, the leader shares your views on slaughter so you might get along with this one."
What seems to be a soft chuckle escapes from the ravens mouth, he awaits the mans reaction which should be as expected.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Insurence [P] Empty Re: Insurence [P]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:09 am
Nike listened to the explanation of the task and the chance to not only kill one person but also the chance to get to slaughter countless people and destroy an entire village. He would also get a chance to meet up with others who shared the same goal with one that apparently enjoy slaughter just like him.

"Alright, do I meet up with them in volcano or in kirigakure?" Nike asked, clearly okay and willing for this task.
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Insurence [P] Empty Re: Insurence [P]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:12 am
"They should already be on the way to Kirigakure no Sato, you should find them there, they will be the ones blowing everything up."
The birds words are followed by a soft chuckle once more, "Have fun with this Nike, I'll be watching should anything happen."
The bird in crimson vanishes reentering the realm of asgard.
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