- Mogra DorobouCitizen
- Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500
Mogra Dorobou
Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:37 pm
Basic Information
Age: 27
Birthday: 1/1
Gender: Male
Height: 5"1'
Weight: 200lbs
Appearance: Appearance Here
Personality: Personality Here
Likes: Likes Here
Dislikes: Dislikes Here
History: History Here
Ninja Traits
Rank: B
Village: Missing Nin
Element(s): Earth, Fire
Specialties: Space/Time, Sensory
Clan: Inazuka
Clan Specialty: N/A
Health: 200 (200 stats)
Vigor: Vigor Here
Chakra: Chakra Here
Speed: Speed Here
Strength: Strength Here
The Player
Other Characters: Takeshiyama
Faceclaim Name and Series: The Mole from Atlantis
Roleplay Sample: Replacement char for Asahi Yagami - 100k WC total
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