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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Ryouta's Guidebook Empty Ryouta's Guidebook

Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:08 pm
Name: Ryouta Shinkou

In Character Rank / Power Rank: Genin/ D rank

Village Affiliation: Konoha

Link to Stat Page: Stat Page

Power Rank Advancement

Any mission to advance a ninja's Power Rank should be linked and filled into its corresponding slot. Each rank is outlined using the standard track for advancement; should a ninja use the "High Stakes" (HS) track to advance, the requirements will differ from what is listed, and their player should edit the requirements accordingly. Power rank must be claimed on a character's stat page by providing a link to the mission record page and approved by NRPG staff.

Ryouta's Guidebook ZF37G2x
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg
Low Stakes Path: 5 E-ranks, 5 D-ranks, 4 C-ranks and 3 B-ranks
(Character must have been approved for at least 2 months OOC)
Standard Path: 3 E Ranks, 1 D Rank Hunter, 2 C Ranks and 1 B Rank (Character must have at least 200 stats)
High Stakes: 1 C-Rank Hunter

Ryouta's Guidebook UWER5ng
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg
Low Stakes Path: 3 D-ranks, 5 C-ranks, 4 B-ranks and 3 A-ranks
(Character must have been approved for at least 3 months OOC and cannot have ranked up within 2 months OOC)
Standard Path: 1 D-rank Mission, 2 C-Ranks [1 Standard, 1 Hunter], 2 B-Ranks and 1 A-Rank
High Stakes: 1 B-Rank Hunter

Ryouta's Guidebook K23NuWV
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg
Standard Path: 1 C Rank, 3 B Ranks (2 Hunter), 2 A Ranks and 1 S Rank
High Stakes: 1 A-Rank Hunter

Ryouta's Guidebook NVKppCB
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg
Standard Path: 1 B Rank, 3 A Ranks (Hunters) and 3 S Ranks
High Stakes: 1 S-rank Hunter Mission

Ryouta's Guidebook UJDDBaG

Any mission the ninja has completed that is NOT used for a rank-up should be filled in here based on its rank.
If the mission was failed for any reason write (failed) next to the mission.
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg

E Rank:

D Rank:

C Rank:

B Rank:

A Rank:

S Rank:

Ryouta's Guidebook LS9IjBV
List any milestones the ninja have completed and the bonus attached to it.
All milestones must be approved by a member of NRPG Staff before their rewards can be used.
Ryouta's Guidebook 8ZYHoIg

Milestone: Hit the Ground Running: Complete one mission.
Bonus: Bonus: 500 Ryo
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Teamwork makes the Dream Work: Complete a mission in a mission group of 3 or more.
Bonus: 500 WC
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Novice Ninja: Complete one D-Rank mission.
Bonus: D Rank Jutsu Scroll
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Amateur Ninja: Complete one C-Rank mission.
Bonus: C Rank Jutsu Scroll
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Journeyman Ninja: Complete one B-Rank mission.
Bonus: B Rank Jutsu Scroll
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Worker Ninja: Complete one A-Rank mission.
Bonus: A Rank Jutsu Scroll
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Professional Ninja: Complete one S-Rank mission.
Bonus: S Rank Jutsu Scroll
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Learning the Alphabet: Complete one mission of each rank.
Bonus: Bonus: 4,000 Ryo & 4,000 WC
Occurrence: Event Mission

Milestone: Stacks on Stacks: Complete a mission with a reward of more than 10,000 Ryo.
Bonus: Sakura Corps Loyalty Coupon
Occurrence: Event Mission

Occurrence:Event Mission
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