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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Junko Tsukiko Empty Junko Tsukiko

Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:25 pm
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko 05335a18dc8735740960956a5726a9e1

Basic Information

Age: 22
Birthday:  10/31
Gender: Female

Height: 5’5
Weight: 145
Appearance: Junko has medium short hair that sits in long curls at her shoulders. Normally she wears a knee length dress that puffs out slightly at the waist. She also wears black lace-like gloves and matching stockings. On her feet she usually is wearing some sort of boot. She looks as if shes never seen combat in her life, and doesn’t wish to.

Personality: Junko usually keeps to herself, mostly keeping others at an arms  length. However when she  befriends somebody she won’t stop talking. She has the gift of gab, but rarely uses it unless she needs to or is around others she’s comfortable with. She can be seen as bubbly at times, but she sometimes lets her cool and quiet inner self come out more. She’ much rather curl up with a nice book and a home cooked meal rather than do really anything else.
Likes:Playing Violin, napping, cooking, reading, helping people, and drinking.
Dislikes: Liars, worms, large cows, ghosts, and  winter.

Growing up Junko had an ever changing environment. Her mother and father split up rather early in her life. Her mother, Kaiya Lien, was a traveling musician. Since her mother had custody of her, Kasumi traveled constantly and had to be homeschooled. Her father was mostly absent, but always being financially supportive. She didn’t have many friends growing up because of this, so she constantly craved attention and validation from those around her.

While spending time with the other members of her mothers group, she soon became like a mascot to them. As soon as she was old enough her mother placed a Violin in her hand and taught her how to play. The other musicians would teach her tips and tricks on how to play and she soon became a prodigy of sorts.

What was special about this group was that they would play songs from a long forgotten artist. While playing, she would learn of the spoken stories of different previous members of her clan. She soon became infatuated with these tales and decided to dedicate herself to mastering the songs and memorizing them. Eventually she surpassed even the most veteraned violinist.

Rising to stardom with her child prodigy her mother just couldn’t take the stress any longer. Since the divorce, Junko had noticed she would drink more frequently but didn’t know to what extent. Her mother had been hiding her addiction to various drugs from her daughter for a few years, but it had finally caught up to her. After coming home from a friend's house she found her mother lying still on the couch.

Junko was nearly an adult when her mother passed, so her father told her she had the option to stay with him. He told her that she was part of the Chinokie Clan, the one her mother told her stories about. The reason my father had left he explained is because he was considered a missing Ninja and didn’t want her or her mother in trouble. He didn’t realize the pressure her mother was under and regretted leaving in the first place. He decided to train Junko in the basics of genjutsu and ninjutsu but the training was cut short due to ninjas trying to find her father. They got separated and she hasn’t been able to find him since.

She can now be found at most inns, and bars performing for the patrons while searching for her father. Here and there she takes odd jobs when tips just don’t cut it for the week. She prefers escort missions, contests, and doing things to overall just be helpful in whatever community she finds herself in.

Ninja Traits

Rank: D Rank Vagabond
Village: N/A
Element(s): Water
Specialties: Ninjutsu
Clan: Chinoike
Clan Specialty: Genjutsu
Bloodline Bonuses: +25 Vigor


Health: 100
Vigor: 40 Base +25 from Clan (65 total)
Chakra: 25
Speed: 30
Strength: 5

The Player

Other Characters:Kimiko Minoku (inactive)
Faceclaim Name and Series: Unknown found on Pinterest.[Any character can share the same faceclaim on this forum.]
Roleplay Sample: While traveling between two villages Junko came across a rather small caravan with roughly about two wagons and a handful of guards. The wagons looked ornate and were pulled by two horses each. For a moment she thought to herself while hearing her stomach gurgle. It had been some time since she had a proper meal, all of her Ryo that she had made went to buying rooms to stay at and the occasional drink here and there. For a moment she felt guilty about even having the thought of robbing these people, but she was able to ease her mind by justifying that she wouldn't need to take all of their food. Just a tad when they were sleeping, just enough to keep her going and not starving.

Junko followed them on the road about a mile behind and cloaked by the tree line. When they decided to stop and set up camp she hid in a tall tree near by, and watched them pitch their tents, spark up a campfire, and prepared some sort of heart soup for dinner. How she yearned to sit by their fire, join them in song and a warm meal. However she knew they would simply brush her away, or even potentially mug her though she had near to nothing to give. For sometime she sat silently gazing at their camp, waiting for the precise opportunity to strike. Soon all but one had fallen asleep, it seemed like now would be her best chance to quickly sneak in and out.

She stowed her gear away in a opening near the roots of the tree she quietly climbed down from and snuck over to where the wagons were. Silently she peered into the windows of the wagons and found them to be empty. She was hoping to find their supplies in there but they had seemed to have been moved elsewhere. All that was left in the wagon seemed to be some dainty and fragile shoes, along with some other clothes wrapped in boxes. Deciding to push her luck she crept closer towards the main area to get a better view. There she watched the lone guard that had been reading a book before, unconscious with the book over his eyes and snoring.

Seeing this as her opportunity she quickly opened one of the nearby tents and to her surprise actually found some supplies. She found food, some warm and noble like clothing, an empty book and a quill with a pot of ink. There were more things but she wanted to stick to her word with taking only what she needed, to an extent. As she was exiting she tripped over a sack of potatoes, but then knocked into a pot making a loud clanking noise. She stood frozen for a moment, listening for the guard or any sound of people mustering. She quieted her anxious breathing for what felt like an hour, before she decided to attempt to exit the tent. Thankfully the guard seemed not to have noticed anything and fell back asleep into his book. With a sigh of relief Junko sped back to the location of where she left her things, gathered them, and continued her journey to the next village.
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Junko Tsukiko Empty Re: Junko Tsukiko

Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:00 pm

Welcome back! 500 WC from RP Sample can be claimed upon creation and subsequent post on your Stat Page.
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Junko Tsukiko Empty Re: Junko Tsukiko

Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:57 pm
Moved upon approval of Tsukigakure.
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