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Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:53 pm

There had been rumors of someone disturbing the resting graves of fallen fellow ninja who has died serving under Konohagakure. Of course this was seen as a very disrespectful event. To disturb the peace of the dead is very frowned upon. Akira was one of the shinobi who accepted this mission that displayed itself amongst the board. She left letters to the front doors of her teammates. Seeing of any of them was interesting in partaking on the mission as well.

The red haired kunoichi had left a message asking them to meet her at the famous noodle shop of the village, if they decided to be interested. As she waited for her teammates, she would allow herself to treat to a platter of sushi rolls. Rice smushed into a compacted form with crab and eel in the middle. Seaweed wrappers holding the elegant piece of morsel together. The sushi was one of the special appetizers on the menu if one wasn't interested in a bowl of ramen.

Akira stood outside the ramen bar. Her back leaning against the wall next to the entrance. She bit into one of her sushi rolls as her stunning ember eyes gazed upon her surroundings. The kunoichi wore her scarlet hair down like usual, with her black flexible attire of leggings and a crop top. To her side would be a rather large blonde fox sitting down. The fox would tilt her head up towards Akira while asking for a bite. The woman gave her familiar Pyro and of the sushi balls, watching as it disappeared within the fox's muzzle.

{WC: 266}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:56 pm
It was a cool night as Sai awoke on the roof of his home. He had spent the last part of his evening there relaxing. It had been a while since was able to relax like he did. Sai had been working hard completing mission and doubling his training efforts. He had been working so hard his body was telling him he needed to take the rest of the day of, unfortunately for him he couldnt. Shortly after waking he heard a knock on his door, it took him a moment to get up, his body slight stiff from just waking up.

By the time Sai was able to muster the energy to get up and check the door, the person was gone. They had left a note behind in the stead though. After quickly reading the note he could see that it was from his team mate Akira. She had taken on a B ranked mission for the group. Sai was slightly speechless, it was his first B rank mission ever. He was so excited he didnt finish reading the letting after he had seen the rank of the mission.

Sai quickly closed his door and sat the letter on his tabled as he proceeded to get ready, wasting no time in doing the essentials. After quickly taking a 5 minute shower and brushing his teeth, he got into his normal attire. Sai realized in his excitement he hadent taken the time to read what the mission was about, he did so then before leaving his home. As he left his home he felt the nice breeze the night air had to offer and wandered why someone would want to tamper with the dead on a night like that.

Sai hastily made his way to the meeting point and was hoping not to be the last to arrive, Sai had a tendency to be either the first or second person to a meeting point. He never wanted to be last. As he arrived there he only seen Akira. Congratulating himself in his mind, he walked over and greeted AKira with a smile, "Nice night for a mission dont ya think", Sai said with a upbeat tone. Hoping Snow wasent to far behind so they could get the mission started.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:09 pm
Snow left the training ground with vigor. He was ready for a nighttime mission. When he heard about a group of inconsiderate bastards were desecrating the graves of Konoha. Snow felt sorry for those who would have to stoop down to such a low place with their own self respect that they would disrespect those that could not defend themselves. Snow leaped from rooftop to rooftop, trying to get there as soon as he could, hoping he would get there before the rest of his team.

He lost track of time in the training grounds that day, continuing to practice the combination of creating a massive wall of ice projectiles using the giant body and the shuriken shadow clone technique. He was getting used to the rhythm that was the many hand seals required for the combination of techniques that was the devastating blow. He finally leaped off of the final building and came plummeting towards the ground, landing the drop by rolling as he made contact with the ground.

He stood up and saw both of his teammates. He smiled and asked them what the plan was.

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:55 pm
Akira finished her crab and eel sushi rolls with her fox Pyro, as she waited for her teammates. It didn't take long for the other two to appear around the corner and meet her outside the restaurant. By this time the night would have approached completely, and the dark sky hung over them like a black blanket of velvet. The stars dazzled and danced, as the moon gave them a wash of illuminate light.
She listened fo the words of her partner's. They was curious on the mission and how it was to be planned. They was to try and avoid killing the grave culprit and bring them back to be dealt with properly. Anyone disrespectful enough to mess with the beds of the dead shinobi that served for their village deserves to be punished.

"One way to catch the culprit is to catch them during the action. Looks like we will be waiting for them near the area that holds the graves. They are bound to show up again." Akira spoke her idea, while still wanting to hear her partners' input as well. Her arms would cross over her chest. Pyro watched the other two with googly eyes in curiosity. The little fox familiar was excited to be involved in these events. No doubt her little nose would be useful for this job.

{WC: 224}
{TWC: 490}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:03 pm
Momentarily after he arrived, his hopes were confirmed. Snow had appeared just moments after Sai had arrived. His entrance was one of a person who was rushing to get here. Sai smiled at his team mate as he turned back to Akira who was starting to speak. She said we were to be capturing the culprit in the midst of the act. It brought chills down Sai back, he wasent a big fan of cemeteries. He knew one day they all would end up in one but they always had an eerie feeling to them. Sai tried to think happy thoughts as he prepared himself for the spooky night ahead. He got slightly reassured knowing he wouldnt be going in alone.

Sai looked at both of his team mates and took a deep breath and released it."All right lets head to the cemetery to catch this weirdo", Sai said as he started walking towards the cemetery. Not looking back to see if his team was following him, only worried about the dead he was about to be surrounded by shortly. Even the mission at hand wasent something that Sai was thinking about. Normally he wasent the one to get spooked but he had to admit he was a tiny bit.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:45 pm
Snow and the rest of the team were ready to head to the graveyard so they would be able to catch the individual that was desecrating the graves. Snow decided to lead the charge and began sprinting up the wall next to them and leap from rooftop to rooftop, trying to push his body to get faster each leap. When they would arrive at the graveyard, he would create two Shadow Clones and would leap off of the rooftop and into the graveyard.

The three Snows would begin combing the graveyard, trying to find any individuals that would be visiting the graveyard at such a late hour, far later than anyone would consider it be a good time to actually pay your respects to the dead that lay within the ground. One of the shadow clones that was towards the Eastern edge of the graveyard found one of these individuals and when the shadow clone was about to holler out to the others to let them know that he had found someone, the clone was killed and destroyed. Upon the destruction of the clone, Snow would gain the knowledge that there was a hostile individual within the walls of the graveyard.

He yelled out to the rest of the team where the individual was and how that same individual was hostile enough to use lethal force against his shadow clone. The remaining clone and the original Snow would begin rushing to the late clone's previous position with extreme caution, knowing that the man would now know that he was being hunted and would be apprehended if he didn't act with his violence. He would remind the team his lack of inhibition to kill them all if they weren't careful.

When they were 50 meters away from the clone's previous position, Snow would create a rain storm with the Rain Tiger at Will technique. He would be able to see exactly where the man was, should he still be within a fifty meter radius from Snow and the team. Should they come into contact with the deserator, Snow would be ready to perform the Ice Weapons to create a shuriken made of his ice chakra, launch it, then enlarge it by one hundred times with Shuriken Giant Body technique, then duplicate it one thousand times with the shuriken shadow clone jutsu. Once he completed the trifecta of techniques, there would a massive wall of giant ice shurikens that would be nearly impossible to dodge it.

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:46 pm
The team was now within the walls of the cemetery. It was kinda weird to be waiting out here for someone to come and dance amongst the resting, decaying bodies. If only the culprit didn't feel the need to disturb the dead, all would be well. But unfortunately this was the world that they lived in. Where people felt the need to steal from the dead.

Pyro was close by the red haired kunoichi's side. Her little snout pounced around as she sniffed the air. Keeping a nose out for the culprit. Their partner Snjor was already able to locate a hostile individual. No doubt they was one of the ones that they was looking for. She turned her head towards the holler of Snjor's voice. Letting them all know the location of the hostile. Unfortunately Akira wanted to make a little more of a stealthy quiet approach, but this will do. She had started to grow accustomed to how Snjor worked with mission's. He liked to take a big portion of the work for him to do on his own. Which was understandable to her. Akira would be the same way. But if someone else did it then she'll allow them to have all the breathing room for them to work out their plans.

Still yet, Akira made her way to the sound of the holler and then continued onward to the location he shouted. Soon enough there would be rain pelting down upon the ceremony. Causing her clothing to get damp and clingy as the wet fabrics plastered to her skin. Even her red hair was beginning to clump up. Akira let out a defended sigh at this current state. Suddenly Pyro let out a small whine. Akira silently ducked behind a grave stone. As she peered through the rain, she could see someone slowly approaching her dear familiar. Pyro let out another nervous whine. The stealthy culprit inched closer, their eyes forced onto the blonde fox. Akira silently made her way around the grave stone and slicked behind the individual. Their attention still drawn onto the fox. As Akira came closer, she could smell the stench of hard liquor under his breath. Suddenly she would wrap her arm around the individual's neck, and latched her free hand around her wrist. Pulling as hard as she can with her strength, and cutting off the drunk person's air flow. Within minutes the person fell limp as they collapsed into unconsciousness.

She hoped that Snjor was okay. One fellow was down. His drunk state must have caused him to be careless. Now she would be waiting to see if Snjor needed her aid.

{WC: 443}
{TWC: 933}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:31 am
Sai was now in the cemetery looking around for any suspicious movement, he had his Sharingan active just in case. Sai didnt expect much of a fight from these grave robbers but he had to be on the safe side. It would look highly embarrassing of he needed the be saved by one of his team mates. Sai shook his head the moment he saw Snow running ahead. Sai knew Snow wanted to be the one to make the first move, Sai didnt mind though. Sai was already slightly annoyed at the fact that he had to be in a cemetery so late at night, so letting Snow take the charge was easy to do for Sai. Soon after Snow went his way Akira did the same, leaving Sai by himself. 

He was sure that his team mates could handle their own if something were to happen, he just hope he wouldnt miss any action. As Sai wandered through the dark and creepy cemetery it started to rain, causing Sai to get slightly annoyed at how wet he was becoming. The sky was clear not to long ago, so Sai knew it had to be Snow. Sai was also able to notice the chakra within the rain, another reason for him to believe it was Snow. A couple moments later Sai guess was confirmed, as Snow yelled out to the location of one of the grave robbers.

Sai knew Snow could handle his own, so he decided to continue looking around his section of the graveyard. As Sai was walking he hard a shovel being dug into the ground, Sai smiled knowing he had found a target. Sai creep up on the man as he was digging, Sai didnt want to cause to much destruction to the graves, so he decided on using a genjutsu. Sai walked over to the edge of the hole watching the the robber try his hardest to dig in the now downpour that Snow cause. "Need so help", Sai would say spooking the man as he looked up, stupidly making eye contact with Sai. Seconds later the man was under Sai genjutsu, re living the worst moment in his life over and over again.

Sai knew the man would be under for a while so he summoned two shadow clones to get the man out of the whole he was in. Once the man was out Sai would dispelled one of his clones and have the other carry the man as they went to go and look for the rest of Sai team. Sai was happy that he didnt have to get dirty like the clones did, it would of already made the mission alot worse than what it was. Sai had hoped that his team would be done by the time he found them, so they could turn the criminals in and end the mission.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:32 pm
Snow reached the point where the clone was destroyed only minutes ago, the rain did allow him to sense that there was a man still in the same area in which he killed the clone. The figure was trying his best to hide behind a couple headstones that had been linked together. Snow sent his clone to sneak up on the man using the hiding in the rain technique so he would be able to use the rain as a means of silent transportation. His clone nodded his head and slipped quickly into the rain beginning to head towards the man behind the stones.

Snow heard the man beginning to yell out, as to call the others that he was with. Snow didn’t see anyone coming near them, except for his teammates, he figured whoever he was calling was already taken care of by his teammates. His clone hollered out that he had explosive tags on his person, and he was readying himself to throw them in their direction. This told Snow that this certain individual was a ninja, for only those with the ability to use their chakra networks would be able to arm or detonate the explosive tags. The clone did his best to hold on to the man, but he ultimately escaped from the clone’s clutches and threw the explosive tags blindly behind him, towards the other two members of the team.

While Snow had hoped both Akira and Saizou would be able to handle their own selves when it came to the incoming explosive tags, he did know that he was going to need to stop this man if he was to halt any further damage to the graves or the inhabitants of the ground. He sprinted into the direction of the man, sending out his ball with spikes made of ice with his weapons of Ice jutsu. The ball would be sent flying directly for the man, who was now looking over the stones he was hiding behind. While he would usually perform the giant body and shadow shuriken jutsus, he did know that he would accidentally destroy the graves that he was trying to protect.

He decided to instead throw the ice weapon and use the Shurikenjutsu that he had been working on in the training grounds a couple weeks ago. He threw the ice ball over the mound of dirt that stood between them, having it curve directly downwards for the man’s position. The ball of ice would be coming in extremely fast, and to Snow’s expectations, the ball would hit its mark. The man would let out a scream and yelp of pain after coming down to the ground.

Snow and his clone would both rush the man and pin him to the ground. Snow would quickly put a knee forcefully up to the man’s head, knocking him unconscious. He then would call out to the rest of his team, ensuring that they were able to escape, or stop the exploding tags from detonating if that was even possible. He would then pray and wait for their responses to Snow’s calls.

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Grave Robbers {B-Rank} Empty Re: Grave Robbers {B-Rank}

Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:20 pm
She stayed back as the last individual threatened them with explosive tags. Akira has some ranged jutsu to try and take care of this, she stood seeing as even her partner Snjor was a little wearily of the explosive tags. Such a hassle would disturb so many of the grave, and Akira just couldn't have that. It didn't seem like a completed mission on the right path if all the alot of the graves ended up destroyed.

She knew Snjor had this, but if she had a way to make it a little easier for him, then she was to do it. For now Pyro was keeping watch on the other drunky that Akira had knocked out unconscious. Pyro would alert her if anything was to happen. Just as the last individual wrestled his way out of Snjor's clone, and just as he was about to through and detonate the explosive tags. He would suddenly stop moving. As if his body was held now by some sort of chains.

If anyone was to look back, they would see that Akira had her hands held up within her last sign of the jutsu. She only performed this move to prevent the destruction and harm that the explosive tags could have caused. And helped aid Snjor a little more in his capture. A little bit of teamwork, that was all. The individual with the tags would be temporarily paralyzed, long enough for him to be restrained and disarmed. Temporary Paralysis Technique "There Snjor, the rest is up to you. Hope you don't mind the intrusion. Just making it a little smoother for us." |Exit|
{WC: 283}
{TWC: 1,216}

{WC Claims}
+3 Strength (2 Akira | 1 Pyro)
Gate of Healing (1,000/1,000) -442
Gate of Life (774/1,500)

{Mission Claims} 
+3,000 ryo + 100 ryo
+7 AP

Last edited by Akira Kitsune on Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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