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Madrigal Kaguya
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Got it coach Empty Got it coach

Mon May 07, 2018 3:06 am
Valen would enter Tengakure and look around for a while, spending hours inside before finding a book, it was a newer edition of the God of Shinobi he had. He picked it up and teleported back home. 


Claiming Taks God of Shinobi he left behind and instant travel back to Hoshi
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Mon May 07, 2018 3:10 am

Challenging <3
Madrigal Kaguya
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 1:29 am
Actually, to those who read my previous void request here. Disregard it. If the book is here then Tak failed to mention leaving it and where he left it. Meaning my earlier claim (This thread) at the gates is valid. 

I would also like to request a void of the thread found here due to the use of a technique learned through abuse of the stat discount where Komori made a claim in prior threads toward the jutsu while claiming AP for the training. Then at the last 200 claimed it 6000/6000 (Applying the discount) to finish it. 

Proof can be found here and here
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 2:31 am
If it's terribly much of an issue, I can either drop the AP or keep it and use the 2000+ words I have towards the mastery of the technique in order to do less math, otherwise, I'm content waiting further. Of course, it may have just been an oversight on the mod's part, but since you approved one, I doubt you'd be willing to concede that.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 3:06 am
Actually, I didn't approve the one where you claimed it fully. That would've been Komon. Who's job it should've been to make sure you didn't claim AP prior.
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 3:12 am
Regardless, I've stated I'm fine with either option I presented above, as a full out void is an overreaction. However, your own post should be voided for heavy use of metagaming, as you yourself admitted over Skype:

“[5/7/2018 4:28:40 AM] Valen Akari: I had time to write up a good post about CD with Gobi and the memory of Den, but then I noticed the twins going for it, and thought they were taking it from me. So I rushed it."

Although I really would prefer to wait for a full mod, since we can just go back and forth on site all we want but neither of us will get anywhere, as I'm patient enough to see it through and you became reignited after talking to more and more people about it despite giving up last night. I'd just ask that you keep any of the insults you were hurling my way last night off of site as to not make this appear more petty than it already does.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 3:27 am
I left the group chat so I can't link the actual conversation where you said the same thing about me going for it. I said one insult to you and between you and Komon, and Reizo many more got said. Including many shots to my integrity that weren't even warranted.  You can sit here and paint one side of the picture to make yourself look good. I specifically told Reizo in that group chat, who was the only one of you two being reasonable I might add, that I had always intended to go for the book. I intended it from the get go when Tak posted about. I intended it for the entire day while I was doing my errands. 

If I remember correctly, the moment you both noticed I was also going for the book, you both booked it right over as well. I did intend to write a good CD post regarding walking around the ruins of Tenga, still do. I've asked a couple of people about how it was destroyed and what it was like so I can write something good for it too. So if you want to sit here and try to play the metagame card, try playing both sides instead of the one you can quote a part of a conversation for. 

Bottom line is I ASKED you what you were planning to do outside of kumo when you left out of curiosity. SPECIFICALLY asked you. IF you had actually told the whole truth and said the book was part of the reason. I wouldn't have gone for it. I myself went for it to put it into the archives of Hoshi. Because that's part of why it's there. To preserve such things so others can learn them. 

You even commented on my leaving of Hoshi when Kiru and I were discussing it in the Hoshi chat. Did you ask? Did you even consider it? Probably not, and that's not my problem. You can paint yourself in a golden light all day long. But the bottom line here is we BOTH could've communicated our intentions better. As a matter of fact, I more than once tried to offer a compromise. The book is a friggin book, there's no reason why we couldn't just copy shit down IC and both parties go away happy. But you threw a fit over that idea too.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 8:42 am
You are both metagaming tbh.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 8:46 am
By all means explain how? I had Gobi point out Tenga as a place Den spent a portion of his life. This would spark a desire to go there in Valen. While there, he finds a copy of different copy of 'God of Shinobi' then he has. So he took it in interest.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Got it coach Empty Re: Got it coach

Tue May 08, 2018 8:52 am
You can make up all the reasons you want on why the sky is blue, but it is. This is metagaming regardless of what idiotic reason you provide. A butterfly floated gently in Tenga's direction God is telling me to go there. In my opinion though the book would not be where Komori said. It says Tak is writing in the book and that there is still one chapter left to write, so if anything that book is with Tak.
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